VCL. 61 NO. 23 C r..CZ3 THIS WEEK MARSHALL, N. C, T11V?- WP JUNE 28, 1962 10c PER CC?Y; $2.60 A Year Id (LTr-'i & Buncombe Ocramtlee $100 A Tew OuUuia These Two Countiee n - nn J J ( u u n i J L 1 I 0 0lt o "j nno JUU O U UULJO Is. VL1UU airG'jaliuClaoSdal Site uq Ugitg New County Garage To Be Built On Back Portion v ; , Of Site The Marshall Industrial Park is . aow In the first stages of develop ' meat and is. being graded for i ' site for an industrial plant and a C D. Bowman, chairman of the board ef trustees for the Industri , al : park as, purchased from Roy , Fore and wife, Lucy Mae Fore, , " stated that the board of education was b need of property to build a school garage and to house - school buses when they were not in use, and they had chosen a por tion of the Fore farm that lies oh the southeast portion of the fanri The closest part of this section ' will be approximately 446 feet " from the Marshall By-Pass. " This win not in any way interfere with the proposed plant location,, and there is only a small portion of this land that can e ,.seen from ... the frontage on the plant Jocation. The board of trustees .', met xon June 22 and a resolution Was a dopted which provided. that a con tractual drawn up by and between the Board of Ed ucation of .Madison County : and the Trustees of the Marshall In- , dustrial . Park, that calls for the Board ef Education with ' their . earth-moving equipment to, grade off the industrial site in accord ance Wi'h the pacifications drawn - tes ln'.f 1 5i.A At', r t;.a graJ. ing has tse.i, completed and ; ap proved ' y the Trustees, the Trust- ees would, to turn, ' deed to the Board of . Education 6.8 acres ' of ground fer theft use. Air. fiowmaa stated taere was nothing definite as to' a plant pro spect,, and this grading was being done so that a prospective plant owner could get better idea of how the site would look when It Is graded off ready for building. BELL INSTITUTE REUNION IS HELD AT WALNUT SUN. M&dlsoa Medical . Society Holds Meet Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Bradley en. tertained members of the Madison County Medical Society at a buf- fet supper Tuesday night in this home on Dula Springs Road near w'eairenrille.r.,i':;K'v " !v yJ-' Dr. H. EL Briggs of Asheville led a discussion on the subject, "Glaucoma." Dr. W. Otis . Duck, - president, presided during the business session. r The '.reunion of Bed Institute was held at Walnut, on Sunday, June . 24, at the Presbyterian Church., " The ' regular 1 morning worship was conducted by the Rev. Charles Hejer, Following, the morning worship, a business session was held in the church, with Mr. Clyde McClure, president, V presiding. ' - Devotions were given by Mr. Paul Ballard, and Mrs; Bob Henderson read the minutes.' A special prayer was of fered in, memory of the deceased members of 'Bell Institute body. The. meeting time was changed to. "tiie 2nd Sunday in June, Prizes were given 'to the oldest member present,"' Mr,; R. S. McDevitt, aiid the one who ... came the lona-ess distance.-was Jur;' Luther Waldrop of AtlantaJ Ga. The following were elected for. officers for the ensuing year:..' President,- Mr. Clyde Mc Clure; . Vice-President, Mr. Luther Waldrop; Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. - Bob v Henderson; Historian, Miss vLula.v Chandler; and Chair man of Arrangements Committee, r.Tr. Fleet reves. v . , Ilia. Lubert F. Johnson one of the founders, of the Bell Institute School. ' . At the close of the session picnic dinner, was served in the community room of the church. SAVINGS BONDS SALES HIGH IN NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY M CLUB GELS IN DRESS REVUE SAT. Four-H Club girls ef Madison County did a good job of modeling the cotton wardrobe in our dress revue and fashion show, Saturday. Our 4-H dress revue winners were: First place in the Junior Revue was Loretta Gosnell, of Grape vine; first place winner in the Senior Revue , was Judy Ball, of Little Pine; second place were Terry Metcalf of Paint Fork, and Doris Ward of Marshall. These girls , are to be commended on the fine job they did with their dress es. "Models for our fashion snow were) Davie Massey, Judy' Ball, j Joyce Ball, Jury Shelton, Sandra 1 Shelton, Diana McElroy, Barbara Anthony and Hilda Gosnell. Ann Huff was narrator for the' event an 1 Jewell Ball had charge of the m ie for the program. ' May. was the tenth .consecutive month n which Series. E Savings Bonds ' Sales in ! North Carolina showed an increase over the '.cor responding month of the previous year.' .' Series E Savings Bonds Sales of $3,600,384 during May were over 0 percent higher than sales in May 1961 and are the highest sales' re corded for the month of May in seven years. '" ' Y..:Y::'f-fx Sales of Series E Bonds for the months of- January-May -totaled I $18,814,626. This is an increase of 3.6 over the same months of a year ago. 1 Series H Bonds Sales of $295,' 000.00 were off 17. per cent during May, "but the cumulative sales fori this series is over 9 per cent a- head 'of the . January-May per formance of last year. " .