I. I 3. . i 1 f ? ' r - 4 t . '. ''.'.- b i . . , , p Stat .Senator Cans!' ate- T ' ;JC") 1,'ot ; Jet Kataiecb ',-ff("' e.' J.M).: .-...1 i." i . (..; .r 'The Central. Committpe of; i" . i Reps !an; party in North, Cuo '. lina, ' meeting in . Greensboro. E-- , Ur'y afternoon,- accer"t the're- ; . ,', signaon , of ( William , 13. , CoLb of . ' Horgnnton as sate t. , man. ,':" la. Afl.f .: uet,A(lUi"Lj3c4 tor -AtKi rt,:i4 K,.-Jed2jf Charlotte. . vice chairman, Cobb expfuSed Lis , 5-j desire to -be relieved f roan duties -;-'of r;ioe end requested; ths .I,:,comm:t- to act .favorably on y.a V, resignation.-1 ft-'; -f f'5 The dieting "of rtbe 24-rilember V. . committee, of whom. 19' attended; "wJaff-called for the specific pur- 5 pvod of considering Cobb's request. Tt a. ....,,...1 - state chairman would be elected at . a meeting of the GOP State Exe cutive ComreuUce to be held in ' Greensboro on August 18, , ' .' The central committee Saturr day cancelled a meeting of the 300-member executive committee . previously set for August 4 in New .Bern. - j Cobb's resignation follows- bard on the heels of the disclosure last Wednesday that for "more than. two years he has maintained two homes, one with his wife and three- year-oia adopted son in Morgan ton, and another in Roanoke, Va'.j with a woman identified as Lil lian (Linda) Renfrew Parker. Cobb is the father of her two chil dren. ' . w , ., He was first elected state chair man of t'-.e Eeru.'Vean party ii (c. f i:,iLv.j To Ls-.t r. . T hp;-:, I ... . . A.. " 'J ft i V J An ironic footnot ir nrovidnd KuuJjy" tight to last week's, dis- c:ia. j of the double life of Wil liam E. Cobb. s ' Cobb said lie Is the author' of a novel yet nnnnblinhed In wtifoh t.tiA central ' figure is " a , businessman turned ' politician whose, political career ' is destroyed by scandal revelation 'of a' double life; ' . :; Cobb's own political career was shattered when ",. it ..was disclosed that he had been maintaining twn homes, one in Morganton with his wife and 8-year-old adopted" son and the other in Roanoke, Va.i vt ' h Lillian Renfrew Parker, a 33- yearrold divorcee and mother) of two sons by Cobb; Cobb has iesitmed as : ttA chairman of the. Republican Partw and , dropped out. of the race for tne stats Senate, His book entitled 'An TnMi nt Snow." has been reicntMf hv nnh. 'lishers in Charlotte and New York, though cone called it . a '.'work ; Of merit," The manuscript 'now . is in the hands of a publisher' at Winstoh-Salem. i , ' The novel is a book behind the scenes of a political campaign. Cobb said he drew "from my ptr sonal" situation' in writin i1 r book atid that he .wrote the tV "t i1 iiig' and aftpr li 1C It i in Madison Cot. -Kike .Le'dford, son C, fir. and Mrs. Raymond Led. 1 of liar- shall was a state w. -r in the 4-II Wildlife Demon-,' .'on Coa test during 4-H Club V.'e-k -in Raloigh. Kike was a '' trii.t win ner with ..' d.'rnouf 'rss'ton r i t' 3 construct! n.iJ erccLIoa ( ! t rel ost box.s durii,t'e x" ' a contest in Je. " His compw..: tn in the s' e coti test. was the fle winn- ' f 4 o" er Extension distrk j ox huiih Carolina. ITorth., Carc?:na T."