C, 1.Z2 ice Tzit tc?r t2&0 A Year lot'" -' ' $4.00 A Tear Gu.ua 1,. 'iwo , ,r m f ' - - , J. t ' L. tA'naSALEiW IS ; i ' ; U I2LDIN 1 r- ci r:3. :3 hi,, , v ; V - i ' T 1 r t ' Is Reached) i Do Not, . year , - An injunction restraining 23 Walnut residents from, entering ; -Wainnt School nronertv was.mod- : ified at show 'causa hearing be . .'for " Judge Hugh B' CampMl - her Tuesday and the' final; pi o- duct was made permanent through ; ut the ;,1962-6S Madison . County ' school 'term. y v - ' The 20 men', all -leaders jn a ftoht to urevent' eattial '.cOnsoli- -dation of - "Walnut and Marshall schools," signed the- compromise, h " junction along witV Judge-. Camp- - bell, SchooL Board Attorney J A. . Leake, and, the -defendants? ' ' counsel; John II. Giezentanner. , V The restraining order, re- main 14 full f oca' and effect dur ing the '1962-6$, school year, does not prohibit the nen.frort! enter ing the school" property, but lays but strict rules , of, -.conduct for J, them while ,'they are there. - 1 ;. -", They ,are- enjoined , from "con ducting. themselves" while upon said schoodh property In any man ;.' neither than an-orderly and . gentlemanly- fashion.", The ' re f ' straining - order .' also -atates that " each" of the 20 men either "in person -or by any designated ag ent -4 are-enjoined; from perform- ' ing,wany unlawful acts which nn. "lawfully interfere , with,,- interrupt or disturb the orderly .operation of the school, -"-"i - L "." ' The court order : prohibits them from - advocating or,; encouraging - either directly, or indirectly Interference with operation' of the school1 1 ,'- The men named in the restraint order re Jack Guthrie,' En rrene Thr' , r rovVr, Jeter r - JlcLew.t, I'ltichard . .kerj Lunsford, Cline Al.n, - I .rvin Eice, Toy I !?evJ't, Jim Cine, Robert (Ilob) McClure, 'Clyde HcGure and -Virgil Garrett ; ? i in ' " m i i " Swairt To Speak "At Women' Demo. Meeting: Here Tues. Solicitor Robert S. Swain of AshevUle .'will be the principal speaker at the September 11 meet ing of the Madison County Worn- en's Democratic Party next Tues . day night in the county courthouse at 7:30 o'clock. ' ly J Yates Bailey of Burnsville, candidate for the . state senate, ' will also speak to the. group and .' all Democrat candidates for office . in the fall election will be recog- nieed. . ' . ' ' , '..it '-All Madison County Democrats fare invited to attend this meet ing, according to Mrs. George B. . Shupe, president " 1 '. '. ' , , . EKD OF ELECTION TEIE TffiARS FOR ASC(X):nTTEES - Voting time for ASC committee men to serve during the coming year is peering and will be held during ' the - period August SI through September 10, 1962. Ralph W. Ramsey of the Madison County ASCS office stated today that ballots were mailed to all el igible voters on record on August 81. . Voters may vote for 6 per sons from the list of nominees who were selected by farmer pe titions and present community committees and placed on the bal lots. Voters may write in l!.c names cf k:-lher fjrers and vote for t' 'n if t'.cy t-- desire; how evi r no 1 ;r ja. pi Itted to : j for more than a total of five per sons. Tl.o frson res " ' - t the r"" ' Vol- s v "I !. a ' f 1 comnir.:'e c; U C'.e c--.'7 f i : r ( '- i A TC?iNADOjS TO Mi FLAY'AT TPYOir, 14' eUu'iiil, Local Temm Seeks It First fy Victor j Schedule) I ' . ; " , Announced ,..v v ' 13 (HVT l" " '' - Coaches Edv Morton and J C. Wallin are homing' their team can get - into' the win: column - Friday night, of .'IheKt Week when r they journey, to Tryon for. a game; With Tryon- iglj'jSchool. - Kickoff is scheduled for' eight o'clock;," The - Tornadoes have been drill ing hard