ADS t WORLD'S LARGEST , JAMES ALLEN Phone 649-8251 649-2104 (Home Marshall, N. C ' WIN 500 WITH YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER Your Social Security number may be wos M0 wt Mf. .Tfce Baltimore New American 01 fnt 11600 a day ... . $9,000 a waak to lucky readers', fiena your number on a port card Box 1701. Balimore. Maryla nan watch the list of winning numbers In " '1KB BALTIMORE NHW8 AMERICAN on aale at your local newudeslei LOSE WEIGHT safely with new improved Dex-A-DIET Tablets Only Me at MOORES PHARMACY Marshall, N. C. 98 - 115 eng. i WOMEN with sales ability. Steady income, pleasant work, chance for advancement. Write Avon Manag er at address below or Telephone AL 3-8592. MRS. DOROTHY BRUTON St Dune tan's Rd. .Asheville, N. C. or call AL3-8592. WANTED two men who wish to earn at least $600 per month. Apply in person. Room 20, Bat more Plaza, Office Building, or writ P. O. Box 5273, Biltmore Station, Asheville, N. C. 8-27-r$-24c FOR SALE 200 acres of land on Big Pine Creek; 1 mile from Barnard; 4 -acre tobacco allot ment; tobacco barn; 4-room cin- block house; 6000 young wnite ; ?2,000.00 worth of timber pulpwood: -mile paved road creek frontaea. Price $8,000.00 -,rj. FRANK RANDALL ment; I & ere Schools Close (Continued from Pag One) wards. Physical education teacher from more than 200 schools in 15 counties throughout Western North Carolina have bean invit ed. Bill Swift, Tie president of the division, baa planned the fit ness demonstration using students from HanderaonviJle HIgh -Behoof under the direction of their phys ical education instructor, Bob Brown. In addition to the demonstra tion Miss Lorraine Larson of Lee Edwards will report on s track and field institute. Just before adjournment the division will elect s new slate of officers to replace Miss Hart, Swift and Mrs. Doris Hester of Charles D. Owen High School, who is the secretary. Lloyd Siewert of the physical education department at Western Carolina College is chairman of the nomi nating committee. In addition to Miss Hart, sev eral other Madison County teach ers are active in the Western Dis trict NCEA and will take part in the day's programs. Wayne Pressley, band director at Mars Hill College, is president of the music division; Kobert Kicn, an other member of the college mu sic faculty, will sing at the meet ing of the music division; Miss Collie Garner, retired from the college faculty, will participate in panel discussion during a meet ing of the division of retired teachers; Jim Cox of Mars Hill, a staff member at the Buncombe Industrial Education Center, is secretary of the IE division. County schools will be closed Tuesday for the meeting. (HURCIfjON FIRE The Chicago newspaper carried an account recently of largo church, burned to the ground, at loss of about half a million dol lars. Our sympathy goes' ont to AU- - . . . J . w pastor ana rniujTSSMsm WfiO, t beat, will have to carry on for a time under makeshift arrange ments. But the aseount reminded me of the story of another church on firs. The crowds had gathered to sse the firs engines poor water on the burning building, when one man spotted friend m the crowd. "This is tbs first time I've- rjMuafc r j n i W3 UrailU Phone 264-3979 BOONE, N. C. 9-3 10-8p lea ambauador for Christ wrote: Therefor, my beloved breth ren, be ye steadfast, unmovaable sJways abounding in the work of Hi Bob!" ha shouted, the Lord, forasmuch as ye know tbs first time Pvs seen I that your labor i. nnt in . i,. you at church!" "Wsfl- respond- the Lord" (1 Cor. 16:68). Iff" -I "TV . , flats no, to increase " tbs producer a lsn. " rn..PTr.J!J,tor,,kV "P to Government. For cnameier ana personality, as wsH t-iBKan . " ITZ2 as rsconstruoUon of hi. oW rTV4' " mSlMia SS Ssks iku tfll.A. -T.. vT.T-T-."