, III ' ' I-1 1 i(, ' k 0 t , 1 V 1 i vtv, ( V 1 rCQNAL and Mr., 1 nf ,Mni, ( Re.pohn, oil Hampton, V., jmgtifi of Mm. C. L. BnjfrUl Wir -wfc ; . 'ft ia .,!! ; i Mr. and Iro, Jo? Ktt. at Greenville, C were wU of, Mrs. Kiti' pirents, Dr. and Mrs. A. M. Ramsey last week-end. Sfr Sfi 3$ Mrs. Robert Goflftrth, rf Ath ena, Term., visited Mrs. A. L. Plemrnarra, of Aaheville, and Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Plemmong of Mar shall recently. , Sf 2 Mrs. Lucien Greene and Mrs. Herbert Heater, nurses at Oak Ridge, Tenn., were week - end guests of Mrs. W. F. Deaver. 3fr ( 3f Mrs. Vaughn C. Fisher return ei home Sunday after spending' the week in Knoxville, Tenn., with, her son and daiuighter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Fisher, Jr., andl family. Mr. Fisher was with K Mart Foods m Asheville until mov ing to Knoxville to open a new store there. While there Mrs. Fish er also visited her. father, the) Rev. G. W. Briggs, and cither rel atives of Dandridge, Tenn. 3fi Dr. and Mrs. J. L. McEJroy re turned Sunday from Augusta, Ga., where Dr. McBlroy attended a past-graduate course at hhe Med ical College of Georgia. 9f 3f Mr. Landon Davis, who 'has just retired after 20 years in the U. S. Navy, was visiting in Marshall Tuesday. Mr. and Mrfc. Davis and family will live in Aaheville. He is the son of the Rev. and Mrs. Jack Davis of Marshall. 3f 3fi Sfi Mr. and Mrs. Ted Russell of West Point, Va., formerly of Mar shall, visited Mr. Russell's sister, Miss Margaret Russell, and Miss. Gertha Henderson, over the week end. They left Monday for Miami, Kla.. to spend several weeks with their daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Kodgers, and her family. if if if Miss Nell Fox and Miss Aid-eon Waldr. p spent the weeji-eud in Forest City as guests of Mr. and 'Mrs. Mrs. C. A. Barron. Mrs. Barron is the former Mrs. Peggy F. (ireene. if if 3f Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ponder have returned to their home in Raleigh after spending a few days here with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Zeno Ponder and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bradley. 1 if i 3f Mr. and Mrs. Bill Chambers and daughter, Leah Ann, of Asheville Zeno Ponder Offers $1,000 teard -0O0- I am offering a $1,000.00 reward for evidence leading to the arrest and con viction of the person or persons dynamit ing my home Saturday night, November 2, 1968. I invite my (fiends who wih to make this county a more safe place in which to live to joinHvith iie in offering whatever amount of . money they wish. M. 12J2m T sinrir. mAtier of Thm Newa-focord, W 'ignX'IS ttpt O tW to keep-thc Tmillc adrisad and mformed &, M th toUl tmoul of reward money offrd for" th arrest an 4 eonVkto. ZEND. H. :'v lllirT"M1 ..mmm 1 ii OTHERWISE John A. Oorbett, son of Mr. and; Mrs. John O. Corbett, of Marshall, successfully directed the Moore County United Fund Drive aai President of the organization. Mr. Corbett and his family reside in Southern Pines, where he is a bank executive. WON'T HURT HIM The husband who dloesn't tell "his wife everything probably fig ures that what she doesn't know, wort It hurt him. spent Saturday night and Sunday in Marshall as guests of Mrs. Chaimbers's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jiannes Brazil, and family. 2f Mr. and Mrs. Roy English and family spent Sunday here as guests of Mr. English's mother, Mrs. Grace English. 