.... THE NEWS-RECORD m ji''.i , VOL. 62 NO. 11 8 PAGES THIS WEEK MARSHALL, N. C, THURSDAY. MARCH 14, 1963 10c PER COPY $2.50 A Year In Madison Adjoining Counties $4.00 A Year Outside These Uounties irl Scout Week Is eing Observed Here Open Letter To Friends Asks For More Volunteer Tuesday of this week marked the 51t Birthday of Girl Scout ing in thia country. Girl Scouts In Madison Chanty join wish the more than 8,000,000 Girls Scouts in the United States during the week of March 10-16, in the cele bration of Girl Scout Week. To "Serve the Future" to move into the next half -century of Girl Scouting, this is the theme for the Slat Birthday and certain ly no theme would more ap propriately focus on the role of the Girl Scoot leader. It is the lend er who brings to girls the mean ing and richness of Scouting. Girl Scouts' service to the future be gins with the leader's service to girls. In Madison there are three Girl Scout troops serving 60 girls. The leaders of these trips are Mrs. C. E. Mashburn and Mrs. Troy Re id, Marshall Brownies; Mrs. Curt Sears, Marshall Intermediate Scouts; and Mrs. R. B. Ramsey, Walnut Brownies. These leaders are busy women who spend time every week guid ing the girls in this community. ' These women bring to the Girl Scout Program all the values they have learned in school or home or business; and the leaders help the girls discover those values for themselves. They enjoy cookouts and camping flag ceremonies and discussions. They like to see the girls govern themselves. Girl Scout leaders are there not to tell them wast to do, but to advise f rwHmierf To Last Pnao) MADISON MEN ATTEND FUND RAISING DINNER Pour Madison County Repub lican leaders attended a Fund- raising dinner in Charlotte last (Friday night at 7:30. Over 1000 people from all over the state were in attendance. Among the guests were: Congressman Charles R. Jonas and James Broyhill, and State Republican chairman, Rob ert Gavin. Main speaker for the event was Robert Taft, Jr., con-gressman-at-large, from Ohio. Those from Madison attending wore: Jack Guthrie, Roy McDevitt, Loy P. Roberts, and attorney Clyde M. Roberts. According to Mr. Roberts the dinner was a great success. Introduces Bill To Fix Deputy Salary Representative Liston B. Ram sey introduced a bill March 8, known as HB 198 "To fix the: salary of the first deputy sheriff of Madison County." (Amends SL 1969, Ch. 884 (fixing Madison officials' salaries) to provide sal ary of $250 (now I206J -per month for Madison first deputy sheriff. Effective April 1, 1968.) To Sal 4cMnd Fees. yji UIBU County Unique- ison It Is Mow Free Of Debt WOMEN WANTED AT MILLS PLANT IN MARSHALL Elsewhere in this issue it pub lished an official notice calling fog female trainees for power sawing machines at Mills Manufacturing Company in Marshall. Ages desir ed are from 19-86 with at least a 10th grade education. Women desiring this work are asked to apply at the French Broad Electric Membership Co-op Building in Marshall on Tuesday, March 19 for applications andi n terview aby plant officials. It was explained that this Is an equal opportunity plant and that there are also openings for exper ienced sewing machine operators. MRS. S. L. NIX ELECTED PRES. MARHALL PTA Mrs. S. L. Nix was elected pre sident of the Marshall Parent- Teacher Association for next year at the March meeting Monday night at the school. Other officers to serve with her include Mrs. Lis ton Ramsey, first vice president; Mrs. Obray Ramsey, second vice president; Mrs. Cleophas Ward,, (Continued To Page Four) Marshall, Hot Springs Threatened By Rising River Tuesday Night Jn i Raleigh A Western North Carolina county that cmoes in for its share of the political limelight resulting from partisan clashes, has a distinction shared by only four other counties in the state. According to the Local Govern ment Commission, it is one of five counties which has no general county bonded indebtedness. Ex cept for some school bonds, Mad ison County doesn't owe a penny. And school bonds are not con sidered indebtedness. WBT RADIO TO AIRDUKE-NYU Charlotte Duke University's Blue Devils will