MARSHALL, N. C, OOP, 8, Ufa International JSunday School M Lesson for OCTOBER 6, 1963 (These ecsnmenta are based 4k on' he International s. 8. Lesson Outlines, copy righted V by the International Council of Religious Education, USA. and used by permission.) AN APPEAL FOR HARMONY Memory Selection: "We are fel low workmen for God." (1 Corinthians 3:9). Lesson Text: through 4. 1 Corinthians 1 This study of three of Paul's Letters emphasizes values for church life and personal Chris tian living. Today we study the question: What are same causes for the di visions among Christians today? Upon a closer study, we find that the divisions among Christians to day are not too different from the divisions among Christians In the days of Paul the Apostle. To compare, we study Paul's epistles to the churches, written during Ms term of imprisonment. Corinth was not the boat place to find a church. All the vices of human nature ran rampant in that Uty, aided and abetted by human weaknesses, wealth and luxury Even religion in Corinth was cor rupt. At the Temple of Aphro- ane, the goddess of love, there were a thousand priestesses who performed their rites as Bacred prostitutes. A committee on church location would not have been like ly to select Corinth as a place to organize a promising mission. But the church must not retreat from the world it has a mission to save the world. How well Paul knew that! And he realized that in Corinth the Christian concept of life in Jesus Christ waa sorely needed. To him it was a challenge, and he answered that challenge nobly. Actually, however, the real threat of evil in Corinth was not the danger zone. The serious dan- thi nsws.Mcoao the church. Contentions, party spirit, members sums; each other in pagan law courts, overindul gence at the Lord's Supper until it became feast instead of a sa crament, the dancers in Christian freedom (so-called) and anxiety concerning life after death, all these were the crux of the matter While the precise forms of these dangers may vary in our time, their general character is too well known ... for comfort. But it is to the everlasting credit both of the church at Corinth and Paul himself that he apparently writes in response to questions raised by the people. It is one thing for trouble to be pointed out by those outside; it is far more hopeful when the issues are seen by those within. BRUSH BURNING PERMITS ARE NOW ESSENTIAL First of all, Paul faces the se rious split which had begun in the Church at Corinth; various groups had chosen up sides, each with a champion. "I acknowledge Paul." "I follow Apollos." "I am impress ed with Peter." "I belong to Christ." The stage was set for a real tug-of-war. And while some of the trouble at Corinth may be Jr. Moody Chandler, Madison County Forest Ranger, announced this week that brash-burning per mits are essential and urge everyone in Madison County to read the following law and secure permits at once: Hrush-Burning Permit Law: 14-189. Starting fires within five hundred feet of areas under protection of State Forestry ser vice. It shall be unlawful for any Derson. firm or eornoratinn to start or cause to be started anytery' PallbeareTS re Jim West, nx-nneui Howell. James Bedford. Carl L. Shelton, 60, Native Of County. Dies In Haywood Carl L. Shelton, 60, former Waynesville merchant, died in a Haywood County hospital Thurs day morning after a long illness. A native of Madison County, he had Bpcnt most of his life in Hay wood County. He was a son of the late Rod and Debbie Hlanken ship Shelton. Services were conducted at 2 p. m., Friday in the chapel of Gar rett funeral Home by the Revs. Bill Queen and Robert (Jaddis. Burial was in Green Hill Ceme- IDMJNianUWON UNA 'PPJf UNTY gers were within the fellowship of 'unusual in the church today, this MARVEL ICE MILK -Gal. CTN. 39c CREAM ft -Gal. 1 CTN. 49c 20-GAL. GALVANIZED GARBAGE CAN ONLY 1.89 APPLE PIES EACH SULTANA SALAD DRESSING Qt. 35c ANN PAGE PORK & CHED-O-BIT B fasssMa a 4 CHEESE SPREAD 2 LB. CANS LB. BOX 45c 69c HCES IN THIS AD EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5 I MANAGER'S WEEK I IfS CELEBRATION I I NO L,MIT ON PURCHASs I KSN. J i A Mr n a nirn XXV ftS-r runturr. H WHITE BREAD '' www I ' vgjjZV MILD AND MELLOW COFFEE ijPPJ EIGHT O'CLOCK WW tf 1 W A 9 j fire or ignite sny material in any of the areas of woodlands under the protection of the State Forest service or within five hundred (500) feet of any such protected area, during the hours starting a midnight and ending at 4:00 p. m., without first obtaining from the State Forester or one of his duly authorised agents a permit to start or cause to be started any fire or igmirte any material in such above mention between the first day of October and the first day of June Inclusive. No charge shall be made for the granting of said permits. During periods of hasaroua forest fires conditions the State Forester is authorized to cance all permits and prohibit the start ing of any fires in any of the Carl Shuler, Robert Browning and Brownlow MesBer. Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Jennie Caddis Shelton; a foster sno, Ray Shelton of Waynesville, and three brothers, Lewis Shelton of Newport, Tenn., Fred Shelton of Oakland, Calif., and Otto Shel ton of Anacortes, Wash. NOTICE Statement of the Ownership, NOTICE OF At " - - 1 taj ...,c.m, v,rcu..iKn, NORTH CAROLINA ttc- MADISON COUNTY Required by the Act of Congress The undersigned having qualifi- of August 84. 1812. as amended ed as administratrix of the Estate by the Act of March 8, 1888, and of James A. Navy, deceased, late July 2, 1848 (Title 89, United of Madison County, this is to noti- States Code, Section 888) showing fy that all persons having claims the ownership, management and against said Estate to present circulation of The News-Record, them to the underaiirned on or he- publlshed weekly st Marshall, N. fore the 26th day of March, 194, C, for October 3, 1963. r this notice will be pleaded 1 n 1. The names and addresses of bar of their recovery. All persons the publisher, editor, managing indebted to said Estate will please editor and business manager are: make immediate payment to the Publisher: J. I. Story, Marshall, undersigned. N. C. This the 19 day of September, Editor: J. I. Story, Marshall, 1963. N. C. MARTHA NAVY Managing Editor: J. I. Story, ADMINISTRATRIX Marshall, N. C. Mars Hill, Rt. 1, North Carolina Business Manager: J. I. Story, y26 10-I7c Marshall, N. C. 2. That the owner is H. L. Story, Asheville and Marshall. N. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE s j!2k jjf drtoc SftSVeSr 'nva: ing claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned bonds, mor nortgi tie are: Citi OF PUBLIC SALK OF PERSONAL PROPERTY NORTH CAROLINA MADISON COUNTY As Administrators of the estate of the late Leota Roberts Howell, i.r ,..;n .r- i . ... woodlands under the protection of Lection for c.a h at the ml the State Forest Service or with in five hundred (500) feet of any such protected area. This Section shall not apply to any fires started or caused to be started within one hundred (100) feet of house. of the late J. Luther Howell and wife, Leota Roberts Howell, on the hard surfaced road, about one mile North of and above Peters burg (which is about midway be tween Marsnall and Mars Hill on N. C. Highway No. 213). No 3 occupied dwelling 1 Jownship' Madin County, North I Carolina, sale beginning at 10:00 'o'clock a. m.. SATURDAY Otn- Any person, firm or corpora- ber 19, 1963, the following: tion violating any of the provi- All household and kitchen furn sions of this Act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon con viction shall be fined not more than fifty dollars (860.00) or im prisoned for a period of not more than thirty (30) days. (Chapter 14-139, General Statutes of N. C. Public Laws of 1953 Session.) particular bug-a-boo too often ex ists. There is the big-paying church "Boss" who gets rid of the preacher because his viewpoints do not coincide with his. Or there is the headstrong preacher who tries to did ate rather thae gujde .and patiently instruct the congrega tion. Or it may be the member of the official board who disregards the regulation against cocktails . . nure in wie seven-room home, in cluding Philco Refrigerator, ra dio, new Sunbeam Toaster, Mirro matic Fry Pan, Karr Electric Stove, and Karr wood stove, Seig ler Heater, GE Television, living room suite, Waltham piano, very old full length oval mirror, old Victrola and records, secretary