3f if. Miss Margot Roberts, a sopho more at the University of North Carolina, Greensboro, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mis. Clyde M. Roberts. Miss Cheryl McConuick, who is a freshman at the I'niversity of v,orth Carolina. Greensboro, spent V he we.'k-end here with her par ents, Mr. anil Mrs. Ralph MeGor tnick. Miss Emagene lender,' who is a sophiniiore at the University of North Carolina, Greensboro, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Zeno Ponder. if, f. Marine Pfc. Johnny L. Payne spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. DeBruhl, Marshall Rt. 2. before leaving for San Diego, California. intting mnd fur- PONDER UP President, . .. ' HEARD AND SEEN By "POP" 0 JIIM - Fw me reason the introduo Nxyry of the "Cool Oat" article im last week' Issue was irnadverternt Jy omitted V- meant to say Uhab the "Gool Qat" clipping was sen to me by Chaplain Jack Thomas, Who is in Vietnam Jiack, knowing Ball and I are fond of cats, was thomghty emonnrh to sent it to its thanks, Jack 1 I hated to see N. C. State's! WoLFpack lose to the Cleimison Ti gers last Satuirdlay I like! both teams ibut was pulling for thei WOlf pack I'll bet Harry Sil- iver, who was at the game, almost Icollaipsed when the Tigers won the game in the last minute of play the new and hiugel "flawer-eooJer" at the Shady Side Florist is the finest I've ever seen looks more like a bank vaullt would hate to get locked uip in it oongTatulationis to Johnny Corbett of Southern Pines' on the fine job he's dbne as presi dent of the Moore Coujnty United! Fund Campaign they've gone; "over the top" under Johnmy'9 leadership well, well, well, election day's over soime aire, disappointed some happy some surprised some stunned' it was a mighty close elec tion, wasn't it? I voted1 a 'boJut 8 a. m., and was real lucky didn't have to wait in line but a few minutes Tuesday night in the courtroom was quite interesting, as usual as re turns started coming in 1- the courtroom was almost filled with people wanting to know how the voting went they found out that it was nip and tuck from the first returns throughout the last Ireturns thanks to the board, of elections and Bill Reeves for their courtesies thanks to the ones who loaned adding ma chines and special thanks to Roy Reeves and my wife for as sisting in marking up and tabu lating the returns - also to Dean and Shelby and, of course, Jerry, for setting up loud S(eak crs m we could keep up with state, and national returns even wish to thank my See., Jean, for helping mark off the blackboard prior to election night With The Sick James Dean Treadway, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Treadway of Marshall is undergoing treats ment at St. Joseph's Hospital. H H Gina Plemmons, small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Pleimmons, who has been a patient in Memori al Mission Hospital since Sunday, expects to return home Friday. ift Sft ift Mr. Hubert Edwards, who re cently underwent surgery at Duke Hospital, Durham, expects to re turn to his home in Marshall to day (Thursday). f 3fi ft Mr. Jesse Amnions is a patient in the Veteran Hospital at Oteen where he is undergoing treat ment. if, if 3fi Mr. Abner Wild, of Route 6, Marshall, is a patient in St. Jo seph's Hospital where he will un dergo surgery Friday morning. To Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jack son, Hat Springs, s son, October 23, 1968 in Memorial Mission Hos pital. 9fr 9fr To Mr. and Mrs. Boycs W. Wal drop, Hot Springs, a son, Octo ber 27, 1968 in Memorial Mission Hospital. To Mi. and Mrs. James W. Crow: MfcrshsJl, Et. 1, daugb tar, Wormixa 6 1968 In Meroori- 1 Mission Hospital I To Mr, and Mrs. Jsnai D. Slu dsr, Msrsbafl Rt 1, a dsugbter, MoTsmbsr. 