MARSHALL, N. C, JAN. 8, 1998 PAGE FOUR Married Dec. 28 The News - Record Published Weekly At MARSHALL, N. C. NON-PARTISAN IN POLITICS Second-clans mail privileges authorized at Marshall, N. H. L. STORY, Owner and Publisher J. I. STORY, Managing Editor HE fit kPK ;Vv HJHSCRIPTION RATES OUTSIDE MADISON COUNTY 16 Months $6.00 One Year $4.00 Sii Months $3.00 Throe Months $2.00 Airmail 30c Per Week EDITORIAL DO YOU REMEMBER? In this fast moving; world it's hard enough to keep up with daily changes and happenings. It's even harder to keep up with what's already happened much less remembering when it happened. If we were to ask you what important things happened in Madison County this time a year ago, we doubt if you could remomber many of them. What about three years ago or five years ago? Time flies so swiftly many things which happened several years ago seem to be much more recent then the facts re veal. In last week's issue, we published many impor tant happenings which occurred during 10(2. Some of them, we'll admit, were surprising. Several read ers have commented about the review and stated that it was very interesting. In this first issue of 190.'!, we decided to do a little more research and see what happened during past years in January. Do you remember? January, 1961 Mrs. Callie Stamey, 80-year-old mother of IK children, who resides near Hot Springs, was treated PViday by a physician for the first time in her life. Conservation District encourages planting of white pine trees in Madison County. Commissioners go on record to encourage industry in county. Berry W. Stines, retired member of State Highway Dept., dies. Mrs. C. M. Hinkle honored on 90th birthday, Jan. 8. Broken gasoline valve causes dangerous lire at B&B Oil Co., between Marshall and Walnut . Dr. John F. Ditunno speaks at Marshall C of C. A. E. Leake named county heart fund chairman. Need for county hospital discussed here. L. L. Story dies J&nua,' 19. r; r ,i f n -i n tt: i-. i i ... . i . . I , " ill, 'S U I . ,l1lll.:-X-aLV ' cME... trHZ who had been home from Clemson aHmm iWitif fna Violin fl 7Q rP . January, I960 299 persons receive eye examinations as Dr. Lord praises Marshall, Hot Springs Lion Clubs. W. W. Peek chosen to head department on State Board of Education in Raleigh. Mary T. Morris, dies Dec. 31, 195!). ('. E. Mashburn named to Regional Plan ning Commission. Dr. Robert L. Holt new dean of Instruction at East Carolina College. D. J Jam's 70, of Mars Hill, RFD 2, killed while crossing road! C. D. Sawyer new pastor at Seminary. Milam Wall recommended for MAAC Award. Ben Firsby, Sr., and Ben Frisby, Jr., injured in car-truck wreck.' Dr. A. M. Ramsey reelected to board of health. Dr. Sams sponsored as "General Practitioner of the Year". Rev. Lester Crayton resigns pastorates at Enon and North Fork. January, 1959 J. Frank Fisher accepts post with Land Bank. Mail boxes damaged in county. Alaska becomes 49th State of Union. Miss Louise McClure sells book of poems. Mrs. John N. Mitchell Jr., joins staff of welfare dept. here. Mrs. Joe Eads seriously injured in wreck Jan. 15. Mrs. Fred Tilson passes Tuesday, Jan. 13. Apartment and house burn near. Walnut. Dr. Robert Seymour resigns pastorate at Mars Hill Baptist Church. Laurel 4-H'ers win district contest. Rural fire truck now ready to answer calls. Mrs. Minnie S. Ramaey passes Jan. 14. Ed Candler award ed $60,000 by railroad. Madison teams enter! Class A Pisgah Conference. Fire destroys garage apt. of Doyle Rogers. January, i William Morgan Wilde dies Jan. 1. Judges of superior court don robes. Folk material presented Mars Hill College by Bascom Lamar Lunsford. Dr. Lee Knight now in Marshall. Vance Davis of Spring Creek licensed to preach. Ramsey's Dept. Store under new management. J. M. Baley renominated District Attorney. Hubert Edwards to manage Black Mountain theater. Whitehurst Scholarship Fund aids students at MHC. January, 19S7 Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Roberts have first baby of 1967 in WNC. Paul Bice new Master of local Masonic Lodge. Ira Massey, Walnut RFD 1, passes Jan. 3. Judge Felix Alley Passes Jan. 6. J. M. Baley, Sr., passes Jan. 9. D. D. Gross speaks to Marshall PTA. Patsy Ann Reeves of Walnut named sponsor at