The News -Record Published Woekly At MARSHALL, N. C NON-PARTISAN Seennd ntaaa privileges am J. I. STORY, Msaagtaf Editor 4 OUTSIDE MADISON COUNTY 16 Om Tear $3.00 Three Month. Airmail -$2.00 - 80c For Week WONDER WHO'S NEXT? Our county has been blasted to the four corners of the earth, so to speak, for the past few weeks. From testimony revealed in the recent hearings, we have actually deserved much unfavorable publicity. Things have taken place lately which make all of us blush with shame that they should happen in our county. Our image and reputation across North Car olina is at an all-time low. We aren't asking for mercy, but rather, justice. We are, at least, trying to do something about it. On the other hand, however, a person would think that MADISON County is the ONLY county in the state where there are irregularities and corrup tion. We wonder if other counties would welcome a full investigation? We doubt it. Two wrongs don't make a right, W pe sur, but somehow it seems to us that some of th. other .coun ties are gloating over our misfortune and at the same time holding their breath for fear thafctheW,turKfct be in the "spotlight'sometam. SUMMER PROGRAM SUCCESSFUL The summer program, spearheaded by th e Mar shall Boosters Club and aided by the board of edu cation, the Town of Marshall, and other ,cic organ izations, is off to a surprisingly successful ; start By the word surprisingly, we mean the number of boys and girls who are participating. - " When efforts were initiated to start such ven ture there was considerable doubt if enough young people would show interest. Some thought if 20 en listed it would be encouraging. Plana were, formu lated and Coach Ed Morton agreed to serve as Di rector. He needed help when over 50 young people turned out for instructions. Assistants were obtained and now the program is in full swing with great en thusiasm. Plans are now completed for instructions in swimming. This added program is wise. As usual, the American Red Cross came in to help and Bob Bender, of the Asheville Area Chapter, is the swim ming instructor. Regular sessions will begin next Wednesday. This is a good sign indeed. It is good for our young boys and girls to receive supervised recreation under careful leadership. It is still better for the young boys and girls to learn to swim. This one fea ture may some day save one of their lives. Learning to swim should be a prime ambition and accomplish ment for everyone. We congratulate the leaders and the young peo ple on making this summer program so successful in its first year. IN POLITICS itforiied n. a SUBSCRIPTION RATES IN MADISON - BUNCOMBE COUNTIES 15 Months -$8.00 On Tmt Eirht Months Six Months -$1.60 ML i vWfllYl wmmmmm IPJ"Ss XaSaW BSSSr THE NEWS-RECORD TO THE EDITOR JOYCE WRITES Now the second primary I oy er and 1 suppose it has been re- ported that everything went very nicely in our county, but, oh, want a shameful thing happened in oar precinct The State Highway Pa trol patrolled our roads. Two members of the Madison County Board of Elections made a visit to our precinct and bad a body guard of 4 Highway Patrolmen. We are a peaceful people and in yja, our officials to come and see us. I never thought I would live to see such a thing as happened. Get somebody from the lower precinct to describe the situation aunng the second primary. JACK V. JOYCE THANKS Mars HiU, N. C. June 80, 1964 Mr. J. I. Story The News-Record Marshall, N. C. Dear Mr. Story: We wish to express our appre ciation to you for complete news and editorial coverage of irrgular- ities in the Madison county pri mary election. It is gratifying to Hiu-nvAT a newspaper in our coun ty courageous enough to print the truth. We could not have nac? any success in our struggle for fair electoral machinery without tne publication of this truth. Than you for accepting your responsi bility in this matter. wViBn we et so we can go w our polls and vote and return to ,n-A Vnnwinc that each vote W" WW 0 - will count one end no votes which are not representative of the win th voter. THEN Madison Coun ty will be a more decent place to live and rear a family. Yours truly, A GROUP OP CITI ZENS J. staaTaav s fcea1awswepa,eaai -f V Maht)L.N.' Route 2, Box ltf July 