N. a, jan. n, ims THE HI ECORD PERSONAL and OTHERWISE Dial 3261 1 ' Mr. and Mrs. Jrmmie Holloway and ton, Jody, of Charleston, S. G, spent two days last week here with Mra. Holioway'e grandmoth er and grandfather, Mr. and Mra Edd Candler, and other relatives of Marshall. Mrs. Holloway is the former Carol Jane Fortner, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Hubert Fortner. Mr. Holloway is serving with the Navy and is being trans ferred to San Diego, Calif. The Holloway will join Mr. J. Hubert Fortner in Alabama, then all will make the trip to California, where Mr. Fortner will join his family who are residing there. The Fort ners are former residents of Mar shall. SpB Edward Lane Randall and Mrs. Randall have been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. San Randall of Marshall Route 1 for the past 30 days. Sp5 Randall and Mrs. Randall have been at Fort Lewis, Washington where Randall is stationed. He is ex pected to be transferred to Ger many in February. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carrow, of Clemson, S. C, spent last week end here with Mrs. Carrow's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Rice, Sr. The Carrows have recently re turned from a trip to New York by plane. They are both students at Clemson College. Mrs. Carrow is in her third year of post-graduate work. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph T. Barnes returned Saturday to their home here after spending two weeks at South Daytona Beach, Florida. Mrs. E. D. Wallin is visiting her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Wallin, and their three children in Washing ton, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ponder, of Raleigh, spent the week-end here with their parents, Mr. and K& Md Mr4 and Mrs. J. C. Bradley. . Mr. and Mrs. J. H Eadfe (Sunday In Charlotte viiltinr son-in-law and daughter, Mr. Mrs. Ted Sprinkle, add their children. Mrs. William Bos tic and two daughters, Kim and Lisa, return ed last week to their home hv Havre de Grace, Md., after spend ing a few days in Marshall with Mrs. Bostic's brother-in-law aflj sister, Mr. and Mm Lawrence Ponder, ark) their infant daughter, Laura Lynn. $ Sewing Class At 7:30 Tonight Mrs. Latrelle Robinson announ- j ced today that the adult s class would be held tonight (Thurs;' day) at 7:30 o'clock in the home economics room of the sohool. All interested persons are invited. PfcfMr. and I Open ALL DAY Every Wednesday COLD WAVE SPECIALS: i COLD WAVE, only - $15.00 $25 COLD WAVE, only ------ . $12.50 $20 COLD WAVE, only . - $10.00 Budget Waves $7.5048.50. Complete Line Of REVLON COSMETICS Balsam MRS. J. If. PENLAND, Owner Operators: Barbara Penland Jean Pries With The Sick Mrs. Stella Redmon Mechling, of Asheville, a native of Mar shall, is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital. a Mr. J. N. Penland, of Marshall, is a patient in Memorial Mission Hospital where he is undergoing treatment. Mrs. Grady Gahagan, of Mar shall Rt. 8, is a patient in Laugh lin Hospital in Greeneville, Tenn., where she is recuperating follow ing surgery last week. Mr. C. B. (Bill) Haynie re mains a patient at the Veteran's Hospital at Oteen. His wife is a patient at Memorial Mission Hos pital where her condition is re ported as serious. His son, Pas cal (Snooks) Haynie, who has al so been at the Veteran's Hospital at Otecn for treatment, was able to return to his home here on Monday. Mrs. Frank Morgan, of Mar shall Rt. ,2, is a patient in bt. Jo seph's Hospital. To the Rev. and Mrs. William (Bill) A. Deans III, of Marshall and Mars Hill, a daughter, Don na Elizabeth, January 21, 1965, at Memorial Mission Hospital. Mr. Deans is serving as pastor of the Marshall Presbyterian Church and also is a member of the Mars Hill High School faculty. To Lt. and Mrs. Robert C. Bow man of Anchorage, Alaska, a daughter, Rebecca Sue, January 22, 1966, in Elmendorf Base Hos pital. Lt. Bowman, with the U te Forca, ft the son of Mr. land" Hri.' CUT Bowmane 4lar- Bowman, the former is the daughter and Mrs. Edwin A. Rutchow t Mrs. Eddie Joe Co Rt. 7, a son, Jan. soph's Hospital. e Xo Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Shel tont Marshall Rt. 6, a daughter, Jim! .23, in Memorial Mission Hos pital. e m , Mr.:nd Mrs. Peter Gott, of Marshall Rt. 3, a son, January 26, at St. Joseph's Hospital. r. and Mrs. Andrew Payne, of Marshall Rt 6, a daughter, Jan- uary.,25, .1965, in Memorial Mis- PICTURE TAKING The bank robber shoved a note to the teller which read: mriiiMi 4iVia iMAnpir in thrt hack. t-. .i tn M,U ...V....J ' slicker, and don't make a move." "The teller pushed back another note: "Straighten your tie, stupid, they're taking your picture." ' Mm I ehafL, M iBatfirNRutchow tneiri ,ijn am. 124 