HI I W6L. 62 NO. 40 8 PAGES THIS WEEK MARSHALL, N. C. TW OCTOBER 3, 'WM A Tear b Madison e) HM A Tear Out - - - Adjoining Couatt 199$ Revis Receives Stiff Fine In Assault fse eardj ff superior criminal morn- Huakins, siding. Robert M were die- one major caee far. FrmnMin Revis, of Hay. i Charged with rape of Haywboe County girl, y of assault on a fe- to Rett's ate, tae plea. of Janjrpt Was sentenced to two! . roeas, sen tence suspend- loB of live-year on- pay of 11,000, be of and Bruit remain every night from 9 a. m, . -m 'adjourn today (Thursday), officials eed. '-r , ' ! , I'll- ir,e septemnt ing with mtJk Frank Swain if thi rl yea a on edofB.1 der provisions at nis home pirn,, to e later announ WmtmmM- VliaitLW ttMdUU Beholatlc 8. " HH1HB5 016 with representa- Aff-l DJ 1 Bakersville I I if 7Tm highest on the National Merit Tn iiiiiHiHHi IVinI S .loJ 17 II. U . . ..aueilKEi.-.; iixd n foe yrv. t H,o 1 4. UI-aBBBBBBBBBBfe.. .4HUSVV.. v.wu..j u v..u W4r l?3KTtW3BSSW ji i w iwuctt iwiivwucu i-iac cui'Wi a- Aawu-SWTBQip lu3 BMM' vfaleOife wai iluUirfilll III) ll nri.r ntrlB HM tin.fa.. K Ti 1 til 1 17 1 rtt-.' 1- Superior Court grand jury here imitod losses of S140.0J6 to fi b aaft' aL.iW SB . HMHi ettnn r,.A PlilMpiiy on i.il true bmis cliarg- ITWM jaoi m. George B. Bhupe WiB char K ? '""ucu h I m m m m mmmM r I MMHHRBjifnttisMaM nl IHHIIBHbhkII hh . HP1 ' 'Mm WmWmmm I J Ijr : 9a B THE TOWN OF MARSHALL looks for all the Rhfer. world like a naval vessel sailing down French Broad cally :1I Foundei Be Man Hill College Homfwantta- celebration on Satur day, Oct 12 are being made by of ficials at Mar Hill Collegs. its being planned lor a convocation Fro nt., with D. Aaheville as the speek- tfpeaing of thr uw'f jissafoam, tW ifforal uie annual noma- at 2:80 p. bigb school . fi,H i a concert at 8 p. m., by Metropoll tea Opera star Mell Rankin. ' The public is invited to all". the day's activities. xisii;;i af , , Only a clear conscience will keep a mari trader fire. HiKniMi I lowing oaaK Way io i9M vbserved V w'iff Hghlgh gram at 10 a. et; lerm.l rMtttoat n5 a. OLfMm ujUwUiag Prtrait4 of Mr. and home cbm oelJ gam. w iv - T' TOv. recently received word of makinsr tmmmm. M nr 1 - VWmwm T..JUl intensive investigation made at i Mike- will hf arrmnniAl j'i! 1964 FEED GRAIN 'ROfiRAM V" order that , grain producing era may effectively plan their teg operations, tbe fol-. lntormataop -O flKj Feed-Grain Program tfl son bounty is bm ptiHH lArma Mae Tipton, Faefl Grafr ASOS Office Feed Grain much like the U volon- tiry; it include barley, eorn.iagd grain sorghum ih a combined base; payments for diverting fonjMW, age oat of production are avail-: able; and price support combination of pric monta and loans port payment will be (Continued to Last the HE B .1 1 1 farm 1 XtojKpo pay- m.-M4-- .. i . -', i ..... , , Ledford To Pre.ide The editor of the Marshall 1 114 V KBH sthool nii.iif si. wilfiMriaef( HASSETT TWBD ... .... . 1 at anntMi jneetmg oi uie rjign School Editor's Round table this at Western Carolina College at He is Mike Ledford, son of Mr. arid ' Mrs. Raymond Ledford of Marshall. Mike is a very active student at Marshall Higfc He is also presidli''opMR. class, and takes part in several extra. fofcryicula activities at the school. kmmw Mm ciub, he h in scholastic ability. Ho received word of making I highest on the National Merit 1 Swjplarship test given, to the ju niors last year of the 86 students taking the test here. Mike will be accompanied to Qsfltowb.ee for the editor's meet- Ing by Doris Ward, Wanda Crain, Bonakl Gladden and Stanley: Ward, weak HsriHMkS!90 This aorial photo by Malcolm illustrates Marshaira troubles figured on the Mrs. George B. Shape WOMAN BYMCDC Mrs. George B. Shupe, of Wal nut, has been named Madison County's "Wosnan of the Year" by the Madison County Democratic Club, H was announced here to day. IMjPpPjKSsms made by the board tors.of the club who aiudpBwaBe the per son chosen this hoHHBjM Gamble dramati- Ipains : a bluff on one side, the river on the other. The and its growing high school on the island is in the foreground.. Cat courtesy Citltan Tlinss DEV ENT CORPORATION IS MOVING AHEAD The Madison County ment Corporation is head