1, 1964 Dear ax. awry: - - , Enclosed you will find check for three dollars for my renewal for Mrs. Buckner and I will celebrate our 87th wedding anniversary on July 8rd. We have four chiwren a ti,a trmnHchildren. Children: ftiiu wuww e iatt Mrs. Lucille Buckner of AshevUIe; af rwrl T. Buckner of Camp L- ieune. N. C; Judy Buckner of Marshall and Sandra Buckner ol Anheville: srrandchlldren: Douglas TI9N. Hawaii: Ann Buck ner, Asheville, and Paul Buckner nf rmn Leieune. We have been taking The News Record for almost 30 years. Yours sincerely, M. L. BUCKNER ROARING FORK MRS. HUBERT P ANGLE, Correspondent Misa Beckv Wyatt returned to her home Tuesday after spending a week in the hospital at Black Mountain. She is improving some. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Gardin re tamed home Friday after spend ing a week with their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Gar din in Tennessee. They reported a nice time. Several neoole of this Section at tended the homecoming at Shut- in Sunday, including Mr. and Mrs. Pole Holt, Messrs. Harrison Brown arid Mehrin Wyatt Mrs. CaDJe Parker is still on the nick list. We hope she Is soon re covered and back at church. tw irtmharlv wax accompanied to church Sunday by his three granddaughters, Mary, JLaura ano Sarah Kimberly. Jerry Parker was home Sunday from Blanton's Business College, Asheville. Mr. and Mrs. Brace Johnson of Johnson Bible College, Tenn., had supper Sunday night with Mr. and Mrs. Pole Holt They were ac companied by two email boys from Houston, Texas. Mrs. Lillie Frisbee and son, Willie, of Wayneeville visited Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Payne Sunday and Monday. Edward Wyatt of Soring Creak had dinner Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Pangle. Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Brooks and Mrs. Cecil Pangle Monday nig ALLANSTAND MRS. BIRCH ARD SHKLTON, The Vacation Bible School for the two Upper Laurel churches, White Rock and Alleghany, will beam next Monday morning. The Wfiu iwa j ... Vm nviH Aumiller. naetnr of VI. r M ' - thM churches, will announce time ..J sJntae v T Y"art Hnortlation DAXt utu jjuaiio -wr Sunday morning during church i in JilUmi nra invited. ' service. All children are invited. m . m i C I 1 L A vary soccessrui oioie led by Mr. Aumiller, at Walnut, closed last Friday with a daily at tendance of 77. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Cook. Jr., and Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Greene of . Spartanburg. S. C, have moved I hack to Little Laurel. Mr. Jfahn Rahaaran is building- a new porch to his dwelling house. Mrs. Alice Hunycutt u on " ' sick list this weeic. we wisn uw a speedy recovery. - 1J VAM Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rice are spending a two weeks vacation at Daytona Beach, Florida. Mr. Connie Sams and daughter of Flat Creek visited Mr. and Mrs. Birchard SheRon last Tuesday. stv. Rirrhard Shelton will sur vey land in Hot Springs Thursday for Mr. P. E. Franklin. Mr and Mrs. Ralph Sams took t.hir hahv to a Greeneville, Tenn. hospital last week suffering from a vims. Latest reports are mat the baby was .very ill and is still in the hospital. 7 -ii Move TO WeaVerVllie Mr. and Mrs. James Harrison u. wu v .ontiv moved to Weaver- IMbVV ..WW . ville where Mr. Harrison has ac- ... TIT 1 TAh a noaition with West Fu naral Home. He was formerly em- . ployed in Black Mountain. Mrs. Harrison w lormer Miss Paaline ponder, daughter of Ut and Mra. Wade PonSer 1 r.riar i ,. - Thanks tt ' W mm' V4 & WW I I I M I wish to thank the Democratic voters ol Madison County for the confidence expressed in first and sec ond Primaries. I appreciate the overwhelming ma jority of votes received in Madison County. Robert McDevitt Mores To Biltmore School At New Principal A three-way shift In top Bun combe County school jobs was an nounced Tuesday by T. C Rober son, county school superintendent Bdwln McDevitt, principal ol RH Oak Elementary School for the put seven years, will succeed Ben Norton as principal of BUt- more School. McDevitt, a native of Marshall, mCLievlvb, m iwwtv v -I . M. Hill rVillMra. jj, n XnWIMW -". He hoWfJ an A.B. degree from Lin- . 