' 7 n T Ji ' U UL 7 V. $ VOL. C,l NO. 33 8 PAGES THIS WEEK MARSHALL, N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 16, 1962 lOo PER COPY 12.60 A Ysar In Madison Buncombe Counties $4-00 A Tur Outdid Thee Two Counties ; v H . 1 i n nnn1 im w? v - - n J nn yt n n ci V vv s - ri II AN I I v- IS I ' V "X. -I . . 1 I W .lfltllllfU 1 I , . . -'V v ''T.:." I ' V l,-'Hi.l 2 -J r To Oountyivids Tocoliers' Meeting on.; LanchcsBsrved Thurs. First Full Day Of Classroom Work On Thursday! ? Bases Ran Weitf. Superintendent Fred W. Ander son announced this morning that! a countywide teachers' meeting will be held next Monday after noon at two o'clock at the Mar. shall school and urges all teachers to be present. He further stated that the teachers would again be busy at their respective schools on Tuesday of next week The first official day of school for students will start on Wed nesday at 8:30 a. m., when they will register, get assignments, etc. Mr. Anderson said that school buses will run on Wednesday. Just how long Wednesday's sessions will last is not yet known. The first full day of classroom work will begin on Thursday, Mr. Anderson announced. School lunchrooms will also open on Thursday and the 1962 session of Madison County schools will begin in earnest. Accepts Post BILLY J. SILVER ACCEPTS POST VITII&aBANIfcl ' h Billy J. Silver has been made i! an installment loan officer of the Camden office of the Citizens and Southern National Bank of S. C. This announcement was made by Hugh C. Lane, chairman of the board following the meeting of the board of directors in Camden on Friday July 13th. i Mr. Silver, the son of Mrs. W. F. Prentiss, Lakeview Drive in North Charleston, was born in Marshall. After graduating from North Charleston High School, he served two years in the U. S. Army. He graduated from The Citadel in 1958 majoring in Busi ness Adminstration. He came to work for the C&S in February 1959 in the installment loan de partment of the Charleston office. He has served two terms as presi aenx oi tne u 4 s Bank Ulub, an organization of employees. Mr. Silver is a member of the Cherokee Place Methodits Church. He is member , of the Charleston Credit Managers Association and has been most active In the work of the Footlight Players. ill Olin Jarrett DREAMER : The fellow who : thinks be. can gov through life on a free pass has another think coming. - OLIN JARRETT ACCEPTS POST WITH SPACE FB(M Olin Jarrett Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs, Olin Jarrett of Route 1, Mar shall, has accepted a position as an Aero-Space Technologist at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's .Langley Research Center, Hampton, Va. Jarrett received his B.S. de gree in Mechanical Engineering from North Carolina State Col- j lege this year and started his ca-1 reer with the nation's aerospace agency on June 7. The NASA Langley Research Center is currently engaged in providing the science and technol ogy for a variety of aerospace programs, including the national effort to land a man on the moon and safely return him to earth by the end of this decade. Langley, which utilizes a large array of specialized aerospace research facilities which are a- mong tne most modern in .the world, is the largest NASA Cen ter specializing in basic aerospace research. FISHER NAMED F.B. BAPTIST MODERATOR Succeeds Wade Huey; Noell Lykens Is Elected Clerk In what is described as the "best associations! meeting ever held," the Rev. Clell Fisher, of Marshall RFD 2, was elected as Moderator of the French Broad Missionary Baptist Association at the final meeting last Friday at the Madi son Seminary. Mr. Fisher, well-known Baptist leader, is pastor of the Oak Grove Baptist Church. He succeeds Wade Huey who had served as moderator for 11 out of the past 14 years. Noell Lykins, educational direc tor of the Mars Hill Baptist Church, was elected clerk of the association. During the three-day session of the association, a record number of persons attended, it was re-portel. NOMINEES FOR ASC ELECTIONS ON PETITIONS. f Vwi tytj; s'av't-V, i - -h Farmers throughout each of the County's' 16 Agricultural Com munities who: wish to-' make nomi nations for ASC Committeemen by petition have only ..until August 20 to do so according to announce ment by Emory Robinson, Chair man of the Madison County ASC Committee. INTERESTING AC PROGRAM INCREASES Most farm ewners of Madison County have shown a great deal of interest in the County's Agri cultural Conservation Program since its orgin in the early 1930's; however, interest In this years program has far exceeded that of most previous years according to Emory Robinson, Chairman of the County ASC Committee. In commenting of the ACP and this years interest, the