with plans to ma to packing and Engineers will soon have the plana drawn for a building 80 feet wide ad 200 feet long. Pledges and pur chases of stock in the corporation to help with this project are be ing made now. As soon as the plans are complete an application lor a loan to eomnlete financing mm building will be submitted to If all plans work on schedule, The Madison Fruit and Vegetable Cooperative, Inc., will lease the jtwldng shed and operate it be ginning with the 1964 season. The local facilities to pack, grade and., market tomatoes and other vege tables will enable Madison farm' ill to add Maat 1M,000 in-! come next year eUftiid this amount to about $1,000,000 when the facilities are fully used. tasM. Seven members of the French Broad Democratic Women Club 'Mmmi s regional political work- Shop in Highlands last Friday, Sept. 27, along -With representa Hves ofeDemocratic Women Clubs from sixteen other counties. The Coy Kadford, Develop- irrteg a- constmct s to gradiag shad WORKSHOP FRI.I Honerininiiie Ta Re leM It Musical Program Set For Marshall On BOOSTERS CLUB MEETS; BY-LAWS ARE ADOPTER Harper er la Guest Speaker; Club Membership Increases Boosters Club met in the home eco- eat in the school present. The the third of the new club and the Constitu tion and By-Laws were adopted. Harry Harper, secretary-treas urer of the North Buncombe High school Boosters Club, was the guest speaker. Mr. Haraer told m group of the formation of the N. B. Club tWO vears turn anil bad done for the school and athletic program. AtllUi Red Crow Meeting Wednegday Robinson, Madison Coun- fiLjHSft. Cross Chairman: Wade iwunty Red Cross an; Ed Nile. Mar Htlve Chairman: and The Marshall M A i XI Members meeting was i . MHaM It rf done fnr tho I aiua tl- s u . SaaawaaMasaaB . .' . Hill AreaytrM. iw m Hi' Sat. IVoc4 WU1 Oe Cross Drive; -prone lovers of tola bave an opportunity to fine program of sincina? and music Saturday night in the shall gymnasium. The jwajwaa will start at 8 o'clock, it was an nounced today by Wade Huey, Red Cross Mi Chairman for Madi son County. The following are oafocled to be on the program: Boone Broth era Bend with the Cat Tail Clog- Ki entire Hot Springs Jubilee r of Mountain Mask Makers; Byard Ray and the Laurel Ramb lers; Ralph Lewis and the Blue Ridge Mountain Boys; Clay Led ford and Obray; Ramsey Band; Ju bilee Rhythm Rousers. All other groups are invited to come and participate. v ' -. In addition to local couples will to dance. Entire will go to tiiel Huey said. 7? 7"?' Will Clash With it Qiiaii T Local football fans are in for a "double treat" here Friday night when the strong Bakersville foot ball team will clash with the hot and cold Tornadoes of Marshall addition to the game, will be observed at the 1968 Fpotball high for the on under the Leetherwood. t has also been announced that a parade will be held Friday after noon at 1:30 o'clock which will in clude tbc candidates far the Foot ball Queen, Girl and Boy Scouts, town officials, mttaafcam nt th board o education, and other offi cials, plus several penieaSHBjL Candidates for the Queen are Ann Tilson, sponsored by Eddie HenoK son; Gail Fisher, sponsored b Jackie Pegg; Betsy Payne, spon sored by Ray Caldwell; Dor Ann (Continued to Last Page) No Yolking, It's Truett; ? Eggsactly So Truett West, Mars Hill College sophomore from Andrews, saw double for a long time Tuesday. West, whose part-time job in the college cafeteria consists of breaking and cooking 45 dozen eggs every morning, got bold of 121 straight double-volked. .njfts before he found a conventional one. Word got around after the first dozen, and there was agjfglML guessing as to how long the string would go. Nobody calculated there would be nine dozen more, plus one egg. The fried egg eaters got a bo nanza, but the scrambled fanciers might never have known about it. The purveyor of the eggs with bonus yolks was not known. 1914 Check Found For Freight On Four Buggies The good old horse and days were recalled here a fe ago wnen Ueorge Penland, of land & Sons, uncovered cancelled check dated J 1914. The check Tweed Tilson a iiDVll Htm w A West for out to W. A. payment of gies. Mr. W Ba area will efy a IIHna POt et(WI i 'si!