MARSHALL, N, C OCT. 171968 i Marshall Book Club Met Monday With Mrs. J. B. Tweed mm mgm heard PERSONAL and OTHERWISE Dial 3261 Mrs. Kbba Merrell and daughter, Iva, have returned home after spending a week on Jekyll Island, Georgia. Mr. and Mrs. Guy White spent Sunday in Tayloreville as guesta of Mrs. White's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. John Kober son. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Roberts and Brenda Kay Roberts are spending this week in Durham with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Roberts. They plan to attend the State Fair in Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Carr and daughter, Patti of Clawson, Mich., are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mis. Lloyd Uockery of Rt. 5, Mar shall, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Philip K. Hrint nell of Bryson City and Dr. and Mrs. A. M. Oelrirh of Sanford, were visiting with their father, William V. Farmer, and other rel atives and friends here last week end. With The Sick Mr. Gordon Duncan returned t" the home of his daughter, Mrs. Millard Tipton, of Marshall Rt. , after being a patient in the .St. Joseph's Hospital for several days. Miss Mary Monroe, of Marshall, and 8th grade teacher at the Wal nut school, underwent an appen dectomy in Memorial Mission Hos pital Monday. Her condition is satisfactory. w Arrivals To Mr. and Mrs. Landon Davis of Camp Lejeune, Jacksonville, N. C, a son, Oct. 15, in the post hos pital. Mr. Davis is the son of the Rev. and Mrs. Jack C. Davis of Marshall. At Memorial Mission To Mr. and Mrs. John Dunk Shetley, Hot Springs Rt. 1, a son, Oct. 12. At St. Joseph's To Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Owen Amnions, Mars Hill, Rt. 1, a son, Oct. 10. To Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wyatt, Mars Hill Rt. 3, a son, Oct. 12. Renew Your Subscription To The News-Record Balsam Beauty Shop MARSHALL, N. C Special Cold Wave . , CLOSED ON WEDNESDAY OTHER WAVES $7.50 $10.00 $12.50 $15.00 Thursday Night Appoh4siiiBirfTaiUble Big Selection Fall & Winter Hats MRS. J. N. PEN Operators: Vota Vita Class Met Tuesday With Mrs. Cody The Vota Vita Sunday School Class of the Marshall Baptist Church met Tuesday night in the home of Mrs. Kermit Cody. Mrs. Charlie Sawyer, class president, presided. During the business ses sion the group voted to give $10.00 to the Girl Scout drive. Mrs. Wade Huey led the devo tions and had charge of the pro gram which was in the form of u "Tacky Party." Appropriate games and contests were enjoyed. Mrs. Kermit Cody was named "Tacky Queen" and Mrs. K. Y. Ponder was runner-up. Those attending were Mrs. Dis tort B. Ramsey, Mrs. E. Y. Pon der, Mrs. Cecil Sprinkle, Mrs. Wad,? Huey, Mrs. E. C. Clark, Mrs. Kva Sams, Mrs. Guy White, Mrs. Char lie Sawyer, Mrs. Karl Robinson, anil Mrs. Codv. Attending Garden Club Meeting Today In Hendersonville Mrs. S. ('. Rudisill, Mrs. W. A. Sams, Mrs. John Corbett, Mrs. Clyde M. Roberts and Mrs. 0. A. Gregory are attending a District meeting of Garden Clubs today (Thursday) in Hendersonville. Sister Of Marshall Man Dies Thurs. In South Carolina Mrs. Maude Sawyer Jackson, of Pacolet Mills, S. C, and a native of Madison County, died Thursday Jt&' utU -Carolina. Funeral services and burial were held in Pacolet Mills, Saturday. She was a sister of Claude M. Sawyer of Marshall. Mr. Sawyer, accompanied by his brother, E. P. Sawyer; and neph ew, Bill Sawyer, both of AsheviUe, attended the service. LOCK THE LIP Nail down loose talk save many reputations. it wil FRIED OYSTERS Seafood Platter Home Made Pies Delicious Coffee HANCOCK'S RESTAURANT 8 N. Pack Square ASHEVILLE, N. C. i - --$5.00 LAND, Owner By "POP" 00 Naturally, I had a wonderful time Tuesday night at the "Appre ciation Supper" (riven by Neill Ross and Pacific Mills not only was I