this week after dropping 7 fJ BULLETIN! ' fo Game Here;, Friday y.n, K,f X" ' ., ; It was announced this morning that th Tryon-Mrahall football game, scheduled,, to' be played on the Island Friday night, has been postponed until 'next Friday night; September 14 and will Be played at Tryon. ; v , v the opening game ;tO East Hen derson lastv Friday,, night., ' A i lrr utimhdf nf lnrnl f Ann are-'escpected to. accompany the team to. Tryon.' w . , .! , , The remaining Marshall High School, Schedule follows; '- fJ ' Sept. 14 rr- Tryon (there) v' . Sept. 20 -r Bosman (there) ' " l h Sept '28 i. Hot Springs (here) Oct 5 Cane Kiver (here) , " Oct. 19 Hot Springs (here) l. "i i"'s i w (t: ) -r ' f ' . . rp) ' IIATuJIULL BY 25-6 SCOIiE Hospitality can be carried too far as Mars Hill found out Friday night ' when, they - hosted, Hot Springs only to have the visiting Blue Devils trounce the Wildcats, 25-ft, j Blue Devil' halfback Johnny Moore got things rolling early in the - first . period after the Blue Devils recovered a Mars Hill fum ble. Moore broke over tackle on the sedond play from scrimmage and weaved his way through the Mars HQl secondary and " sprint ed 75 yards for a touchdown. The extra point try on a line plunge failed. Late in the second quarter with the ball resting on the Mars Hill 25, Freddy Sharped backed Up and found Charles Tolley all by himself in the; Mars'; Hill end tone with a 80-yard pass and a ' (Continued To Last Page) E.IffiNDERSON TOPS MARSHALL FRIDAY, 26-14 East Henderson's ; Eagles bor rowed the new West Henderson gridiron at Hendersonville Friday night, but the turf was just as unfriendly, for a visiting Marshall eleven, that came . away on " the short end of a 26-14 count " f ; East Henderson's John Carpen ter took a Roger Dalton pass for five yards and romped the re maining two for the opening tal ly. Then -.Vaughn . Berry, who ? jin 1311 imrda rlnrfnir thai evening, carried , it in from 23 - r 's out hall's . Kalph Cwidler '.re turned the next kickoff 78 yards 8:1 the score was 13-7 at halTUme. T t ITnleT)n h!t twice again, ' ;,' I crd fr-m six yards o.t ... 1 I,-- " T,""tiims from a yard - ' '.l's Torn K'x end--J ' 3 i. ' :'s t. : 1st v lili a 14- 5" ' Accordlhg to' Harry G. ' Silver, county agent, Western North Car olina beef ; attleT producers,, have been, consigning', and Celling feed er calves and . yearling steers in orjaniised. pales, far e.vei'al yc These sales. ra sponsored bytiie North-Carol.a Cattlemejj's A-.o-ciation, Ht C Department of Ag riculture and the. North Cartl a Agricultural Extension Service. .'The' organised sales "offer t..a farmer, selling! the'' following ad vantages: 1, Volume attracts buy ers big and little; 2. His ch' are graded, weighed and con'' ed with other oattlO of the f breed1, color;1; grade and we group,1 thus, making , a more i ' -tractive group of cattl :than ha can make of bis 'own 8.The Cat tlemen's l. Association advertises the ' sales and "secutea buyers; 14.' Buyers "are willing to comef 'Jong distances to purchase "from Organ ized sales - it's the Super Mar ket , In 'xattVi selling, - volume, neatly- packaged.', graded and dis played to please the customers: : The ' organized ? and , sponsored cattle sales are successful, They are helping the farmer secure the market price or better for his cat tle. This system' of . marketing is here to ' stay - despite; the grumb lings of ' some , "pin-hookers , and ati occasional (elfish .operator. v . Farmers .who1 can 'winter ; more feeder attle than they can graze or who had some, calves too small or, not ready for fall sale will hayer',ansvppportunity to 'gain the benefits ol a 'spring feeder-:, sale in Asheville m the spring of 1963. There willj be adequate: attle' to attract buyers, and adequate buy ing power for the cattle. -, f " Fanners who cannot " winter e nough cattle '.