ADS t new wrifjwT aafelv with Dex A-Diet Tablet. Only Jo at your drug itore. 4-21 7-7p ARTHRITIS? ENJOY BLESSED REUEF. WITH ARTHOLATUM ROBERTS PHARMACY SPINET PIANO BARGAIN Wanted: Responsible party to take max tew. jnoBWy, payments on a spinet piano. Can be seen locally. Write Credit Manager, P. 0. Box 176, Hope Mills, North Carolina. 6-5, 12, 19, 26p ATHLETE'S FOOT TREAT IT FOR 48c Apply instant-drying T-4-L, batch of chemicals in alcohol. Feel it take hold to check itch, burning in MINUTES. In 3 to 5 days, infected skin sloughs off. Watch HEALTHY skin appear! If not delighted in ONE HOUR, your 48c back at any drug coun ter. TODAY at ALL DRUG STORES HELP WANTED Rawleigh business open in Madison Coun ty. Products sold there for past 30 years. Write fiawleigh, Dept. NC E 580 898, Richmond, Va. 5-5, 13, 26p REPOSSESSED SINGER SEW ING MACHINE. HEAD MOD EL U6V in like new cabinet Eqpt to ZIG-ZAG, BUTTON HOLES, FANCT STITCH, DARN, ETC Local party with good cred it may finish payments of $12.00 monthly or pay complete balance of JJ&72. Guaranteed etill good. Can be tried out locally. Write, Home Office, National's Repos session Dept., Box 283, Ashe bmN.'C. EES AVAILABLE The last thk -week we can furnish a few 2-lh. packages vi bees with young Caucasian queens, 360. Extra Caucasian queens, $1.40 each. Can laiao furnish bee supplies. Top quality, fiaefcory-mafle, 10-tframe hives, only $10.96 with frames and Dieted cover. Brood frames, 20c each, super frames, 19c each; su per foundation, 10c sheet; brood foundation, 22c sheet. See PAUL TUGMAN . .. Mar HiU, N. C. after T:30 p. m. any night except Sunday and Tuesday. -26p . ANNOUNCING I am back in my shop, end open for business. . WATCH REPAIRING EMMITTE PAYNE on highway 26-70 between Marshall and Walnut 26-lc- " : ' ' WrvTJ CAT IT rkna IwWAlA Sivt Ot. nun - - i Located on Main Street, MaranaU.1 Contact ' MRS. WANDA CROWE Marshall, N. C. 6-26 6-2p SPARE TIME INCOME Refilling and coHecttag money from NEW TYPE- high quality coin operated dispensers in this area. No Belling. To qualify you to ust have car, references, $600 to $1900 .cash. Seven to twelve hours weekly can net excellent dncome. More full thne. For personal interview write P . 0. iBOX 4185, PITTSBURGH, PA., 15202. Include phone number. 6-26p - - - . . WANTED . Trainees for tractor and trailer drivers, over 21, per- it ti 1 ivwwfiifcMiffi. Gall 686-8002 or write Nationwide, Semi-Drvision, Morrtstowo, Ten nessee for application. TAD 9 A T P. Ttnildinff Lota aD- nroxhnatelv one mile west of Mars Hill. DEWEY PHILLIPS Phone 689-6161 Mars HOL N. C 4-7, 14, 21, 28p HELP WANTED MEN AND WOMEN 18 e 65 - inationa-and good srttag sala ries .i-t- aotomatie pay raaaes paid vacations all holidays with ,;'pay. r strikes -e layona--- and noerai reureuient. - , , . - Jpst school sufficient for many Vrits for "Wottnation on Iow mh rmmlif and a Ite of U. s Civil Service ooeitions for hioit w will raM ffm- tor. 1 Vrite to INTERSTATE SERV ICE, P. O. Box 878, DenvEla, Va riving name, address, 'phone owm tr. Thne at home. (If rural give b-li 6-sc it t -1 SALE ... r fa f- . 1 c. Attractive opportto&Jn wfii4 expanding 1 renter rawws plant Opening for 'learners to knitting mdbt4 Oppor- tunicy w mm ii"1' fringe benefits. Aptoiyin Prson. ASHEVIlAdS KNlTTim w. 180 Deaveryiew Boad AehevilleVN. C. 5-1Z 6-ZC TP" RUBBER STAMPS en a fltaMn Pads Datera - Base Loel Rubber Type Notary Heals Biennis Qulek-OWTlce COLEMAN C CALDWELL The .lfew4teeerd Office Marshall MS" FOR SALE A-Farmall Tractor with Ou1V$395,OjO: .,6 Super-A m x JMt .