,'"f" MARSHALL, N. a, JAN. 17, 1968 THE HEWS-RECORD PAGE Applications Being Accepted For New Tobacco Allotments ASCS Office Lists February 15 At Closing Date For Filing The local ASCS office is now accepting applications for 1963 New farm burley tobacco allot ments. Only bonified tobacco pro ducers who own and will operate a farm on which no tobacco allot ment is established for 1963 can qualify for a new allotment. Ralph W. Ramsey, ASCS office manager for Madison County points out that (he applicant must meet each and all of the eligibili ty requirements in order to get a new allotment established: (1) The farm operator shall have had experience in growing tobacco for at least two years out of the past five years, either as a tenant, farm operator, or sharecropper; (1) The farm operator must live on and obtain 50 or more of his 1963 income from the farm on which the application is filed; (3) The farm covered by the applica tion shall be the only farm owned by the operator for which a bur ley allotment is established; (4) The farm shall be operated by the owner thereof. Ramsey said that the one re iiuirement which barred most ap plicants from being eligible was t hat of deriving oir ; or more o f om the fa cm o it applying. He fur that in deterniin tbi'ir incoi which they I her explained I in:'- the farms in ,-vi.eeted income ported tobacco applicant is rm l I II ci N c 1 11 lull. I'Yhruary filing an fc mm;:: i u y pi dlotment ,f tin . Rims the clo 'V ng ROARING FORK Mm. Hubrt Pangle, Writer Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Allison and baby spent Saturday night with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Allison. Mrs. Tisha Fowler had the fol lowing children home for dinner Sunday: Mrs. Fred Gunter and son of Laurel; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fowler and son, Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur Fowler, Debby and Sandra, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Holt and Kenneth Cowan of Asheville. All enjoyed the visit with their moth er and the good dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Pangle and Ken visited Mr. and Mrs. Dan Gardin Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs Wade Gardin and sons visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mathus of Spring Creek. Kdna Ruth Holt visited Mar guerite Kimberly Sunday. Mrs. Carolina Pangle, Clary, and Stcvie Frjsbee visited Mr. and Mrs. Dan Gardin Sunday af ternoon. Dewey Allison visited his par ents over the weekend. ;.r. Thomas Allison, Mr. Kd- J ward Wyatt, Mr. and Mrs. Ar i t liur Fowler, I lebbv and Sandra visited Mr. and Mis. Ilui.ei I I'm gle Sunday. J Mr-. Carolina I 'angle and Ste vie Frisl.ee i iteil Mi Sprii. er I Rollins Fridav. date fc ipplaaiio ley allot merit for it. any interested for a i !;.'! farm n I ow ner o t hinks he can meet all t h r iiuuirements should contact the ASCS Office in Marshall for the details anil making a formal ap Send The News-Record To Your Boy In Service Y r Y- EYES EXAM INFO GLASSES FITTF.P bv DR l.OCKARI) w A M to 12 Noon FRIDAYS THE L. P ROBERTS BUILDING W A KS HALL, S. C WEAVER VILLE 10 acres with good six-room house, spring, fruit trees, 2 acres in timber, 710 acre tobacco allotment, dose in $10,000.00. ,'?2 acres with 510 acre tobacco allotment, barn. 4 room frame house with water, bold stream through property; a real buy at $10,500.00. 36 acres with approximately 8 acres in bottom land, plenty of good timber, 2 springs. 7 10 acre to bacco allotment, bold stream through property, front ing good all-weather road. $8,000.00. 20 acres with tobacco allotment, modern G-room house, barn, .' masonry broiler houses fully equipped with automatic waterers and feeders, tractor and equipment, 2 wells, 40-foot late mod 1 house trailer, fronting on paved highway. This farm will afford an industrious man an income of $150.00 per week. Price $37,000.00. 