V ) 1 , t .1 '! . i:Ar';:iAix, N. c, ocr. i, iocs - i . T " riEVS-RECORD rg Four TAe News 2 Record Pubiuhed WmIIIu MARSHALL, N. C NON-PARTISAN IN POLITICS Second -class privileges authorised at Marshall, N. C JAMES L STORY, Editor and Publisher LETTERS TO EDITOR : Q 16 12 8 6 subscription rates in Madison - adjoining counties Months 13.50 Months $3.00 Months $2.60 Months $2.00 Months $1.60 SUBSCRIPTION RATES OUTSIDE MADISON COUNTY 16 Months $5.00 One Year $4.00 Six Months $8.00 Three Months $2.00 Airmail 30c per Week GOOD NEWS Highway Commissioner James G. Stikeleather, Jr., has announced that $750,000 has been allocated for the improvement of NC 213 from Marshall to Mars Hill. This is good news for our county. Of course, $750,000 isn't an enormous sum for improving this 0-mile strip but it certainly is better than nothing. For years this road has been sorely in need of im provement and when the bridges were widened it was an indication that something was in the making. Per haps this is the beginning. Let's hope that our highway officials will find more money to further improve this heavily used highway. It should be one of the finest highways in the county. Let's make it just that. -oOo- WHAT OUR WORLD NEEDS To accept the doctrine of universal criticism leaves us with almost nothing that is sacred almost nothing that is absolute and nothing that is eternal. So real has our acceptance of the doctrine of criti cism become that even the word -indoctrination" has been turned into an evil word that must be shunned like "discipline," "disciple," or "patriotism." These three doctrines universal conformity, universal change, and universal criticism have left our nation without moorings or anchors. We are be ing tossed about in the sea of doubt and uncertainty that is about to sink the ship of God before our very eyes. The world today is looking for: 'Men who are not for sale ; Men who are honest, sound from center to cir cumference, true to the heart's core; Men with consciences as steady as the needle to the pole; Men who will stand for the right if the heavens totter and the earth reels; Men who can tell the truth and look the world right in the eye ; Men who neither brag nor run ; Men who neither flag nor flinch ; Men who can have courage without shouting it; Men in whom the courage of everlasting life runs still, deep and strong ; Men who know their message and tell it ; Men who know their place and fill it ; Men who know their business tamd attend to it ; Men who will not lie, shirk or dodge ; Men who are not too lazy to work, nor too proud to be poor; Men who are willing to eat what they have earn ed and wear what they have paid for; Men who are not ashamed to say "No" with em phasis and who are not ashamed to say "I can't af ford it" God is looking for men. He wants those who can unite together around a common faith who can join hands in a common task and who have came to the kingdom for such a time as this. God give us men. " . Selected Requested by Aady Woody ALLANSTAM) MRS. BTgCFttT SHELTON f Mr. and Mi. T. E. Trimble re turned borne Monday after spend ing a few day vrftb their eon, Tojnmie TrimMe, and family. . " film. Hart' On LejvVns v ia 1 t ' f i w;: J t Tweed and Mm ' ed Mm. Magno- . " un .J Krs. Dorothy Cook 7 Ciiffey end Mr. Cecal a J IU. Fred CbeftoO C.x- T?rry Lynn Girl Scout Fathers To Help Prepare Camp Near Brevard - - - j ,:'' - " . - Setafldey end Sunday, Octobel! 2-2Vfe Fail Serriee Week-end at Camp Piagah near Brevard, Fa ther and fterr Girl Scoot daogb- tera mil spend the mek-end pre paring the 171 acre camp for tbe winter. . IW will be painting. Lawyers wiU be dSp-ging ditches. A few will be goofing off. The big pTof '-Ti this ywr is hew to paint a t i-T:ot-t,.. 