!J" a Commission sponsored I"' 's demonstration fcy r " 7 "1 of Ms expenses to 4-II Cluj ,. in Raleigh , and by awarding 1.:. a $50.00 Savings,Bond for wini... g the state contest. Other competitors from UacT n County in the State demonstra' m 'est were Norris Gentry, r.;D I uivhall in . Entomology and Everett Mace of RPD 6," MarsUH in Soil' and Water.' These boys were also awarded free " trips to 4-!I Club Week for - winning, the- dirict contest in their fields, .' r d. ; rer-' c . tiMU b' hava ho; st I i ... i c y t S'x soci, 1 : terw C-7 in V..i r NOW ACTIVE IN MARGEIENT MC PROGRAM " About 100 persons are current ly being enlisted in Madison Coun ty to solicit contributions ta the Sr,trs IIIIl College Enlargement I'i-(,":ni-n, accordinar . to countv i JuIm Coibctt of BTaif ' J' , David L. and or, drama, ' present a at 8 p. ni., -Mars Lr::i (' ' The f pearan. o Western I of tlio ca; ' V Lo C l.ioi t e r i J'" 1 cVji'U (.;' li - 3-.te fa.' . r a G3-jt .ir-oIJ panIilet uiai wouia be amusing to any par ent who is' currently facing "the problems of getting a son or daugh- wsr w u couege.. ' ,- I is a copy of the "Catalogue and Annual Announcement of Mara Hill College for the. 1899-1900 . school year. ,' Tutition in the primary depart ment that year waa $1 per month. in tne intermediate department it was $1.25 o $2 per month, and . for college-level instruction it was $d to $4. Music and art instruction ' were an additional $2.60 each, hut , BteUOKTBDOV Wll (mlV X. Alt "in cidential fee" of 10c is listed but . unexplained. Room rent alone was 60c to 1 per month end room and board ran only from S5.60 to Professor R. L. Moore, who bad become president of the struggg ling school two - years earlier cautioned parents in ' aclosing paragraph "not " to tempt , their children to an extravag'ent ; and Wasteful expenditure" by giving them more than $50, for the full term. " Yellowing- with age but still in (Continued To Last Page) Ay I-J. IS7FlAIiJAT LOWEATfl), TENN; e i 1,3. pLa. j I.i-uce of I. Tll in toil! .Ll. - tioti-bTut, ron-aluii Fish Will fce in charge of efrUils to contact alumni livimr past r,r Petersburgl Mrs. Corbett ' will handle alumni contact west of tlie Petersburg' area.. j...,. ; j ofce i i f 'i J.'to.'ay i ae of compll. : C .ine of Aiiuu I ' -. T. E. Wall' added th. Fona should be nsed for tis purpose. Deposits may be made in local iO ...e i 19C Miss Julia Merrill of Leicester K-a F I m,V in cWge of fund-raising MlSSTSJw "S n " t area anrf in rt- n Vimka, said Mr. Wall. , V. i American Enka rnrnint.inn an. I is 1 . , m - .wuirvHiamg .u, nounced Monday that it will built I that wea and in the edge of Bun where, it now operates two rayon Jvely carried, out within the! state! iiuiiiui. t , , I ana is also- well-organized In seve- The comnanv annonn J,,l .The- goal is to: "uon, discussion plans for a new plant and said 't f2.600.000 by 1965 to help fP lJ? gether with i ".x..- ... line 108-year-old Bant st nrhnnl ho. I '", mge. meinoos ?or Employers who do not have a copy of Circular E. "EmDlover's Tax Guide," may obtain it from any local IRS office. This pub lication contains a full discussion f ior a new plant and said atlir Ji"1 r"r -v w H the time the location would be 106-year-old Baptist school be determined at a later date. come a well-equipped senior col- The new fiber-producinsr fac-l ' ' '.'' - s crpSonrwhT'Si r:.!1 two fit i. nhA m-n i ,lo"onaK.-iorffl8, combination Enka'a .ynthetic cltE 1. euilding, . . . . vT? y 1 home i economic bmioa aH. aua polyester ny about 40 nerl j.-x.-.t . - cent. It will include facilities for science laooratories and producing iv.! . .K.fr-i" u Jill in .t-TiT I ntt vwuai aids. - fine and heavy denier nylon. yarns, Construction 'will begin es soon as possible, according to . Philjip i.i, chairman of the board and president of Enka. "Start- t Con tinned To Last Page) Id yiv. 1. ere is a hunk of f fr Tjr Heel tout t its 1 t met?.': g t.e V n ' i vctc J to e'nJ t " ! ' t sc-on from f ; r ' er S3 on t f 1 f t stre.Tns ia i i . ..3. - - i aiUVted g re; i DAYS7 i.a 1 i Asbeville'J N.' C. TKa' nn Ooa nf history will foil 'lack in Aue-nst . . . I 9, 10, and 11 when the "pioneers" win iakeover tl.e .town! Visitors and natives, will be treated 'to on the courthouse door of each a counties involved. Ira number of years t' -re has i " r7" " 're to j t;ie ' lu.ur in t 4 3'. , but a T ef M''. ' ibe- xh t l:,rf. 1 t' - k n. in 1 rii. ,r I 1". i CUt ,. - -'J l j If to I CE J 13 S huge Hhree-cVy tVti-e of thrill ing events.' - ' A r ectacj 't rr ed.v.r ins. f eu. pers, t 'rs ei l.I duled; all in t: e t ernes of t ' era, v.r.1 be i.i orr.