pleased pink with the deli cious meal and the kind remarks, She is a graduate of Sprnig ceiling with joy when Neill pre sented me with material for a suit I'll guarantee that it'll he the finest suit I've ever had after the supper, we all went up to tho plant and Neill, Harry Upchurch and Homer Foster directed us on a tour through the vast plant we really had a wonderful time John Corbett scared me to death when he said that Neill ex pected me to speak for 30-40 min utes hut that wasn't the worst 1 was scared when being meas ured for the suit, Ed Niles (I think) slipped out to my car and "snatched" the suit material luckily, I soon found it speak ing of tailoring a suit, John Cor bett has a talent I didn't know about he's an expert "suit-measure-upper" just hope it fits ME and not HIM Mrs. Ross, Mrs. Upchurch, Mrs. Foster and the other ludics arc so friend ly it was a thrill to be around thorn some of those present wished that Newspaper Week ramr every month instead nf nnee n year Hoy and 1 lot lieeve . rode down to Hot Springs with us and Koy and 1 talked football ; the time Dot finally asked us to change the subject but it wasn't but a few seconds until it was football again I bad another fine time last Saturday night at the S&W Cafeteria where the In termediates of the Walnut HTU were honored for being Standard two consecutive years Jeter P. Ramsey, leader of the group, is certainly to be commended for his fine work with the boys and girls members of the department presented him with a book as a token of appreciation Miss Katherine Grayson's talk was most inspiring Bill and I appreciate being invited, Jeter, and I hope the group will remain Standard next year it's a fine group of girls and boys another person who deserves a great deal of cred it is Joan Hollifield, sponsor of the group in closing, let me again say that our county has lost one of its finest citizens, Father A. V. Graves, who this week left for Washington, I). C., where he will be associated with George town University (see Editorial) we wish for him continued health and happiness. FOR SALE 1959 CHEVROLET Bel Aire 2 door Sedan, V-8 engine; straight drive; one owner. 1957 CHEVROLET j.h- u,j Top, V8 Engine. PowprlM.-, Trans., Radio & Heater, Extra Clean. 1961 FALCON 2-door sedan; ti jBtraight drive. 1955 CHEVROLET 4-door se dan; 6 cylinder; Powerglide. 1957 DODGE -ton Truck; V-8 engine. 1953 CHEVROLET 2-ton Truck 6 cylinder; 2-speed axle. 1963 CHEVROLET Impala Dem anstrator, 4-door sedan. Load ad with extras. 1961 CORVAIR 700, 4-door sedan. Straight drive; radio, heater. 1960 CHEVROLET 4-door Hardtop; V-8 engine; auto, trans.; radio, heater. Solid white. 1969 PORDOMATTC; 4-door Hardtop; V-8 engine; radio, heater. Priced to sell. 21958 OaBVROLETS 4-door i.Hive your cnoice. 1969 MERCURY 4-door; auto, trans.; radio; heater. A nice one, " 'is.. 1958 CHEVROLET -ton truck 6 cylinders. Heater. 1960 CORVAIR Moor, Power gMdeansradhjjieater WE HAVE SEVERAL MORE OLDER CARS AND TRUCKS PRICED RIGHT French Broad Chevrolet Co., Inc. MARSHALL, N. C. Dealer Franchise No. 2466 Local Editor Is Honored At Supper At Hot Springs Tues. Official! of Pacific Mills and businessmen of Hot Springs and their wives participated in a sup per Tuesday night at the Court Restaurant in Hot Springs honor ing Jim Story, editor of The News Record, for services rendered Mad ison County for the past 17 years he has been editor and publsiher of the local newspaper. The occasion coincided with Na tional Newspaper Week which is being observed this week. In addition to the Hot Springs citizens, Marshall businessmen and civic leaders and their wives at tended. Neill Ross, manager of Pacific Mills, an affiliate of Burlington Industries, Inc., presided, and in introducing Mr. Story, reiterated the importance of a newspaper in the county and remarked that " . . this