-'for tlusir . nm f'ltur'"" ill f 'i 1 t' e f !r : , LcS;Vall:n Dccj It Affair. At Hog Rifle Shoot In Ga. a v ' Robert Lee 'Wallin, of Marshall RFD 4, . did it again August ,18 when he won first and second place in Hog Rifle Shoot for beef held during the Georgia Mountain Fair in Hiawassea, Ga. f,'' . Lee, affectionately nicknamed "The Ole Man of the DtountaiaV' is accustomed to winning at these events, r He's done it 'or year. It is pretty safe to say, that -MJt. Wallin's records will ,'' never be equalled as far as Madison Coun ty sharpshooters are concerned. Wallin,' who is 74, is, as spry and sharp-eyed as a 30, year old man.' He's rightfully proud of his shooting record and is also proud of his record as a 'peaceful cit; teen." ' He told "' this newspaper this week " . : , although I . can shoot the middle out of a target, I have never been arrested for misuse of firearms i-.-.V . in fact. I've never been; arrested for any thing." ', v m : . '. ) If "Uncle Lee1 keeps on going as he now isi he 'will win many. (Continned To Page Four) v :ro.n:rc::::D 7b ': , ........ e i- : T . ? , ' - The beeinnings of an' historic year are 'scheduled at Mars Hill College next week, Sept 10-15. Tha 107th year of the Baptist institution will be launched and the first junior class, numbering about 175, will be welcomed as the colleze takes-the actual first step toward senior college status. The faculty .will meet in the ca feteria at 5:45 P. m., Sunday, Sep tember 9, for a dinner and th -s will participate in a two-day rh.n nin? workshop Jlonday and 1' day; The orientation prcpra:n f,-r freshmen begins v. ednt-suay, t sophomoros and j-'ors f' el-jscl?. end cl.i "1 t 5 S a. m, I.:nr?ay, Tt. 7. T . n r v f ..-.': r :. '.--r-. 1 r- t ; a ' ( tii i i j .-s of' the ypHr. ' 'i ' wording to f .. --r i i-ronn of the 0. .i t!,. ' ' ui -i . . . -- . J f .. ;-- cover " e v .,.! -i o i in ord to 1 " ry v -! . ' i p l tiiroi 'l t. , r , tl.e ( t'- -y-;Goveri.-r c t to S ' 1' 3 v. o lave a T:"'-l , n winler , cov r - 1. TS. It vi as ' i iH.t t' t any tin-e ulh of Sep'ei ' i r i i 1 time for1" Be.. . : ' crops. Seeds rt - ap proved pi uimson clover, annual s, barley, frye, or". oats. 1 meriting, on tftii Value of a j I r.-intT cover crop." Kohin ' 1 i' "t it would be-hard i ' 'i dollar and ?cents vain- .i, was worth sevei iil t; i i b to the farmer in that is t otccts the Soil from I : nshing away" duri ; 1 nths, but 'that if; !.. 1 the soil structure, s a and inert mat hit of winter ock, improved 'led beaut Ii v "n ' L.7. .' .L.LED BY'i Zada R. McElreath, U, of Lei cester was killed about 8 am., Monday, September 3, 19C?,; when a tractor he was operating over turned down an embankment land landed on top of him. . At the time of the accident Mc Elreath was backing the tractor and a trailer : loaded with tobacco uphill ' to a' tobacco . barn. Xly d Stanley, who saw the fataiaeci- dent, said the tractor skidded, n wet grass, started sliding down the 50-foot embankment; and ov erturned in, small branch,' ' - Buncombe County Coroner fDr, John C. , "Vjouny said McElreat died of a crushed chest and in ternal bleeding. No . inquest .was held.' ' ,v ',;"('( McElreath. who lived on Rt1l Marshall, is survived by the wid ow,- Mrs. . Grace Holbert McEl reath; two daughters, Jo Ann ana Pamela McElreath. of the; home; one , step-son, Kenneth Powell of (Continued To Page ,-Feur) ? t . , replacements, have been appoint ed. These include Roy Wood, bus iness; John Hough Jr., education; Mrs. II. H. Ezell, home economics; IlasheU Esell, physical education; Dr. Evelyn Underwood, newly ap poi; ' 1 head of the social scien ces ch partment who had been on a 1 ive of absence for the last f r years; Kiss Frances Garner . ties Tlmmsa, English; Mrs. hi. F ;' ert8, Mrs. Robert 1 V.'a; a Tresslcy, music. A ' w d ii of women, Kiss . Lc .en I . eral a rew llhrarian, ; and seve 1 .'