Harvest Round-Up Nov. 26-27-28-29-30 Harvest Round-Up Not. mWmm so m m THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1965 MARSHALL, N. C. PAGE U-A Horseshoe Pitching All Week NEWS FROM THE MADISON COUNTY ASCS Office RALPH RAMSEY, Office Manager fool Grower Urged To keep Record: Year is Dec. 31 Wool growers who market their unbs in the fall should remem ber to keep adequate record of their sales so that they will be able to make proper applciations for payment under the wool in centive program, according to Emory Robinson, chairman of the Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation county committee. The sales record for lambs sold should include the name of the buyer, his signature, and the number and liveweigbt of lambs sold, plus the description "un shorn." Lamb payments are msde only on lambs that have never been shorn, to discourage unusual shearing of lambs before selling. Robinson also reminds growers that current marketings of wool and lambs through Dec. 31, 1963 will qualify for incentive pay- THRIFTY FRUIT CAKE INGREDIENTS GLAZED GREEN OR Red Cherries 39c LB. GLACED GREEN, WHITE OR RED Pineapple Vi-Lb. PKG. 39c LB. GLACED FRUIT PEELS, CITRON OR Mixed Fruit '4 -Lb. PKG. 29c LB. 78c 78c 58c White Raisins 15-oz. PKG. 29c Brazil Nuts LB 35c A&P BRAND RAISINS SEEDLESS 2 '!& 49c PAPER SHELL PECANS 1-Lb. BAG 49c BANANAS 2 LBS. 25c A&P BRAND, GOLDEN WHOLE KERNEL 2 CORN 23c 1-Lb. 1-Oz. CANS WARWICK CHOCOLATE JA Warwick Dark Chocolate pTc THIN MINTS MERRIES Warwick Dark Chocolate Coated 12-Oz. PKG. 39c A&P BRAND LIGHT MEAT CHUNK Tuna 6V2-Ox. CANS PRICES IN THIS AD EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY, NOV. 23 George W. Snelson, Native Of County, Dies In Michigan George W. Snelson, 63, of Lin coln Park, Mich., a native of Mad ison County and resident of Lin coln Park 20 years, died in his home Sunday, Nov. 17, 1963. Services were conducted at 10 o'clock this (Thursday) morning iin Red Hill Free Will Baptist Church in Madison County. The Kev. lalmadge Brown officiated and burial was in Station Ceme tery with nephews as pallbearers. Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Annie Mae Allen Snelson; a daughter, Mrs. Ray Burkle of Lincoln Park; three sisters, Mrs. Otis Davis nad Mrs. C. J. Mead ows of Marshall RFD 4 and Mrs Delton Kiser of Winston-Salem-four brothers, J. G. Snelson of Hot Springs, A. E. of Asheville, i Frank of Marshall RFD 5 and Clyde Snelson of Greeneville, Tenn., and four grandchildren. Bowman Funeral Home wis in I charge. Singing Tho regular monthly singing will be held at Caney Fork Bap tist Church Saturday night, No vember 23, starting at 7:30. All singers and the public air' invited. ments under the wool program for tho 19f3 marketing year. (In pre vious years, the marketing vear ended March 31.) Beginning in 19f4, the marketing year will be the calendar year. Growers are urged to file their applications for payment, sup ported lv the ffiiuifed .sales docu ments, with their ASCS county office as soon as possible after their fall sales are completed. While the final date to apply for payments on 1963 marketings will be Jan. 31 of next year cover ing marketings of wool and lambs from April 1, 1963, through Dec. 81, 1963 an application may bo submitted at any time between now and then. Mr. Robinson said that lamb feeders particularly should keep accurate records which will estab lish the length of time they have owned lambs on which they apply for payment. Lamb payments are made only on lambs which a pro ducer has owned for 30 days or more, and the amount of payment js based on weight gain of the lambs during the seller's ownership. YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY By D. C. NICHOLS Field Representative Someone has defined retirement as "an extended vacation without pay." The point is: When you re tire your wages will stop. Natur ally, your chief concern then is when you will receive that first social security oheck. You can speed up the receipt of that first check by visiting your social security office, or meet ing the representative two or three months before you plan to retire. By doing so, you can find out exactly when you should file your claim and what records or documents you will need to fur nish. By having everything you need with you when you actually file (which should, if posible, be about two months before you retire), your claim will go through with out undue delay so that the post man will be at your door well ahead of the "wolf." Remember, if you are planning to retire, visit voor social wiin. ty office or meet the represent ative to inquire some weeks at least before you retire! HELPFUL STORM Brownf ield, Tex. Baffled by the task of easing a big