2 acres with 410 acre tobacco allotment, on pav ed road, large tobacco barn, 2-bedroom house with bin-fed stoker heat, basement, electric hot water heater, range, freezer, washing machine, bath, also large three-room house with bath and automatic oil heat, with two car garage. All this for only $15, 000.00. Terms. R. Wiley Smith 40 South College St. Telephone 645-6086 As Thou Goest Mars Hill, N. C. January 12, 1963 To the Editor, Newg-Record Marshall, N. C. Dear Mr. Story: I wonder if you could aometlm publish this poem as a filler-in? I think it is comforting and help ful. I almost envy the opportunity you editors have to influence lives for good. Oh, the power of the press! 1 am enjoying my News-Record. I pass them on to other peo pie after reading them. Respectfully, MRS. I,. I,. VANN The poem, with the above title, is published below: "As thou goest, step by step, 1 will open up the ay before thee." I'rov. 4:12. (Heb. Trans.) Child of My love, fear not the un known morrow, Dread not the new demand life makes of thee; Thy ignorance doth hold no cause for sorrow Since what thou knowest not is known to ME. Thou canst not see today the hid den meaning Of my command, but thou the light shalt gain; Walk on in faith, uMn My prom rse learning, And AS THOU GOEST all shall he made plain. One step thou seest then go (.ui-ward boldly. line step is fa r eiiougli for fail h to see: Take that, ami thy next duly shall be toili Hue, Fur STE I' ISY ST El' the l.oi I is leading thee. Stand not in feai thy adversaries i oiml in-,', I lai e every pel il. -a e to diso bey; Thou shalt march on, all obstacle.-, surmounting, Kor I. the Strong, Wild, OPEN HI' THE WAY. Wherefore go gladly to the last, assigned thee, Having My promise, needing nothing more Than just to know, where'er th. future find thee, In all thy journeying I go bofor Mars Hill News MRS. J. W HUPP, Correspondent Mrs. Walter P. Smith and lit tle son and daughter, who went with her husband and his parents on a trip to Texas at the begin ning of the holidays, is expected to return this week-end. Mr. Smith returned for the college opening two weeks ago. And Mrs. Harry Wells, who has been with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Duff, and their baby son in Raleigh, since Dec. 27, is expected to re turn this week-end, also. Mrs. R. V. Ebbs is recuperat ing at her home now from sur gery which she underwent three weeks ago in an Asheville hospi tal. Mr. and Mrs. Plato Reese, who have both been ill recently, were able to make a trip to Charlotte last week-end to see their daugh ter, Miss Marian Reese. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Harris visited his son and family in Greeneville, Tenn., week-end be fore last. Mrs. Harris was suf fering from "the flu" last week end. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Edwards and his mother and aunt, Mrs. Es sie Edwards and Mrs. Clota Lip pard went to Raleigh last Friday for the funeral on Saturday of Mr. W. F. Mitchell at Youngs ville. His widow is the former Miss Irene Edwards, of Mars Hill, a niece of Mrs. Lippard and Mrs. Edwards. Meet the first beginnings; look to the budding mischief before it has time to ripen to maturity. Tax Return Signer Are Responsible The taxpayer whose signature appears on his Federal tax re turn is responsible for the facts and figures in it. Mr. J. E. Wall, District Director of the Greens boro District Office, said this is true of the return is prepared with help from the U. S. Internal Revenue Service. And, he added final date for filing that 1962 tax return is April 15. 1 go nolore, Selected Farmer's Tax Guide According to Mr. John E. Wall, District Director, Internal tteve nue Service, Greensboro, fanners in this area can get some valuable lips from an official publication of Internal Revenue Service. It's the "Farmer's Tax Guide, l'JIi.'l Edition." This booklet is available at no cost from the Internal Rev enue Service or agricultural a- gents. Renew Your Subscription To The News-Record INGROWN NAIL HURTING YOU? Immediate MMI A few drops f OUTGRO brinff binned relief from tormenting pain of Ingrown nail. OUTGRO toughens the skin underneath the. nail, allow the nail to b cnt and thua pro ven ta further pain and discomfort. OUTGBO Is available at all drug counters. EHsTOH FARMERS IT'S TIME TO STOCK UP ON HARNESS and