pre-Inaugural ball. Howard Banks accepts posi tion in tax office here. Girl Scout fund reaches 1731.60. W. G. McDaris, asev of Walnut passes Jan. Ran Walnut, dies Jan. 22. Trailer loaded tilth alfalfa SUHSCRIPTION KATES IN MADISON - RUNCOMHE COUNTIES 15 Months $3.00 One Ytsar $2.50 Eight Months $2.00 Six Months . $1.60 Four Months $1.00 TV t MnjJH r i5a., ainuer nmC with their parents Mr. and Mrs. O. M. ITarvis Mrs. J. W. Huff. 1958 70, dies Jan. 16. R. V. 16. R. R. Ramsey, of Hot Svtinqs News R. C. KIHBY, Correspondent Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Izlar, of Chattanooga, Tcnn., and Mr. and 'Mrs. Henry Short of Lynchburg, Va., were recent guests of Mrs. ('. Burgin. J Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Painter and children of Sylva were guests (if Mrs. Painter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Burgin through the holidays. Mrs. Mary Rumbough of Ashe ville, who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. Lena Bruce, has returned home. Rev. and Mrs. Harry Sellers were visiting relatives in Brevard and made a trip to South Caroli na during the holidays. Charles Treadway of Nashville, Tenn., spent several days in Hot .Springs recently, the guest of M". and Mrs. Bill Whitten. Miss Charlotte Moore and Miss Linda Ramsey were home for Christmas. They are attending school in Asheville. Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Smiicrel of Grapevine HD Club Met Here jfoTtptmas P&rtf i man secair visited thee II D Club met for and Mras Party in the REA JVfng in Marshall, Dec. 21, at m., with Mrs. Addie Martin, thas or air1. i I Mrs. Faye Calloway and Mrs. Jack Martin as hostesses. There wore ay holiday decorations, a burly tier and a friendly greet ing for all. The meeting was call ed to order by our president, Mrs. Hazel I'rnffitt. We were very happy to have her with u this Christmas, since two Christ mases before our greetings wen! to her in a hospital. Our devo tions were given by Miss Faye Hensley, reading from I, like 2:14, and prayer was by Miss Joyce Gosnell. Mrs. Wallin, our home agent, welcomed all and gave an interesting talk on keeping Christ mas Christian. She led the group in singing several of the best lov ed Christmas Carols. Under her direction, stories, songs or scenes were acted out by different groups until the other groups guessed the meaning of what they were doing. This being a family affair, we were all, young and old alike, bursting with excitement, anxious to know what was waiting us, banked under the tree. Every body brought a gift, so everyone would receive a gift. The club members at this party revealed who their Secret Pals were. After many 'thank youV were said, with lots of oh's and ah's, and "I just couldn't guess who my secret pal was," lovely Christmas gifts overturns near Eads home. Four arrested following flare-up at Old Bull Creek Baptist Church. January, 1956 Billy Ramsey, 21, of Marshall, killed by car in Mich., Dec. 30, 1955. Parking Meters to be enforced here. Fred Sams sells interest in Model Grocery. Marshall Baptist Church to be razed; new church planned. Dan Windsor new manager Watson's store here. Rev. John B. Link now pastor at Warrenton. January, 1955 A. E. Leake, William Reeves begin new law firm here. F. Ray Frisby joins Sorensen Bent Wood Corp., here. Bookmobile endorsed for county. Connor Tweed escapes injury in wreck. Leo White Award ed Honorary Fellowship by Rocket Society. New soil conservation practice approved for county. Hugh Tilson speaks at Mars Hill HD meet. Marshall gym nasium delayed 60-90 days. Sons of Henry Clay Ed wards making brilliant records at N. C. State. Brad- burn announces MHS schedule. mix - W HKjg Shown above is the Christ Harvesters Quartette which will perform during the revival mission which will be held at the Walnut Presbyterian Church Jan uary 11 through January 13. The public is invited to attend the services. West Asheville, have returned home after a week's visit in Hot Springs, noon, Dec. 28, tH12 at her home. Dr. and Mrs. Robert Henderson a form(?r resi(icn( of tht. of Roanoke, Va., came home f'Forks f ,vy section of Buncombe a few days last weeK to visa their parents. Mr. William Haddad of Clem son College visited friends Hoi