x- A 1 XW xx -NxN xvNxxv; xVVXxx ' It W ' - i J- U -. .. r.1 x "x V VX N X. X m " T . . , J i'h ,- n r -i VOL. 61 NO. 2 lc':zzzo Fcrr.:ra E2c3 To C:2cin 'u2i.c::o3 In 'G3 1 v Tobacco farmers hop to rgain tn 163 aoma of the groua4 lost with tho 1962 crop. Next year's barley crop support prices should increase by: about one per cent because of changes m parity prices, according to J. G. AUgood, extension farm man agement- specialist at North Car olina State College. a iito per cent decrease . in acreage has been announced for . MS .. A J 1963. vV Prices received by growers for their 1962 crop averaged v about four cents per pound less than In tho previous year. Contributing to these lower prices was, a low er quality and a larger portion of untied tobacco marketed, v "uovernmeut support; levels for untied tobacco are six cents per. pound less than for tied tobacco,' AUgood reminded. Burley production was 'expect ed to be increased by six per cent in 1962. The total supply about 2tt per cent; more than the pre vious year. Acreage was ,up a bout six per 'tm..rft 'iiyfi - Domestic use of f)ue-cured ta 1961-62 dropped about 10 million pounds. .Exports for the same pe- Ccndlcr Named -fo3rdWNCAli- Scholastic Team - ...... ..".'l." ! Clyde Candler, Marahall senior HarshaU Tornadoes. Yaa named as linebacker on the third WNC All-Scholastic' team, announced Tuesday, - Candler was the only Madison - County player making the first three teams. : ' ' Honorable mention J went to Tommy Nix, Marshall; Ray John son, Hot Springs; Bobby Fisher, Marshall; Ki chard Anderson, Mara Hill; Billy Roberts, Hot Springs; Johnny Moore, Hot Springs; Roger Suttles, Mars Hill; and Bill Smith, Hot Springs. MAN INJURED IN MADISON auto tnsnAP ' DUlard Gentry, about S6, of Rt 6, Marshall, was seriously Injur ed about 4:20 P- nk, Saturday when the car in which he was rid ing went off the road and down a 23-foot embankment on a Mad ison County unpaved . road, the State Highway Patrol reported. State Patrolman J. M. Shuler, who investigated, said Gentry suffered a broken back when he was thrown, tried to jump, from -the car as K went over the em bankment Gentry was admitted Jo. Immortal Mission Hospital In Asheville. r : cr of Ce ear, identified as r 1 it r.wnenJ T.'ilJa, 23, also -f Ti. S, V ..'.-H, was uiiiurt, r r X.'Z wt'.b d.iving X X" JV 12 PAGES THIS WEEK STORES, BANKS, AGENCIES TO BE CLOSED TUESDAY Practically all places of busi ness will oe closed here next Tuesday New Year's Day. In addition to the stores, the banks, courthouse, postoffice and the various agencies will be closed on Tuesday. Business will resume as usual on Wednesday. COASTGUARD ORDER GIVEN HAMMARLUND Hammarlund Manufacturing Co, has been awarded ft U. S. Coast Guard contract to design and manufacture single sQeband, com- patible amplitude . modulated ra- The ' new equipment ; wi3 be manufactured at . thf company plant in afars Hill, according to Don Nolte, manufacturing man ager. This is the second major coast guard contract awarded Hammar lund recently. The earlier eon- ttct called for the manufacture V " diotelephones. CLOSING DATE FOR 1962 ACP PROGRAM NEARS With the 1962 Agricultural 1 Conservation Program closing in a few more days, approximately 2400 farm operators within Mad ison County have signed Up to par ticipate in the program, accord ing; to figures released today by Emory Robinson, chairman of the county ASCS committee. - ;. Robinson reports that of this figure many fanners have quali fied for federal cost-sharing with the exception of ' reporting per formanee of practices which have already been approved and car ried out He pointed out that all farmers who have carried out ap proved practices should report performance to the ASCS office. Farmers who have not yet com pleted . the performance of previ ously approved practices were al so urged to complete and report them not later than Dee. 81, 196Z In Robinson's words, "Conserva tion of the soil and water resour ces is so vital to the welfare of the county, state and nation that we all must do everything we can to see that only good sound eon serration practices : are