1 1 -T pole. ... ; FOR CONSOLIDATION Oct. 21, 1968 Dear Pop: The Madison County schools ishould be consolidated even it la necessary to cross county tinea; to achieve this worthwhile object ive. The many duplications in ad ministrative units should be elim inated. A comprehensive highi school can offer a broad curricu lum for both the college bound1 andj those who will begin earning a liv ing when they leave high school. Imaginative leadership is neces sary in order to promote the nec essary local action to eliminate the small high schools through) district reorganization or consoli dation. Geography or termini may have been legitimate justifi cation for a small high school in years gone by but all too often it has been merely an excuse. Hui- man nature oners trie real ex planation. Let everyone of good will in Madison work for a high school of sufficient size so as to make the future of our youth a brighter u happier one. Sincerely, JOE L. MORGAN 'ark WALNUT NEWS Mrs. Steve McDonald and Mrs. John Rusch of Winter Haven, Fla. spent from Thursday of last week until Monday of tnis week aa guests of Mrs. Gharlie Mairltin. Miss Louise McClure, who is a teacher at A. C. Reynolds High School, Fairview, spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. Clyde H. McClure. The Rev. William H. Deihl, Who is the new Director of Madison County Larger Parish, will be in stalled at Dorland Memorial Pres byterian Church in Hot Springs on: Sunday evening, October 27th, at 7 o'clock. The young people of the Walrautj and Hot Springs Prebsyteriaa Churches went on a hike Sunday afternoon. Folio-wing the hike-a wiener roast was enjoyed at the1 home of Dr. and Mrs. J. Bates Hen derson. Twenty-five attended, andj the sponsors were the Rev. Wil liaim H. Deihl and Mr. anld Mrs. George Moore of Asheville. MARS mix MRS. J. W. HUFF, Correspondent Mr. and Mrs. James Early andj little son, of Winaton -Salem, spent last week-end here with her moth er, Mrs. Locke Robinson. ' Mrs. B. H. Tilson left Monday to spend a week with her daugh ter, Mrs. Chas. Peterson, and fam ily in Cleveland, Ohio. Guests of Miss Owa Bradley and Mrs. Ethel Reaves last week end were: Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Bradley, Jr., and children, of Den ver, Qojo.; Mr. and Mrs. 0. J. Cameron and boys, of Sanford, N. C; Miss Lou Bradley, of Greens boro; and Edward and Maureen Gumv, of Greensboro. Mrs. J. R. Nelson is spending this week in Knorville, Term., with her son's family. Miss Owa Bradley and Mrs. Tril by Sams expect to go with a group irom the county next week for a tour of the D.N., New ork. DIAL . A - PRAYER 649-9231 J. C. Griffin, . Native Of County, Passes Sunday J. C Griffin, SO, of CM Roberta St WeawerrfBe, m found dead Sanaa? night, October 20, 1968, Yt iL, To Join 4-1 1 TV Science Club In January , i, MadisonCounty boys and girta will have an opportunity to learn mow about science via special television programs beginning Sat urday, January 26. A series of 10 programs will be presented weekly over television ftteUotr.v'WLOS; Channel 13, ac cording to Madge Guffey, Assist ant Home Economics Agent. The tentative date for the pro grama will be each Satundiay from 7:30 to 8:00 a. im. beginning Jan uary 26. 'Am effort is being made ito show the programs later in the morning. Watch for a confirma- Ition of this time. The series, to be called the 4-H TV Science Club, will teach boys and girls how to preserve animals; and how .to make a fire extinguish er, sundial, plastic greenhouse and an air car, plus many other excit ing experiments. Each show features a special guest who is an expert in the pro jects Handier discussion. Boys and girls enrolling for the series of 30-minute programs will be able to buy special manuals. The manual offers suggested acti vities an'd easy-to-do projects de signed to help boys and girls) understand some of the basic principles in science. Boys and girls interested in joining the 4-H TV Science Club should contact their school teacher, 4-H adult leaders or the county ex tension agent in Marshall. The 4-H Science Clubs in North Carolina are presented by the Ag ricultural Extension Service at N. C. State University and the edu cational television station. Piano-Violin Recital Set In Mars Hill Friday Night Mars Hill College faculty is sponsoring a piano araii violin re cital Friday at 8 p. m., in Moore; Audifcoriulm, open to the public. May Jo