NOT!?' CAROLINA tomwA sre Two Jo A it maw concern NOTltHV, p NEWS-ft EfflbRD All Persons are herebv notified tht the umiereiarned citizens and freeholders of Township No. 18, Meadow Pork, will apply by Peti tion to the Madison County Board of Commissioners, at a Special (Meeting to be held on Monday, septeower 13, mw, at 10:00 o' clock, A. M., in the Courthouae in Marshall, N. C, to consolidate What is presently Township IS, Meadow rortt; Township 8, Up per Sprint? Creek; Townshii. 22 Lower Spring Creek; the said new Township so created to be known as Township 8, Spring Creek. This 18th day of August, 1966 W. E. FOSTER SPENCER ROLLINS RUBY PLEMMONS Freeholders of Township 18 8-19 9-9chg NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA MADISON COUNTY TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, TAKE NOTICE: All persons are hereby notified that the undersigned citizens and freeholders of Township No. 20, uunter Town, will apply by Peti tion to the Madison County Board of Commissioners, at a Special Meeting to be held on Monday, aepiemoer id, ishjo, at 10:00 o' clock, A. M., in the Courthouse in Marshall, N. C, to consolidate what is presently Township 20, Gunter Town; Township 19, Little Laurel; Township 2, SheRon Lau rei; Township 10, Big Laurel; Township 23, Revere; the said new Tuwnsnip so created to be known as Township 2, Laurel. This ISA day of August, 1965. SHAD FRANKLIN JOHN W. GENTRY DORA S. GENTRY WILLIAM C. KING Freeholders of Township 20 8-19 9-9chg NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA MADISON COUNTY TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, TAKE NOTICE: All persons are hereby notified that the undersigned citizens and freeholders of Township No. 14, cast rone, win apply by petition to the Madison County Board of Commissioners, at a Special Meet ing to be held on Monday, Sept ember IS, 1966, at 10:00 o'clock, A. M., in the Courthouse in Mar shall, N. C, to consolidate what is presently Township 14, Bast Pork; Township 3, Bull Creek; Township 16, Mars Hill; the said new Township so created to be known as Township 3, Mars Hill. This 12th day of August, 1966. KERFMAN CLARK WAYNE CLARK FRED HUFFMAN Freeholders of Township 14 8-19 9-9chg NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA MADISON COUNTY TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, TAKE NOTICE: All oersons ara hrt that tfis undersigned cltWs and MARSHALL, N. C, MPT, Man qSBBBBWCr. NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA MADISON COUNTY TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, TAKE NOTICE: All persons are hereby notified wiat tne undersigned citizens and freeholders of Township No. 10, Big Laurel, will apply by Petition to the Madison County Board of Commissioners, at a Special Meet ing to be held on Monday, Sept ember 13, 1966, at 10:00 o'clock, A. M., is the Courthouse in Mar- 1, N V., to consolidate what is hip 2, Shelton Lau. ID. Biar Laurel: 19. Little Laufdr Tnm. Jto 80, Gunter Town; Township 23. Iterant the said new Township so created to be known as Town. This 12i A.umst. 1965. NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA MADISON COUNTY TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, TAKE NOTICE: All persons are herebv notified that the undersigned citizens and freeholders of Township No. 21, Middle Fork, will apply by Peti tion to the Madison County Board of Commissioners, at a Special Meeting to be held on Monday September 13, 1966, at 10:00 o' clock, A. M., in the Courthouse in Marshall, N. C, to consolidate what is presetnly Township 21, Middle Fork; Township 5, Califor nia Creek; Township 4, Paint Fork; the said new Township so created to be known as Township , ueech lilenn. This 12th day of August, 1965 E. G. HILL JR. F. V. BALLARD LEVI G. BUCKNER Freeholders of Township 21 8-19 9-9chg NOTICE Mars Hill, will aonlv hV to the Madison County Board of v.oiiniiisawners, at a special inr to be held 011 MonaVv ember 13. 