? "T"10" Pym0s and become sli- r- r- f' v WW sd ths other, "TWs is tbs first time- I've seen church on fire." Ws writs this as special ap peal to true, born -a gain Chris tians. Isn't it true that if be liever were mors "on firs'' for Christ, mors completely sold out interested would be mors apt &jom' :28) become interested and coma to 7 Accept that gift; trust the know Him ss theh- SsviorT We Christ who died for your sins snd so soon loss interest or become He'll give you plenty to do the discouraged and quit This is most rewarding service sny msn why the Apostle Paul, that tiro-' can possibly render. This, we repeat, is his exhor tation only to believer, for God will not accept our money or our good works, until ws hay first accepted from Him 'Mfce gift of God," which is "eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord1 contradictory evidence with which Warren's Commission 'had to con tend. Ths only major personalities not Included in Sunday's report are FBI and Secret Service wit nesses, who are forbidden by ths government to submit to press in terview. t Ths final report of "November 22 snd tbs Warren Report" will deal with tbs report, itself, and will consist of a concise summa ry of a treatise which contains more than a qusrter of a million words and 20 volume of testimo ny, a - CBS White House -Correspond ent Dsn Rather, who covered the sssasinstion story for CBS Nsws last November will be the report er for Sunday's Now Special. As fsd grain acreage which they do proaues on thsir permitted sers sgs. Ramsey said that corn is ths only one of the grains produced u Madison snd that those who took part in ths program agreed to reduce their earn production by at least 20 per cent. maximum acreage which any tner could reduce his serosa for pay was ths smaller of ths farm bass or 26 acre. Payment Hers' your comforting thought fqr the day: The world changes so last that you couldn't stay wrong all the time if you tried. to produc signed their li part in the pn plac early in i balance of ths arneo on ins xarvn pas 1 support payment due 1st was mads after fa Ths 858 eorn producers who participated in this ysars pro gram diverted 1005 acres of com to a conserving uss for diversion payment in ths amount of 94L 655.00 sad pries support pay ments of $1612.00 ion ths 115 seres which they produced under their permitted acreage. la com paring this year's county record with that of last year, Ramsay Said that under ths IMS program 557 farms entered sgreemants and received 582,615.00 in diversion payments on 972 seres and price support payment of 52,023.00 ou 205 acres which they produced under their permitted acreage. In conclusion, it was pointed out that tbs number of county farmer participating In the vol untary com diversion program Precinct Probe (Continued From Page One) "It was only after I objected to the squalid surroundings that 36 Tractors, $95 up; No. 3 Massey mey agreed to move the hearings Feg. Baler, like new, $1000; 661 from T(mn Hall to the Com. 2 SKdE? SS-- Center," Cocke ssid. Field Chopper, in excellent r.ondi He complained of what he said tion. $795.00; Corn Harvesters,, were "unsanitary coalitions" in Corn Pickers, Corn Shredders, Sta tionary Chappers, Mowers. Rakes, Tillers, Disks, Plows, Bush Hogs, and other larm equipment. P. A. RAMBO 8 miles south of Greensville, Tenn Camp Creek Road Phone 639-9412 9-3, 10, 17, MfCTT ' WANTED TOi BUY Several hundred Boxwtoods: all sizes. Call W. H. COOK, 049-4070, or write me at Marshall Kt. 3, telling size, age, number you have, and prices. y-3, to, 17, zap ATTRACTIVE young women, no experience necessary, good start ing salary. Nutritious meals snd uniforms furnished. Time and half pay for oysr 40 hours, op portunity to meet people, vaca tion with pay. Group insurance and hospitalization. A trade ed ucation, helpful and plesssnt sur roundings. No Sunday work. Ap ply SoVW Cafeteria, Asheville, North Carolina. 