'9pm I HE NtW b" KtUUKU VOL. 62 NO. 46 8 PAGES THIS WEEK MARSHALL, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1963 lOe PER COPY 12.50 A Year In Madiaon Adjoining Counties $4.00 A Year Outalde These CounUe. Three Bank Robbers Plead Guilty; Sentenced BULLETIN! Long Terms Imposed In Bank Holdup One prison sentence of 22 years and two of 15 years each were im posed in U. S. District Court in Asheville Wednesday morning by Judge Wilson Warlick on three Knox County, Tenn., men, who had pleaded guilty to the $8,216 robbery of the Hot Springs branch of the Citizens Bank of Marshall last July 9. John Edward Miller, 26, was sentenced to serve 22 years in prison and Ronald Arthur Cope land, 21, and Donald Duke Riggs, 2.3, were given 15 years each. Bank robbery took center stage in U. S. District Court in Ashe ville Tuesday as the court took a brief breather from bootleg booze trials. Three Knoxville men, all in their 20s, pleaded guilty to the $8,216 robbery of the Hot Springs branch of Citizens Bank of Marshall last July 9. U. S. District Judge Wilson Warlick,, who is presiding, sen tenced John Edward Miller, 26: Donald Duke Riggs, 2.'i, and Ron ald Arthur Copeland, 21, at 9:30 Wednesday morning. Sentencing way delayed at the request of attorneys for the three. FBI agents Robert S. Moore of Asheville and Joe H. Roberts of Knoxville testified on statements made to them by the defendants and bank branch manager Joe Q. Tilson, the lone employe. Both Copeland, who "celebrat ( Continued To Last Page) SCHEDULE IS ANNOUNCED FOR TRUANT OFFICER The following schedule has been announced for Mrs. J. D. Warrick, Madison County Truant Counsel or: Monday, Nov. 18: Check princi pal's weekly report of unexcused absences. This will be done in Superintendent R. L. Edwards' of fice. Confer with Welfare Depart ment as to any related problems such as home conditions, free lunches, health and other matters. Tuesday, Nov. 19: Visit Spring' Creek, 10:30 a. m.; Hot Springs, 2:00 p. m. Wednesday, Nov. 20: Visit Lau rel, 10:30 a. m.; Walnut, 1:30 p. m. Thursday, Nov. 21: Visit Mar shall, 10:30 a. m.; Mars Hill, 1:80 p. m. Friday, Nov. 22: Visit Ebbs Chapel, 10:30 a. m.; Beech Glen, 1:30 p. m. This schedule is to be carried out every two weeks. It was an nuo need that time in between will be devoted to absences turned in by principals of each school. Jtoplffi$HM opposition, tht passed Thursday a bill to Mtional Debt Hiked To S31S wUwaB WW FW w ' Overt House 4 its present $309 billion to $315 billion. w The measure, described as a temporary increase, was sent to the Senate by roll-call vote of 187-179 after the House lefeated 197-172 a GOP move to send it back to the Way and Means Committe for downward revision of several billion dollars, Voting to send the bill back to committee were 23 149 Republicans. Against mitting it wars 197 Demi Republicans claimed the mat r 34TH DISTRICT DEMOCRATS MET IN MARION TUES. Democratic leaders from the new 34th Senatorial District met in Marion Tuesday night to dis cuss the present rotation system of selecting candidates for the State Senate. It was unanimous ly agreed to discard the rotation system in favor of allowing any candidate from any of the four counties in the district to run in the primary. "We feel that this system is far better than the rotation sys tem," one official said. Counties in the new district are Madison, Yancey, Mitchell and McDowell. Attending the meeting from Madison County were Liston B. Ramsey, chairman of the Madison County Democratic Party; A. E. Leake and Brown Aimmons. MALLONEE TO BE HERE NOV. 25 Tom L. Mallonee, 11th Congres sional District Secretary to Con gressman Roy A. Taylor, is now making scheduled visits to the county seats and others sections of the counties. On Monday, November 25 he will be at the Madison County Courthouse, Marshall, from 9:00 to 10:30; and at the Yancey Coun ty Courthouse, BurnsvfJle, from 1:00 to 2:00. JFK Proclaims November 28 As Day Of Thanksgiving FARMERS ARE URGED TO FILE ACP REPORTS Farmers who are participating n the year's county Agricultural Conservation Program (ACP) through which the Government shares the cost with them n per forming needed sali and water con servation practices, have two ma jor responsibilities. These re sponsibilities are to omoplete the approved practices in accordance with their specifications and the filing of a written performance report with the ASQS office af ter the practices have been car ried out. In commenting on these re quirement, Emory Robinson, chair man of the county ASC commit- ( Continued To Last Page) Ceiling Is would add to what they termed un