- " The combined sales of Series E and H Bonds for the first five months of this year ' amounted to Over 21 million . 162 .thousand dol lars,' This is an-increase of more than 4 per cent over sales for thel cnmnsrgtle monwy cf e yer 'agp, and represents 41 per cent of North Carolina's annual goal for , this year. "" J '. - "We are extremely' proud of the great Showing the Savings Bonds Program it making la North Caro- (Contiaued s Last Page) nOTSF?:KSS. SURVEY SHOWN OFFICIAL KON. Charles Doast, Of. Haimner Company, Tours Area; ' , , la. Impressed r- On Monday, ! June 26, Mr. Charles B. Doast, of the Washing ton, D .C. off ice of Hammer and Company, visited Hot Springs. Mr. Doast was one of. the persons fa strumental , in f writing , the Area Redevelopment Administration Bill for Congress. He has recently been assigned ' to . the Madison County Development Sur vey, and wanted to sec the area personally. Mr. Doast first paid a visit to the Hot Springs bath houses where he enjoyed a miner al bath.. Then Mr. Bob Davis took (Continued To Last Page) SURPLUS CORN SHTPIylENTS INTO NORTH CAROLINA Twenty-four points throughput the State have received corn, from CCC's -surplus stockpile. This, ac cording to A. P. Hassell Jr exec , (Continued To Iet Page) 2,027 PERSONS HAVE TETANUS BIMUNIZATION Booster Shots' Are . Advised If Skin Becomes Repulictured A total of 2,027 persons receiv ed tetanus immunization in recently-completed program - in the Madison County schools. The pro gram, under the sponsorship of the Madison County Medical So ciety, came at a time, when teta nus immunization is being emphs sized on a state level. Although there is always danger of tetanus, summer time with an increase in outdoor activities brings an in crease in the number of -injuries which could be host , to tetanus bacilli. !! The public is cautioned, how ever,- that if ah injury. Such as a punctured wound occurs, an addi tional dose is necessary at the time of injury W build up immu nity. It was explained' that the booster shot is not harmful and should i be taken , if injury occurs after the original series of Tetat nus Toxoid vaccinations. -. j Don't be misled that ' the ini tial series will insure 'permanent protection but see , your s doctor should any portion of your skin (Continued To Last Page) CfirGivorCiopGcoboil Jo Footare Doth Progroms PRAYERS ARE RULED OUT OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS TOBACCO CAUSE SERIOUS DAMAGE JSudworms 1 n tobacco cause serious damage each year, Now is the time to treat your tobacco for the control of these budworms. Von may make np a bait, using 76 parts of cornmeal and on part of actual DDT. The most effective method of applying this bait is to use a pinch, put on by hand, in the bud of each tobacco plant. Another way to control these budworms is with the use .of a 10 per cent DDT dust, which has already been pre pared. A pinch of this dust should be placed in the bud of each plant It will take from 8 to 10 pounds of a 10 per cent dust to cover an acre of tobacco. DDT is inexpensive and is acceptable by the tobacco comapnysas an 'insecticide to use on Burley- tobacco.' v - ' - 4 w . L J -f ilk. .- . ra ; m ON PRAYER At C3ot Oprinco Wednesday, July 4th -; ; 10:30 a. mi' Family Games (Sack Races, Rolling Pin Throwing, Etc.) - . 12:00 Noon J-.'.l Lunch 2:00 p. m Baseball Game (Camp Creek, Tenn., vs. Hot Springs) oiZO p. m. Fidi Fry (Sponsored Ey Lion?) .':C0p. m.- EIno at Community C:::!:r Dr. Billy Graham Montreat vangelist, Monday night expressed shock and disappointment at the U. S. Supreme Court decision that required recitation of prayer in public schools violated the consti tution. , Dr. Graham said: " ' 1 am shocked and disappoint ed at the Supreme Court decis ion. This is another step -toward the secularization of the United States. ',,.. "Followed to its logical conclu sion, we will '' have to , take the chaplains out of the armed forces, prayers can not be said in the Congress . and the President cant not put his hsnd on the Bible when he takes the oath of office. "It is most unfortunate that this decision has come at a time when juvenile crime is at an all-time high and American youth are in need of moral and spiritual guid ance. The framers of our Constitu tion meant we were to have free dom of religion, not freedom from religion. "God pity our country when we can no longer appeal to God for help. Viir Represent W.N.C. , : Raleigh During At 4- HWeek Flam, Grocery hoot On n.-r Here On Ju: The Madison Gun C" an all-day shoot on J and pistol shooting. . ed program of s'.. nr !. Tie shooting r ;.'e on t' e Ty-T y's r'.-.-e. - vlU have rf rT'e 1 i . 