7-9tfc the Town Hall also. Others of Madison's 23 pre cincts under investigation by the county .board are Bull Creek Paint Fork, Meadow Fork, Shel ton Laurel and Marshall, Huff said. It was from the Big Pine pre cinct that the resignations came, Allen said. Grover Raker was the registrar, Miss-- Inez Caldwell, Democratic judge; and Ishmael Massey, GOP ujdge. "They said they were too busy," Allen reported. LAUREL NEWS MISS B. FRANKLIN, Correspondent MOBILE HOME SALES New one and two-bedroom, eight wide; ideal for young couple, construction workers, retirees. Priced $2,695 to $3,285. 5895 down; low monthly payments. ALPINE MOBILE HOME SALES 112 S. Tunnel Rd.; Hwy. 74-E . Asheville, ti. C. 9-24 10-16C i I. . i HI. HI HANCOCK'S RESTAURANT 8 No. Pack Square ASHEVILLE, N. C. Meat Loaf Plate with Mashed Potatoes, Slaw Choice of One Vegetable COFFEE or TEA 65c CHOICE of SANDWICHEi HOME MADE PIES The family of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Banks (better known as Little KJe) gathered at the home of their youngest-daugh ter, Mrs. Jancor Franklin, . Sun day. Those attending were Mi. and Mrs. Tommie Banks and daughters, Patsy and Zella Rea. Mr. and Mrs. Hardy Ledford of Rt. 5, Mr. and Mrs.. John Gaithcr Ramsey of Walnut, Mrs. Paulino Ramsey and daughter, Masgarett Ann of Rt 1, Walnut. Mr. and Mrs. Manassie Gunter and chil dren, Geneva and Clarence, Mr. and Mrs. Dillon Franklin and son, Miss Diets Hensley, all of Asheville; Mr. Glenwood Hensley; also friends Mr. Jerry Kent of Asheville; Jay Vea Hensley, Mr. and Mrs. Jancer Franklin and kids, Rickey, Brenda and Karen. A chinquapin hunt was enjoyed by the grandchildren following a water melon slicing. Every one had a very nice time. Mrs Lucille Hensley and daugh ter visited her parents Sunday. Miss Patsy Banks of Warren Wilson College, Swannanoa, was home with her parents over the IWsif end. " '! Most of the people on the sick list are abb) to be at work agsn mere win do a Business meet ing concerning tbs new church when people-are caught us with Tweed stated. r work, Mr. silting him will hs Eddie Barker of KRLD-TV in Dallas, who also J played a prominent role in new had increased each year since It coverage of the assassination. waa first started in 1961. 1 ' ' m 65's Most Sweeping Changes- RAMBLER ANNOUNCES ffiE SENSIBLE SPECMULARS Newf 3 pifferent Sizes. New! 3 Difibent Wheelbases. Newf 7 Spectacular Engines. B sijfcB6 65 RAMBLER AMBASSADOR Largest and Finest of the jNew Ramblers SPECTACULAR ! Totally hew in size, in style, in power. New longer wheelbase. SENSIBLE! Greater room, easy handling. NEW! Disc. Brakes, options!. NEW! Spectacular choice of engines from the all-new 1 55-hp Torque Com mand 232 Six to optional 327 cu.-in. V-8. NEW! Twice as many Ambassador models for 1963, including a dazzling new convertible. UK 41 165 RAMBLER CfcASSIC "New Intermediate-Size Rambler ""'ilSBB PssVI fl I 5 ml M we- m sshHsSHKsIHBbMSH :bsbbbbbbbbbbsk bsbbI0 1 SPECTACULAR! Bigpt, most powerful Classics ever netf convertible, sedans, hard tops, wagons. SENSIBLE! Increased space, outmaneuversJrthertf.S. makes. NEW! Three 4. f3 versions of new Torque Command Six. Two V-8 options, up to 270hp. NEW! Disc Brakes, optional. Double-Safety Brakes, separate sys tems front and rear, standard on all Ramblers. '65 . RAMBLER AMERICAN The Compact Economy King SPECTACULAR! New optional 6, smoothest, most enthusiastic in any compact. SENSIBLE! Famous championship economy. 10 sparkling models. NEW! Sporty options, including auto matic or manual floor sticks, two sizes of re clining bucket seats. New Toque Command Sixes New V-8 Choices Torque Command world's most advanced Six boosts both power and economy . Three power ranges : up io 232 cu. in. ? 7-mam-bearing Crankshaft with 8 counterweights (twice the usual) gives spectacular smoothness. Two V-8s, 287 and 327 cu. in. AMERICAN MOTORS DEDICATED TO EXCELLENCE See the Sensible Spectaculars at your Rambler dealer! try was horns Hs is eni- I 8 STON BROTHERS MARSHALL, N. C. Dmlmr Frcmchu No. 11 ednesday Evenin