expression of appreciation is well overdue our county editor He Dften hears criticism and seldom receives praise for his efforts." Mr. Story then reviewed the history of The News-Record and told of the advancements made since his father, H. L. Story, ac quired the newspaper in 1924. He expressed his gratitude to the cit izens of Madison County, the ad vertisers, subscribers and corre spondents for their faithfulness throughout the years. Following his talk, John Cor-'a-tt, president of the Mar-hail Merchants Association and presi dent of the Marshall Lions Club, spoke in behalf of the Marshall citizens in expressing their appre ciation for the "fair and unbiased" publication of The News-Record for the past 39 years under the same management. Mr. Ross then presented Mr. Story with material, made by Bur lington Industries, for a suit. The group then toured the Hot Springs plant which was highly entertaining and enjoyed. Shrinks Hemorrhoids Without Surgery Stops Itch-Relieves Pain For the first time cience has found a new healing substance with the as tonishing ability to shrink hemor rhoids and to relieve pain - without surgery. In case alter esse, while gently relieving pain, actual reduc tion (shrinkage) took place. Most amaiing of all results were so thor ough that sufferers made astonishing statements like "Piles have ceased to be a problem!" The secret is a new healing substance (Bio-Dyne)-dis-covery of a world-famous research institute. This substance is now avail able in rupfotitory or ointment form called Preparation H. At all drug counters. Mrs. Etta Morgan Passes Monday; Funeral Tuesday Mrs Etta Jarvis Phillips Mor gan, 87, of Hobson Branch Road, near Weaverville, died Monday, Oct. 14, 1963 at her home after a long illness. Services were held at 2 p. m., Tuesday at Forks of Ivy Baptist Church, of which she hda been a member 70 years. The Rev. James H. Smith and Dr. Raymond Nelson officiated, and burial was in the church cem etery. Pallbearers were Jerrel Deaver, Larry and Joel Morgan, Edward McDowell, Harry Swil ling and Rollins Jarvis. Grand daughters were flowerbearers Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Troy Deaver of Weaverville, and Mrs. Sallie McDowell of Ashe viUe; and four sons, Jeter Phillips of Akron. Ohio. Flint Morgan of Mars Hill, Rex Morgan of Ashe- vine, ana the Key. is. Morgan of Greenville, S. G. 0VE WARTS! Dissolved Common Warts Awav Without Cutting or Burning Doctors warn picking or scratch ing at warts may cause Weeding, spreading. Now amaring Com pound W penetrates into warts, destroys their cells, actually melts warts away without cutting or burning. Painless, colorless Compound W, used as directed, removes common warts safely, REM Mr. L. B. Rice, 79, Passes Sunday; Funeral Tuesday Mrs. L. B. Rice, 79, of Marshall Rt. ti, died early Sunday morning, October 13, 19(3, in her home af ter a brief illness. Services were held at 2:1(0 p. m., Tuesday in Big Laurel Baptist Church. The Rev. Jesse Slagle and the Rev. Jack Davis officiated. Burial was in the Rice family cemetery. Pallbearers were Willie, Arthur, Mack, Earl, Henry, Everett and Wiley Rice and Foch Buckner. Surviving are the husband, L. Bailey Rice; a son, Roy Rice of Marshall; a sinter, Mrs. Emiline Rice of Marshall Rt. 6; two grand children and three great-grandchildren. Bowman Funeral Home was in charge. ALLANSTAND MRS. BIRCHARD SHELTON, Correspondent Among those attending the l'arent-Teacher meeting at Lau rel Hitfh School Monday night from Little Laurel were Mr. and Mrs. L. II Cutshall, Mr. John Ca hagan, Mrs. Fred .Shelton, Mrs. Dorothy Cook, Principal Owen Fish, Mrs. Itose Lee Franklin and Mrs. Hiichard Shelton. Tho Kev. M r. I ) a h 1 e n Imi r g luvached at U.dva liihlo Chui.ti last Sunday at 'J i. ni., usinj,' for llio Scripture lesson, 1'salin 1 : 1 -1 I . The texl