carried out on the land. . Under this year's ACP as well as the program planned for next year, conservation practices which (Continued to Last Page) MARSHALL. N. THOMAS BRUCE OF HOT SPRINGS DIES WEDNESDAY Prominent Druggist To Be Buried Friday Afternoon Thomas Melton Bruce, 48, prominent Hot Springs druggist died suddenly of a heart attack at his home Wednesday evening at 7:40 o'clock. Graveside rites will be held Fri day afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the Odd Fellows Cemetery in Hot Springs. The Rev. Harry Sellers, pastor of the Hot. Springs Metho dist Church, will officiate. Pallbearers will be Swann Huff, Bud Ramsey, Kenneth Bur- gin, Bill Whitten, James Gentry and Aubrey Ramsey. Honorary pallbearers are Charles Rhyne, Bill Williams, Robert Kir- by .Charles Schaffer, Joe Q. Til- son, Claude Runnion, Bill Collins, Ed Smith and Bon White. He is survived by his mother; Mrs. Lena Rufty Bruce, of Hot Springs. X Bruce was a graduate of the University of North Carolina and a veteran of World War II where he served In the Medical Corps. He was owner and operator of the Mountain Park Pharmacy In Hot Springs for many years. w-wx-ri' The body will lie in state at &)miiair Funeral "Jlou'a in Iar. shall until taken to the cemetery. A codicil is a written document , Correct your faults it's easi er than trying to, cover them up. Mayor Henderson Receives Important Letter; Work - Continues , The Hot Springs citizens were riven a boost in the arm this week when Mayor Joe R. Henderson received the following letter from McClellan Ratch ford, Regional Administrator; ; Dec 21, 1962 Honorable Joe R. Henderson ' ' ' , Mayor of the' Town of Hot Springs " Town Hall , - Hot Springs, North Carolina Dear Mayor Henderson: . " - The Review of Progress as submitted by Hot Springs under the Workable Program for Community Improvement has been thoroughly examined in this office and the Program has been recertified by Administrator Robert a Weaver. Hot Springs is ; to be commended for the steps taken to eliminate and prevent blighted areas and for the plans formulated to assure the order ' ly growth and development of the community in the future. The enclosed certificate has been prepared and signed by the Ad- tninistrator in recognition of Hot Springs' achievements during -the past year and this certificate should be proudly displayed - in a prominent place. :' '' " "" ' :f - A close examination of programs administered by this Ageu- ' cy will reveal that they are all geared to assist any community that is willing to help itself. As a certified participant in Work able Program activities, Hot Springs has shown that it is mak ing the necessary efforts to improve living conditions for its citisens. The personnel of this Agency are most anxious to help in any way possible during the coming year. In this respect our r staff has' prepared the attached list of comments end sugges tions which are offered for your consideration. j -Hot Springs' recertifkation will expire January 1, 1964, and the annual Review of Progress should be submitted 80 dsys pri or to that date. It at that time or durirz the course of this cer Itifkation year assistance of .any .nature is desired, please eon- . tact us. .' Again, Hot Springs to eongrst. ' of the past year and we are fookir; - tog relationship with your Town ia t" . - Sincerely y . - ITcCLTIXAN RATCHFOF.D, I 1 A - xxstrator xx.vx WX 1X3 7 C THURSDAY. DECEMBER f pa! IcauDEigs Giire oei, Looking Back At 1962 from The Files Of V. THE NEWS-RECORD Printed below are some of the interesting headlines of events which occurred from January 1, 1962 to December 27, 1962. ' JANUARY Doyle Rogers retires after 42 years with Tesgue Milling Com pany, r The Rev. Bobby Seagroves re signs psstorage at California Creek. Hot Springs citizens hear Pro' grass Report Vine-ripe tomatoes are fine money , crop. - Citisens protest Marshall post office action, x. Everett Tweed honored on 80th birthday. ' New wiring, poles installed by French Broad Electric Member ship Coon. . -wUC "drssliijf planned ta Lon County. . - x - - Officials," Firemen hapreve- fire house hers. ; r ' Sanford names TX M. Robinson V (Continued en Page Two) 1 on the achievements .var J to cordial work- ..'are. ' x Xxxx WxVWV Vxxxxxx 27. 