necessary spending by the . Ken nedy administraiton. President Kennedy had requested the legis- was the third time this year thai the House has voted to raise the debt .ceiling from its permanent figure of $285 bil lion. Last Mayj the roof was rais ed to $309 bilffoVtmtil August SI. In An gust, -.lite' $809 - Million until the when it will re- unless the law. new extension would an (Continued to Last Page) Dillion ceillmr was continued lead of thisimonth. oendlne Vbfcome TORNADOETTES CAGE PRACTICE IN FULL SWING Practice for the Marshall High Tornadoettes is now under full swing. The call for practice was answered by approximately 52 candidates for the team. After two weeks of practice, 26 girls are still vying for a starting po sition. Gone from last year's champion ship team are Wanda Baldwin, Judy Worley, Judy Frisby, Ann Ramsey, Nancy Henderson, and Pat Goforth by graduation. Also missing are Judith Wells, who got married, and Mona Gale Gahagan, who bypassed basketball this year. Only returnees from last year's team which sa wa great deal of play are Forward Judy Tipton, and Guard Willa Ann Plammons. They will serve as co-captains. Others returning who saw limited (Continued to Last Page) COURTHOUSE NEW SITE FOR VET OFFICER The Asheville District office of the North Carolina Veterans Com mission, which has been serving the veterans, widows and depend ents of veterans in Madison Coun ty for twenty years, announced today that arrangements had been made for space in the Madison County Courthouse where a 1 1 those intersetcd in securing the services of the State Veterans Commission could be more conve niently interviewed. Field trips previously made to other areas of the county will be continued as needed. Richard S. Hulme, District Of ftyer of the If. C. Veterans Com iCtotfaiJHNiit Pag Washington President Ken nedy proclaimed November 28 as Thanksgiving and told the na tion it "must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words but to live by them.." Kennedy, in his proclamation Tuesday, added: "Let us therefore proclaim our gratitude to Providence for mani fold blessings let us be humble let us resolve to share these grateful for inherited ideals and blessings and those ideals with our fellow human being through out the world!'' Kennedy proclaimed i Thanks giving in accordance with a joint resolution passed by Congress in 1941 that desiginated the fourth Thursday of November as Thanks giving Day. AGENT GIVES RECIPE FOR CURING MEAT 1 Farmers in Madison County provide much of the pork which they use for home use. The cur ing of this pork is a particular job. Many of these farmers have developed good curing processes over the years. The following is a' good recipe for one hundred pounds of moat: 8 pounds of salt 2-3 pounds of sugar 2-3 ounces of saltpeter. Be sure that you have the in gredients thoroughly mixed. Af ter the cuts have been allowed to chill, H of the mixture should be worked over the whole piece of meat, particularly into the cut surface ami Joints. 11m meat should be stacked tightly with the flesh side up. 'Use a small amount (Continued ft Last Page) ONE HELD IN MADISON SHOOTING A Madison County man was Hi res ted last week by Sheriff E. Y. Ponder in Unaka County, Tenn., and charged with the shooting of Emmett Johnson, 45, of Marshall RFD 3. Clarence Shelton, 48, a former felon, was charged with assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill and is being held in Madi son County jail, Ponder said. Johnson, found on a rural road connecting White Rock communi ty with the Carmen community about 4 p. m., wounded in the left chest by a .45 calibre bullet, was taken to Asheville's Memorial Mission Hospital for treatment. Ponder said his investigation showed Shelton came to the John son home in the Cutshaw commu nity about 3:15 p. m. Finding Johnson not at home, Shelton went to a tobacco barn on the Johnson property, where he found Johnson. The two talked briefly, then got into Shelton's car and drove away, Ponder said. Shelton's auto was seen pass ing the Johnson home about 3:4,r) p. m., with only one occupant, the sheriff related, but suspicion was not aroused. Johnson was found lying in the roadway some three miles north of the home, he added. Bond for Shelton's release not been set, Ponder said. has Livestock Survey Blanks Will Be Given Next Week Postanasters Marvin Ball, W. T. Whitten and Alfred Huff announ ced today that Rural Mail Car riers and Star Route Contractors will begin distributing December 1, 1963, Livestock Survey cards to farmers patrons on their routes partment of AgSture each year in making this and two