-w.i, iru fill ivn 660 Ford Tractor with live Shaft, iJEnnn lnkilAn rVraMrvr SQftfiOO: New Tobac&o Better a, JfiUers, LBne opreauers, j-risits, uv.w Man, otuI lUStful TmPtlF AiTIld MOW er Parts; 100 HeceB of' assorted Farm .Equipment. P. A. RAM BO 8 miles south of Greensville, Terni. Camp Creek Boad Phone: 689-9412 6-19 6-2p FOR SALE 2 Small Houses at $200.00 each 1 seven-room House at $700.00' Locatted fa Hot Springs. Will ac cept one-fourth down payment and finance balance. Also 1 Saw Mill and Planing Mill operation in Hot Springs wttb lots of timber. Will sell at a bar gain. Call 622-8251 or write: C N. GARLAND . Hot Springs, N. C. 6-19, 26 - FOR RENT One 4 -room House. See JIM CODY Marshall or, call 649-3596 6-19tfc County Dem- ( Continued Tront Page One) work of the JJ. G. Good Neigby Ibor Councii. i The following ' Madison County Democrats were panned to the fol lowing committees: Liston i B. Ramsey, 11th Con gressional District Oammrttee. Dr. W. A. Whitson. Swamn B. Huff, 24th Judicial District Com mittee. Mra. Glen Davis. 31st State Senatorial executive committee. B. K. Meadows, Carroll Tweed, Troy Ramsey, 19th Solkitorial executive committee. BALiNCB TIRES If your "trailer doesn't tow as easily ?H sedo getting Ihe tires talBnceds Since trailer tires are smaller they must turn: sOni:iiwice MEf faSt as car wheels.-Lask s Ulanoe causes excess ' fcew.nd. unstable towingi SticleS'ubli'jnner tube in a bOrta;,bas'i aSBai bag but leave W JvSfW sticking out beat, fiitebf;nvir. ' When you want&1toxe?emove valve core aMifqwsvyair- out. Good for boats' too." (It floats!) IF iNS OF -t Letterheads . j .1.. Envelopes JStatements ,, yisitinff . Cards . . Business Cards '' 1 ll Prernxsorvv Notes - r . VtrT&nlv. Deeds ' Xlr.ii VcLrranU : L- ITc-.tcrs . -a ; (Continued from Page One) Charles ' Edward Rector, . ; Frank CIark, Mrs. Qumen' Freetoan, (Mws. Handy Allison, Marl Shook, Mrs. Tony, a Plemmons, Jlewon Gentry, Mrs. H. O. Fwt, IMie, John L. Stanley, J. Shirley Brooks, din. Luke (Viola) Moore, Jennie Robinson, Mrs. Gua Norton, Mr. R. L. Holt, Ada Totnbeittn, Ruby Dean OatsfaalL Delia EdwmrdB, IMra. Nick N. Shetley, Dorothy iLee Johnson, James T. Shook, Joseph D. Thomason, Claude Ramsey, Marvin Faulkner, Mrs. (Will Thomas, George G. Teagne, Mrs. Rebecca Aim Crowe, Betty iLee MoDevitt, Mra. Reagan Budk ner, G. D. Mace, Mrs. Charles M. Powell, Altha E. Lewis, Mrs. Tom 'iBaU, RastuB Rice, Pauline M, Dwkett, J.' Edd Reeie, Weta""Dff IBuckner, Mrs. Posey A. Griffin, Roland Landers, Mrs. Phillip Ball, Leo Wefcley Fortner, LeRoy Johnson, Mrs. Donald Single, Mrs. Ernest Edwards, J. O. Rumbough, Lee Maynard. Election (Continued from Page One) cation. They are Nolan Adams, W. O. Duck, Adam G. Dycus, Joe R. "Joby" Henderson, Mrs. Da vid (WiUene) Kimberly, BurKrt Ricker, Bill Roberts, R. Bruce Sams, Bewley Shelton and Ger ald Young. Five candidates are seeking: nomination in the race on the race on the board of county com missioners. They are Page Brig- wan, Bruce K. iMurray, rleet Reeves, Harold WaUm and Eu gene Wills. The polls tn the eight precincts wiM be open ait 6:30 