1 war 1-1 r-11au sitvrt m MMIs COICI JSOUlVll! mum m degree from the University . i g ii f North Carolina. Taught In Madison He taught in Madison County schools for three years before Ar my service in World War II. Be fore becoming principal at Ken Oak School, he taught for nine years at French Broad School and . i A linn L., tPHPher of driver education fw He - Weatwood Bapttat s uwusv" w " a Church. HUNTER MRS. ERNEST BALL, Correspondent Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Laughlin and Maria Buckner of Greeneville, Tenn., spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Luther Ball. Mrs. Scott Warren and son, Gregory, spent Friday night with her sister, Mrs. Lester Lewis and family. Linda Carole Ball spent Monday of last week with Marva Ann 1 Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Reece and famUy were visiting Mr. and Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Keece ano riGniWi Hull .Sunday. ICMUV - . r. Tir.A Hunter and daUBh- Mrs. fTuo - n.-. n a n t Frida V With HCI, ABlWWww " 1- - Mra Burns Hunter. COMMAND RESPECT People wi .have more respeci for law oniy wnen we em commano more y- Voters Scott Employees Of Burlington Sharing Vacation Bonuses Greensboro Vacation bonus payments to non-salaried em ployees of Burlington Industries, Inc.. will total approximately 15.6 million in the company's 1964 fis cal year, Charles A. McLendbn, vice president in charge of per sonnel announced today. Some $8.5 million will be paid to employees of the diversified i textile I inn m ine nan ' I he said. Bonuses paid last Christ mas totaled $2.1 million. Over 49,000 employees at Bur lington plants in 17 states receive the payments, with the individual amounts depending on length of r v i c e. Nearly two - thirds of Burlington's eligible employees receive the equivalent of two weeks' pay. The bonuses are paid in addition hnfita provided by Burling ton's Profit Sharing Retirement plan for non-salaried employees. Members of the plan, in 1963, had .nnrnTtmatelv S4.8 million credit ed to their accounts, which was equivalent to about 3.5 per cent oi the member employee wages. Need Pepper? MARION-KAY PURE VANIL LA and Pure Granulated Pepper for sale by Marshall Boy Scouts of America. For prompt delivery, phone 649-3861. Let's go TROUT FISHING . en the Cherokee Indian Reservation More than 40 mll coi"- cl!V I trout strstms stoclisd two days each week with tainboWjJrtiok, and Bmsn trout ranging in ttpffrom 7 to 5 inches. , . Advice (ram Indian Guides about goad fishing spots and bait to use. ; : Four conveniently located stations far mmifI wlh Mrmttt una inlnrautlnn and wwiiiia pwwf reporting your catch. All alters over ii veari oi an miai.nm m kee Fish Management Area mil. Permits am $1.00 tribal law for a. total of rfou a Nnrth f.arnlina Flshinff is required of all persons over 16 but no special state trout license is needed. N. C. non-resident license is $1.65 per day. $375 for 5 days. ; Fishing permitted lnanagad rtraam between 6.00 A.M. and 8;00 P.M. Thursday through Monday each week to Oct 31st Streams are closed for restocking Tuesday and Wednesday of eech week. . i Cherokee's trout fishing ... first class motels or campgrounds ... fine restaurants . . . many entertaining at tractions ... will provide a fun vacation for the entire family. For additional information write: Sibbald Smith, Supervisor Cherokee Fish Management Area Cherokee, North Carolina s WE ARE HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE THAT Betty Ponder Is Now Associated With Us ALL MODERN TINTS & RINSES PERMANENTS: $8.00 - $10.00 - $12.50 - $15.00 - $20.00 Carolina Beauty Shop Ruth Penland -s- Betty Ponder OPERATORS MARSHALL. BP IN NEED OF Letterheads Envelopes Statements Visiting Cards Business Cards Promisory Notes Chattel Mortgages Warranty Deeds State Warrants Land Posters Contact THE NEWS-RECORD RIGHT JOB Choose the kind of work you like it's much easier to stick to a job you're stuck on. m Ferttiaglas ouaaa-LiNaD SUetUc WATER HEATER If the tank should leak any time in the first ten years, we will provide a complete new replacement heater fret (dealer installation and local delivery extra). OME ELECTRIC Sc FURNITURE COMPANY MARSHAU, H. C lllxd I II - I B"r I i n r i r m vi I rfw 1 m a 1