THE NEWS-RECORD MATuSTAIA, N. a, JAN. 80, 196! Pass Six 1 k I f 1 r o , .o High School f Basketball r Result O AT MARS HILL BOYS GAME Laurel (69) T. Franklin 9, D. Cutshall 15, O. Cutshall 6, D. Franklin 18, B. Franklin 10, Sana 2. Outshall 6, Johnson 4. Mara Hill (58) Thamaa 22, Ruckner 10, Castelloo 4, Cody 10, Metealf 6, Norton, Zink. Halftime: 31-30, Mars Hill. GIRLS GAME Laurel (35); Mars Hill (30). 2f V T AT HOT SPRINGS GIRLS GAME Spring Creek (38) Mtoore 10, Plemmons 5, Brooks 8, Goforth 11, Justice 2, Duckett, Adams, WaUiroup, l'ayne, McCarber. Hot Springs (U) Moore 4, Norwood 1, Green 1, Ratfobone, Lamb, Bolt 1, McBrootna, Wills; Kln 4, Norton, Ramsey, Park. iHalftfcna: 19-6, Spring Creek. ' BOYS GAME Spring Oraek (27 Hmtof 5, Trantham 6, Roberts 6, Kirk paftrick 8. Allison 8, Plenanons 2, Strickland, Frtebea, Woody, Nail Ion, Fowler, Caldwell 5. Hot Springs (63) Chandler 6, Wills 7, Parks 12, Watkins 21, (Caldwell 4, Haney 7, Holder 2, flumerel, Wallin, Roberto 4. HaMtime: 25-13, Hot Springs. AT HOT SPRINGS GIRLS GAME Cane River (44) N. Allen 14, C. Allen 1, Ballow 12, Jobe 1, Ball 6. Peterson 6, B. Anglin, Foxx, Higrgins, Franklin, Morrow 2, Anghn 2, Austin. Hot Springs (17) Moore 2, Norwood 2, Green, Lamb, Holt 2, McBroam 1, Wills 6, King 2, Norton, Ramsey, Parks 2. Halftime: 23-10, Cane River. BOYS GAME Cane River (57) Jobe 8, T. McCurry 5, Silvers 11, D. Mc- Zeno Ponder Offers 1,000 Reward -oOo- I am offering a $1,000.00 reward for evidence leading to the arrest and con viction of the person or persons dynamit ing my home Saturday night, November 2, 1968. ZENO H. PONDER Total Reward To Date: $1,550.00 rw u nwiwr If.' Kinir 1. Griffith, Shepherd. 1 ' hoc springs iooj. - 7, WU1 , Parka 8, Watfcin W, CaldwaH, Haney , Holder Jayveea: 30-26, Hot Springs. AT MARSHALL G1KLS UAJWE. Mars Hill (16) Wood 5, Yel ton 2, Angel 5, Hunter, J. Buck ner 1, Boone 1, Tweed 1, Shelton 1. Marshall (24) L. Bryan 5, G. Bryan 8, MoCormiok, Tipton 3, Davis, D. Mayhew 6, Ball 2, Mc Devitt, Chandler, Goforth, G. Mayhew. Halftime: 16-7, Marshall. BOYS QVME Mars Hill (47) Boone 22, Ray 9, Metealf, Duck, Briscoe 11, Mur ray 5. Marshall (41) Haynie 4, R. McDevitt 10, Rhinehart 11, Cam eron 8, W. McDevitt 0, Ball 2, Nix,. Halftime: 19-18, Mars Hill. AT SPRING CREEK GIRLS GAME Laurel (23) Reeves 6, S. Ray 8, Fowler 2, J. Ray 5, Bull- man 2, B. Shelton, K. tneiton, Gunter, Zimmerman, Cook, Ad ams. Spring Creek (57) Moore 16, Brooks 10. Goforth 21, Justice 3, M. Carter 1, 'Adams, Payne, Duckett, Waldroup. Halftime: 30-10, Spring Creek. "fc t BOYS GAME Laurel (lit T. Franklin 12. D. Cutshall 8, Sams 3, C. Cutshall 7, B. Franklin 31, Twiggs 2, U. Franklin 11, Zimmerman, John son, Cupp. Spring Creek (70) Hunter 14 Trantham 16. Roberts lb. v ivlfr,ntTiclf 10 Allison 4. Plem mons 2, Caldwell 9, Woody, Fnis bee, Fowler, Naillon. Halftime: 40-39, Laurel. AT MARSHALL GIRLS GAME FVat. Yrtwcv C3H Jones 4. Murphy 1, Young 7, Grindstaff 4, Parker 12, Banks 2, Styles l. Marshall (23) L. Bryan, G. Bryan 3, McCormick, Tipton 6, Davis 3, D. Mayhew 9, Ball, Mc Devitt 2. Halftime: 14-12, East Yancey. 3f 3f 3ft BOYS GAME East Yancey (63) Danny Laws 45, Westall 6, Shuford, Rob inson 2, Hughes 4, Tipton 4, Hicks 2, Howell. Marshall (65) Haynie 13, Rhinehart 13, Cameron 16, W. Mc- SPRING CREEK VIRGINIA MEADOWS Corraspoadant Mrs. , Omnia Cogdill is In the Haywood County Hospital at this time. Hop shell b Well and hams again soon. ' The infant son of Mr. and Mr. Boyce Waldroup is sick now. We hope he'll soon 'be well. Mr. and Mrs. Garland Woody, Connie and Tina visited Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Meadows and family Saturday night. Von Plemmons visited Mr. and Mrs. Joe Justice, Darlene and Linda Jo Saturday night. Don Fowler has to leave Tues day for the Army. We wish him success. Everyone is pleased with Mrs. Cline Fowler as a teacher and are proud she's with us. Ethel Meadows and Rhett Kirk patrick were married last Sun day at the Flats of Spring Creek Baptist Church. Nancy Clark is home now fim Herea College in Kentucky. Mrs. David Ledford and Mrs. Dwight Meadows went to Mar h.sall Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Justice, Dar lene and Linda Jo hail supper Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Justice and Linda. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Plemmons are bbuilding a beautiful brick home. It won't be too much long- Devitt 14, R. McDevitt 9, Nix. Halftime: 28-27, Marshall. Jayvees: 46-24, East Yancey. 9fr AT HOT SPRINGS GIRLS GAME Laurel (26) Reeves 10, Fow ler, S. Ray 2, Adams 1, J. Ray 5, Rudlman 6, Zimmmerman, Shelton. Hot Springs (19) Moore 7, Norwood 4, Lamb 2, Holt, Mc Broom, Wills, King 3, Parks 3, Norton, Ramsey, Rathbone. Halftime: 11-7, Laurel. 3ft 3 3f BOYS GAME Laurel (59) D. Franklin 12, B. Franklin 25, C. Cutshall 7, D. Cutehalll 14, Johnson 1, B. Cut shall, Cupp, T. Franklin. Hot Springs (69) Chandler 22, Wills 10, Parks 5, Watkins 15, Caldwell 6, Haney 5, Holder 6, Roberts. Halftime: 30-28, Hot Springs. Mrs. Martha Ledford Passes On Friday; C ' Funeral Monday J Mrs. Martha Cowan Ledford, 69, of Hot Sprhnrs, idfed Friday, January 24, 1969 in an Aaheville hospital after a brief Illness. Mrs. Ledford was a lifelong- res ident of Hot Springs. She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Effie Puryear of Hot Springs; one sister, Mrs. Mary 'Alexander of Millville, N. J.; eight grand children and 10 great-grandchildren. Services were held at 2:30 p. m. Monday at the Hot Springs Meth odist Church with the Rev. Ralph Hgan officiating. Burial was inj Fail-view Cemetery, Hot Springs. Pallbearers were W. L. Collins, Hurlon Ricker, Bill Whitten, Bob by Hayes, James Gentry, and Wood row Ramsey. liowinan-IHickett Funeral Home wus in charge. r before they'll have it finished. M, and Mrs. Leo Willett are planning to move in a weeK or two. It 11 be nice for them to live lose to their store. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Meadows, Rickey, Linda, Rex and Darlene Justice went to Asheville Satur day. LHS Basketball Schedule Jan. 30 - Mars Hill away Feb. 4 Hot Springs away Game time: 7:00 p. m. SKO? Fashioned Come in today for a hair-do styled personally foi - - YOU! - RUTH PF.NI.AND operators AU.F.F.N RK.SBY Phone 649-4535 Near Edwards Cleaners Marshall, N. C. -Free Parking for All Our Customers EDGEWOOD Restaurant 1435 Merrimon Ave. Asheville N. C. HUNTER CREEK MRS. ERNEST BALL Correspondent Mr. and Mrs. Luther Ball are visiting their sons, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hall and family and Mr. wnd Mrs. 'Andrew Ball of Can'dr ler. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Worley and son were visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glamer Worley of Big 1'ine Saturday afternoon. Mr. Leonard Sumner of Ashe ville spent Wednesday night with Mr. and Mrs. Burns Hunter. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Franklin were visiting her parents, Mr. Mars Hill College Home Basketball Games Feb. 5 Milligan Feb. 11 King Feb. 22 Maryville and Mrs. Claude Ball Sunday. Miss Linda Carole Ball had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Worley. Mrs. Lester Lewis and sons were visiting Burns Hunter Friday. Carolina's gone Ford- Its the Going Thing Save on the most popular ootions i i - -- 2-Ooor Hardtoo . ; J ; a . . - Breakfast - Dinner Snpper Regular Meals Short Orders Sandwiches Homemade Pies Open 6 a. m. 10 p. m. AIR-CONDITIONED Isms'! I am offering a $50 reward to anyone giving in formation leading to the arrest and conviction of party or parties poisoning a Shepherd dog with strychnine in the Shutin and Sleepy Valley commu nity last Sunday. MISS CARRIE PARKS Hot Springs, N. C. Special package deal r 2-Ooor Hardtop with most J Dopuiar option Included: Vinyl roof Dual racing mirrori ; Ra :!r9 atripe Deluxe wheel . co v Whitewalla Full ' - cs-, "Jngu ' --' 1 . -G;JonC:.:D"!riTc:d'Ccuh tit ' tH W J II. Carolina IT 1 Due to the recent State Court System which ordered the Office of the Clerk of Superior Court to be closed on Saturdays, it has been decided, after observing the decrease in traffic in the Courthouse since this system started, that it would be feasible for the other offices in the Courthouse to also CLOSE OfJ SATURDAYS Effective Saturday, February 1, 1969 Starting February 1, Offices In Th'd! Gcsrthcab'XJill Hi 0::n;D2iIy ' . (Except W Saturdays) " i;r-t ' T i f :.' t --. 'Si'. . w ' a .1 I ' . t t Esp't r-o !ia Not 3 . .-.-. '-r: I - Cc. 17 Board cl 'C i n.