PAGE FOUR THE NEWS-RECORD MARSHALL, N. a, JAN, 17, 1968 77?e iVeutt - Record Published Weekly At MARSHALL, N. C. NON-PARTISAN IN POLITICS Second-claaa mail privileges authorized ait Marshall, N C. B. L. STORY. Owner and PublUher J. I. STORY, Managing Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES OUTSIDE MADISON COUNTY 16 Months $6.00 0n Year $4.00 Six Months $8.00 TTiree Months $2.00 Airmail 80c Per Week SUBSCRIPTION RATES IN MADISON - BUNCOMBE COUNTIES 16 Months $3.00 One Year $2.60 Eight Months $2.00 Six Months .' $1.60 Four Months $1.00 i i EDITORIAL PARTISAN SCHOOL BOARDS OFFEND QUALITY EDUCATION Governor San ford must have struck a responsive chord in the hearts of most North Carolinians Dem ocrats and Republicans when he came out last week for the non-partisan selection of school boards. The Governor went one step further than a com mittee set up by the 1961 Legislature to study the se lection of local school boards, in expressing the opin ion that local school committees should (ret out of the teacher selection business. Over the years there's been a lot of talk about keeping the schools out of politics, but little has been done to do away with the odious omnibus bill in which the General Assembly considers party affiliation and sometimes factional alignment the only neces sary qualifications in choosing school board member; The Democratically controlled Legisla lire is only endorsing the wishes of local politicians, and tin inequities are often sickening, particularly in coun ties that have a nominal Republican majority. There is little wonder that in counties such as 'Madison where the situation has been dramatized by political shenanigans, "quality education" has a hol low sound even among rank and file Democrats. The Legislative study committee plans to make recommendations to the 1963 General Assembly a bout changes in the school board selection laws, and the Governor feels both Republican and Democratic leadership will endorse the non-partisan proposal. Certainly there has never been a place in the public school systems for strong political partisan ship, and the committee proposals will have a pretty good chance of becoming law if the men and women of North Carolina who are unselfishly committed to quality education let their representatives know their feelings in this matter. Then, and only then, will every local school system in the state be assured that the members of their school boards will be chosen because of their abilities and interest in education, not on a basis of political affiliation. The time is at hand to make -oOo- ie change. Ashi'vil Time RED CROSS ACTIVE HERE Before the current American Red Cross Member ship Drive is over, we urge every reader to consider the services of our area chapter of the American Red Cross. We sometimes fail to realize how important Red Cross actually is unless there is a disaster, such as a flood or hurricane. The Red Cross is always at work and will continue to be of great service to our county provided we can do our part in financing the programs. For the past several weeks we have been publishing a Red Cross Honor Roll. Names in this list represent at least $5.00 donations. The goal is approximately $3,000 and although we haven't re ceived official results thus far we feel safe to say that our county is far behind in raising necessary funds. Many people seem unaware that the Red Cross is constantly on the job here, helping the sick, aid ing servicemen and their families, training in saftey, and teaching nursing. For your information, DID YOU KNOW DISASTER funds raised in the Madison County Area of the Asheville Area Chapter are sent to the National Headquarters in Washington. These funds support disaster relief when nature strikes a cruel blow. These funds have been used in such disasters as Hurricane Carta and the Midwestern Floods. If we are ever affected, these funds will be available to us for emergency relief. BLOOD PROGRAM last year a total of 715 pints of blood were collected in our county. This blood is made available to you as need arises. All of the Bloodmobile operations are manned by volunteers from our community. HOME SERVICE professional and volunteer staff from this county stand ready to assist service men, veterans, and their families whenever an emergency exists. Approximately two hundred families in this county were assisted by the Red Cross last year. SAFETY SERVICES throughout theyear we are training members of our community in First Aid and RED CROSS HONOR ROLL Below is published a list of per sons giving $5.00 or more to the American Red Cross Drive now underway in Madison County: Marshall Chapter Eastern Star Sprinkle-Shelton Co. Fred 0. Tilson Mrs. O. A. Gregory Service Motor Sales, Inc. Roberts Pharmacy Vena C. Davis Dr. W. A. Sams Carolina Beauty Salon Nationwide Insurance Co. State Farm Insurance Mrs. S. B. Roberts Dr. J. L. McElroy Cody Motor Sales Howard Payne William V. Farmer Jack Guthrie Mr. and Mrs. Jim Story H. W. Fisher A. S. Hadacek Neill Ross Rob Coray Jo King Dr. and Mis. Hoyt Blackwell Misa Eva Brewer Mrs. Margaret Bridges M. H. Kendall Mary C. Logan Mr. and Mrs. William L. Lynch Mr. and Mrs. John A. McLeod Frances M. Snelson Mrs. Julia Tilson Ron Sprinkle Mrs. George H. Shupe Harry Silver Marshall Firemen's