. i l'S t r the cor. ,1 : f t ' ' 'r?nT''t't women oj JiULLS DROliLitSlt the Mahau"hi ' V t 1 I 9- J.l Work started hare Tuesday ?on the building- which will house, the Mills .Brothers nlant The bund ling, known as -the old cotton jnni. will be renovated prior to Decern W 1 it was announced. - - - i . 't The new mdustrjr will manuiac ture 'parachutes' and 'parachute comnonenta and will he an affili ate of the Mills Brothers plant lo cated near Asheville. ' The road from the lower bridge to the north side of the building will be hardtopped. FOOTBALL GETS IIMVAY EION. ATM. II. COLLEGE Fall football nracticei for the Mars Hill College lions , will be- in Monday morning, Sept 10. Coach Don- Henderson, who will j his "former junior--colic"'' d to se- ' r " "9 c , f 1 1 i r t r trau'viS from L . soma- sophomores who- did no compete last aeaaon, nd tsever fine prospecte from the freshmu. class. . ' , - ' A eeven-game aeaaon for t h e BaDtist Widdera will onen Sent 22 against Maryville College Ten nessee; For its three, home games Mara' HiQ WiU use the Mars HIM Hiehl School stadium. The college field 'ia. being regraded and resod- ded while a new 3400-seat ,con cretestadium is being erected.' It Will sot be available for use until the .beginning of the 1963 sea son. Naw line coach Haskell Ezell will be on hand for the. first prac tice, session. He will relieve for mer assistant Harrell . Wood, who will devote his time to coaching hauls halt aiuf tannin and tb teach ing physical education. EielPs ad dition' to the faculty represents an expansion of the staff bf the staff j. of- the 'physical education department r if, ! "- "IIAhl'- CROWE IS ELECTED FIRE ClilEF TUESDAY f Charles "Ham"' Crowe was !e- lected Chief of the Marshall Vol unteer Fire Department at' a spe cial meeting held Tuesday night He succeeds W. B. Ramsey,, who recently' resigned as Chief. . Crowe, who has been a Lieu tenant for, several months,1, has been a member of the department for four years and baa been most active in all phases of fire fight ing procedures and training. The new chief immediately an nounced that his two assistants T. F. Sams and Jim Story would continue at their posts. Ron Wilson was promoted from fireman to Lieutenant Ee will rve witn iicliy. Ja' Joe Fiblier in t...s ca (s Fenh'nd end Don ,Te?t re .i as Cii,,Uis, it was C. L. r. Jr., v.-ni conCnue .ror t I 7. B. 1. vi r i-a f 9 Tc :,'oti f . in1 II ' 1 i' ! . i t 1 Hundreds Ol !viC"HeV.rNewlani this count garment industry, which ia planning t A k 4. W nw Monday and Tuesday,, it has been, gym unta eignt .o'ciocK, means, a.' . TTnumvAi-. Twnnla who cannot' tema to Marshall on the above dates . may- send in their name to TheFrench, Broad' Electric Membership , ' nr.,i.nii ' hi 'r"' nj ficv unit Ktt annnlipil with an ao- plication blank that they may complete. i. ') Th firms tilana to tart with 'emokvment of aonroxiniately 250 . workers, and this will be built up, to can o 'jubub vumc i j, . . . Vh ..arnnlmn nrmilt liVa tn '.iri' WUII1V Va VT ' .aumTw workers who would tak ft training course and e qualified to operate . 