o'clock Sat urday roorndng and close at 6:30 o'clock Saturday night. Voting machines will be used at all eight precincts. Election headquarters Satur day night will be at the court house in Marshall. The News-Record will have ai large ' blackboard at the courfc- (house ' and will post results, as quickly s they are received. V) ," Eugene L. Wills for Commissioner sMSW"' If nominated and elected 1 promise to serve to the best of my ability in an honest, upright and dependable administration. Your support in the Demo cratic Primary, May, 28, 1966, will be appreciated. Eugene L. Wills Pol, Advt irs Ojring GIccn!:3 .'I , - ' ( i-.--.-1 .'' - Let EDWARDS CLEANERS tala car ctf most of - y our cleaninf problems. We will clean yoor ! DRAPES COUCH and wiil clean all of your WirfTHl AFPAREL ana ' store them' t3l September. Yea r - y czAj the dean ' ins bm plus cost of storags bar. Storage Is Fran, I All Garment are moth proofed aad mUdav proofed - ' aw hq suura catris, r. FOR PtOC-UP AND DELTVT"V ECIVICE CALL' ::. '-'64S44C1-'" ' rwist.i; V 4. J Cdv;rd3'C: iff -W- f BSsTgj s v f" .a fags Om) age of the III : i' ( The bill, if vwotd. would re quire TVA to go to the Interior department for approval of dam mtrction and other r plans which it now baa the authority to go ahead with, Smith said. Tha '" plan' under consideratiod provides for construction of sev eral Bvulti-purpose dams on tribu taries of the Upper French Broad River in' Transylvania, Hender son, ;. Buncombe, - Haywood and Madison counties. The commission, on motion of David Febnet of Haywood Coun ty, voted ' to write Congressmani Roy A. Taylor of the 11th Dis trict, and - Alton Lennon of the TWr Omtrlct, "lutf -SCnsrSanr-J.T ifirvin Jr., and B. Everett Jordan, expressing Opposition to of the bill. The motion as passed also car ried the recommendation that all "friends of the project" also be encouraged to write to the rep resentative asking him to oppose passage. Smith told the commission members that National Wildlife Federation officers had testified in favor of passage, and had charged .that the TVA plan ignor ed the fish and wildlife values of the Upper French Broad area and the Tellieo project on the Little Tennessee River in Tennessee. Smith said the Wildlife people had also charged TVA with a plan "to desecrate' the wildlife area, and, fn effect, to nun a plan down the throats of the area people. Kermit Edney, chairman of the commission, pointed out that TVA came into the area with a plan at the invitation of three Western North taollna groups. TVA, Edney" said, had altered the -plan considerably, and had made': the current plan with the fuD co- operation ,of tfis commission.'' "Only thi week," Edney said, Uhe boards of county commis- skmsnt'ia each of the five coua ties'likvs 'written to Gov. .Dsn Moore fully endorsing the plan to build the series of multi-purpose dams in the area." " ' Edney said the wildlife people were also misrepresenting - the facts. ' Much of the opposition has been centered on a permanent lake that would flood Sycamore Flats on ' Davidson River. However," Ed ney said, no such permanent dam is planned. Instead a dry data is t planned," which would flood the area only In tWeveht iCOnskk arable rainfiall. UV The commission was reminded that, contrary to charges by wild life interests, less tfca haU of one per cent of WNC trout streams would be permanently flooded. The whole plan has been pre sented to the N. C State planning Task Force. L. D. HmdW execu tive director of the cotmnission, said. ! The water -iietources plan, Ed ney said, is only a Dart of an ov- r-&l effort to develop the entire drees of the area including: human, land, water', industrial and recreation!!: , I1 ." 