M - A t , " ' ' ' 1 1 ' ' I . 1 I , : : v , . - , -V- 1 LX - i record n't ' 11 1 ' v..c.,: 't i . 4 1 1 'i I t . t . . . I l, . 1 a i-.i . t . PEOPLE aiid ISSUES ; . t :oo Bign. pa,, Ji.sU'' 1 t)' ijz:wmaing von f6:0a-Nsw '-tv' ' 8:00-K.s r.j' " , : 12:10- I .m c. i- m . rs7,' 1 o.nc i. - n. T. .. I to. on 10 Dinner Time Cpuntry Styl 12:20-JSrsws ndnBnnetlnLo4 Phono Ail type of matsriali, trims, rippers, eta, can alwsjr m toting at ' STITCH and SAVE FABRIC SHOP Marshall . Aahsvflle Highway l-2tf FOR RENT CAFE Money - Man Hill 689-6206 7-24 -14c SUPERVISOR NEEDED Vista project in small Appalachi an County in Western North Car olina need supervisor for up to 25 community and nation pool Vista volunteers. Unique program emphasizing Iremedial education, health, recreation, home econom ics and community leadership de velopment sponsored jointly by the Oosnnsonity Development In stitute of Mam Hill Oolleg and the MadSsonBunoombs Rural De velopment Council, a council oil the rural poor. Experience in su pervision, willingness to work with representatives of the poor: as well aa students and faculty of a small innovative liberal arts college, and creativity in program definition are the basic require ments for the position. College training desirable but not requir ed. Salary range $8,000 to S10.000 depending on experience and tentdal. Project expected! to ein September 15, 1969. resumes with availability dote Tom Waller, Advocate Planne! Madison-Buncombe Rural Devtl oomeret Council. Box 251, Mai Hill, N. C. 8-7, 14, 21, 28c FOR SALE The SET "Mfc Bantist Church buildtriK, on top of Ivy Hill, will be at public auction on August 16, 1969, at 2:00 p. on the church site. 8-7, 14c FOR SALE 11 acres bo1 land near Laurel High Scl y acre of tobacco and $12,500 with terms. W. E. FRANKLIN Phone 254-6503 Asheville, N. C. 8-7, 14p FOR SALE TD9-LOADEK Pay repair bill and take up ments. Also tilt trailer, $65' WILLIAM PHILLIPS Phone 645-6465 WeaverviUe, N. C. 8-14pd. JIMEERXREE MRS. ERNEST BALL Correfltiondfnt Mies Maggie Ball is spending few days with Misa Wanda of Candler. s Those visiting Mr. antfd Mrs. Burns Hunter Sunday were Rev. and Mrs. Gerald Sprinkle and family; Mr. and Mrs. Lester Lewis and family; 'Mr. and Mrs. Akfme Hampton, Rev. Jonah Reeos and Mr. and Mrs. Coble Ball Mav and Mrs. David Wildes and daughter and son-in-law of Greens ville, Tennessee were visiting Mr. and rMrv Luther Ball Ssturday evening.. Mrs. Jane Wallin was' viaitaiui her'siuter, Mrs. Vextie Reses Son- r f WW Serf uacurdf 4 ReeciL STILL; PAYING RltffT n V BUT ENJOYING IT LESS? WANT TO OWN A HOME. ' BUT: FEEL. YOU CANNOT? I ,v; h r--, Well -You CanlH" - ' Po yoa pay as much' as $140 par montbt ' Wbr PT thk much a month on a boms of roar own? AH yo need Is $100 kwfor FITA this includes dosing costs; or if you sxs VETCSAN all you need is $500 for dosing costs and yoa can move into , -. -, -.-i r- ' v ' ,r .-nT , One t thret new bomes near completion. rhess borne " ,'. have three bedrooms, ltf Ufes inodem-kitchen witk , t . l-Xlt in oven 'and rars, aa ample living room,- and a . fl 1 t' TuJ. J pries $1800.- 'N ' " " " Yv i 7 V t 'a tt what aboOt taxes an! iiiursncsT 1 i' ' in,,' ' i la your $140 per month pay- . a ' 649 - C :i L J INCOME Dnfrtbutor ? 1 FcrThisArea ' Become a distributor In one of A medca's largest and fastest grow ing Industries, You ' will be dis tributing national brand! products, wbM Nehtacoj, ' Buw'a and Austin. "No' experience "Quired All accounts are contracted for and set up by our company. You merely restock locations with our national brand products. Yon Can Earn $800 A Month Or Mere Based On Your Effoit Inventory of $1,645 to $2,590 cash (required for inventory and e- quiprment. You must have a good car and be able to devote at least 4 to 82 hours per week. If you are interested, have the desire, drive, determination, and want to be successful in a growing business of your own, write us today. Please enclose name, address, and