be followed throughout the NCAA Regional playoffs this week-end by WBT Radio, it was announced today by managing director Paul B. Mari on. In the opening game, which pits Duke against ninth-ranked New York University, WBT will be on the air at 7:15 for a 15-minute pre-game show prior to the 7:80 tap-off. Ed Higgins will handle play-by-play. Saturday night, WBT will broad (Oontinued To Page Four) Republican Woman Appointed Eleventh Distr. Representative Mrs. Paul D. Phillips of Hen dersonvflle was appointed 11th District Representative for the N. C. Federation of Republican Wom en on March 8, at a meeting of the state board at the Queen Char, lotto Hotel in Charlotte. Mrs. Phillips will help organise Women's Clubs in the District and assist present Clubs fat the work they are doing for the Republican Party. - RAMSEY NAMES EQUALIZATION COUNTY BOARD Bill Instructs New Board To Cause Revaluation Of County Property Madison Rep. Liston B. Ramsey introduced legislation creating a new tax equalization board last Wednesday. Named on the board were Tal madge Franklin, Brown Amnions and Ralph T. Barnes, for four- year terms. The bill also instructs the new board to cause a revaluation of all property in the county to be car ried out, to become effective with respect to taxes levied for the year 1905. Ramsey said the last revaluation was held in 1958. JOHN HUTCHINS IS NAMED TO NATIONAL ASSO. The National Association of Sanitarians, with headquarters at the University of Denver, Denver, Colorado, announced recently that John N. Hutchms, Madison Coun ty Health Department, Marshall, N. C, has been accepted as a mem ber in this professional society. The National Association of Sanitarians is an official organi zation of professional persons en gaged in the promotion, realisa tion, and maintenance of a fitting healthful environment for the peo ple of the world. It is dedicated to the high principal that the citizens of this country, regardless of sta tion, deserve as a natural right the best possible conditions in which to live and pursue their happiness. The membership fat concerned with r Continued To Last Pago) ' Luther Hodges To Visit Hot Springs On April 5 Secretary of Commerce Luther odges is .expected to visit Hot pnngs o April 5 at wjuch trmi he will personally Observe pbffii for the redevolpment of this town He plans to leave Asheville a- about 9 a. m., and arrive in Hot Springs around 10:20 o'clcok. He will remain in Hot Springs for approximately an hour before re turning to Asheville for a lunch eon meeting. While at Hot Springs he will confer with members of the Hot Springs Planning Board and other civic leaders of the county. Also expected to visit Hot Springs with the farmer gover nor of North CaroHsj are Charlie Edwards, N. C. coordinator for ARA; George Steve is, Governor Sanford's Representative, and oth er officials. CANCER FACTS BROUGHT INTO PUBLIC VIEW High Point As recently as the turn of the century cancer was rarely reported outside medical journals, and public information a bout the disease hardly existed. This fact has been brought to the public's attention by Holt Mc pherson, 2nd Vice President of the N. C. Division of the American Cancer Society. Both an outstanding editor and educational leader, Mr. McPherson is editor of the HIGH POINT ENTERPRISE and Chairman of the N. C. Citizens for Better Schools. He is Past-President of the N. C Press Association and President of the Journalism Foundation which he founded and has headed from its inception. "Now," says Mr. McPherson, "cancer has been brought into pub lic awareness." Fout entertainment celebrities recently died within three weeks all victims of cancer, Mr. Mc Pherson pointed out. "Old wives' tales, superstitious (Continued To Psge Four) DEMO OFFICIALS INVITED TO CONFERENCE Raleigh Madison County Dem ocratic Party Chairman Liston B. Ramsey and vice chairman Mrs. ed by the N. C. House election GOP ABSENTEE BILL IS KILLED IN HOUSE WED. A Republican-sponsored bill to abolish absentee voting was kill- Latrelle Robinson have been vited to represent their organiza tion at a Democratic Party Con ference