Ford, instructor in pi ano and violin at the college, and Iena Borden, instructor in piano at Converse College m Spartani- fourg, S. C, will present the pro- '' In. Memory Of ' GEORGE M. BAILET ' The country wan in grief1 on that orrowfui day, i ' When George Bailey paaaad aiway, George was a friendly man, e aay; , He wanted all people to be friend ly and gay. " t s ' , 1 He waarot afraid to give up bJa life For his inWiy yeara of etrife.' ' : Four sisters , and eyan brother; loved hira, too; . It eeeme be died for rights he nev er knew. Mom and Dad were hurt with ev ery touch, For that was their child, and they loved him Very much. A mantle of his love we know, So beautiful and warm, How he's brought comfort to our hearts; Though we're miles apart. He was one of many who are ready To leatd in battle or in strife; But very few were willing to do The little things he dW in life. His great deeds may receive re war. is below, And earth's applause is given; But his little things are seen of God, From His watchtower up in Heav en! George was not for wrong, but Now it's too late he's dead anld gone. There were some who felt he was for violence, But from now on he'll sleep in silence. He prayed for the violence to de crease, And wanted us all to live in peace. He did all he possibly could. Hell sleep in peace which we think he should. Requested by his Mother and Fa ther and Brothers and Sisters winning rr. INCOMING PARADE ,;,),w-jkc vv VSK' WaawrtiW t - . l. C- iKr4 I - , Tll rT--i-Ai X T i l .Nr t i 1 gram which will include Beetho ven's Sonata No. 105, Opus, 96; Prokofiev's Five Pieces for Violins ani Piano and Ravel's Tzigare. Mrs. Ford and Mrs. Garden are both candidates for master of mu sic degrees from Converse .School of Music. They will give future performances Nov. 1 at Converse (Mrs. Ford's graduate recital); in January at Montreat-Anderson; College and in February in Mor-ganton. W7 VALUE ! STAMPS 5 I - i : fQ;f esa. "JJ All Roads Lead To 1050 Riverside Drive Asheville, N. C. Premium Grade Stoker or Lump oal AT $1 6 per toil (Loaded on Yard) Ihcfiaa Lane Road, St. 1, Wearer- Depdty Rmeomba Coonty Ue4 leal Fxatnhwr Dr. Lawrence Sprin Ue aatd 4bat GrWin apparently d&ed fiateaday aftamuua after t aB ing eight feet from a artffold and landina; oa bk bead. . Griffin apparently aoffered a brokvea Deck. . - A nativa of ifa&ma Ooanty, be bed Jived in Buncombe Comity ECONOMY GRADE COAL $14.00 Ton (Loaded on Yard) One-ton Order or Larger Top photo shows the winning Junior Class float in the Homecom ing parade held here last Friday afternoon On the float is Miss Car olyn Graham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, D. J. Graham, of Rt. 1, Mar shall. Mrs. Graham was highly complimented for her role. Bottom photo is the Senior float which won second place. All floats were attractive and this yeai 's parade was highly suc cessful. Staff Photos I 4 MO J ON IMITATION ADVERTISING THRIFrYfCHOrTOt Vj 100 EXTRA (I D TOP VALUE STAMPS ftj Y Plus Regular Stampa with Purchase " (V o With ThU Coupon . U X) , On Yard Order of One Ton f I J t ' ' or More j t X) Good Throuh .SaturtUy, Nor. "2' ( f aaaaiaa" ' " " " " " " f wj v' "1 I-CC Jell u Ulz Qdm 1 nircrr'Js Drive . , T ILLIZj r C . ,1; ir "FOOD FOR THOUGHT" Sugar Campbell The average woman isn't old at forty in fact, she insists she'ii nowhere near forty. Sfr Don't you bate women drivers who turn out to be men after', you've criticized their driving? Friend of ours cant help admir ing his boas if he doeentt, he's fired! How mulch does a marriage li cense cost? Five dollars down and your salary for the rest of your life. Mbmey talks but to some folios, it always says goodbye. Youll get a friendly TieHo" and prompt attention when you stop in at Stoney Knob Supermarket, Wea ivetrville, for the finest Sewage bt the country. . The person wboee name waa drawn did not have Ma Jackpot Card puDcbid' V Thii'Week's Jackpot I. ,$200X0! ... All you have to do to win u regriiter and have your Jackpot Card punched Free ' Si onorf or 11 yr M ippse an fcrr.k7 err t; rt-oo-a.ee:: i a, t it