water tank on its side so it could be dragged away, city officials were delighted when a storm blew up and tossed the tank just where the wrecking crew wanted it It saved the city at least $160. Conservation Lessens Drought Damage, Says Report Severe drought which struck in widely scattered parts of the nation in 1963 again demonstrated the value of conservation meas ures which farmers and ranchers and other rural landowners have established with U. S. Depart ment of Agriculture help. This was reported by members of TJSDA's Public Advisory Com mittee on Soil and Water Conser vation in their annual meeting in Washington early in October. The committee is made up of repre sentatives from agriculture, bank ing, industry, education and State government The committee's statement was issued through the facilities of the U. S. Department of Agriculture. Conservation-treated land came through in better shape, with less crap loos and erosion damage, in a number of drought areas rang ing from the Great Plains to Vir ginia, representatives of these re gions reported. Conservation programs are mak ing effective contributions to rur- tf areas development by helping to stabilise the agricultural econ omy and by opening up new income-producing opportunities such UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Carolina Tower & Light Company ' Project No. 2380 ! NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR LICENSE (November 4, 1963) Public notice is hereby given that application has been filed under the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C. 791a26r)-nby Carolina Power & Light Company (corre spondence to: H. B. Robinson, Ex ecutive Vice President, Carolina Power & Light Company, 336 Fay etteville Street, Raleigh, North Carolina lor license for construct ed Project No. 2380. known as Marshall Project located on t rench Hroad River, m Madison County about two miles below Town of Marshall, State of North Carolina. The project consists of: a con crete masonry dam about 535 feet long and 32 feet high topped with 24 inch flashboards, intake gates and trash racks; a powerhouse in tegral with the dam housing two vertical shaft turbines having a total installed capacity of 4,500 horsepower directly connected to two generators with a combined capacity of 3,000 kilowatts: and appurtenant facilities. Protests or petitions to inter vene may be filed with the Fed eral Power Commission, Wash ington, D. C, 20426, in accord ance with the Rules of Practice and Procedure of the Commission (C.F.R. 1.8 or 1.10). The last day upon which protests or petitions may be filed is January 17, 1964. The application is on file with the Commission for public inspection. JOSEPH H. GUTRIDE, Secretary 11-14 12-5c ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF MADISON The undersigned, having quali fied as administrator of the estate of LOTTIE T. RECTOR, deceased, late of Madison County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 22nd day of May, 1964, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please! make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 126h day oi wovemoer, 1968. ELLSWORTH R. RECTOK, Administrator, Route 1, Marshall, North Carolina. 11-21 12-12c jjAije Gillette. St04.BLUJEtBLADE 15fH Mfcr HO-HUMMM! What This Plc Needs, Folks. Is A Few Good Ads In This NEWSPAPER Can you pitch horse-shoes T If you can, then you have a treat in store for you in Marshall next week. There will be a continuous contest going on at each end of town. When you have won 25 games of "Horse-shoe Tumbling," you will be considered a finalist for Saturday's games. So flex your muscles, fellows, and come on out and try your skill. There will be "heaps of fun" for every one! NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Adminis tratrix of the estate of H. M. Wallin, deceased, late of Madison County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned at Rt. 4, Marshall, N. ("., on or before the 23rd day of May, 1964, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This is the 18th day of Novem ber, 1903. NELLIE W. BOLES, Administrator 11-21 12-12c WE SERVE THE MEN WHO SERVICE YOUR CAR Home of Quality Parts GARREN AUTO SUPPLY Phone 649-2551 MARSHALL, N. C. HARVEST ROUND-UP SPECIALS AT Moore's Phatmacu Prophylactic Tooth Brashes (Regular 89c) Half -Price Multiple One-A-Day Vitamins 98c Hunt's Vaporizer Thermostat Controlled, Burns 4 Hours, Automatic Shutoff Half -Price 130 Curity Cotton Balls (Regular 68c) 40c 65 Curity Cotton Balk In Cartons Regular 39c 20c Plus Tax Moore's Pharmacu Phone 840-2271 MARSHALL, N. C. 1 as recreation in rural ST S, the members reported. fltt All Htlftl MZOM

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