PLOW REPAIRS We Have A Good Supply! Bowman Hardware Company LIST YOUR TAXES NOW GIVE IN YOUR POLL Notice is hereby given that the List Takers for Madison County will sit at the fol lowing places at the time and places listed below. All property owners and tax payers are required to return to the List Takers for taxation, for the year 1963, all the Real Estate and Personal Property which each one shall own on the first day of January or shall be required to give in then. All male persons between the ages of 21 and 50 years arc to list their polls during the same time. Return of property and. giving in of polls are required, under the pains and penalties impos ed by law. There will be NO EXTENSION of time given unless an emergency arises ALL TAXES MUST BE LISTED DURING THE MONTH OF JANUARY Following are the List Takers for 1963 With Dates and Listing Places TW-1 Betty Lunsford At Court House in Marshall on January 5, 8, 10, 12, 15, 17, 19, 22, 24, 26, 29 and 31. T-l W-2 Stella Dockery and Christine Penland T-8 W-l T-7 Leonard Payne Jan 5, Wiley Roberts Store Building; Jan. 12, at fleophas Davis Residence; Jan. 19, Otto McGalliard Residence; Jan. 26 at Wiley Roberts Store Building. At Home All Other Days. Ida Mae Worley Jan. 5, Madison Grill; Jan. 12, Clyde McClure Store; Jan. 19, M. A. Roberts Store; Jan. 26, Wallm Service Station. At Home Any Time. T-l W-3 Maxine Snelson Listing at home and at the time must convenient for those giving in taxes, during the month of Janu ary. T-l W-4 Ernestine Hunter January 5, 12, 19 and 26, Walnut Creek Grocery. At Home All Other Days. T-2 W-l - Mrs. Lance Wallin Jan. 5, Fred Shelton Store; Jan. 12, Talmage Franklin Store; Jan. 19, Clarence Cutshall Store; Jan. 26, Bevvley Shelton Store. At Home Other Days. T-2 W-2 Fronia Gunter Jan. 5, Ranee Hensley Store; Jan. 12, O'dell Cook Station; Jan. 19, Hubert Cutshall Store; Jan. 26, Delmas Cook Station. At Home Other Days. T-3 Mrs. Ben Garrison Jan. 5, Hal Edmonds Store; Jan. 12, Gobriel's Creek Church; Jan. 19, Silver's Store; Jan. 26, Oak Grove Church. At Home Other Days. T-4 Mrs. James Jarvis Jan. 5, Fred Rice Store; Jan. 12, Levi Hunter Store; Jan. 19, Maney Store; Jan. 26, Grover Gillis Work Shop. At Home Other Days. T-5 Jim Drake Jan. 5, Novile Hawkins Station; Jan. 12, Jarvis Gulf Station; Jan. 19, Bill Carter Station; Jan. 26, Novile Hawkins Station. At Home Other Days. T-6 Ruth Reems Jan. 5, Paul Buckner Store; Jan. 12, Mrs. Grady Teague Home; Jan. 19, James McElreath Home; Jan. 26, Bonnie Reeves Home. At Home All Other Days, after 5:00 p. m. Jan. 5, Stewart I'lemmons Store; Jan. 12, Mea dows Store; Jan. 19, I'lemmons Store; Jan. 26, Mea dows Store. At Home Other Days. T-8 W-2 Vivian Keener Jan. 5, Caldwell Store; Jan. 12, Goforth Store; Jan. 19, Willett Store; Jan. 26, At Home. At. Home All Other Days. T-9 Bernice Wright Jan. 5, Vance Ricker Store; Jan. 12, Barnett Store ; Jan. 19, Rathbone Store; Jan. 26, At Stackhouse. All Other Days at Schaffer & Wright Store. T-10 Willie Rice Jan. 5, Piney Grove Church; Jan. 12, Strouse Store, Revere: Jan. 19, Earl Rice Store; Jan. 26, Collis Chandler Home. At Home All Other Days. T-ll Merritt Whitt Jan. 5, Ziska Ingle Station; Jan. 12, Jasper Jen kins Station; Jan. 19, Lee Willis Store; Jan. 26, Jas per Jenkins Station. At Home All Other Days. T-l 2 Merlene Caldwell Jan. 5, Ruble Caldwell's Home; January 12, Big Pine Church, 9:00 a. m., until 12 Noon; Jan. 19, Price's Chapel Church, 9:00 a. m., until Noon; Jan. 26, Ruble Caldwell Home. All Other Days at Ruble Caldwell Home. T-13 Hardy Willett Jan. 5, Hardy Willett Store ; Jan. 12, Homer Plem mons Store ; All Other Days at Hardy Willett Store. T-14 Verlon Coates Jan. 5, George Bruce Store; Jan. 12, Grapevine Church; Jan. 19, Peeks Chapel Church; All Other Days At Home. T-15 Lela C. Peek At Mars Hill Town Hall each Monday, Wednes day and Saturday, beginning Jan. 6. T-16 Irene Metcalf Jan. 5 and 19, at Home; Jan. 12 and 26, Earnest Capps Store. Any Other Time, At Home. mm m WADE HUEY, lax su pervisor Marshall, N. C. II ii&tteimmmWWmtmi

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