1 a i' n- Four Madison County 4-H Qub members were first place winners in different demonstrations at the district eontest on June 27, held at the Clyde A. Brwin High School, ' ' Winners and the. contest in Gentry, Route 6, Marshall, Ento- whjkh they comepeted wen Norris mology; Everett Mace," Route - 0, Marshall, SoU and Water; Mike Ledferd, Marshall, Wildlife; : and Judy Ball, Route 5,- Marshall, Dress Revue. These boys and girls will represent Western North Carolina , in the state demonstra tion contests at Raleigh during 4-H Club Week, July 23-28. Others from the county who won blue rbibons in demonstra tions were: Ronnie Johnson, Wal nut, Tobacco; Stanley Boone, Mar shall, Tractor Operator; Richard Wilde, Route 6, Malshall, Talent Red ribbon winners were: Danny Henderson and Elmus Payne, Dai ry Management; , Joyce RandalL Dairy Foods Ind.; Jewell Ball and Barbara Anthony, Dairy Foods Team; Judy Ball, Electric and Public Speaking and Davia Mas sey, Sewing Demonstration. ' " The Supreme Court declared Monday the Constitution is violat ed by any requirement that a pub lie school teacher lead her pupils in prayer. "It is no part of the business of government to compose - official Iprayers for any group of Ameir- can people to recite as part of a religious program carried on by government," Justice Hugo L. Black said in delievering the '6-1 decision. ,It doesn't matter that the pray er; ' is , denominationally neutral, Black said, or that it is voluntary for the students to recite it. tWhen the power,- prestige and financial support of. .government is placed behind a particular re ligious belief," he declared, "the indirect coercive pressure . , upon religious minorities to conform to the prevailing officially approved religion is plain." ' v . In Quiet Tones , lack read the 15-page opinion in 'quiet tones to a more-than- T4Ually hushed audience jammed wiin tounsts on tne wind-up day of the 1961-42 court term. . The justices are not scheduled to meet sgjin. until Oct " 1. F0MJ2RCASE PLACED ON CALETvDAR The 160000 suit brought by James R. Vosburgh of Durham a- gainst Sheriff E. . Y. ' Ponder of Madison County, Precinct Regis trar B.; K. Meadows ; and three ether Madison County men has been placed on the calendar of the 17. S. District Court summer civil term for trial July 11. 'The case grew out of action in Madison County on election day in the fall of I960, when Vosburgh, then a third-year law student at the University of North Carolina, claimed he had been ? maliciously arrested and imprisoned on false charges.: ''yf-"ASi-- Other defendants named in the suit are Wade Payne, who,' Yob- burgh said, was acting as a depu ty under Ponder, and Wayne Nor ris and Vestie Worley. The in cident ' occurred in the ; Uppei Spring Creek :: Precinct, where Meadows was registrar. ; Norris and Worley were identified as re sidents of Township No. 8, in (Contdniued to Last Page) Large Crowds Eziected In Marshall And Hot Spring Gala 4th of July celebrations) are being planned , for; Marshall . and Hot Springs next Wednesday with all-day events expected to attract thousands of people to both Madison County towns. f- A complete schedule of events is published elsewhere on this page. It will be recalled that perhaps the largest crowd ever to be in Marshall was present last year for the thrilling events,' featured by a gigantic display of fireworks. 1Hi it... jlfanlflw vrill Iia Avon . more . elaborate, according to : W. B. Ramsey, fire chief at Marshall, The , Marshall volunteer firemen, sponsors of the holiday program, have been working feverishly .to make this year's celebration even better than last year's J event Through the cooperation of mer chants and individuals, , approxi mately $250 worth of. beautiful (and loud) fireworks have been -secured which 'will be displayed, from the mountain across the riv er and can be seen anywhere in. Marshall The fireworks display will start shortly after, the bar becued chicken supper is 'com pleted : at the school,', lunchroom and when darkness' prevails. " - The day's activities begin' at 10 o'clock . Wednesday morning when the. Marshall LiU'.a Lf e team plays host to the t Little Leaguers. Although small in size,' these boys really play a fine brand of, baseball. . Marshall is coached by Patrolman Jerry Richards -rid Bernard Reece while Otto UcDev itt is coach of the Walnut team. There will be no charge for the (Continued To Last Page) ? f Wednesday, July 4th 10:00 a. m. Little League Baseball (Marshall va. Walnut) 2:00 p. m. Baseball Gam- (Madison Nine vs. OaU:y All-Ctars) Also Pony Rides On The I lm-3, for Children 4:00 p. m. VIT Fcny Dr..- , ; -Alao Firemen's D:;- - " -:l 0-8:00 p. m : . 1 f ' Canipe Memorial Buildinsr Fund,. Campaign Starts The Reverend Ray Hooper, pas tor . of the BuU Creek Baptist Church, will be the leader in this area In a ; state-wide campaign; sponsored by the Alumni Associa tion of the Fruitland Baptist In stitute of Hendersonville, to raise $50,000.00 ; toward the construc tion of a new administration build-. ing for this institute, which is owner and operated by the North Carolina Baptist State Convention. The kickoff date is July 1 and will honor the founder and first (Continued To Last Page) . EHSSIMSLEY takes no:.:: ec. POST IN SVAIN Miss Joy Louise Kensloy, daugh. ter of Mr. end I'.rs. rennc'-h Hens- ley oi ,ars ! row ed as ' ! 1 3 t . ei t- i .t ( 1 1 r.. f 2 f