1962 Ice, Sleet, Snow Cover County On Christmas Day A "white Christmas" was evidenced here Tuesday as ice, sleet and snow covered the country side and roads. Very little traffic was seen Christmas Day as most persons chose to remain in the warm and safe confines of their homes. Although roads were hasardous, no serious accidents have been re reported. Warming temperatures melted the ice and snow late Christmas Day and traffic was back to nor mal Wednesday. DISTRICT MEET: CO For the vast - two rears the USD A' has been giving serious consideration to conducting a Dis trict Wide Meeting of its ASC Community Committeemen. . According to. County ASC Of fice Manager,. District Wide Meet- ings of Tar. Heel Community Committeemen have been, planned for the Week of January T-U. He also announced that this special meeting of Committeemen : for District No. 10 which to composed of Alleghany, Ashe, Avery, Burke, Caldwell, McDowell, Madison, Mit chell, Watauga, and Yancey Coun ties has been scheduled for Thurs day, January 10, at Morganton. : The primary purposes of these meetings are to give recognition to the services rendered by farm er elected Community Committee men, to indoctrinate them on ASC Programs and to meet and ex change ideas with Committeemen from other counties. - Ramsey further explained that several of the Committeemen from Madison County will be presented citations either from the . State ASCS Committee or Secretary of Agricultural , for the contribution which they made under the 1962 special Agricultural Conservation Program. : 1x x : ' i V; In conclusion, Ramsey stated that he hoped every one of the County's 48 Community Commit teemen would be able to attend tikis first District Wide Meeting. DOY CAUGHT IN WRINGER ' r Baltimore, Md. It required the help of police to free the arm of Jay EIramon, 5, from a washfrg- machine wringer. The accident oe- cured when the chili was play ing around -the washer, and acci dentally got his hsnd csx ',t in the wringer. Police had ti I real the wrr'TT to free tr3 ' " x x x lOo PER COPT Garfield Davis Winner Of 300 Silver $$$; Franklin Wins Steer Garfield Davis, of Marshall RFD 4, was the winner of the top prise of 300 silver dollars at the third and final drawing' of the Marshall Merchants Association held in front of the courthouse Monday afternoon. Wendell Franklin, of Marshall RFD 4, was the winner of the prise reserve 1050-pound steer, given away by the Marshall Li ons Club at the drawing held im mediately following tho Mer chants drawing. . One of the largest crowds ever seen in Marshall was on hand for the drawings with the sidewalks, courthouse lawn and courtroom filled with people holding orange tickets. Although the "stakes were highest Monday of the three draw ings, it took only S5 minutes to find' the lucky holders. The li ons Cub drawing, naturally, last ed -only a few minutes as names were written on the stubs, . :. j Little Miss 'Carolyn Graham, daughter; el Mr. and Mrs. TX J. Urafcam, of. Karsnan kiii i. crew the tickets, x , : A complete list of winners at Tows:.' " ' xyxx. J-. Fruit Cake (Colonial Bahwty), Ronnie Holland, Biff Laurel. Mar shall Rt. . .''--? t Sia0 Basket of groceries (Di ie Grocery): Miss Joyce Ball, St J 5, Marshall. S&99 Table Lamn. Beft-Breome: Mrs. Gene Payne, Rt 1, AWxsjk der. " ' " S25.00 Savings Account (C3U- sens Bank): R. B. Fisher, Rt S, MarshslL 60 Silver Dollars (MerchanU Association): Mrs. J. B. Cook, Rt V Marshall. 100 Silver Dollars, Merchants Association): Miss Patsy Norton, Rt 4, Marshall. I I -150 Silver Dollars, (Merchants Association): Bill Brigman, Mar shall. . . " 800 Silver Dollars (Merchants Association): Garfield Davis, Rt 4. MarshalL ; UONS DRAWING . Steer: Wendell Franklin, Rt 4, MarshalL .. - ; " - 2 caliber Rifle: Nkk Thomas. Box 8002. Aaheville." Eectrie Fry, Pan: Oscar Back ner, Rt. 2, MarshalL Wagon: W. F. Fender, Rt S. MarshalL "x X . vx County ASCS C: Vill Be Closed ::, " la c' 1 T. " uiry 1, La l::rvi..; t- i i cT r .... j . "