other sur veys. Livestock cards returned by farmers to their carrier will be mailed direct to the North Caroli na Crop Reproting Service in Ra leigh. Information from each card, if properly reported, will then be tabulated and combined with other reports to give indica tions of changes in livestock on Tar Heel farms. These indications will also be usel to establish es timates of the 1963 calf crop, milk production, lalmb crop, wool production, and the fall pig crop as well as farmers plans to have sows farrow in the spring. So next week if you find in your mailbox a card entitled "Live stock Survey, December 1, 1963," don't put it aside. It was placed theer by your carrier. Postmasters urge that you fill out the card and return it to your carrier as soon as possible. It is important that you return the card for your farm since only a given number of farms will re ceive these cards, and your com munity will be represented accord ing to the number of cards re turned. All Carriers are helping with this survey. Snow Strikes County This Week For the second time this win- ter, snow is spitting and blowing in Madison County. The first no ticeable snow was seen here Wed nesday afternoon with . flurries continuing during the night. 5tV this fmw.-wM Thursday, the snow is still falling but is melting rapidly. ? ? ? ? wtm What's Going To Take Place On Nov. 26-27-28-29-80? Keep These Dates In Mind! .J ?????? "Nickels Vote To TWO NERVOUS BANDITS ROB GAS STATION A pair of nervous bandits pull ed a pistol and robbed a Buncombe County service station operator and his wife shortly after 9 p. m., Monday, then bound them with cord, fired a shot and fled. Robbed were Warren Alvin Pike, 48, of Alexander Rt. 1, and his wife, Martha. They operate Pike's Gulf Station on U. S. 25-70 about a quarter of a mile from the Madison County line. Mr. and Mrs. Pike were alone in their place of business, which is on an iso lated spot on the highway. Pike told Hank Bates, chief in vestigator for the Buncombe County Sheriff's Department, that the two first entered his place and ordered a soft drink. They watched a TV set for a few min uites, Pike said. One of the bandits wheeled a round with a pistol and said, "This is a stickup. We want your mon ey," according to Pike. Pike told them, "I m a sick man I need my money." The robbers then answered "We're poor people, too. This is the way we make our living." Bates said approximately $119 in tens and twenties were taken, (Continued To Last Page) Boosters Club Meets Here Monday; Dingo To Be Played Public Is Invited; Proceeds! Are For Painting Activity Bus The Marshall High School Boosters Club will meet in the I home economics room of the school next Monday night at 7:30 o'clock. Several important busi ness matters will be discussed and a Ways and Means Committee will e appointed. In addition to the regular mem bers of the club, visitors are in vited to attend the meeting at 7:30 and remain for the bingo party which will follow the meet ing. Several nice prizes will be given to bingo winners with pro ceeds from the event to be used to paint the newly-purchased ac tivity bus of the school. The bingo party is expected to begin at 8:30 o'clock and continue to 10 o'clock. The Boosters dub is composed of interested adults from this area who are assisting in needed im provements for the school and the! pupils. The Club is working hand-in-hand with the school personnel and several improvements have al ready been made through the ef forts of the club and the school of ficials. "Everyone interested in joining the club or in playing bingo Mid having fun together are invited to be present," Jim iStory, presi dent of die Boosters Club, an nounced. BLUE DEVILS ALL-STAR HAM The All-Pi scab Conference foot ball squad, picked by loop coach es, lists several Hot Springs Blue Devils on the squad. Making the coveted team wan Billy Roberts, end; Lloyd Ahnany, tackle; Roy Johnson, guard; Ev erett Shelton, hack; and Freddie Shams, back. Warren Nix, ed honorable mention. For Know - How" Be Held Tuesday BAPTISTS ELECT PERRY CROUCH TO SEC.-TREAS. Asheville Pastor Succeeds Late Dr. Douglas M. Branch A strong plea for North Caro lina Baptists to stop bickering and being "suspicious of one an other" was made Tuesday in Wil mington by Dr. Perry Crouch af ter he was elected general secretary-treasurer of the Baptist State Convention. Dr. Crouch, 66, was chosen unanimously by 3,000 convention messengers to succeed Dr. Doug las M. Branch, who was killed in an auto accident near Ahoskie last February. In calling for unity among Bap tists, Dr. Crouch said there has been "too much bickering among ourselves. We have been too sus picious of one another. We have been too ready to accuse each other of disloyalty and unworthy motives. We are hindering the cause of Christ by such actions." Dr. Crouch, pastor of the First Church of Asheville since 1944, asked the convention members to "pray for me daily ... 