in f. H Te M Beauty Shop HEARD AND SEEN By "POP" 9fi Qfi y 3fc 2f. 3ft 2f- 3ft You've heard about how some girls "glow"' when in the presence of a "special" boy friend I know a certain MHS gal who real ly "glows" when she's near "the only one" I've seen both girls' frames between Marshall and Mars Hill and after two games only two points separate the total scores Mars Hill won in over time at Mars Hill by one point Marshall won Tuesday night's game by three points who ould ask for closer end more exciting games? both teams are quick and aggressive and are composed of fine talent the crowd here Tuesday night re sembled a tourney turnout speaking of tourney, it's not too far off have you ever seen o much haze and' dust as we had Tuesday afternoon ? looked like smoke from a nearby forest fire but understand it was results of the dust storm in Oklahoma T've been having the boys here at the office Bondexing the walls Karl Davis had a narrow es cape Monday when the ladder slipped Earl came down from near the ceiling most graceful Iv (?) and landed safely on the floor but the Bondex spilled all over a large switch box hours of cleaning and drying didn't "heal" it had to get Mil lard Tipton to "repair" it Tues day afternoon met the Rev. Durward Hofler's father at the Girl Scout Banquet last Thurs. night at the George Vanderbilt Hotel (Durward is pastor of the Mars Hill Methodist Church) he's a real fine gentleman knew my father in fact, he) came from the same section of eastern North Carolina as we did congratulations to the "Rocky" Bowmans on the arrival of a daughter also to the Rev. and Mrs. Bill Deans on the arrival of Donna Elizabeth Bill "lost" his voice soon after the new arrival came in handing out cigars but could hardly speak said It was bronchitis hut T'll bet it was Just a tired throat from telling about the arrival it was so warm If Tuesday p'tm, that 'mauy wart out m shirtsleeves hut not so Wednesday brrr it was coM all local flags are flying at half mast in respect to the late ci- nu.i. m..,..t,iii - the Oil V 1IHWII vuutvuiw i - I world has lost a truly great lead-jtaite er we surely do miss Doug Robinson around here hone hell soon be able to return to Western North Carolina. 4LLANSTAND MRS. BIRCH ARD SHELTON Correspondent Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hensley of Candler spent the weekend' with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Birchard Shelton. Mr. Douglas Brogden of N. C. State College spent the weekend with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Wallin of White Rock. Mrs. Jack Shelton is still im proving from surgery in Memorial Mission Hospital. She had as vis itors last Monday morning her husband, Jack Shelton; her moth er-in-law, Mrs. Birohard Shelton; her aunt, Emily Trimble, all from Allanstand; and the Rev. H. B. Dendy and Mrs. Dendy, from Wea verville Presbyterian Church. Tha Rev. Mr. Dendy visits the hospi tal almost every day and offera prayer for the sick. Mr. John Gahagan and Mrs. Os car Williams attended church at Brigman Chapel last Sunday morning. Mrs. Edgar Capps, on the sick list, is aaid to be slowly recuper ating. YOU CM GET RELIEF FROM HEADACHE PAIN STANBACK gives you FAST relief Iran pains of headache, neuralgia, neuritis, and minor pains of arthritis, rheumatism. Because STANBACK contains several medically-approved and prescribed ingredients for fast relief, you can take STANBACK with confidence. Satisfaction guaranteed! gainst any afillllliffUW Just A Woman's Observations By DOROTHY B. SHUPE Mf What do you think of the fash ion exnerta wanting to vales worn. en's skirts to about two or three inche. hftvA tha ItmmT I thinV some one is getting little "touch- ed in the head!'' Of course, I have no apologies for my OWN, but I'm worried about some of my friends, now, there' , whose knees look like a cup cake on a stick; and there' whose knees have bean hidden by fat for over 16 years like someone said, it aura takes bee's knees to wear these styles! If you haven't read this week's LOOK, you must There's a story about this young lady who decid ed after a young marriage and five children and being on the wel fare that she would finish high school and college and she did! Also a story about how young in terns who have to moonlight to make ends meet financially, and an amazing new basketball find in 17-year-old Lew Akindor who is just 7 feet tall and a whiz at basketball. Speaking of reading any mate- azine, the juniors are selling them for the next two weeks and my co-sponsors, 'Mrs. rain hpnniue and Mrs. Willie Lewis, are trying to outsell my class, but let them iust wait well see who comes i 1 T - - .1. T 1 ! in iirsi ana wins iieo, me uiun. Come on. MY YOUNGENS, and win! Ronny Shelton so. far is