1966. at 10-nn vj, A. M., in the Courthouae in Mar-' shall, N. c, to consolidate what id presently iXkWTUUllp 10, Hill; Township sTBuII Township 14, East Fork; the new 1 ownsnip so created known as Township 3, Mars This 12th day of August, RALPH BRIGGS JOHN CODY DAVID METCALF Freeholders of Tdwnship IS o in ft m i... o-iv p-trcilg NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA MADISON COUNTY TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, TAKE NOTICE: All persons are hereby notified that the undersigned citizens and freeholders of Township No. 22. Lower Spring Creek, will apply by reuuon 10 me MSOtSOn UoUTrty Doara 01 commissioners, at Special Meeting to be held Monday, September 13, 1906, at iu.ou ociock a. M., m the Court house in Marshall, N. C, to con solid ate what is presently Town ship 13, Meadow Fork: Township NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA MADISON COUNTY TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, TAKE NOTICE: All persons are hereby notified that the undersigned citizens and freeholders of Township No. 16, Poster Creek, will apply by Peti tion to the Madison County Board of Commissioners, at a special Meeting to be held on Monday September 13, 1966, at 10:00 o' clock, A. M.. in the Courthouse in Marshall. N. C. to consolidate what is presently Township 16, Poster Creek; Township 11, Upper Laurel; the said new Township so lated to be known as Townsnnp Ebbs Chapel. This 12th day of August, 1966. HOWARD ROBERTS HOBERT FENDER DAVID HOYLE Freeholders of Township 16 8-19 9-9chg Jhip 8, Upper Spring Creek: Township 22, Lower Spring Creek: the said new lownship so created to be as Townsh Creek. known wnship 8, This 12th day of A FRANK W. MA HARDIE PLEMMONS BILL WILLETT Freeholders of Township 22 8-19 9-9chg Spring 1966. t: rz wa Freeholders 8-19 9-9ehg T. RwBMBERT : anMxewis rmg nttivin of T Iff '' ownship 10 ' NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA MADISON COUNTY TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, TAKE NOTICE: All persons are hereby notified that the unedsigned citizens and freeholders of Township 5, Calif ornia Creek, will apply by Petition to the Madison County Board of Commissioners, at a Special Meet ing to be held on Monday, Septem ber 13, 1965, at 10,00 o'clock. A. M., in the Courthouse in Marshall, N. C, to consolidate what is pre sently Township 4, Paint Fork, Township 6, California Creek; Township 21, Middle Fork: the said new Township so created to be known as Township 4, Beech Glen. This 12th day of August, 1965. EMERSON ENGLISH C. N. WILLIS LEE WILLIS Freeholders of Township 6 8-19 9-9chg NORTH CAROLINA MADISON COUNTY TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, TAKE NOTICE: All persons are hereby notified that the undersigned citizens and freeholders of Township No. 11, Upper Laurel, will apply by Peti tion to the Madison County Board ox commissioners, at a Special Meeting to be held on Monday, September 13, 1966, at 10:00 o'clock A. M., in the Courthouse in Mar shall, N. C, to consolidate what is presently Township 11, Upper Laurel; Township 16, Foster Creek; the said new Township so created to be known as Township 7, Ebbs fHaam.1 .... T - TUs 12th dtar of CLARENCE mm&mx. p. p: PERRY G. Freeholders cf W 9-9chg August. I flTYV aiLUPS WILLIS 1965. NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA MADISON COUNTY TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, TAKE NOTICE: All persons are hereby notified that the undersigned citizens and freeholders of Township No. 12 Big Pine, will anolv bv Petition to tne nadison county Board of Com missioners, at Special Meeting to be held on Monday, September 13, 1966, at 10:00 o'clock, A. M., in the Courthouse in Marshall, N, C, to consolidate what is presently Township 12, Big Pine; Township 17, Walnut! the said new TewjB ship so created to. be knRnwtt aH township 6, N FULL COLOR nuni iwssasas n "AMERICANS ON EVEREST5 proaucea by 3kwm GEOGRAPHIC CBS-TV CHANNEL 3 FRIDAL, SEPT. 10 7 sOO P. M English NORTH CAROLINA MADISON COUNTY TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, TAKE NOTICE: All persons are hereby notified that the undersigned citizens and freeholders of Township No. 6, Sandy Mush, will apply by Peti tion to the Madison County Board of Commissioners, at a Special Meeting to be held on Monday, September 13, 1965, at 10:00 o' clock, A. M., m the Courthouse in Marshall, N. C, to consolidate what is presently Township 1, Mar shall: Township 6. Sandy Mush: Township 7, Little Pine; Township 18. Laurel Fork: the said new Township so created to be known as Township 1, Marshall. This 12th day of August, 5. HOBERT PAYNE NOLA TEAGUE JAMES C. ASHE Freeholders of Township 6 8-19 9-9chg This 12th J. E. A. L. ROBERT L. Freeholders of S-I9 - 9-9chg Walnut. day of. ANE BUCK AND Tov f NOTICE MADISON COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, TAKE NOTICE. All persons are herebv notified that the undersigned citizens and freeholders of Township No. 23, Revere, will apply by Petition to the Madison County Board of Com missioners, at a Special Meeting to be held on Monday, September 18, 1966, at 10:00 o'clock, A. M., in the Courthouse in Marshall, N. C, to consolidate what is present