aw amfti ; ".nwurT' Kfa The News -RECOR ta SO A Year In Madison A Adjoining 10c PER COPY M OO A Tttf Outside These Counties D y ir oi. 1 no. ai u rXofca this week Marshall, n. c, Thursday, may ai, if ft" Murder Docket Here Judge George B. Patton To Preide; Eighty CuN On Docket The May term of Superior Court for the trial of criminal cases will begin here Monday morning with Judge George B. Patton presiding. Robert S. Swain is the solicitor. This is a two-weeks term. Heading the list of eighty cas es which are on the docket are two murder cases. BLANCHE COOK CASE Mrs. Blanche Cook is charged with the murder of her husband, Clyde Cook, 35, of Marshall Rt. 3, on September 23, 1963. The in cident took place in the rural store near Belva which was operated by Cook, his wife, and his mother, Mrs. Kelse Cook. Sheriff E. Y. Pomler said there were six or seven witnesses to the shooting. Ponder said an argu ment flared up between Cook and his wife in the store, and that Wie woman seized a .'i8 caliber revolv er and emptied it at her husband. He was struck in both shoul ders, the stomach, and the chin, and died instantly. Sheriff Ponder stated at the time that he could not iail her because of advanced pregnancy and released her to go to a hos pital to await the birth of the child, her fourth. The other murder case schedul ed to be heard during the' two week term involves L. H. Cutshall, 39, of Marshall Rt S, who ia charged with the slaying of Bur leson Hensley, 34, also of Mar shall Rt 3, in front of the court house here January 4, 1964. CUTSHALL CASE MISTRIAL IN FEBRUARY After Ja Malt-land trasl her in Turn IWU the Febnarv ternTtn. TMHWhli case was declared a mistrial after the jury failed to reach ) after deliberating for three and half honra. Moat of U. ojjfcst eases on thai (Continued To Last Page) Leicester Coed Is Named Mars Hill "Miss Laurel" A biology teacher and a junior coed from Leicester have been honored at Mars Hill College by the student yearbook, The Laurel. The book whs dedicated to Dr. L. M. Outten, professor of biology who has been a member of the faculty since 1946. "Miss Laurel of 1964;" featured beauty of the annual, was identi fied as Miss Jo Wells, daughter of Mrs. Ruth D. Wells of Leices ter Rt. 2. Both the dedication and the name of the winner of the campus-wide beauty contest had been kept secret Dr. Outten has the most scholar ly background of anyone on the faculty of the Baptist College, which just this year has become senior institution. He holds the Muter of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees from Cornell Universtiy and has studied at doses of the nation's other top universities. . He Is especially interested in marine biology research. Last weekend at the annual meeting of the North Carolina Academy of Science at Davidson College he re ported on hie work at five marine biological jkMaaMtft Miss Wells, striking .was selected from six finalists in I campus-wide contest by Joseph ( JtoNardo. wall-known Asheville A jud director and music educator. 4 1961 graduate of Leicester High School, she ia majoring in home economics at Mare Hill. FOLLOW ADVICE If a easy to be perfect just follow the advice yon give others. Cases On Next Week MRS ALUMNI BANQUET SAT. IS SUCCESSFUL Supt. R. L. Edward Gives Progress Report; 1965 Officer Elected The ninth annual meeting of the Marshall High School Alumni Association was held Saturday evening in the school cafeteria. Ed Ramsey of Asheville, president, presided; and the invocation was given by Joe H. Eads. During a business session, Mrs. H. B. Ditmore, chairman of the Nominating Committee, presented the following slate of officers for 1964-65, which was elected: Presi dent, Mrs. Bernard Reece; vice president, Lawrence Ponder; secre tary, Mrs. Fred Robinson; treasur er, Joe H. Eads; and historian, Mrs. James Story. Mr. Ramsey recognized Mrs. Earl Robinson and Mrs. Jack Luns ford who had charge of prepara tion of the meal; the FHA girls who served; and Mrs. Roy Wild who was in charge of decorations A progress report and accom plishments of the school from time the school was located "on the hill" back of the courthouse until the present was given by Robert L. Edwards, county superintend ent Among other things, Mr. Ed wards stated that the first grad Mating class of 1928 had 11 mem bars, while this year's class has 72. A roll call of classes revealed that the class of 1934 had the Moody dents in Mrs. Willie Lewis awarded door to Earl Robinson, Grover (Continued To Page Poor) LIONS TO SELI BROOMS MONDAY NIGHT, MAY 25 Members of the Marshall Lions Club will knock on your doors