heating all of us and I hate to mention that he's from Mrs. Sprin kle's room, but you just wait until my crowd really gets started! Sure hated to miss the second traffic safety meeting at Raleigh this week, but I couldn't make it. It really did make me conscious of many things when I attended last year. I saw several 35 mile an hour signs after I attended that meeting that IW never seen before! I guess I have a few more driving improvements I could make and I'm gonna try if this Ford will stay with me! I was sorry that our new gov ernor and his wife are hospital ized, and also about President Johnson and Lady Bird. Did you read when President Johnson said he didn't gat cold because he had on "electric underwear!" The writeT sjgl lie really had on ther mal uajMNIfc, Pr Governor Moore went through his inaugur al with a toothache and then off to Washington and got the cold Ill bucr. An. tne once oi imi v - - . . II 1 . .11 J jhha h nlaitMl siignx com ana f nwrv I wish vou couitt hear my students judge the mer its of the Constitution we are just about through our atadyyrf. it they have soma opinions, TO tell you Gald to see Mrs. Jack Lunsford back to . school after a bout with the flu bug What will happen to Dr. Martin Luther King if he stays too long oown outh? Let ma quote our new Vice President on a cute remaw about the new office he has, "I weighed this decision about tha Vice Presidency very carefully not long, but carefully there's one quality I do not have it's reluctance Who can for get those storied names (American; Vice Presidents) from our glori ous past William A. wneeier, Daniel D. Tompkins, Garrett a. Hobart, and Henry Wilson!" Come to think of it, I've been teaching history for some thus and none of these ring a bell with me! MR. MERCHANT SEE THAT SHE READS TOUR AD IN THESE COLUMNS SELF-APPOINTED A young man walked in to the clerk of tha court and that he wanted Clerk: "Where is sleet?" Young man: "What SHOWING Al tna bride I will Mrs. Gregory Is Hostess To Marshall Garden Club Here Mrs. 0. A. Gregory was hostess to the Marshall Garden Club on . vvw,neMy 01 Following refreshment and a brief business session, Mrs. C. D Bowman presented a program on "Greenhouse Gardening." Her very interesting discussion dealt with type of greenhouses, loca tions, equipment, soils, fertilizers end many varieties of flowers and plants adaptable to greenhouse gardening. Mrs. Bowman presented the hostess with a beautiful bouquet of nasturtiums and the members with some vine ripened tomatoes. Five members were present at the meeting. Announces Engagement Mrs. Frank Maseey, of Greens bor, Georgia, announces the en gagement of her daughter, Eliza beth Rebecca, to James Lance flwann, son of Mr. and Mrs. How- ard E. Swann, of Marshall She is a graduate of Greens boro High School, Greensboro, Ga., and is currently employed at Seare Roebuck Company. Mr. Swann is a graduate of Marshall High School and Blan ton's Business College, Asheville, and iscurrently employed as rate clerk by McLean Trucking Co., of Atlanta, Ga. The wedding is planned for Feb ruary 20, 1965 at Custer Avenue Baptist Church, Atlanta, Ga. BERRY DUCKS TO OBSERVE 50 ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Berry Duck of Asheville, former long-time resi dents of Madison County, will cel ebrate their golden wedding anni versary this Sunday. Open house will be held in the Ducks' new home on Rt. 4 (Er win area), Asheville from 2 until 5 p. ni Relatives and friends are invltear Formerly a school teacher arfd principal in the county for many years, Mr. Duck served 30 yean with the Post Office in Asheville before his retirement several years ago. He and the former Miss Vertie Maney of Yancey County were married on top of a mountain at the Madison-Yancey line the last j t ion; tv,ott tiam . uy -j 1 six cnuaren inciuamg xr. v,- , Duck ana Mrs. u. rc. nanuoipn .... T. T 1-1. a I Mars Hill and 17 grandchildren Mr. Duck is the grandson of W. B. Duck, one of the founders of I Mars Hill College Harold G. Davis Graduates From Baptist Seminary Harold G. Davis, formerly of Big Pine and grandson of the late Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Buokner, grad uated from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louis- ville, Kentucky last Friday. He is also a nephew of Mrs. Clement Buckner of Walnut. Bull Creek H. D. Club Elects New Officers Tuesday The Bull Creek Home Demon stration Club met Tuesday night . in. tr At.. in the club nouse wron ran. uiea Phillips as hostess. Mrs. Fletcher Kuyker, president, presided. Devotions were given by the hostess and Mrs. Ethel Wallin, home agent, issued new yearbooks. Mrs. Wallin also discussed the Handicraft camp to be . held at Lake Junaluska in June which win offer beginners