ly Township 10, Big Laurel; Town. ship 28, Revere; Township 2, She! NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA MADISON COUNTY TX) WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, AKE NOTICE: AH persons are hereby notified fthsjt 1 the undersigned citizens and frMiMers of Townahip No. 17, win apply oy Petition to the Madison County Board of Commissioners, at a Special Meet ing to be held on Monday, Sept ember 18, m, at 10:00 o'clock, A. ,'Jn Hh Courthouoe in Mar shall, N. C, to consolidate what is presently Township 12, Big Pine; Townahip 17, Walnut; the said new Township so created to be known as Townahip 6( Walnut. This 1 im- BAXTER CODY T. H. BUCKNER Freeholders of Townahip 17 8-19 9-9chg NOTICE NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA MADISON COUNTY TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, TAKE NOTICE: All persons are hereby notified that the undersigned citisens and freeholders of Township No. 18, tlion to the Madison County Board of Commislonere, at a Special Mooting to be held on Monday, September 18. 1966, at 10:00 o' clock. A. M., in the Courthouse in Marshall, N. C, to consolidate what is presently Township 1, Marshall; Township 6, Sandy Muah; Townahip 7, Little Pine; Township 18, Laurel Fork; the said new Township so created to be known as Townahip 1, Marshall. This 12th day of August, 1965. KKAuAN MAKLOh OLIN JARRETT RICHARD FREEMAN Freeholders of Township 18 8-19 9-9chg ton Laurel; Township 20, Gunter Town: Township 19. Little Laurel: the said new Township so created to be known as Township 2, Laurel. mis iztn aay of August, 1965 ANSON RAMSEY ROBERT GOSNELL ODUS CHANDLER Freeholders of Township 23 8-19 9-9chg NORTH CAROLINA MADISON COUNTY TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, TAKE NOTICE: All persons are hereby notified that the undersigned citizens and freeholders of Township No. 7, Little Pine, will anolv bv Petition to the Madison County Board of ".. , u l a Urauoi VlCQk ing 10 oe neia on Monday, Sept ember 13, 1965, at 10:00 o'clock, A. M., in the Courthouse in Mar shall, N. C. to consolidate what .'OK, AW, Jf W KVII is presently Township 1, Marshall; To lio Laurel rone; tne said new Town Township 6. Sandv M ship 7, Little Pine; Townshi uh ; Town 18, NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA MADISON COUNTY TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, TAKE NOTICE: All persons are herebv notified that toe undersigned citizens and freeholders of Township 1, Mar shall, will anolv bv Petition In th Madison Countv Board of Com missioners, at a Special Meetinc to be held on Monday, September 10, ioo, at iu:uo O'clock, A. M., in tiw Courthouse in Marshall, N. C., to consolidate what is present ly Township 1, Marshall; Town ship 6. Sandy Mush: Townahin 7. Little Pine; Township 18, Laurel ra; the said new Township so be known as Township ship so created to be known aa Township 1, Marshall. This 12th day of August, 1965. EVIN PAYNE M. J. BALL LON F. SLUDER Fre holders of Township 7 8-19 9-9chg August, 19W KSON NER'Y ERSCkN MUMP T an H created to M" ' SBBBBBU9-aiEn aaw OI A UK us J7 IRTto.4i' mBNews MRS. J, W. HUPP, Correspondsni Your Social Security By D. C. NICHOLS Field Representative 3fc 9g 3 3 3 fc 9fc 3& 9fi Before the new changes in the social security law, a child's bene fits stopped when he became 18. The provision stopping a child's benefits at age 18 was enacted in to law in 1939. At that time there was the expectation much more realistic than in 1966 that an 18-year old person usually could become self-supporting. But with the growing impor tance of education in modern life, it has become increasingly clsar that at least some education be yond high school to fast becoming part of the American way. Under the new social security tow, monthly benefits can be paid to entitled students 18 to 22 years of age. They moat be full time and unmarried students in a high school, college or university, tech nical, trade, or vocational school. Students, or the parents of stu dents 18-22 years old whose checks wars stopped because they reached 18 and also entitled students nearing 18 who plan to continue in school, or to return to school should contact the social security office, or meet a representative from that office, right away and to have their benefits con tinue after age 18. Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Yelton and dauughter Donna Gayle, have re turned to their home in Aiken, S. C after spending a week's vacation with Mrs. Yeltort's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Furman Carr, in Ball Creek and with his mother, Mrs. T. J. Yelton and other relatives in Mars Hill. Miss Nellie Jo Ledford, who re ceived her M. A. degree at the re cent WOC commencement, spent the week-end here before return ing to Charlotte where she is to teach again. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ray and ithree children of Hickory were re cent visitors here with their moth ers, Mrs. Avon Ray and Mrs. Ennis Briggs. Guests of Miss Owa Bradley and her sister, Mrs. Reeves, here last week were: Miss Ina Lou Bradley of Courtland, N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Edd Gunn and children of Greens boro; Mr. and Mrs. C. W. West- brook of Four Oaks; Mr. and Mrs. children of Princeton. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Edye are re turning this week from a visit to his relatives in Pennsylvania. A number of other college teach ers who have been away during this vacation period following sum mer school will be returning this week-end. Among them, the Harrel Woods, who have been to Arkansas. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Huff and sons Billy and Bobby of Green ville, S. C. visited his mother and sister here from Sunday until Wednesday of last week. Mr. J. W. Huff and daughter Mary visited relatives in Green ville last Saturday until Monday. Visitors here this week include the mother of Mrs. Dale Lamber son, who is spending the week with her daughter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. lack Robinson and son Jeff of Kirnxville, Tennessee spent a few days here last week with his mother, Mrs. Myrtle NOTICE MADISON COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, TAKE NOTICE: All persons are hereby notified that the undereicmed citizens and freeholders of Township No. 2. sneiton Laurel, will apply by Peti tion to the Madison Countv Board of Commissioners, at a Special Meeting to be held on Monday. September 18. 1966. at 10:00 o' clock, A. M., in the Courthouse in Marshall, N. C, to consolidate what to presently Township 2, SheRon Laurel: Township 10, Big Laurel; Township 19, Little Lau rel; Township 20, Gunter Town; Township 28, Revere; the said new Township so created to be known as Township 2, Laurel. This 12th day of August, 1966. LANCE WALLIN FreehllonkiiD 2 8-19 9-9chg J ' NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA MADISON COUNTY TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, TAKE NOTICE: AH persons are hereby notified that the undersigned citizens and freeholders of Township No. 8, Upper Sorinc Creek, will anolv bv retition to the Madison County Board of Commissioners, at a Special Meeting to be held on Mon day, September 13, 1965, at 10:00 o'clock, A. M., in the Courthouse in Marshall, N. C, to consolidate what is presently Township 8, Upper Spring Creek; Township 13, Meadow Fork; Township 22, Lower Spring Creek; the said new Town ship so created to be known as Township 8, Spring Creek. mis lath day or August, 1965 H W. FREEMON FRANK J. PLEMMONS I. H. PRICE Freeholders of Township 8 8-19 9-9chg Ralph Combs of Greensboro; and Robinson, "while en route home ana Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Oliver and 'from a vacation trip to Florida. Mrs. Lula Robinson, Former Teacher, Died Sunday Mrs, Lola Peek Robinson, 82, of 96 Blake Dr., Arden, died Sunday afternoon, August 29, 1966 in anl A 1 Ml- 1 I . 4-11-. i n Mnvuw nursing oonie juitvwina a long IHaian She was a native of Madison County, the widow of C. L. Robin-; son, and had taught in Madison, County public school system for a I number of years. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. iva Kunnion Of Arden; a son, Raleigh Robinson of WeaverviHe, Calif.; two brothers, R B. Peek of Rt. 2, Marshall and Sam Peek of Mars Hill; and eight grandchildren. Services were held at 2:30 p. m. Tuesday in Peek Chapel Baptist Church of which she was a member. The Rev. Beryl Amnions and the Rev. W. S. Vehaun officiated and burial was In the family cemetery. Pallbearers were nephews. James K. Payne Dies In Floridpi Funeral Here Sat. James Kenneth Payne, 43, of Miami, Florida died Wednesday, August 25, 1965 in a hospital there after a long illness. Mr. Payne was a former resi dent of Madison County and had lived in Miami for the past sev eral years. He was a son of the late Henry Ambrose and Mary Alice Hunter Payne and attended Marshall schools. Surviving are three sisters, Mrs. R. V. Graham of B Mrs. John R. Stillwell Point and Mrs. Tommie of Asheville; two brothe- of Marshall and Hugh 1 Maryville, Tenn. Services were held at , Saturday in the chapel man Funeral Home. The Rev. Jack