telephone number. WE YELCOME INVESTIGATION NATIONAL DISTRIBUTING CO. 435 So. Kimbrough , SpringfieH.Mflu also appreciates 'the' " interest; shown by parents and friends. "I'm looking forward to next season", Mr. McDevht said. day- I .... Mr. and Mrs. Clarence 'Hunter and Karen, Mr. andMrs. Herbert Worley anid .Chris wers 1isiting' the Rev. and Mrs. dm&i Sprin kle and f amfty Monody" evening. Several avettefii6a the bomecoming t'fcoms'fli! Mr. and Mrs. Qaud;'BaIl Sunday. , r ! w j t t t r " ; r t i s" J in- LUAU . . . The First Annual Governor's Luaru party was beld at the Blockade Runnex Hotel m IWrlghtaviUs Beach last Saimrdayv The Democrats appeared to en joy the festivities, but at the same time the party leaders mads no bones about the real battles which lie ahead if they are to remain tha majority party in North Carolina. Regardless of the justification, the recent actions of the General Assembly in raising taxes and with .the legislators voting tham- selvee retroactive pay and a pen sion plan have added to the bur dens the Democrats must carry when they go to the peopde for a vote of confidence next year. Considerable grumbling was heard in the cfuiet talk over some of the appointments which Gov. Scott has made, which is custo mary following most governors ap pointments. BALDHEAD . . . Baldhead Is land, a 12,000-acre island of sal4 marshes land near Southport iai making the headlines and is tihs center of contention over whether it should be developed by privta enterprise or conserved for usq by all the peopde by the State, The eyes of many people will be focused on the course taken by Governor Scott and the Depart ment of Conservation and De velopment. LOADS . . . With the two added to the gasoline tax orth Carolina the peopde will ,ly be as patient while wadt- for roads to be built as they been in past years. However, emphahis is expected) to be H on primary roads than Mary road. Bult when it to roads to most citizens pad most important to them one Which runs in front of bwn homes. STIMTJM INCOME . . . Tar- h by the thousands will be rested in studying carefully lident Nixon's proposal con- ng a minimum family income. proposal is interesting but) would want to stftfdy it very bl before coming to final liemt on it kU0R VOTE . . . While the has been veering in the direction in most of the referendums in recent in Burnsville last week the turned the "wets" back in lor store vote 315 to 266. Of $3 voters registered to vote) Yancey County town all of those registered to vote) ballot PTE HOUSE RELIGION . . of the ministers are criti President Nixon's Sunday House worship services, r it a "tamed religion" or rming religion." Be it p is I CODY MOTOR SALES, INC. Phone 649-SS81 MARSHALL, N. C Dealer Fraacblss No. 1122 69 FORD Galaxie 600; 2-dr. 66 FORD 2-door H.T.; V-8; H.T.; V-8; Automatic; PA Automatic - $2695.00 $1595.00 69 FORD Falcon Futura; 4-dr; M MERCURY Calient H. H.; Ag0D 495.00 2495.00 x $1195.00 MRANCHERO;. V-8; Auto- 65 FORD H-toa Pickop; 6-cyL 68PONTIAC Grand Prix; Air f 7 CoodittoneP.AxitoinatiB - $1233.00 ' ' ' DT , , . 65 CHEVROLET Station Ws- fviE? HTrwk; ..V4j eiatrs 4-door VJ FALCON 2-dr.; (J-CyLj BJ). 7 CaiEVROLET Belair; 4-dr.; f 5 1C1 1 ' lana M0 BporS 67 FOKD 2r. H.T.; V-8; SJX;. Air Cow2:.Wl - .. . I fit ixejs;vac.- 1 2-dxw tamed or be ft eonfolwing we afrs glad to know that ws still ! si man Xm Mia WKHia.. XTmMft ) .1. f ... - i " ' Weves in the old tjm isUgton and doesn't hesths to bring in tta eon duct the services great preachers Bice Billy Graham. V 1ADY SOLON ... Ws do nc4t feel that U. S. Senator Margaret Chase Smith of Mains added to bat stature as a state worn an an iota in her changing stances on the ABM issue in the U. S. Senate but week by voting botir-ways.