- d Fark: and rrn If 7" r - ,". n 3i ! i e'r- - s'?e of covn--scouiq,' tr. p i;a'3 ii S(' e- :-l t n r t ?. -.rr t -i tt r - computing such taxes. Ponder, Leake To ; Dine With Gov. Sanford Aug. 9 l,u ' - E." Y. Ponder and A. E. Leake. members of the State Democratic Executive Committee, have ' been invited to have lunch with Cover nor and Mrs. Stanford at th v.ta. cutive Mansion on Thursday, Au. gust 9. Both have accented the in vitation. . ; ia a eWC.i less than t'e fc" i . a quarter to tke tle crown. Alexander, after looking back Crough all bis records,, said it was the best target ever fired by any rifle-cracker since the event started back in 1939. k f "It's the greatest piece of ahoot- wig I've ever seen with a muzzle- loader,' Alexander , said. "Almost dead center, on two of them and only seven-tenths of an inch off on the third." " . Young Adams.; who comes from a muzzle-loadin' clan, won third prize, ; m, tne unaer-20 age group last year the first time he ever competed in a shooting match for, what be called Vthe beef and the money." '. Included in -the 140 rifle-crack ers shooting ' against him Wednes day were a brother, - a couple of eouBins and an uncle. :; And his kinsmen," who" faever fail' to" take mighty proud of him. , - ' . .The ..proudest , was Robert - Lee Wallm, a cousin who taught him to -ahoot -the-muzale-Ioader.Robert . (Contiiiued ' to Last Page) Z ' : "1 r j' . .. . . . - . wm h ai v - J im m A L -J ' V - - .,- mnurTO?Acob FIELD DAV3 I." "son mers a'-o i r iy :. r d ' 1 a ' Co' ty T. c;co Far : a goc 1 j b of to 1. a to , cour'.,- r - -t. in ' ; pro- n - I0Ej!1 ATLST . Madison Co"'y Lsr- ,r Day 111 le 1 : I.i c with the Doi! -..1-r .'.1 I Doriand - Sromo! ' 1. I Chnrch at Hot f . ' on Al ...bt 5. r - h F.liool at IV) r r f : n :if -1 - Ti "oil .".a 1 in 1 o The 26th annual Sinsrinar Conven tion of The Salvation Army Moun tain Mission will be held at The Maple Springs Mission, on : the Max Patch Road, Sunday, August 6, beginning at 10 fe m. ' This annual event has for many veara attracted thousands of neo- nie to the mounuin too to hear the old-time gospel singing; com posed of quartets, trios, duets, so loists, and other singing groups. One of the highlights each year is the fellowship-one has with both old and new friends. , , This : ia a - inter-denominational singing convention and singing nouns from all 'churches are in- 1 vrcea to participate in- tne singing. This annual all day singing and decoration, was instituted .by Ma jor ' Cecil Brown, founder of the Salvation Army Mountain Mission work. There will be coffee, cold drinks. sandwiches and ice cream for sale ' for those who do not brhur their lunch. . . However, families ara'nrped to bring their lunch, spread it on on of the picnic tables and enihv tha fellowship of your neighbors to gether., Invite your friends and relatives you have not seen in years to join you; have a good time and make this a real home coming day. This will be the first vear tar: 1 Lieut, and Mrs. Earl Wood rd in command of "the' Salvation Attv Mountain Ml. jjbns. T' -y c ..,rl to you k most' cordial iav' '"on to coma and attend this rll-iLv event. " . ' "1 " " "1 Marsha!!, I Ia Cf Us Tor t: ' i e The c!'!ssy Little I epfiera c 'jt 'a V ion Mi a cc id r?- 1 I ve won 1 '1 , c" i if '