Chairman said that from his observation most farmers were showing more pride by makisg more improve ments on their farms and that (Continued To Last Page) COUNTYWIDE RED CROSS MEET HERE TONIGHT A general countywide meeting of the Asheville Area Red Cross Chapter, which includes Madison County, will be held at the REA Building in Marshall tonight at 7:30 o'clock. Important phases of the Red Cross activities and membership campaign will be discussed and all persons interested in the lo cal Red Cross Chapter are urged to attend. Expected to attend the meeting in addition to county citizens are Marshall Upton and Mrs. Eleanor Penley, of the headquarters in Asheville. oOo . . Ualnut High School Students to Attend Marshall School Marshall 7th And 8th Grades To Attend Walnut School; Official Action Expected Today; State Officials Here Yesterday It was learned from authoritative sources this morn ing that the State Board of Education is concurring with the Madison County Board of Education and sts a result, the Marshall and Walnut schools will be partially con solidated, effective this session which starts next week. Partial consolidation means that all high school stu dents of the Walnut school will attend school on the Is land in the Marshall High School Building and the stu dents of the seventh and eighth grades of the Marshall school will attend school at Walnut. Although this action is not completely official, it is safe to assume that this consolidation will be official, probably today or tomorrow, according to authoritative sources. Dr. J. L. Pierce, of Raleigh, official in division of school planning; Ralph Moody, assistant attorney gener al of North Carolina; and L. W. Alexander, State super visor of school bus routes, were in Marshall yesterday (Wednesday) and studied all phases of the consolida tion, it was reported. J. A. Dennis To Be Given Heather Bureau Award Here Presentation Will Be Made At C Of C Meeting Tuesday J. A. Dennis of the Hayes Run section of Marshall, . will receive the coveted John Campanius Holm Award at the Marshall s Chamber of Commerce' JijncheJl"n Vesting 'nexfTMesday " v Mr; Dennis jaras officially noti fied of nfc honor . thisf week by fAwards was released from Wash- NASA is an independent Feder al agency established by Congress in October 1958 to explore space for peaceful purposes, to apply what was learned to the benefit of mankind, and make its finlings available to everyone. The Chairman further stated that each petition must be signed (Continued to Last Page) Earnest A. Rodney, Meteorologist, of the Asheville Weather Bureau, who came to Marshall to congrat- only North Carolinians to receive the honor, J. E. Parker, of Parker, N. C, in Ashe County, was a recipient of the Thomas Jefferson Award, also given by the United States Department of Commerce, wea ther.. Burean Division, ;'. the recipients of the Thomas Jef ferson and John Campamus Holm Only 26 volunteer weather ob servers out of 13,000 cooperative observers throughout the United States have merited this honor. Mr. Dennis and Miss Gertrude Harbison,, of Highlands, ; were' the ington, D. C, yesterday (Wednes day): Thirty-one volunteer weather observers of the- Department of Commerce have been selected to receive the Weather Bureau's 1962 Thomas Jefferson and John Cam- panius Holm Awards, Dr. F. W. FARM OPERATOR TO GIVE NAMES OF ELIGIBLE VOTERS Each farm operator within the county has recently been request ed to furnish the County ASCS Office with the name and address of all eligible voters for their farm, according to an announce ment by Ralph W. Ramsey, Office Manager for Madison County ASCS. Ramsey explained that WALNUT PEOPLE MEET; PROTEST CONSOLIDATION slating Jaisics, jthia, jMra A6CrJmmunity committee elections are to be con ducted by mail that a list of all eligible voters is needed in order that . ballots could be mailed to them and that farm operators were the only persons qualified to furnish this information; He pointed but 'that all the operator needed to do was to write the names and address oi tne eligi ble voters on the post card fur- Reichelderfer, Chief of the Wea- nished to him for this PurP0S nJ I J J. it !1 J. 1 - A i.1 (Continued To. Last Page) 0 croliall lifllo Lccgticn On Playoffs, r.!!