in Raleigh on March 29 and 30, it was announced this week by State Party Chairman Bert Bennett. All county chairmen and vice chairmen have been asked to take part in three sessions of briefings, Bennett said, designed to furnish them more information concern ing state government, the issues of the 1968 General Assembly and state party matters. The conference will begin on Friday, March 29, in the Hall of the House at the Capitol where each delegate will register and re- (Contlnued Prom Page Four) OFFICERS ARE ELECTED MON. BY MARSHALL Mrs. Jeter M. Metcalf of Route 2, Marshall, was elected worthy Matron of the Marshall Eastern at a meeting of the Chapter held Star Chapter for the ensuing year Monday night in the Masonic Tem ple. Mrs. Metcalf's husband, Jeter IM. Metcalf, was elected worthy patron. Other officers elected are: associate matron, Mrs. R. J. Plem mons; associate patron, Ralph T. Barnes; secretary, Mrs. Bill Rob erts; treasurer. Mrs. James Sto ry; conductress, Mrs. Guy White; and associate conductress, Mrs. Edwin Fox. Mrs. Metcalf then appointed the following officers: chaplain, Mrs. (Continued To Page Four) USE PLASTIC WITH EARLY TOBACCO PLANTS Last spring Mr. Doyle Cody of Mars Hill prepared a 9 foot by 100, foot tobacco plant bed in the usual manner used on his farm, states Harry G. Silver, county ag- ent.v After the bed- was prepared and seeded, he built a frame around the bed anjd covered it with clear plastic. Doyle received the follow ing benefits from his plastic cov ered bed: 1. Better germination of seed. 2. Plants came up 10 days ear lier. 3. Plants grew off faster. 4. Earlier transplanting to field. 5. Tobacco harvested earlier than old system. The late freezes and wet ground has delayed tobacco plant bed seeding in Madison County. Some of the higher elevation communi ties normally have a shorter grow ing season because of late plants (Continued To Pago Four) laws committee Wednesday and a Democratic-sponsored bill to tight en up absentee voting was turn-j cm uvei lu u bia limn suDcommit tee. Action on the two bills by the House committee came only min utes after it had met with the Senate elections laws committee to hear the state chairmen of the Democratic and Republican par ties urge that steps be taken to end abuses of the absentee vot ing laws. Democratic Party Chairman Bert Bennett told the committees he did not favor abolition of tho absentee voting, but unless the legislature took steps to clean up abuses, "I think the people will demand thatt he absentee ballot be abolished in 1965." GOP Party Chairman Robert Gavin said, "the evils of the ab sentee ballot system completely outweigh the good which may be ascribed to it" He ssid abolition was the only effective means of ending abuses. Bennett commended State Elec tions Board Chairman William Joalin and the state board on the recommendations which went in to the democratic sponsored bill iCmmm To Last Page) . Ivy River Causes Damage; Many Roads Badly Washed Residents and businessmen who live or have businesses near the French Broad River breathed a sigh of relief Wednesday morn ing when skies cleared and the French Broad River receded fol lowing a night of anxiety and sus pense. Torrential rains Monday night sent the French Broad some 18 feet above normal stage with swirling and muddy water near ly reaching flood stage here. Al though the Island was covered, causing cancellation of school for several days, the river missed Main Street in Marshall by a few feet The river rose Tuesday af ternoon with water pouring into the lower classrooms of the school. Businessment worked feverish ly Tuesday night moving merchan dise to higher shelves. Msny basements were flooded but dam age was kept at a minimum due to quick work of employees and vol unteers. Ivy River perhaps caused the most damage and the Ivy road was completely washed away in certain points. So rapid did Ivy River rise that several heads of livestock and some hogs were washed downstream. Toll telephone service was dis rupted from Tuesday until about noon on Wednesday. Electricity remained on, however, during the entire day