Auxiliary Mrs. J. J. Ramsey Moyce Mayhew Joe Kails Mr. and Mrs. (',,!,. w MEDITATION rh. Wortfi Mom WkWy Ud DvoHomI GukU C be Upper Koom O IM tm ROOM NAWVUt TOMBS Th", A I H E LAW iFor the N.C. Bar Aimocmtwntf- By ROBERT E. LEE LEASES o.lnes owned a life estate in a piece of real property. Upon his death, Smith was to become the owner. Jones leased the proper ty Thompson for a term of ten years. Two large tobacco auction ware houses were erected on the prem ises by Thompson. The written lease expressly provided that all improvements and fixtures plac ed on the premises by the lessee should remain the property of the lessee with right of removal, at the terminal ion of the lease whether by expiration of time or I'V act of law, I ill a reasonable ( line. before the expira lie lease. May Smith ion to vacate the prohibit him from two tobacco ware- Read Luke 2:8-20 Blessed be the Lord God of Is rael: for he hath visited and re deemed his people, and hath rais ed up an horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David: as he apake by the mouth of his holy prophets. (Luke 1:68-70.) Zacharias, the father of John the Baptist, thus spoke of Jesus a few months before the Redeem er's birth. The hour of the merci ful visitation was soon to dome. ! "The dayspring from on high" would soon rise over the world. It is an event neither unexpect ed nor unforeseen. 'In thy seed shall all the nations of the earth bo blessed," the Lord had said to Abraham. Christ's coming will be the accomplishment of that prom ise, "his holy covenant; the oath which he sware to our father Ab raham." We miss the point entirely if we do not seek the true meaning of the holy testimony. We need the spirit, of Jesus in our souls .othnt "the great dawn" may rise up clearer for us and lead our steps onward in the way of peace. I'rayer: ( Lord, we thank Thee for sending Thy Son to us. We prav that "the dayspring from on hiiih" may rise upon more anil more persons to illuminate and redeem them from perversity and w i c k e l n e s s. (irant us peace: through C hrist. Amen. Thought for the day: Christ's . Minim; becomes most meaningf jl to those who admit Him into theit hearts. -Enrico (aputo (Italy) Your Social Security By D. H. BUTLER Field Representative Jones died tion date of force Thorni premises and removing tin houses '.' Yes. This was an actual case "curing in Durham and decided by the Supreme Court of North Carolina in 104". The lessee of Jones, the owner of the life estate, did not have as against Smith, the remainder man, a right to remove the two permanent warehouses. They had become an integral part of the real estate. If tVw. ..f 1 l 1 ii nit n-ini ii liil- it'rtse ii;io expired during the lifetime ') Jones, Thompson could have re moved the two warehouses by reason of the express provisions of the written lease. The Supreme Court pointed out that Smith, the remainderman, was not a party to the lease and was not bound by any of the terms therein expressed. Upon the death of the owner at the life estate, the title to the TIP TO MOTORISTS Motorists should always re member that an off-guard minute may have an accident injflt. t The one essential is to preserve from destruction the simplicity of mind and purity of heart we pos sess in childhood. real property passed by operation of law to the remainderman un affected by a lease Jones had ex edited. Jones could not create an estate or interest in the land to endure beyond his life. Th" court said when Jones died Smith became "entitled to the immedi ate possess of the lots described, and also to all structures placc'l thereon and so attached to the I freehold as to ( (institute a part of i the realty." J Brown owned a house, which he I leased to White for a period of ten years The written lease WHS properly registered in the court house. Two years after the ex ecution of the lease Brown sold the house to Black. What effect does this have upon the lease? The only effect is that Whit.( acquires a new landlord. He now pays his rent to Black, instead or Brown. The terms and provisions of the lease remain the same. The purchaser of real property acquires it subject to the provi sions of a registered lease or an unregistered lease not in excess of three years. Leases for less than three years need not be reg istered, in order to be valid against purchasers, if the tenant is in oc cupancy of the premises. During the past 5 years, 700,000 workers have begun receiving so cial security disability insurance benefits. These disability benefits are paid because these workers have lost their earning power due to a severe, long-lasting disability. Under the social security law, any person who becomes so dis abled that he can no longer work, and who has worked five years out of the ten years before his disability began, may be eligible for cash disability insurance ben efits. The dependents of the dis abled worker may also be eligible for benefits on his social security record. To become eligible for disabili ty benefits under social security, you must apply at your social se curity office. Medical reports must also be furnished showing the condition of the disabled per son and how SEVERE the condi tion is. If you have a disability that has kept you from doing any work for a long period of time, get in