-GIcr G:cc End Season In Blaze Of Gloryj Ronnie Brazil Is ' J v Winning Pitcher : v The Marshall Little Leaguers, v runners-up in the West Madison : division during the regular, sea son, swept two straight games from Hot Springs in the playoffs, 8-1 and 7-2. ' .. In the second game Vf the play offs last Thursday, Ronnie Bra til, ace Marshall hurler, limited the Hot Springs team to five hits while Marshall was pounding out eight hits. Gentry was charg ed with the defeat In sweeping the playoffs, the 1 ri'.l.'ant Marshall team then met i 1 c feated an all-star team dress system. Tuesday afternoon on the Island, 3-0. Ths all-star team was com posed of players from the other three teams, Hot Springs, Walnut and Laurel. - ' Again, it was Rfnnie Brazil who toed the rubber and pitched a neat three-hit shutout. In earr ing the victory, Brail struck out eight all-stars. In the meantime, the - locals were collecting seven hits off the slants of B. Ramsey and Thomas. As a reward, the Marshal Lit tle Leaguers attended the Ports-mouth-Asheville baseball game in Asheville Wednesday night and were recognied over the public ad- 11llrilr; . . COLLEGE FUND DRIVE LEADERS Directors of the Madison - County portion of the "Mars Hill College Enlargement Program discuss ,v plans for solicitation of pledges throughout the county: (L to R) John Corbett of Marshall, county chairman ; Mrs. Corbett, in charge of con- tacting alumni in the western half of the county; Wade Huey of Mar shall, co-chairman with Mrs.. Charles Bruce of Mars Hill (seated, - j right) for contact of non-alumni; James Fish of Mars Hill, in charge . of alumni solicitation in the eastern half of the county. Miss Julia 'Mer-1 t' rill of Leicester is in charge of fund-raising efforts in that area. More '.than 500 former students and several hundred non-alumni are being asked to pledge contributions over a three-year period to help the col-- lege develop into a first-rate liberal arts ser.' r college. A total, of $2,500,000 is being sought in the total drive v hich is being promoted throughout the state and in neighboring stat Dr. M. A. Huggins, i: ""ner general' secretary of the Faptist Stat: Ccnvention, is director of il.e rrograia.., (See Guest Eultarial) drop it in the mail not later than (Continued To Last Page) According to reliable sources, approximately 250 Walnut parents and students attended a meeting in the Walnut school building Tuesday night tor the purpose of blocking efforts to consolidate Walnut high school with Marshall. The meeting, called by Paul Bal lard, was; reported highly success ful. Pal--JBallad--nM-- joamcL chairman for the meeting and Re sa Thomas, a student at Walnut high school, was asked" to keep minutes. " ? . A petition to the State Board of Education Apposing .'the 'pro posed consolidation Was signed by some 240 persons, it was reported. Donations were also - solicited for the purpose . of employing; a lawyer to represent the group against the consolidation in any legal manner which might be fea sible, it was reported. : , ), ars Hill College Grid Squat To Deport On September ID- GRASSHOPPER CONTROL ON - U ..-! '-I .. .. ... : ,.. BURLEY TOBACCO During the past two or three years grasshopper. hve. been giv inb more jmJiXR8f&i trouble in tobaojinsKjieentfrJbe. getting-worse , in Madison County. Theit !m,Jdi dftmifigestoarouh,d edges 1rf.';fjeld3,which 'have Jia crops - adjacent . t o y; the" tobacco There: a;r.t .if o u r ' recommended chemicals for the control of grass hoppers in tobacco. ; These Chemi cals may be used as ' a"? dust or spray, me cnemicais and tne a, mount of actual -chemical per acre are. mM .foUowsr.T "fWT": Aldrin --2. to. A. ounces .actual per-acre. -r f':-.';- f'.:,-iJr'' :'! 'Xu L, ' Heptachlor clusfir jpray -2 to 4 ounce actual per aere.V - w Dieldrin -"dust or" spray i 1 to ounces actual per acre." " Chlordane- -dust of spray - to 1 pound. actual per acre. Appty the dust, or, spray, even ly to tobacco io,':.e.ar;d.to a bar rier strip f:f to., thirty f - f ide1 arour ! 3.t-n'",o. rot graze T-.tr,....? on.t'-- IJ T rip for a.r l-i cf t-.vo.to i of f i New status, a new stadium and a new assistant coacn are part of the sports picture ' celng ' painted at Mars Hill College, wnere open ing of the fall semester Is Just ? month away. . ). . . ' " Football . practice will . begn Sept. 10 and the first encounter r of a seven-game schedule is s ed for SeptZZ.1 V A . Junior, colleger 8in.ee ,1921, the 106-year-old,, Baptist -school -will 4 add ithe'.irdyear this fall as the first .sten V toward ; senior : col- . lege statJiS; riTh- r expansion-' liks aireayy propTed jHie, sclioors atn- ' , teuc teams , out tof ; the Western ; Carolines ' Junior' Collesre ' Con ference '. and into the status lof ( ''independent . Athletic Director Don Henderson says" h'f boyes to seek affiliation with, a. senior colleger-conference in Jwo orV three '. yearsr,-;' ' ' ' ' ""A'hew staduim'i result of school officials' ""recent " i o.. strer' the" tu-ul . . physical' education pre .. .a, v 2 not be ready for use t' i '!. e concrete struct -re, t 1 - a i t- V. for.ex; in: i, !e ion.Tie r' . ; grsf?"i e" is 1 1 V 'I - I "

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