on Monday night. May 25 between 7:30 and 10 o'clock, in efforts to sell Lion brooms. This annual broom sale is for the benefit of the blind and visually handicapped in Madison County and each broom sold will aid in paying the ex penses of eye examinations, treat ment and other aids. It is hoped that the public will respond overwhelmingly in this worthwhile project Don't forget the date Monday night May 26. Boosters Club Met Monday; Summer Plans Discussed The Marshall Boosters Club met evening at thnechooi win ft-NHes, vice preetuent, in the absence on we J. C. Wallin mendatione for a tion program aa outlined by the Recreation Committee. Tentative plans cell for the program to be held on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of each week from 1:30 p. m., to 6:80 p. m., beginning June 9 ending August 7. Facilities oi Marshall School will be used end it ia hoped time the facilities of the town of Marshall will be (Continued To Fege Four) students preseirV Chandler, former teacher, lowest nmfter of etu. sttendance-as. EXAMINATION FOR SERVICE APPOINTMENTS Potential applicants for appoint ment to any of the four U, 8. mili tary academies for the 1966 term have been invited by 11th District Congressman Roy A. Taylor to take a special Civil Service Com mission examination to be given July 13 in Asheville. , Representative Taylor said the test will be given on that date for young men who wish to be design ated by a member of Congress for appointment to the U. S. Air Force Academy, the U. S. Merchant Ma rine Academy, the U. S. Army Mil itary Academy and the U. S. Na val Academy The purKse of the examination, Rep. Taylor said, is to provide an objective testing method which will aid him in the selection of ap pointees to the four academies. Taylor said he would be furnish ed results of the examination a bout August 15, and would lie able to use these results in making se lections for appointees to the clas ses of I'.mt) m the academies. The Congressman emphasized that appointments for the 19M classes, starting in July, weio closed several weeks ago and that files are now being set up for 1965 applicants. "The July tests could be of in valuable assistance to me in help ing determine the best qualified applicants for the 1965 classes, Taylor said. He urged all those in terested in attending any of the academies to take the test. Congressman Taylor said that anyone interested in being consid ered for appointment to any of the four military academies should make arrangements for this exam ination prior to June 1, 1964, through his District Secretary, Tom L. Mallonee, 1103 Jackson Building. MaUonee's phone num ber is AL 4-6B26. EWES TO BE SHIPPED HERE SOON With most of our l'eatock prices going down, the oie bright spot in the whole livestock picture is sheep, Fred E. Boss, assistant county agent, said here this week. Both wool and lambs are up this spring and along with the good subsidy from last year makes sheep look like a pretty good bet in the near future. We have a shipment of Western Ewes coming into this area around the last of this month. These will be year ling ewes, weighing about 100 pounds and ready to breed for lambing next spring. The cost of these ewes will be something be tween $23.50 and $24.00 per head. Anyone interested in securing some of these ewes, please contact the County Agent's office as soon as possible. Sheep is one of the few types of farm enterprises which will re turn a gain over the original cost the first year and this looks par ticularly true this year with ewes costing twenty-four cents and lambs bringing from twenty-sev en to twenty-eight cents and wool running about sixty-five cents in North Carolina. in which a throwing seared flu Winning run in the bot tom of the seventh inning Toes day to give Marshall High s 64 victory over Mars Hill' and the County mm the season's final for Marshall, which ended with a 18-8 record overall and a 7-1 mark in Madison County play. Mara Hill has a -2 county mark and a v mm can r , , - WESTERN Marshall Beats M j!ilrT sacrifice, and an infield out in overall record. error ensued, ROBERTS SPEAKS T011TH DISTRICT GOP RALLY SAT. Clyde M. Roberts, GOP candi date for Congress from the lint Congressional District spoke to er 300 persons at a barbecue rally at Lost Mine Campground on Silvermine Creek near Bryson City last Saturday afternoon. Rob- rts expressed concern to the cit izens from 14 counties of the 11th district regarding tfce flooding of this country with beef from Au tralla. He deplored the purchase of this beef by the United States government, saying it was patent ly unfair