touch with your nearest social se curity office. If you know of anyone who has become unable to work because of a severe disability, have him call the social security office. If he is unable to do this, call the so cial security office for him. Remember the disability MUST be SEVERE and lours lasting, you must, have worked five years in the ten years before the disability began, and you M 1' ST apply through your social security of fice. Zemo Great for Minor Burns,Cuts Zemo, a doctor's formula, liquid or ointment, soothes, helps heal minor burns, cuts, bruises. Family antiseptic, eases itch of surface rashes, eczema, teen-age pimples, athlete's foot. Stops scratching, so aids faster healing. For stubborn cases, get Extra Strength Zemo. rrirmimn PIPE DREAMS There's nothing that stimulates a man's imagination more y.han a new fishing rod and reel. MONEY JRL root of all crops! ASHEVILLE PRODUCTION CREDIT ASSOCIATION CLOICE PLEMMONS Representative Water Safety. This is a constant program stressing personal safety a protection to each family in the community. NURSING SERVICE care of the Sick and Injured and Mother and Baby Care are being offered in schools and community groups. Last year 2 classes were conducted in our county and 49 certificates were issued. OFFICE EDUCATIONAL RELATIONS this is the youth program of the Red Cross. Units are pre sently being developed within your school to en courage youth to take a role of leadership in the school and community. The program's main objec tive is to develop community Handedness in youth, thus making them better adults. AU of the programs and services of Red Cross are supported by voluntary memberships and con tributions from the community. The proposed bud get as approved by members of your community and Madison County is $2,973.00. Since each and every citizen of Madison County can benefit from these services, it is asked that each of you support these programs with your contributions. Each person mak ing a $1.00 contribution is eligible for a membership card, and assists in making the services available to yourself and your fellow citizens. Office Open Every MONDAY in Loy P. Roberts Building Over Home Electric & Furn. Co. MARSHALL, N. C. 8:30 a. m. to 5:00 p. m. Wade Huey, Director in Madison County Take Tax Refund In Savings Bonds, Chairman Urges If you're in line for a refund on your 1962 Federal income tax re turn. County Savings Bonds Chairman C. L. Rudisill, Jr. has a word for you. Two words, in fact: Take bonds. This year for the first time, Mr. Rudisill points out, Uncle Sam is making it possible for you to take your refund in Series E Savings Bonds by the simple expedient of putting an "x" in the approiate box on the tax form. Last year some 40 million tax payers received cash refunds on their taxes. Judging from samp lings of opinion, a lot of them would have preferred to get their money in Savings Bonds of they'd had the chance. Bond Chairman C. L. Rudisill, Jr., who is the President of The Bank of French Broad wants to make sure any of them who live in Madison County know they now have that chance. The way the bond option works is simple. The Treasury will issue the smallest possible number of E Bonds of the largest possible denominations to cover the a mount of the refund. If there's anything left over, a check will be written for the balance. The HUNTER CREEK MRS. ERNEST BALL, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Ball spent last weekend in Candler with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mth. Andrew Ball and fam ily. Mrs. Wade Hunter and family were visiting Mrs. Claude Ball and family Sunday, Jan. 6. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Lewis and Annette, Mr. and Mrs. Scott War ren and Gregory were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Burns Hunter Sun day. Mr. Vincent Hunter spent Fri day night with Mr. and Mrs. Co ble Ball and Johnny. Misses Diana and Donna Ball spent the weekend with their un cle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Ball. one complication comes if the cash balance is from one to 99 cents, since the check-issuing ap paratus can't handle anything lcs.i than a dollar. Details are given in the instructions. What about joint returns? Mr Rudisill gave us the answer t that one too. "John and Mary Smith" on the tax return becomes "John or Mary Smith" on t h c bond registration, making them co-owners. When storms slash through the country; Rural Electrics rush in to heal the Our disaster plan protects you! Should a destructive storm, fire, or flood strike this area you can count on us to quickly restore electric service. In fact, we've al ready arranged for outside help. Our help would ordinarily conic from neighboring rural electric systems. But in case of wide spread disaster, distance doesn't cut us off from help. When Hur ricane Cada struck the Texas coast, for example, rural electrics from as far away as Oklahoma rushed in materials and construc tion crews! When you stop to think about it, working together to solve a prob lem like providing mutual assist ance in case of disaster is what makes a consumer-owned rural electric system possible in the first place! French Broad Electric Membership Co-Op MARSHALL, N. C.

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