desk, dining room suite, cooking utensils, china closet, buffet, old washstand bowl and pitcher, four bedroom suites, two very old; and two modern clocks, chairs, couch es, .32 pearl handled revolver, watches, and numerous other household items: also, 2-horse wagon; disc, section and drag harrows; turning, bull tongue, and cultivator plows; horse-drawn mowing machine and hayrake, hand tobacco setter, and many other farm-shop tools and equipment. Home will be open and all for sale items may be inspected from area, or other securl- izens Bank, Marshall. N. C. 4. Paragraphs 2 and 8 include, "l,DO "na"' In cases where the stockholders or h thLe. 26t.h. dav. security holder appears upon the books of the company as trus tee or in sny other fiduciary re lation, the name of the person or corporation for whom such trus tee is acting; also the statements in the two paragraphs show the affiant's full knowledge and be lief as to the circumstances and conditions under which stockhold ers and security holders who do not appear upon the books of the company as trustees, hold stock and securities in a capacity other than that of a bona fide owner. 6. The average number of cop ies of each issue of this publica- ai dox mi, Marsnall, IN. (J., on or of March. 1964, or this notice will be oleaded In bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 25th day of September, 1963. HELEN C. ANDERSON, CLYDE M. ROBERTS, Administrators. 9-26 10-17c 1964. all these, where they exist, consti-(8:30 o'clock, a. m., to 10:00 o'clock ,,.. J , ,l. 1 U ' ., ... ....1,, ,..,., To these divisive factions Paul replied with classic simplicity: "I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth." But one thing at least could be said about the rivalry at Corinth: the leaders were worty men, and division was not due to petty motivations. The differences that existed were, for the most part, meaningful differ ences. Hut in spite of the differ- erences, all groups remained with in the fellowship of the church. They didn't split and form com peting congregations. The spec tacle of four church buildings, on four corners of a street intersec tion (one street being named 'Di vision!") in a town hardly big enough for one church, apparently hadn't occurred to the Corinthian Christians. It has. indeed, been truly said that denominationalism would keep all four such churches open, but that the Kingdom would close three of them: any three! For Paul there was only one way to correct the party spirit in Corinth; a new sense of common life in Christ And this holds true today, for the truly earnest Chris tian, as ti did then. In prayer, in worship, in the hymns of the church, in ministry to the helpless and hurt masses of people all followers of Christ stand together, be they Roman, Anglican, Ortho dox, Protestant, or whatever. But rigid insistence upon some particu lar from of church government, or how many hands in succession have been laid upon proper heads, or what color stole the minister wears, or how much water is need ed for baptism, or whoa hands are sufficiently ordained to hold the chalice in Holy Communion these and other minor matters unite to raid the seamless robe of Christ Let us then, following Paul's ad monition, remember the motto in the Sat Tel Ashram in India: 'Here we enter a fellowship, some times we will agree to differ, al ways we will resolve to love and mite to serve." This At one an swer to Paul's plea for harmony. This 1st day of October, 1963. HELEN C. ANDERSON 141 Swannanoa Ave., West Asheville, N. C, Telephone A L 3-7884 and CLYDE M. ROBERTS, Admrs., Box 341, Marshall. N. C, Telephone 649-3511 10-3, 10, 17c ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE The undersigned having quali fied as Administrator of the Es- tion sold or distributed state of Magnolia Simpson, de through the mails or otherwise, to ceased, late of Mudison County, paid subscribers during tne twelve ami Llayton, Uhio, this is to notify months preceding the date showii that all persons having claims a above was 2,000. gainst said Estate to present them J. I. STORY, Publisher to the undersigned on or before Sworn to and subscribed before the 12th day of March. 