6, 1968 la MsBoork Uissfoa BospMai.. . w t TH earrr bte east to tha Ub at court ta ths land," aaid ba law jrer so ihs-prisoner, "bat im. ttv memntims you'd tetter try to Pf f f iIWA: woiiAire : OBSEVAHONS: If. v( npRQTH y a shupe Hovr lata, did yqu sit up Tiues day night watching the returns of the election? I went to bed about 2 o'clock and was pleased that Bob Scott, Roy Taylor, Pat Taylor, Liston Ramsey, and Ernest Messer were reelected, but disappoantexi that Mr. Humphrey didn't win. you cant win them all, so I'll take the good jwith the bad and hope for the best in the next four years. It's going to be a trying time, but the American people have always isfTvived and we'll continue to dlo Last week the excitement waa fighting wlith the juniors for the win in the Halloween contest. I think everyone was quite surpris ed that the freshmen beat the jurtiors, but that's the way the cookie crumbles, eh, Coaches Cola land Reeves? Of course, we ex pected to win with our girl, didnt we, seniors? We'll have to watch those freshmen next yearn! Missing one week writing and I forget if I mentioned alxut Jack ie getting married again. I see in today's paper that her ctouirch; (is reprimanding her, but I guess that 600 million makes it easier to1 take, don't you? Someone said her mother and sister had done the same way, so I guess her ac tions shouldn't be too surprising, after all. Did you hear about the subma rine, Scorpion, being found)? I don't know just how they'll go about bringing it up tlo surface, but they say it will cost millions of dollars to salvage it, but of course it would be worthwhile if they can find ways to prevent a reoccurence. What an ordeal for the families of those '.)'.) men to H'o through now. Guess who visited me today '.' None other than the new Mrs. Rog er Dean Moore! She got married Saturday and on her honeymoon over through Cherokee, she ran. into one of my old classmates ironi Western Carolina! He's Sam my Beck who used to toot a wick ed horn while we were students, oh, goodnessme! about 28 yeara ago at school dances and affairs. She said he ran a restaurant in Cherokee. I'll have bo look him up the next time I take the se niors to Gatlinburg, eh, Miss Max ine? Mrs. Moore is the former Miss Druisilla Buckner! OBSERVED Lonidbn has been very sick and we thought he was poisoned, but he wasn't and he's! better and probably will bark all night tonight to prove that he is well again Poor Charlotte thought we were going to have to put him to sleep, but we let her know he is better Wonder how Roy Freeman feels after the elec tion ? Remember, I told you, Roy Gee, cold weather is just around the corner, isn't it? I sure do dread getting out on snowy days; in fact, driving on snow scares me Have you done fall cleaning ? if you'll wait a few weeks, it will go away I've de- (iot too much insurance? Could be. find out. Free. Then sleep better. Say "Confidential Analysis" to your man from Nationwide, and he'll give you the facts straight V J:v; ipa-aMtm-F " r Tenii& Enito, Native ounty, Buried Wednesday Mrs. Tennis Naarma English, 69, of the Unaka section near Mur phy, died Monday night at the home of her son, Bobby English; of Murphy, after a long illness. She was a native of MadSson County and had been hving in! Cherokee County since 1953. Surviving in addition to the son are the husband, Hermon English; another son, Floyd English of Mur phy Rt. 3; a daughter, Mrs. Etel la Mead of Chicago, 111.; four sis ters, Mrs. Delia Lloyd, Mrsi Orla Shelton, Mrs. Ororan Fender, all of Mars Hill, and Mrs. Lydlia Ray of Jonesboro, Tenn.; four broth ers, Kelly, Gush, Ernest and Fred; Norton, all of Mars Hill; 11 grand children ami five great-grandcM-dren. Services were held at 3 p. m., Wednesday in Peachtree United Methodist Church. The Rev. Jess Slagle and the Rev. Jack Palmer officiated. Bur ial was in the churdh cemetery. Mrs. Myrtle Jarvi Passes Tuesday; Funeral Friday Mrs. Myrtle Whitt Jarvis, 75, of Mars Hill Rt. 2, died Tuesday night, November 5, 1968 in an Asheville hospital after a brief Sllness. She was the widow of Gus Jar vis, who died in 1960. She was' al native of Buncombe County