and advanced class es many intending handicrafts. The use of many new sewing aids and pressing equipment was also demonstrated by Mia. WsJlin. New officers were elected for the coming year as follows: President, Mrs. Lela Peek; vies president, Mrs. Naomi Garrison; secretary, Mrs. Hardy Merrill; II treasurer, Mrs. Charles Hunter; reporter, Mrs. Glen Phillips. The next meeting of the be held at the club Tuesday night, Vbrnss Aiinnsjsjajej Eoejng? n&o)ttt Elngaf cm! I MISS WANDA DEVUE WARD is the daughter oT Mr. and Mrs. J. Milliard Ward of Marion, who announced her engagement to Roy Lee Moore, son of Mr. and Mrs. Steve R. Moore of Hot Springs. Bodh are employed at Electric Supply Co., in Asheville. A March wedding is planned. TO ENTER BEREA Miss Wanda Craine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Craine, of Walnut Creek, will leave Sun day for Berea, Kentucky, where she will enter Berea College. Miss Craine has been associat ed wi t h Roberts Pharmacy for several months. Mason To Meet Monday Night A regular scheduled meeting of French Broad Masonic Lodge No. 292 AF&AM, will be held on Mon day, February 1, at 7:30 p. m., in the Masonic Lodge Hall. All Master Masons are invited to at tend. County Ladies Get Invitations For Safety Seminar Three Madison County ladies have received invitations from Governor Dan K. Moore to attend the second annual Women's Traf fic Safety Seminar to be held in Memorial Auditorium in Ra leigh today (Thursday). Two' nationally known leaders in the field of traffic safety will be on the program which will be gin at 10 o'clock and end at noon followed by a luncheon for those attending, They, are Mrs. B. V. Todd, Women's Division, Automotive-Safety Foundation, and How- aild Pyle, president of the Nation al Safety Council. Receiving invitations were Mrs. i t? Tom Wttlliahoine economics ag . - Vadiaon Oountv: Mrs. Har ' ry Di tan ore, guidance counselor of Marshall High School; and Mrs George B, Shupe, publicity chair man for the North Carolina Con gress Of Parents and Teachers and teacher at Marshall, also. Mrs.' iShupe attended the first meeting held last year in Raleigh at the Sir Walter Hotel. Reeses ye Mr. and- Mrs. Bobby "TaTa" Reese and children, have recently moved to the house on Skyline Drive .formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Ray, who have moved to Burnwille. II CONSOLE TV v-JibbH siB ll-chanr! VHF-UHF reception with the new G-E Synchro lite "82" illuminated tuning system featuring the exclu sive "41 T permatronic transistor tuner. Automatic Brightness Control . . . automatically adjusts contrast and brightness to room light for best picture. rront controls and front sound use assy to mra aura an Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rector of Davison, Michigan, and formerly of Marshall, announce the engage ment of their daughter, Shelia Jean, to Mr. Frank Bincsik, the son of Mrs. Rose Bincsik of Co lumbville, Michigan. The wedding will take place in late August. County Medical Society Met In Mars Hill Tues. The Madison County Medical Society, composed of doctors, den tists and druggists, met at a din ner meeting Tuesday night in the Community Building in Mars Hill. Dr. Jaimes Lipey, Orthopaedist, of Asheville, was the guest speak er. His topic -was "Common Or thopedic Problems In Children." Dr. W. 0. Duck, president, pre sided with nine members present. The members also paid $147.00 for traps to be used in catching foxes in an effort to prevent the spread of rabies into Madison County from Greene County, Ten nessee. The Society meets monthly on the last Tuesday night Household Shower Honors Mr. & Mrs. L. D. Roberts Sat. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Roberta were honored with a household shower Saturday night . at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. A Brooks. Games were played and prizes won by Mrs. Bruce Tread- way, Mrs. Lottie Treadway, Mrs. Addie Martin, Billy Lisenbee and Breads Norton; after which re freshments were served by the hostesses, Mrs. Bobby Capps, Mrs. B. A. Brooks and Miss Peggy An ders. Those present were Misses Ada Davis, Barbara Anthony, Pam Briggs, Lillian Wilson, Suay Par ker, Jane Henderson, Polly Hard ing, Betty Rice, Wanda Edwards, Ellen Griffin, Brenda Norton, Lm- 0a Ledford; Mr. an dMra. Bobby Capps, the honorea, Mr. and Mis. Walter Roberta, Mrs. Addie Mar tin, Herman Searcy, Betty Lisen bee, Ernest Anders, Jess Griffin, Mary Sprinkle, Jim Brazil, Lil lian Pegg, Faye Calloway, Cath erine Allen, Johnny Ledford, Ar- reatha Norton, Nancy Treadway, Mary Ray, Marie Candler, Lottie Treadway, Elsie Hensley, Ellen Rice and Lura Harding. ... easy to i 1 hi Ms sIsttT There with Mrs. Naomi Paulson as bV sjsmppsmnpKBg en nKsyS M n MsssjflpHHHHJiJ