A, THE NEWS-RECORD VOL. 62 NO. 1 PAGES THIS WEEK MARSHALL, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 3, 1963 10c PER COPY $.1.1(1 A Year In Madison & Adjoining Counties $4.IM) A Year Outside These Counties Breakins At Hot Springs Mar Christmas Holidays More Than $1,500.00 Taken In Merchandise Last Friday Night A rash of break ins in and near' Springs dining the Christ inas holidays caused the usually 1 1 1 1 1 L and peaceful citizens and officers of Hot Springs great con i ein during the past few nights i Police Chief I.eroy .Johnson and Sheriff K. V. I'onder described c rash of break-ins as the corst ever experienced in the unty in such a short spun." The first hreakin occurred ear ly Wednesday morning, Decembei 2l when the Mountain Park 1'har it: a cy was entered and a safe was lipped operj about 4:3(1 a. in According to Chief Johnson, K W. I'onder, who resides in an ad loining building to the drug stop", was awakened by noises coining I coin the di ng stoic I'oniler dot is! t be drug stoic and by so do mg, 'I is thought that tin parties who bioke in!,, the drug spin were frightened away by the ring ing of the telephone II was later disco, . red that thi thieves had ripped open a sa hut nothing v:i in is.-i i ;g from the afo or tlie ii ug 1 ,,i c I'lnrf I, dm on notified Shei iff I'onder : : i -1 I lie 1 1 1 v e -! i a t io ( i i i n 1 i i; , ii i v el. I, ai lo hax e been Hot ist Page) SALT IN DIET OF FARM ANIMALS IS IMPORTANT Fre.-?ck E. Boss, assistant, county agent, gays few farmers realize thu importance of salt in the diet of their animals. All an imals on the farm should have have access to free choice salt. Adequate salt could prevent ma ny cattle and sheep losses to pois onous weeds. Most livestock would avoid these plants as, long as they have enough salt, hut if traded hv the sham, or saltv. te or tnese plants. Findings of scientists at Purdue ('Diversity show the importance of salt as a feed saver. They found that a dollar's worth of salt saved $478.00 worth of feed Salt and good fresh water free choice, will put the cheapest gams on our livestock of any other feed we have available. 1111,11 COS'I Thoughts of retaliation and re ilwavs a lihility, novel' cnge are an asset. CP SETS 1963 SIGN-UP DATES The Madison County ASC com mittee, in their meeting on Dec. LIT, made certain determinations regarding the 19f3 Agricultural Conservation Program, according to Ralph W. Ramsey, manager of the Madison County ASCS office. One of these determinations was the date for conducting the initial sign-up under the 1063 program It was determined that the sign up would hegin on Monday, Jan 21 and contiuue through Jan. 31 Farmers who sign up during this period will be given priority over cither farmers in their approvals, therefore it is urgent that farm ers contact the office between January 21 and February 1 and make application for assistance in establishing practices most needed on their farms in 1963. In conclusion, Mr. Ramsey stat ed that details of the sign-up, -long with a list of practices arail able to farmers in Madison Coun ty would be mailed to farmers prior to the beginning of the sign-up. DEMO WOMEN TO CELEBRATE NOV. WIN NEXT WEEK The .1 anna i y meet i ng of t h e : M :l" 1 '"" ounly Women s nemo i era 1 " I'ai'ty will he he'd Wednes day night, January Hi, house at 7:311 o'clock. The date change was due to so many has ketball games scheduled m t be county Twos, lav night Zen,, I'onder will discuss the party' - vi, tory in November and a social get together will be held nl the Ci ill following the meet mg lo celebrate the November vie All uiembe! s arc urged to end Bowl Games Are Interrupted By Brush Fire Here M., t fn em. n. glued lo lie I o g. 1 ; i ' . , ! w at hum a h,, T i, la all. II u , , lis 1 .i Ileal 1 i Mi a., i Mi i: a a l-l . I'i.e Ihleateo, , ii. , 1 1 c k I y blaze was witn tmti 4r Are CHRISTMAS TREE SEEDLINGS NOW AVAILABLE Landowners of Madis. mn ly, who do not have t he lime t o closely manage iritei pi i.es on their land, may receive a profit able income by planting- Christ mas trees. The state nursery has available four year old Fraier Kir seedlings fill $0,1.