and night. Pumps were used Wednesday af temjoon to draft water out of several of tho classrooms in the Train Plunges Into F. I. River Rear Here Tuesday Right Legend Of County Minerals, Rocks And Precious Stones Byard Ray Ha Collection In By JIM S' The old saying, them thar hills" applied to Madison Byard Ray, or of Madison that there is gold A Large Display Com RY s gold in actually be lounty. tax collect- , has proof in Madison County. Although .gold is only one of many valuable traces of minerals, rocks and henu-precious stones found in Madison, Mr. Ray is quite proud of the goto traces he has collected, with an actual gold count of .005 OS her ton. 'We also have the legend of the lost Duck Shelton silver mine at Laurel and Hot Springs," he says. We wondered how he knew so much about minerals, rocks, etc. When asked this question, Mr. Ray said that for too past twenty years he has been keenly interest ed in what "those hills had m them." For the past 20 years he has collected samples and has ex plored countless miles of rugged terrain in every section of the county. We were cognisant that Mr. Ray was a well-known musician who has his own string band. He elso serves a master of eaten SSI mm JsM ENS. CORBETT RETpNSFROM CARIBBEAN TOUR Marshall Man la Assigned Many Duties Aboard USS Leahy Ensign John A. Corbett, son of Mr. and Mrs. John 0. Corbett of Marshall, who is stationed aboard the USS Leahy, has recently been assigned duties as assistant athletic officer and alternate reg istered publication officer. In addition to these duties, Ensign Corbett is (0J) Division Officer, Crypto Security Officer, and As sistant Communications Officer. Corbett is also a member of the Crypto Band, Enlisted Training Board, Censoring Board, RPS Corrections Board and the Recre ation Council. The USS Leahy has recently returned from a tour which in cluded Puerto Rico, Cuba (Guan-M tanamo Bay), and Jamaica where the crew completed its Shakedown Training. The USS Leahy is now based in Boston Naval Ship Yard where it will remain until about April 24 where they will be taking addi tional schooling and training. Ensign Corbett recently spent several days hero with his par ents. Three crewman were injured a bout midnight Tuesday when a Southern Railway deisel engine and one freight car plunged into the French Broad River Bear Mar shall as tracks gave way in an ap parent washout. The wteck oc curred at Rollins Switch five miles south of Marshall. Repair crews were still working Wednes day morning to get the track back into operations. The injured crew men, all treated at Memorial Mis sion Hospital here, were Ralph Merrell, 48, of Knoxville, left knee and back injuries; E. W. Selby, 49, of Knoxville, abrasions of the left leg and back injuries. Byard Ray And His Rock Collection ies at many hillbilly shows and is performing at the weekly pro grama held in Hot Springs. He is a former teacher in the Veter an's Trains iff ProffTMn snd was associated with the Soil Conser cation Service in thia county for several years Last November ne was elected to toe office of tax (Continued To Last Page) PLANES TO BE USED TO COMBAT FOREST FIRES Joint Neighborhood Girl Scout Meeting Held In Marshall Weaverville and Madison Girt Scout Neighborhood meetings were held jointly at the American Le gion Hall in Marshall, Monday, March 4 from 10 a. m., until 1:00 P- m. Miss Ruth Townsend, Girl - iwhivum nvit, jpw- (Conttaued to Last Pago) Peter J. Hanloh, Forest Super visor of the North Carolina Na tional Forests, has announced that a new method of fighting forest fires is being used on the Forests in this area. The U. 8. Forest Service. Na tional Park Service, and Indian Service have contracted with a Western firm for two World War II Vintage B-26 Bombers to be based at Knoxville, Tennessee for fire control use on the Forests and began March 1. Each plane has a carrying capa city of 1,200 gallons of fire-retard-ant chemical. Flight speeds in ex cess of 200 miles per hour make any point on the Forests of West ern North Carolina within one-half hour flight time from the Knox ville The Bomber Base, PhZS mS w , ;;: -