Springs last week. Dr. James R. Norton, formerly of Spruce Pine, has moved to H't Springs. Citizens of Hot Springs are de lighted to know that our Clinic is now open, and medical atten tion is only a few steps away. Dr. James R. Norton and family, for- . -,. merly of Spruce Pine, are now residents of Hot Springs and all aro happy that they are here. The Clinic was officially opened Jan. 1, and it appears that the folks there are busy as bees. Drop by and welcome these fine folks to our community. were spread on the table and de licious holiday refreshments were served to the 4 present. The thev did a wonueijfu joBy- The following t . V e-B-B-B-B-B-Bfr 'V njay-rthe bountiful treat: Mrs. Ethel Wallin, Ruby Cos nell, Eilene Hensley, Kdna Cos nell, Faye Calloway, Dorothy Ar lington, Hael Proffitt, Kenneth Miss Sarah Hi-th Richard -on, Hensley, Sgt. Troy K. Martin, daughter ol' Dr. and Mi I . K Carl K. Shook. Delbert Aldington, J. I.. Martin, Misses Judy Cos- I nell, Clinda Wyatt. Hrenda Banks, l.oretta Cosnell. Janice Coates. Faye Hensley, Anna Lou Silver, Mrs. A n n a I! e 1 1 e Silver,, Bonnie Cosnell, Hetty Lou Clark, Addie Martin. Clendia Martin, Kathleene Clark, Doris Roberts James Arrington, Jack Martin, Hill Roberts, Robert Martin, Ron nie Hensley, Judy Ann Coats, Bar bara Wild, Hilda Cosnell, Amelia Coats, Jayce Cosnell, Kaye Hens ley Shirley Bradley, Kathy Callo way, and Masters Allen Roberts, Dannie Martin, Michael Silver, David Martin, Rrian Martin, Al lan Arrington, Mary Agnes Ar rington. A lovely time was reported by all. It's with regrets we did not do more for our Club in '62, but with higher hopes for the New Year. We take this time to say may God bless every Home Maker in our land, for there is no place like home. Good bye for '62. THE G. V. HD CLUB Our next meeting will be in the home of Mrs. James H. Arrington January, 1963, 7 p. m., all visitors are welcome. MBS. J. D. GOSNELL, Publicity Chairman Mrs. Myrtle Roberts, Former Forks Of Ivy Resident, Dies Friday Mrs. Myrtle Roberts, ('.'!, of At- ' die(J ,agl FriJ afto, County. Surviving are one sun, 11. 1 Roberts of Atlanta; three sisters Mr: Kthel McDonald of Ashe- ville, Mrs. Katherine Holbrook ,,f VVeaverville, and Mrs. Alma Kite of Atlanta; three brothers, Plato Moss of Spartanburg, S. C, and G. M. and Marvin Moss ol VVeaverville. Services were held at 2 p. m today (Thursday) at Piney Moun tl liu,-4wt Church Burial was . ' . ... in the church cemetery with nc j " 1 " , Holcombe Funeral Home was , in charge. With The Sick f. 3ft 3f, Jf" V Miss Kmma Logan was dis missed from Greeneville (Tenn.) Hospital after six weeks' treat- ninnl- n il io unn iiqIdchiti rr at girls inl J, l, j-jfBluff. Mr. and Mrs. Jofcn B. Lo- r.hev mo & . . gan of Amboy, Illinois, re with her for the winter. Mr. and Mrs Oscar Palmer, Rome, C,a are visiting their aunt for New Year's holiday Richard-mi of Wise, Va., and for merly of Mars Hill, lias hern transferred to University Hospi- tal, Charlottesville, Va., where she is undergoing treatment at ter being a patient m Memorial Mission Hospital for several weeks. 'STRANGE OBJECT' EXPLODES Columbus, Ohio Finding a strange-looking object in a build ing at a golf course where he works, Carl Whalen, 14, used a hammer and nail to pry it open. 1)Url!U w'" 00 ln tlle church cem The resulting explosion sent him I elery wilh nephews serving as to a hospital, rather seriously in- i pallbearers. jured. The object a dynamite Surviving are three sons, Roy cap. IF IN NEED OF Letterheads Envelopes Statements Visiting Cards Business Cards Promisory Notes Chattel Mortgages Warranty Deeds State Warrants Land Posters Contact THE NEWS-RECORD MARSHALL, N. C. Mr. Lynwood H. Hill Former Mars Hill Man Marries In Jonesboro The wedding of Miss Nancy Ann Shorfey and Lynwood Harold Hill took place Friday, December 28, at 7 p. in., in Sulphur Springs Methodist Church in Jonesboro, lennessee. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hal Walker Sherfey of ' is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. I ..... , . Hill, also ol RFD 2, Jonesboro, formerly of Mars Hill, N. C. The double ring ceremony was I performed by the Rev. Herschel Davidson anil nuptial music was presented by Miss Sandra Lee Deakins, cousin of the bride. (liven in marriage by her fath er, the bride wore a floor length gown of taffeta and imported lace, a waist length veil attached to a pearl headpiece and carried I white roses on a white Bible. r' it.... :.. n: . 