andl had lived in Madison Cotulnty for1 60 years. Surviving are two (laughters, Mrs. Cajrmel Roberts of Mars Hill and Mrs. Roy Gardin of Asheville; a son, Blaine Jarvis of Madtlandi, Fla.; three sisters, Mrs. Nona Whited of Detroit, Mich., Mrs. Eliza Burnett of Petersburg, Va., iind Mrs. Claude Deaver of Wea verville; a brother, Charlie L. Whitt of Weaverville; and four grandchildren. Services will be held ut 'J p. m., Friday in Middle Fork Baptist 'hureh. The Rev. K. J. Hall and the Rev. William L. Lynch will officiate. Burial will be in Jarvis Cemetery. Pallbearers will be Wayne, Hol bert, Ronnie anil John Jarvis, Paul and Carvel Whitt and Wayne and Calvin Eatmon. The iMxly will remain at Hol conibe Funeral Home, where the family will receive friends from 7 to 9 o'clock tonight (Thursday), and will be placed in the church 30 minutes prior to the services. WHO? The preacher had just united two hippies in holy wedlock. He looked at them in puzzlement and then asked, "Will one of you; please kiss the bride?" cided to let my flowers go with the frost, cause they are so much trouble and I'm so tired guessi '1 better get to bed, see you 1 Remember, Roy, I'm not mad or should I say angry? Maybe next time, you'll listen bo me Roy Reeves, Agent Phooe 649-2021 Marshall, N. C Of f io OpB Etmt D7 '. 9 a. ttu 4i30 p. m. Orar Roberta Pharmacy mm fi WiUmmlili kmjti Mu, PatyCaiierf Bride-Elect, Honored At Floating Shower Miss Patsy Carter, daughter of Mr. and Mm. Hal Carter, and! bride-elect of Mr. Paul Whaley, was honored last Saturday" after noon with a floating sher In Wis Faculty Lounge of the Memo trial Library. A color sclieine of yellow aiid white was used in dec orations and refreshments with a lovely arrangement of chrysanthe mums centering the refreshment! table. Anojumd 40 guests attended; the brildle-elect received many lovely and useful gifts. Out-of-towrf guests were Mrs. Harold Whaley, of Sevierville, Tenn.; Mrs. Sam my Reese, of Hendersonville; Mrs. Margaret Nichols and Mrs. Lena: VBly, of Asheville; and Mrs. Ridh- lard Pfeiffer, of Sumter, S. C. Hostesses for the event were Mrs. Bill Zink, Mrs. Alfred Huff, Mrs. Edward Smith and Mrs. Plato Reese. Renew Your Subscription To The News-Record iiSnest buys- PASSENGER CARS 1966 CAPRICE Sport Coupe; 327 V-8; Bucket Seats; Automatic; floor shift; Extra Clean 1966 PLYMOUTH Fury III Hardtop Coupe; automatic; power steering, power brakes; air conditioned; extra clean 1965 CHEVROLET Impala Sport Coupe; V-8; straight drive; clean 1965 RAMBLER 4-door Sedan; 6-cylin-der; Straight Drive; One Owner 1965 COR V AIR 500 4-door Sedan; straight drive; Radio; Heater 1964 CHEVY II 4-door Sedan; 6-cylin-der; Straight Drive. 1963 CHEVROLET Impala 4-door Se dan; V-8 engine; Powerglide Transmis sion; Radio & Heater. 1963 FORD Fairlane 500 Sport Coupe; V-8 engine; Automatic Transmission; Radio & Heater; Solid Red. 1959 CHEVROLET 4-door; V-8 engine; Powerglide Transmission TRUCKS 1968 CHEVROLET -ton Truck; 6-cyl. Heater and Defroster; Stepside Bed; 9,000 miles; Like New 1967 CHEVROLET Vz-ton Truck; V-8 engine; Fleetside Bed; Heater & De froster 1969 CHEVROLET i2-ton Pickup; 6 cylinder; Stepside Bed; Nice We Hare Tha Fineat In Automobile Financing t G.MJLC By The Month Or By The Year. And Bank Financing. Selling And Financing Cars And Truck li din Busineis! aaUaJ VJ . vmww i wl ; t MARSHALL i 4,.-. i. I ! t.. ys!PgaFiva j Mr. and Mrs. John Floyd, of Miami, Florida, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Jeanette, to Mr. Clen Phillips, Jr., of Route 1, Mars Hill. Miss Floyd is a student at Mars' Hill College and Mr. I'hillips is a member of the Laurel High School faculty. The wedlding is planned for next June. i '.1 J?- C.r Er'tf. "ifx:

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