Davis and burial was in Fortne tery. NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA MADISON COUNTY TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, TAKE NOTICE: All persons are hereby notified that the undersigned citizens and freeholders of Township No. 3, Hull Creek, will apply by Petition to the Madison County Board of Commissioners, at a Special Meet ing to be held on Monday, Septem ber 18, 1966, at 10:90 o'clock A. M., in the Courthouse in Marshall, N. C, to consolidate what to pre sently Township 8, Bull Creek; Township 14, East Fork; Town ahip 15. Mars Hill; the said now Township so created to be known as Townahip 8. Man Hill. This 12th day of August, 1965 NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA MADISON COUNTY TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, TAKE NOTICE: All persons are hereby notified that the undersigned citisens and freeholders of Township No. 19, Little Laurel, will apply by Peti tion to the Madison County Board of Commissioners, at a (Special Meeting to be held on Monday, September 18, 1988, at 10:00 o' clock A. M., in the Courthouse in Marshall, N. C, to consolidate what is presently Township 19, Little Laurel; Township 2, SheHon Laurel: Township 10, Big Laurel; Township 20, Guntsr Town: Town ship 23, Revere; the said new Township so created to be known as Township 2, Laurel. This 12th day of August, 1966. BIRCHARD SH ELTON WALTER GOSNELL PRIMAS GOSNELL Freeholders of Township 19 8-19 9-9chg NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA MADISON COUNTY TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, TAKE NOTICE: All persons are hereby notified that the undersigned citizens and freeholders of Township No. 9, Hot Springs, will apply by Petition to the Madison County Board of Commissioners, at a Special Meet ing to be held on Monday, Sept umber 13, 1965, at 10:00 o'clock, A M., in the Courthouse in Marshall. N. C, to change the number or said Township from No. 9, to Township no. 6, Hot Springs. This 12th day of August, 1965. TROY SELF LEE FOWLER CRAIG RAMSEY Freeholders of Township No. 9 Hot Springs 8-19 9-9chg NOTICE Free hoi 8- 9 J. A. ED JETER J. A. Sen -9chg WARDS METCALF BUCKNER of Township 8 Juniors Of Hot Springs School Elect Officers The Junior Class of Hot Springs High School met on Monday morn ing, August 30, and elected the following class officers: President, Gary Gentry; vice president. Tommy Huff; Secretary-Treasurer, Jewell Chandler; Reporters, Bobby Sawyer, Sharon Baker, Libby Wright. The class sponsor is Mr. Jimmy Eugene Lewis. NORTH CAROLINA MADISON COUNTY TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, TAKE NOTICE: All persons are hereby notified that the undersigned citizens and freeholders of Township 4, Paint Fork, will apply by Petition to the Madison County Board of Com missioners, at a Special Meeting to be held on Monday, September 13, 1966, at 10:00 o'clock, A. M., in the Courthouse in Marshall, N. C, to consolidate what is presently Township 4, Paint Fork: Town ahip 5, California Creek; Township 21, Middle Fork; the said new Township so created to be known as Townahip 4, Beech Glen. This 12th day of August, 1966. W. M. METCALF VIRGIL METCALF BIDDIE MINERVA METCALF Freeholders of Township 4 8-19 9-9chg Renew Your Subscription To The News-Record PAINFUL CO AMAZING LIQUID RELIEVES PAIN AS IT DISSOLVES CORNS RNSfJBB m AY Now remove coins the last, tut way with Freezone. Liquid Freezone re lieves pain instantly, works below toe skin line to dissolve corns away in just days. Get Freexone...atftU drug counters. Help Your Child To The Best Possible Education. Contact Your Madison County WORLD BOOK - CHILDCRAFT REPRESENTATIVE Renew You. Subscription The News-Reccru M. ROBERTS P. O. Box 32 MARS HILL, N. C. Phone 689-388J f With Our Boys In Service .f 4f Fort ;olk, La. (AHTNC) Army P rfc Edward R. Davis, son of Mr. a id Mrs. Charles R .Davis, Marshall N. C, completed a two. week leai leiabip preparation coarse under till Reserve Enlistment Pro gram at j Port Polk, La., Aug. 27. During the course Davis receiv ed training in leadership respon sibilities, weaponry, small unit tactics and general military sub jects. lhe 25-year-old soldier was graduated from Marshall High Schot in 1981. Good GOOD INTENTIONS intentions need careful nursing p keep them healthy. go gooef large Eskimo family might buy it holds up to 595 pounds of is backed by G.L's reputation for quality! Also 12 and 23 cu. ft. sizes 17.0 co. ft CHEST JFREEZER WILD'S Main Street Mis & Teltvirits SERVICE Marshall. N. C.

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