8CW1UK IIlfAbUaiACO CallU VWWi -5Jta ' ? The employer will be as'siBtecJ )jy ,the N. & Employment Commis sion in filling out applications next Monday and Tuesday for all hose Who seek employment as well as for those .who are interested in changing jobs. " -It should be remembered that the, employer would UKa or eacn person interesting in working in the new plant 'on the by-pass to be here IN PERSON. , , , , ' Tt w aim "atafawl that the firmvhaa AAA-I'' rating with Dun & RraHarroet fthd iii on of the world's : Make plana NOW to coma to' Marshall on next Monday anaor Tuesday and go to the Marshall gymnasium at Noon or until 8 p m., TT 1 1- f ffnJI.nt. Mintir TkAnwla- tlW- AYTtArt.Pl) h llfirft tft fill UUIiU-ia vi iviauiauu vv"".j jj.2- x' - " - . - o-1 s "i3 for jobs with the new firm.,, j" - j , 1 r ov r ' ...hall next w j i -1 -y x 1 . bv.-. . iy to secure t ployment in the new industry. - T - a'ready em; loyed a,re invited to fill out orr Hcat'ons as well as f a wives and others : who;1 mightov the future be interested in , workiiig, ia the new :plant. MADISON CRASH INJURES THREE Three Mrsons were injured at 8 a. m., Sunday when the ear in which they were riding went. out of control km a curve on N. C. 208 about 13 miles north of Marshall and struck an embankment ,' Admitted to Memorial , Mission TTosnital in Asheville with severe lacerations of the hands and .arms was .Lonnie Treadway of Walnut, passenger, State Trooper J.. E. Richards said, , The driver, identified as Stan ley Otto Thunhan, 24, of Rt 4, Asheville, was given dispensary treatment for ' leg . lacerations. Another passenger, Norinan Cook of Black Mountain,' received hand lacerations. . ' T Richards' charged Thnrman with Arlt,nA nfn-rii-atoH -.and without 7 an ooeratbr's license. The inves tigation is continuing, -' Richards said. ,;,... t . , Swimmmgr Pool t , . VViUBe Closed - After This Sunday..' Bnddv SheltonJ life guard at the Marshall swimming pool, an nounced this week that the swim ming pool would be closed for the summer afler-this week-end." v "The pool will be oren on Satur day and Sun hay for the last time this year," Kr. Shclln said. . The a! h.g rink will, however, remain c, utu ' : .. . i .', . "W m.. '-'.,;i;, . , 1 'V IK V 4 - l -I n A v Hi People Seeking Emr'oj lent . Expected To Be LocakJ On I ' j and adioinine count s are invited ? Monday and-Tuesday where. applicaUunawiJl be ta tali hiaVi. achnoi irvmnajdum hv the. emnlover of the ., locafe on eie.MarsUall ByPss. Vium n SrOft JlVloclr On Ubth announced. . , By remaining at the tnat peopie wno-.are. now ,mpijrwi 400 workers as training and space y . , ntarvinvr Alrilled aa" well as unskilled ; Va f a. r - . - v ' ' ' - ' " ' ' finest dress manufacturers t. , pi --r-r ryr'rr- 2"r H(t t) te f -1 w 1 ! uons spo:;sox circus sunday . - America's oldest,1 and now. the , second largest "Big- Top" Circus, schedules 'afternoon performances only at the Hotel Grounds in Hot Springs on Sunday, September 9, under' the sponsorship of the Hot Springs Lions Club, announced by J. B. Tweed, . Entertainment chair man for the Lions. ''. 1 " Arthur W. fArt" Miller, general representative for Sells and Gray combined Circue, met with the Lions Club. -at which- time pre liminary arrangements were com pleted for bringing this famous circus here ' on - its 62nd annual tour. , . , The Lions Club will conduct an advance sale of both children and adult, tickets, and also share in . the receipts of the show on "Circus Day.? The proceeds going to the Children's Recreation Fund, and the Blind Fund. , ' . This will mark the first, appear ance of a major circus to visit our city in several j s. Gray, will arrive 1 playing a niBete1!! C ep!sement at the f ' ' sades Fark", New 1 . '3 and t .". . r .i-.'cr ;v3ice Ed Ihhs at F: h.r..;'' ", bas . ' e c" ! i t I'., t the :.. :