1 Hyde told the cenmuasion flhat a number of industries had! ex pressed interest in.Jooating plants in the five-county area. - '' A Hair-Raiser Herbert: "Hey, Mom, is that hair tonic in the yellow bottle in the medicine chest I" Mothert "No,, Herbert, that's glue." f h- l . Herbert: "No wonder I couldn't get my hat'1 oft when I got to' school this loonlng. COVTHS HUGS 529 Sign on tii Air . 6:30-Service Show 65 Breakfast Tims . County etyia s , . ', I- ; 6.D0 Nws .- . , : :05 Breakfast Tune Country Style , f 6:2ft News Headlines -60 Breakfast Tfane Country . . fityls f 7:0-M6rning News 7:10 Weather , ... 7:15 Joa Emerson 7:20 Sports News 7:26 Breakfast Time Country Style i 7:29 News Headlines 7:80 Breakfast Tims Country v The Mars Hill Chapter of the Socifefy- lbi Advancement for Maii asrement held its final meeting- of the year last week. . Durinsr the year Dr. Zerfoss, director of management eervicea of American Enka CorPn "and George Johnson, assistant trust officer and cashier of the First Union National Bank, spoke to the budding- executives. A tour watt also made of the General Electric plant at Hendersonville. ( The final speaker, John Barnes, head of Industrial Relations for Champion Papers and president of the senior chapter of S.A.M., presented the chapter's charter to Harold Corn (center); president of the Mars Hill S.A.M., as Charlie Narron, professor at the college and faulty advisor to the group watched. - You illicad $M Wmi 1S25! hsklt 1964 CHEVROLET3 undvivuLiEii wioori ZZp( e-cylinert automatic transmission -rjeles; oie owner. 1963 CHEVROLET 2diof BWf ' Power brakes 1961 FORD 4-door: aotomatie transmission; radio & heater m.m' iHiii ruiui luaor oLariinerx . f r- 335 motor with 196Q lALON 2A&ri1o&)ii9ti 1S30 CHEVROLET Hardtop lmpala - . standard j radio beater -r--- - ," ' 1C53 CHEVROLET yz-ton Pickup; .lbOZ f UiLU sTlCKUp STOCK: VUSIOIH :- - . . II . . , , . - With flat bed 51' at a 4peed transmission i'V-o. . , '' - fi SEVERAL OTHER 1.I0DELS TO CHOOCZ FROM r : 1 8 KM) News . . :05 Mualc for a HaDDV Dar , . i, . -sv s:o xaorning ' jLevouuns ' 9)0 Gospel SIngtime 9:46 Gospel Singtims 0:00 Newt . ' . 0:06 Gospel Singtims fjf ' 1 flnnA Nnt ''Rnanat Brehdr 'cast U 1:30 Gospel Singtims . 1:46 (Wed. & l3at) Church of Christ Broadcast 2:00 Trading Post . 2:10 Dinner Time Country Style 2:20 News and Bulletin Board 2:30 Weather 2:36 jChuck Wagon Gang 12:45 Farm Forum 1:00 lun News . i -mm , V.." , if ?sJr.( 1 -.'f- ' X. power steering j automatic jtransmission. , V 'I! .'I..-.' ' orerdriret standard j white and, racks 'Uy-i.O - v - . hall, H.C.M-l- 1:06 Obituary Column , , :00-New - I $ ' ,. 2:05Ww ' 2:05-Country llusle Jambore ?:0O-iwi u Jdftt-Country Music Jamboree 4:00 Musio 4:05 460 Club 4 :29 News Headlines 6:15 Service Show - v 6:30 Light Life 6:00 News f 6:05 Light Life 6:16 Sign Off (Month of Feb.) i ft -III :7 r "in idewalls n "" ''-, ' H - dio & Heater 4 v - rf-.,w m.i s.' . , f .