for the cattle raisers of Western North Carolina to have to compete with Australia in the sale of beef in our own country. This comment was followed oy prolonged applause. In some i- ii cases Australia can unuereeu Ajnerican beef despite the lmK distance the beef must be ship ped, etc. Such shoddy dealings by our federal government are (let rimpn tal to the best interests of the fine mountain folk of Western North Carolina. Such a policy does not lift our people out of what our President has termed a (Continued To Page Six) S.S. BENEFITS ARE IMPORTANT IN THIS COUNTY Social Security benefits total ing more than $87,000 every month were being paid to residents of Madison County last year, reports D. H. Butler, field representative service Madison County. Butler pointed out that this amount over one million dollars a year provides mm income in she tmfmMKm. average saury sjm a More than mm1 V? these benefits in Madison County, and do so not because of financial need but as a matter of right, since they or some member of their family worked and paid so cial security taxes to build1 up this benfit right. Social security bene fits represent the sole source of support of many county residents. Over 1850 people in the county receive old age or survivors in surance, and about 170 people re ceive disability insurance. As an indication of the import ance of the social security system to the economy of our state and to the nation itself Butler pointed out (hat more than $320 million per year is paid out in social security benefits in the State of North Car lina, and that about $15 billion per year is paid to social security ben eficiaries throughout the United States. Students Of Mrs. Sara F. Thomas In Piano Recital Tues. A piano recital will be given by the pupils of Mrs. Sara F. Thomas at 7:30, May 26, at the Hot Springs Presbyterian Church. The public is cordially invited to attend. overall West waa the leading hitter for Marshall with three for tour, eluding s triple. James Sprinkle had tw for tares also for the wlji aars. t Ronnie Wallen led the losers with two bugles in three While Charles Tolley and Hunter each had two hits hi trips, with Hunter rapping; a ble. Buddy Ramsey scattered aeven personal firm Garland Mars four Marshall dou- I Madison GOP Asks For State Madison Charge Brings Denial M. H. COLLEGE COMMENCEMENT MAY 29 - 30 - 31 Friday, May 29 4:00 p. m., Art Exhibit opens, Fine Arts Building. 8:00 p. in., Musical Program, Spainhour Hall. Saturday, May 30 10:.'!0 a. m., Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees. 3:.'I0 p. m., Business Meeting of the Alumni Assoc., Moore Auditorium. 4:00 p. m., Class Meetings 1899, 1904, 1909, 1914, 1919, 1924, 1929, 1934, 1939, 1944, 1949, 1954, 1959. 5:30 p. m., Alumni Banquet Speaker: Dr. Spencer Phillips Thornton, Physician and Teacher, Nashville, Term. 8:00 p. m., Presentation of "Pygmalion," by George Ber nard Shew, Department of Dramatics. Sunday, May 31 ccalaureate Ser- Auditorium Dr. John M. Lewis, r r'irst Baptist JJiurcn, Raleigh, North Carolina. 2:80 p. m., Organ Recital. 3:00 p. m., Graduation Exer cises, Moore Auditorium Speaker: Dr. John T. Cald well, Chancellor North Caro lina State of the University of North Carolina, Raleigh, North Carolina. Junior Honor Students Selected For Marshals Twelve juniors have been nam ed as marshals for the graduation exercises for the 1964 class. To obtain this honor they have to maintain an average of 90 or above throughout their high school career. The students are Nadine Wal lin, Jimmie Landers, Richard Wilde, Phyllis Niles, Cecelia Rob erts, Jean Rice, Elsie Davis, Joyce Fisher. Shirley Wilson, Donna Stines, Everette Mace and Donna Jean Wilds. STAY AWAKE Stay awake during the day end you can afford to sleep at night Man Hill hits to pick up his fifth Win of ttw year. Ha ended with 6-1 record. nmnr ' jl 'F was tas pitcher. The line score: Hill 9J0 020 0 5 7 8 200 021 16 9 Fox and Grooms and Wortey, Btel.aSBBVMBMLsMSBVSSMsHar su. aster Paste Freeman Says Meeting Was Adjourned Before GOP Chairman Arrived Charges to the State Hoard of Flections early last week by the chairman of the Madison County Republican organization, in regard to Madison precinct procedures, drew quick reply from the chair man of the County Board of Elec tion last Friday. While the state board was study ing Bruce Briggs' Republican pro test about the way precinct offi cials were selected April 11, Roy Freeman, chairman of the county board, assembled three affidavits from people in the Courthouse that day, and sent them to Raleigh. The affidavits stated that the he to meeting