1 will make mistakes, but I promise you I will try very hard to seek the Lord's will and follow it." ;i v"i ..- HAROLD CASE WORKER WITH WELFARE Harold Ponder of Mars Hill has accepted a position as case work er with the Madison County De partment of Public Welfare and assumed his duties this week. Mr. Ponder is a graduate of Mars Hill High School, attendedjbeen elected president of the Ag Mars Hill College; and also the University of Tennessee for , a year. He then spent two years in service with the Army Medical Corps at West Point. Afterward, he returned to Mars Hill College and is the first student to com plete the course for graduation since the college became a four year college. He majored in math and has a minor in chemistry. Mr. Ponder is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ponder and is married to the former Miss Ruth Chambers of Mars Hill. They have a two-year-old son, Michael Allen, and reside at Mars Hill. World's Largest Now On Courthouse Lawn Odd Construction Causes Comment, Laughter, . Curiosity and bewilderment were on the faces of many people tare Monday when strange things started to take place on the court louse lawn. Bewilderment turned x laughter when the project was completed Monday afternoon. Still, just what in the Sam HiU is it an what's it for was asked lundreds of times. One person described it as "Marshall's version of Caps Can averal.'' Someone else said it was definitely the "world's lar gest bean-shooter." A local per il wanted to know who was Continuance Of Valuable Program Depends On Votes IVfadison County farmers will vote next Tuesday, November 1!', as to whether they want the "Nickels for Know-How" contin ued. On Page Two of this issue can be found a message which lists the various polling places. According to Harry G. Silver, county agent, twelve years ago North Carolina farmers voted to assess themselves 5c per ton for all fertilizer and commercial feed. This 5c per ton was to be used on agricultural research and educa tion. Every three years it is nec essary, by N. C. State law, thut another referendum be held to de termine whether or not farmers want this program, "Nickels for Know-How," continued in North Carolina. At the polling places there will be ballots, the registration book for any farmer or any member of his family who buys commercial feed or fertilizer. They will have an opportunity to vote on whether or not they wish the Nickels for r Know-How Program to be con tinued. Recently the USDA released in formation on the value of agricul tural research. This information showed that if American fanners were using the methods used in 1940, it would cost an extra thir teen billion dollars a year to pro duce fool and fiber for this na tion. The difference in the meth ods used now and in 1940 were made possible by agricultural re search and education. This re search was paid for by the gov ernment and industry. The total bill for all agricultural research in the- past one hundred years was toss than six billion dollars. This is proof that research pays. Im agine the loss of income to our farmers if production costs wr' increased thirteen billion dollars a year! Sometimes the city folks com ( Continued To Last Page) Bobby Robinson President JBerea Agricultural Union Bobby H. Robinson, son of Mrs. Myrtle Morgan of Marshall, has ricultural Union at Berea College, Berea, Ky., officials have an Clubs at Berea like the Agri cultural Union, tend to foster a growth among students in demo cratic ideals and leadership abili ty. Since Berea was founded in 1866, the college has strived to instill in its students a logical con cept of patriotism and service. Self-governing clubs and organi zations promote these ideals and make them reality instruments in the educational process. Robinson, a senior at Berea, is a graduate of liars Hill High School. going to be "shot" to the moon while others just stopped, looked, grinned and turned away. Even passengers on a Greyhound bus, peered out the bus windows as if to 3 say, "My gosh, now I've seen Frankly, it is hard to just what is going to take the "sling-shot." So far have been no vohmtsres to sit the chair and be shot into orbit The answers will, no doubt, furnished between No 30. Until then, it that yon keep close giant ha at an; Sling-Shot slingshot Wis