1111 cum,1,i '",aa MUIJ" c'ol,d. ma"' honor, was attired 111 strt''1 lt,nKth red taffeta an. I earned a white carnation nose gay. Miss Honna Louise I' ergu another usin, was nndes- Mrs. Eva McDevitt Passes Wednesday; Funeral Friday Mi- Kva Reeves M.Dcvitt, 77 of Rt. 1, Mar. hal, died at noon Wednesday, .Ian. li, I'.Mi.'j in an Asheville hospital after a two weeks illness. Services will be at 2:30 p. m., Friday at Red Hill Free Will Haptist Church. The service will be conducted by Miss Frances Radford and and Johnny of Rt. 4, Marshall, and Calvin McDevitt of Miami, Fla.; one daughter, Mrs. R. B. Chandler of Marshall; two broth ers, George Reeves Sr., and A. S. Reeves, both of Rt. 4, Marshall; one sister, Mrs. C. L. McDowell of Asheville; five grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. She was the widow of J. H. Mc Devitt, who died in 1950.: She was active in church 'work -jlll her adult life. The body will be taken frotn Bowman Funeral Home -to. the residence at 4 p. m. today day) and will remam ,fher itfltill placed in the chufeh ontf prior to the service. a bi a. Set 0 SHIFTS ROLE Ware, Mass. An hpur "after Mrs. Samuel C. Fullam, a nurse at Mary Lane Hospital, assjstled when Mrs. Frances H. Martin, of Brookfield, gave birth to her four teenth child, the stork visited Mrs. Fullam, presenting ner "Wt&i i co farm is that of properly ac- daughter. Helps Heal Ami Clear Itchy Skin Rash! Zemo liquid or ointment a doc- antiseptlc, promptly relieves , stops scratching ana so teal and clear surface skin maid. She was in sapphire blue and had white carnations. Bob Mason of Kingsport served as best man and Dale Ford, Mack Garden, Sheridan Ferguson and Gary Rowe, both cousins of tin1 bride, ushered. The bride's mother chose beige brocade with matching accesso ries and a green carnation cor sage. The mother of the bride groom was dressed in peacock blue crepe, matching accessories and a pink carnation corsage. Mrs. Hill is a graduate of Sul phur Springs High School and East Tennessee State College. Mr. Hill, a graduate o(f Mars Hill High School, attended Mars Hill College and is also a graduate of East Tennessee State College. They will live in Jonesboro af tor a wedding trip to Nashville Mrs. Hill Reaches jjojrljsl. mil history in the Boones Creek High School and Mr. Hill, who former ly taught and coached in ti' Washington County school sys tem, is employed with Mason- i Dixon ( ompany in Kingsport. ALLANSTAvn MRS HIRCHARD SHBLTON The Rev. Charles Hoi-- U, of the Larger Parish, preached leal i -rinioii ti i. .-mi stand last Sundav morning, usin tor the theme, "Resolutions." Not too many attended due to the very cold day. We hope to have him come again in the near fu ture. Mi. Dean Trimble returned to school at Cullowhee last Monday after spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Trimble. Mr. Kenneth Gahagan, of the Merchant Marines, is spending a few weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Gahagan. Mrs. Gahagan is improving from a broken leg. Mr. Owen rish. principal o f - ogling nigll ociiulm, iiu suddenly taken ill with lumbag last week. He was in bed for four days, and then was taken to the dentist with an abcessed tooth, which lasted the remainder of his Christmas vacation. We are wishing him a speedy recovery. (Thurs-ICOULDN'T BREAK IN Phoenix, Ariz. Tony Mendo Via, 42-year-old trusty, found it was easier to break out of jail (than to break in. Mendoza sneak ed out, got drunk and then tried to sneak back in. It didn't work. you cm get RELIEF FROM HEADACHE PAIN STANBACK gives you FAST relief from pains of headache, neuralgia, neuritis, end minor pains of arthritis, rheumatism. Because STANBACK contains several medically-approved and prescribed ingredients for fast relief, you can take STANBACK with confidence. Satisfaction guaranteed! 10 25 69 98 Test AM tftm mm STANBACK n ,lm against any ilfl1lI ll'Sl preparation BtllilkllJaUlJH yerajaaiatl I ' . -- 1 1

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