of the county board name precinct officials started and ended before Briggs arrived with a list of recommendations for Repub lican officials. They were sworn to by William C. Reeves, attorney; Mrs. Wanda Gosnell, county tax office em ployee, and by Freeman and Er nest Snelson, the Democratic mem bers of the Board of Elections. Briggs contended in his presen tation that he was barred from the meeting, no per - aotal htoretl in fte matter, but "does resent the making and pub licizing of an utterly false picture (Continued To Last Page) Commencement Announced For LOCAL FARMERS RECEIVE AWARDS AT CONFERENCE Several years ago, North Caro lina State College in cooperation with the Tennessee Valley Author ity and the Extension Service ori ginated the 800 board footer a ward. Men who managed their tim ber land so that it averaged grow ing 300 board feet or more per acre, per year on at least ten-acres were eligible Last week two Mad ison County farmers were present ed with this award at the annual Southern Tree Farmer's Confer ence in Asheville. Both the men have their farms in the Grapevine Community of Madison County. Mr. Orrin Tilson's farm consists of 200 acres. He (Continued To Last Page) Garment Industry Seeks Applications For Employment Saturday, May 28, m to 4900 p. lis taken for will I for employment community for a garment indus try. The prospective employer H a manufacturer of night garments for children and adults and is try ing to determine whether or not than is enough trained sewing machine operators and cutters that can form a nucleus to start oper- 14 WavA soma friend who are experienced and wonM like to work in the Town of Mars Hill, please have them visit the Community Building m Mars Hill on Saturday. :F.W from 8:00 A . " emehrrees ceafiahle in tin Mars Hill Leader Probe GOP Chairman Terms Local Board's Actions As "Irresponsible" The action of the Madison County Board of Elections las! month in appointing the precinct officials became the basis for a four-page written protest to the State Board of Flections Tuesday of last week. Bruce R. Briggs of Mars Hill, chairman of the county Republi can Executive Committee, termed the local board's actions "irres sponsible," and asked for an in vestigation. He questioned the el igibility of the precinct officials and the validity of their appoint ment. Raymond Maxwell, executive secretary of the state loard, saiil in Raleigh Thursday afternoon that he had not received any com munication from Briggs. Briggs wrote that he was not permitted to make his party's recommendations for the appoint ment of Republican precinct jud ges, and that he was barred from the room in which the county board met on April 11. (Chairman Roy Freeman of the county board said after that meet ing that GOP preferences were not ignored, but that the meeting was held before any list was present ed. Without a list, name were selected at random, Freeman said. Briggs arrived after the meeting had adjourned). Briggs said no notice of the meeting was given until 20 minutes before it took place, e situation al so recalled by Jack Guthrie, the Republican member of the board. Briffl. charged that he tned to 1 fty,, groasl to present hie party's rcomftafttona, found the door locked, and that he could hot get in. When the board emerg ( Continued To Last Page) Exercises Are Schools Commencement exercises for the county's five high schools will be held next week, beginning with bac calaurate sermons on Sunday. Following is a schedule for each school) MARSHALL Sunday, May 24, 2:80 p. m. high school gymnasium Bacca laureate sermon: The Rev. Joseph M. Reeves, pastor, Saint Timothy Methodist Church, Brevard. Thursday, May 28, 8:00 p. m. Graduation gymnasium Ad dress: Wilms Dykeman (Mrs. James R. Stokely Jr.) of Newport. Tenn. MARS HILL Sunday, May 24, 11:00 a. m. Mars Hill Baptist ChurchBac calaureate sermon: The Rev. Charles Davis, pastor, Mars Bill Baptist Church. Thursday, May 28, 8:00 p. m. Graduation high school auditori um. Students will speak. HOT SPRINGS Sunday, May 24, 11:00 a. m. Baccalaureate sermon: The Rev. Harry Sellers, pastor of Hot Springs Methodist Church. Friday, May 28, 8:00 p. m. Graduation Students will speak. SPRING CBR Sunday, May 24, p. m. Baccalaureate sermon; The Bar. Jack Thomas, pastor, Marshall Baptist Church. - Friday, May 28, 8:00 p. m. Graduation address by Wade Hu ey, Marshall. (Laurel program not available .aa we go to press) GBP IT HONESTLY It's no wonder Americans ex pect to get something for nothing that's the war our forefathers (traded with the I

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