as taken f rum t he Nth verse, "Thou Will Shew Me the Path of Life." There will not be any Bible study Thursday niht. Mr. and Mrs. Chapel Tweed of White Rock visited Mr. and Mrs. Birchard Shelton last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Birchard Shelton and Mrs. John Cook and Terry Lynn Cook visited Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Gahaga.i last Saturday af ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Vern Chandler and children left last Sunday af ternoon for Ohio to work. Mr. and Mrs. Junior Cook of Spartanburg, S. C, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Grif fey last week. Mrs. Laura Cook, on the sick list for several weeks was able to attend church last Sunday. There will be a council meeting of the Madison County larger pra- ish next Sunday at 2 p. m., at the Presbyterian Church at White Rock. 2 FOR Platform Rockers i BEAUTIFUL MATCHED COVERS MAHOGANY FINISH 100 NYLON OR HI PILE OAK FRAMES CHOICE OF COLORS DAINTY UPHOLSTERED Home Electric & The Marshall Hook Club met Monday evening, Oct. 14 at the home of Mrs. J. H. Tweed in Hot Springs. Mrs. (Ty'de M. Roberts presided in the absence of the pres ident. The program was given by Mrs. J. L. McKlroy, the third lesson in a course of Art Study the group is studying. The subject was Ex pressionism, and paintings hy Van Gogh, EI Greco. Marin and Rotiult were discussed. New officers for the coming year were elected as follows: Pres ident, Mrs. Walter Ramsey; vice president, Mrs. R. R Ramsey; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. J. L. Mc Klroy. Delicious cake and coffe were served to Mrs. Clyde M. Roberts, Miss Gayle Isensee, Mrs. Waiter Ramsey, Mrs. Wiley M. Roberts, Mrs. Wade Huey, Mrs. Overton A. Gregory, Mrs. J. L. McKlroy, Mrs. Peter Feldtmose and the hostess, Mrs. Tweed. Engagement Announced Mrs. Caney J. Smith, of Route 2, Hot Springs, announces the en gagement of her daughter, Miss Judy Ann Smith to Sammy Fergu son Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ferguson of Route 3, Clyde. She is a graduate of Spring Creek High School, and is the daughter of the late Caney J. Smith. Mr. Ferguson is a graduate of Fines Creek High School. An October wedding is planned. OTHERS ARE CONTRARY The people who insist on having their own way soon discover how contrary others can be. THE PRICE OF 1 fi 2 29 Mam niture Company MARSHALL, N. C. wmm Engagement Announced e Hr H sass ' ifelrlEwSBEP MISS CHOLIA K. BAILEY is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Hailey of Mars Hill. They announce her engagement to Jo seph A. Cherry Jr., son of Mrs Lottie Cherry of 250 Montford Ave, AsheviUe, and Joseph A. Cherry of Washington. Both are employed at Hammarlund Mfg. Co. Attend Convention Mrs. Glenwood Franklin, vice chairman of Little Laurel, and Mrs. George H. Shupe, president of the Madison County Women's Democratic Party, attended the third annual convention of North Carolina Democratic Women in Raleigh last week-end. While there, they were the guests of Mrs T. ('. Smith of Raleigh. Mrs Smith was on the arrangements committee of the Wake County Women's Democratic Club which was the hostess club for the meet ing. Mrs. Smith is also chairman of her precinct. NOT THE ANSWER Traffic evils must be deal with severely slapping an offender on the wrist is not the answer. YOU GML GET RELIEF FROM HEADACHE PAIN STANBACK gives you FAST relief from pains of headache, neuralgia, neuritis, and minor pains of arthritis, rheumatism. Because STANBACK contains several medically-approved and prescribed ingredients for fast relief, you can take STANBACK with confidence. Satisfaction guaranteed! Test STANBACK against any preparation you've ever used 10 25 69 98 SAVE DURING THIS BIG SALE Jean Price ettectiveiy, leaves no ugly i

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