1964, or me this 1st day of October, 1963. this notice will be pleaded in bar WILLIE W. STORY, Notary of their recovery. All persons in Public, debted to said Estate will please My commission expires August 7, make immediate payment to the undersigned. I This the 11th day of Septem ber, 1963. I CHARLES E. MASHBURN, Administrator of Magnolia Simp son, Marshall, North Carolina. 912 - 103chg. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administra trix of the estate of Arthur Roy McDevitt, deceased, late of Mad ison County, North Carolina, this is to notifv h11 rtersona hflvincr Mnims which will bo held at the college Bgainst estate to pre8ent on Saturday, Oct. 12, beginning them to the undersigned at Mar- with a luncheon in the college din- shall, N. C, RFD 4, on or before ing room at 12:30. Immediately .th? 19th day.of. ""A j9.64'.01 . this notice will be pleaded in bar following the luncheon the Alumni 0f tnejr recovery. All persons in- Association will hold its annual debted to said estate will please Warren Wilson College Announces Homecoming Plans Warren Wilson College, Swan nanoa, nas announced plans ior the eighth annual homecoming meeting. Mr. J. Alfred Williams of Asheville, is president of the Association which includes not on ly alumni and former students of the college, but also those of Ashe ville Farm School, founded in 1894, and Dorland-Bell School which was located in Hot Springs. make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 19th day of September, 1963. CLARA D. McDEVITT, Administratrix 9-19 10-10p GIRL, 7, KILLS BOY, 5 Aurora, Col. -William Gary Gib son, 5 found a loaded pistol under his father's pillow on the bed. His sister, Carolyn Elaine, 7, was trying to replace it when the revol ver fired. The bullet passed thr ough the boy head, instantly killing him. The mother, Mrs. Arlen T. Gibson had left the children just a few minutes before to talk with a neighbor. The father was on duty at Lowry Air Force Base. FRIED OYSTERS Seafood Platter Home Made Pies Delicious Coffee HANCOCK'S RESTAURANT 8 N. Pack Square ASHEVILLE. N. C. BLOOM) BOX SCORE At the meeting of the Associa tion, officers for the 1963-64 year will be elected as well as four members of the Board of Directors who will serve a three-year peri od. Other business will include a report on the building program and expansion of the college by Dr. Arthur M. Kannerman, presi dent, and Dr. Henry W. Jensen, dean. The Warren Wilson soccer team will play Brevard College on the Alumni Field at 2:30, while a cof fee hour, to be held at Shepard House, will follow the game. All alumni and former students now living in the Marshall, Walnut and Hot Springs areas are urged to attend. Reservations for the lunch eon may be made at the college. Harold D. Anderson of Hot Springs is a member of the Board of Directors of the Alumni Asso ciation. Send The News-Record To Your Boy In Service yOU CAN GET RELIEF FROM HEADACHE PAIH STANBACK gives you FAST relief from pains of headache, neuralgia, neuritis, and minor pains of arthritis, rheumatism. Because STANBACK contains several medically-approved and prescribed ingredients for fast relief, you can take STANBACK with confidence. Satisfaction guaranteed! ON N. C. HIGHWAYS 0sis) Raleigh The Meter Vehicle Department'! summary of traffh deaths through 10 a.m., Monday, Sept 80: Killed to date 944 Killed to date last year 929 HO-HUMMM! What This Plac Neieda, Folks, la A Few Good Ada In This NEWSPAPER Test STANBACK gainst any preparation you've ever used Q5!SU 10 25 69 98 EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED -by- DR. LOCKARD I AM to 12 Noon F R IDA Y S THE L. P. ROBERTS BUILDING MARSHALL, N. O. REMOVE WARTS! NOTICE Sealed bids are now beinsr ac cepted by Wade Huey. Madison County auditor, to supply coal for the courthouse and Jail for 1963-64. Bide will be accented throuch October 81, 1968. Bids will be opened November 4, 1988. WADE HUEY, Auditor arts Awav Without Coning or Burning Doctors warn pics ins; or scratch ing at warts may cause bleeding. mow a mating jom- oenatratas into war .ys their cells, actually me awav without cuttina or burnins. Painless, colorless Compound W. used as directed. common waits safety, r, leaves no ugly scars. It can be expressed everywhere. 10-8, 10, 17c

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