(10 per thous and. KiaiiT Fit is iceoinmendc.1 as a most desirable specie because of its noodle holding capacity, do sirable color, and outstanding aro ma. The only drawback to this specie is that it does the best at altitudes of 2100 feet and higher. .Although we have had some sue e ess f ill plantations at lower alii ludes on Northeast exposures. The big advantage of Christmas trees over the forest interprizes is that you get a payday in about seven years. Not only is there a good mai ket for cut t rocs, b u t many of the men who have plant ed these trees have found a good market for ball and bin lapped ( t rocs t hat have been dug up and the i. ,,(; ball inca ed in bill lap) I ,. r no in I a n,l ca pin g. This p rac ice II dally shortens the n 11 lllhel of . a i I .. harvc ! . minimum amount , ,f dialing', cent 1 needed fo ('In i in ,, 1 1 s. A I'i. e Hie plan' :ng op. i a tlol, ether thai! Keeping ,.,. : plant from ha.lui.' . ! i i lab.,, f ,,' abed! line, Veal the f,,,,,, ve.-ll III. 1 ,.uld 1. , until hurvi , Anyone , I , me inn ctia .. contact th ! Christmas t roes lings or hi o , tv agents offiei During This First Week Of 1963 Let Us Resolve To Promote And Work Together For A More Progressive County You Willing To Do Your Part? More Conservation Practices Mills Manufacturing Corp. Expcted To Start Here Soon BEEF CUTTING DEMONSTRATION F. E. Boss, assistant county agents, reports 3hat a beef cut ting demonstrstiflB- on "how to cut a beef cercaSB tip for home free?, ing" will be held at the UFA Building, January 17 at 10 a. m Mr. John Christian, Food Process ing Specialist irom State College, will give the demonstration; be will discuss the various cuts, how to prepare and wrap for storage. The public is invited. Firemen's Auxiliary To Meet Tuesday TheTPiremen's Auxiliary of tin Marshall Volunteer Fire Depart meet, will meet Tuesday evening at K o'clock in the American Legion hall. All members pre urged to at Know today what you plan to i tomorrow it's only the finish I product that counts. Increases In Postal Rates Start Monday 1962 SAVINGS BONDS SALES AT PAR WITH '61 Series F and II Savings Pond ales in .North Carolina for I In month of November amounted P .'1,7W,!!!, which is nearly I ' below No ember sale of Idol ( mm Sax a iig;- II, 111 the Sis' ,() l!bll XXel. I,- than 1 Janna ry -Nox cits.:; i ii. Tin low sales f, nod of IPC, Mad ison County wen- $.1,11 ,." according to ( . I.. Kmli ill -1 1 Madison County Volunteer Sav ings Pond Chairman. For th, year Pond sales totaled $ 1 ::s.l).1'J which is HI. IP; of the County's (piota for the year. 4 4 Development of Natural Resources 4t Minimum Size Of Envelopes Are Als oChanged For Mailing The I Idled Stat I lepartim id ha i tatting next Mom I !;:;, po .tal rates Culled States will The new po lal I folh.W h i, 1 , i , h t'e Pool OfflC, nnounied that ay, January 7, tbrougho it the Air M. 4t V AX 4? Will Produce Parachutes, Components, Building Now Ready A uhsidiaiy of Milk- AJanufae ! ui ng I 'in p,d at en, located on t he . ax eix lib' Highway ileal he villi-, i , sped, ,1 t,, tail opera I o.l la I. in the Ileal I III lire The Mai hall plant i ... aled on the ..utli ide ,,f th. French lip.al I .' 1 1 , i opp.. it. i he husine , 1 1 lii,1 in the building general y it mn, I, ,1 a- the 'Cotton M.ll Build mg tins tin i Id mg was la-, e. S..i en , a limit Wood pa t ral month the I ig road been 1 eady (Ii l 1 I Is I'' ! i t: ui' i;u adiiiti ( U t JUiHTtt . 1 1 a i n i n pr of cinpl H'jjin in a laiyt' Th the first fl, - The very finest and most ex acting in textile fabrication '? customary at Mills Mfg. Corpora tion. Experience since 1935 in manufacturing textile products for specialized military and commer cial use has resulted ' a well- j sEhs and practical k..wj..!opp'1 I ne exact, uaic oi mc d,. , w the training period is expected to be announced in a few days Needless to say, th . itizens ot Marshall and Madis' . -untx a', most anxious to ..pond im , begin and the a M lis Manufacturing Coi i cer tain to elevate the spn o i and around Marshall. RED CROSS HONOR ROLL . lielow is published a list of per sons giving $,1.0(1 or mole to the American Red Cross Drive now underway in Madison County: Marshall Chapter Eastern Star Sprinkle-Shelton Cm Fred O. Tilson Mrs. 0. A. Cregory Service Motor Sales, In,' Roberts Pharmacy Vena C. Davis Dr. W. A. Sams Carolina Beauty Salon Nationwide Insurance Co. State Farm Insurance Mrs. S. H. Roberts Dr. J. L. McElroy Cody Motor Sales Howard Payne William V. Farmer .lack Guthrie Mr. and Mrs. Jim Story H. V. Fisher A. S. Hadacek Neill Ross Bob Coray ,Ioc King Dr. and Mrs. Hoyt Blackwell Miss Eva Brewer Mrs. Margaret Bridges M. H. Kendall Mary C. Logan Mr. and Mrs. William L. Lynch Mr. and Mrs. John A. McLeod Frances M. Snelson Mrs. Julia Tilson Ron Sprinkle Mrs. George B. Shupe Harry Silver Marshall Firemen's Auxiliary Mrs. J. J. Ramsey Boyce Mayhew Joe Eads