- ... MENTAL HEALTH ... For yean the late John W. Umstead, Jr., of Chapel Hill sounded toei tocsin and led the fight for ade quate support for the mental in stitutions in the State.. He bald a worthy assistant in the late Cousin" Wayland Spruill. Here lies an opportunity for public ser vice but the leader need not ex-, pact to have an alumni to back him, up when the going gets tough. MUSCLE MEN ... For the past fifty rears the heyday of the muscle man, the weight lifter and the laboring man appeared to be on the wane. Emphasis has been on education and preparing for the better jobs in life. In recent months the worm ap pears to be turning as the garbage collectors in the big cities are be binning to organize and demand yes and get pay more in line with white collar workers than in the years gone by. SURPLUS ... We were de lighted to note that for the first time in several years the Federal Government ended up the 1968 69 fiscal year with a surplus in excess of $3 billion. It has been our feeling for many years that our Federal Government should operate on a balanced budget just as our state and local units of government must do, except in cases of war or dire emergencies. YOU CAN FIND THFM HERE READING THESE ADS TC1 C 'xd C00; &.; V-; Auu- , ' vXbargmns 60-Brsakfaatj. Tims : Country Style -r ; . . 7:0OndnA. 'Ntw TdftWasjHM;.' et-.i- 7:15 Joe Skasraaa. 7:20 Sports Nim -. : 7:25 Breakfast., Tlrna Country Sty Is .. H cAT.y 7:29 News Hsadlines 7:80 Breakfast Tjkns . Country Nation Pay (Cknuedjronj page OaeJ to our heroes." Ticker tape and confetti rained from the 100-etory high John Han cock Building on North Michigan, Avenue Chicago's ' "magnificent) mile" aa the fnotorcsjds passed1 carrying the astronauts and their) families. Near North Side beaches emp tied. Squeals of admiration came irom girls still in bikinis. At the Michigan Avenue Bridge Firs Department boats in the. Chicago River shot streams of red, blue sad grsen water morel than 100 feet in the air. A EghH breets carried some of the spray into the parside ears. EDGEWOOD Restaurant 1435 Merrbnoa Ave. AsfaeviHe N. C Breakfast - Dinner Supper Regulsr Meals Short Orders . Sandwiches Homemade Pies Open 6 a. m. 10 p. m. AIR-CONDITIONED ) OVER 45.000 IN PRIZES TO BE GIVEN AWAY OnMI-CwtlflestM) ENTER THIS CONTEST ( 1ST PRIZE HJL ( -T" 1ST PRIZE I I V 1 - I A Brand New $229.95 l F H' , I DRESSMAKER ZIG-ZAG I F '' V 1 Sswing Machine (( I V;Prn ,1 2ND PRIZES J UnScRaM.Le ThE wOrDs COKTfST No Cbtflatlcm - Nothing To Buy! : Hri Easy... k'a Fun) Simply CONTEST RUliS Soir S. Asy nddtnteftki VnHtdStstH, ;My.fHm?tt sms sstar -. mot twana and S. EnHat sasa Is smtirmba as mMm sf err Semi UACH. Mr am n from the notipt ikik CO, Marrwds. Ks ana thelf af ts entry. Ss hurry, sail tMUyl MMdUte ' t srslst subiwt Is ssnrannKf Ha al ftdtraL state t., -.mm and I mi ht4 UiM, wtlMam MtsMWassV ... ' Utlfti Iw... .1 8:45 Horning Devotions 1 i .-' :00Soul Winning Gospel Bout Ji80-Gspel' Singtimf 'f ,, , IQUNMCtw it'. ., 10:05 Gospel Singtima .' 11 AO Good Tidings Gospel Broadcast 11 :80 Gospel mgam 11:45 (Wsd, A Sat) Church of Christ Broadcast BLQOD NEEDED! "ISrsTJudy'' fiucKer"WooC daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marty L. Bucknar, of tJie East Fork section of Madison County, will have open heart surgery perform ed to replace a valve in her heart. The American Red Cross is re questing 20 pinta of blood that) will be needed for the operation. They would like to have this blood donated on or before August 15, 1969. If any of the leaders of this paper know of someone who would be willing to donate a pint of blood to this worthy cause, it will be appreciated by Judy, her fam ily and the American Red Cross. This is an urgent call and ws hope the county will give wide re sponse. $50.00 UP USED CARS Running Condition Two Good Silage Trucks With Dumps Will Run $395.00 Each See BUD GAHAGAN Rt. 3, Marshall Phone 649-4206 .BUallWMi is Unccrambb The 7ord5 t stf A-'tab 0s f fr tor eatent - fer sw frers souaf . v i . mm -aiia. Urn aetiss mm r--. raaai-. .aaaaaaa a a-'v . "5 1 9 i- fatfaaattvaatt t ' " Ui:au weatner s j, iv; 12:85 Chuck Wagonji Cfafigf J V , 12:45 Farm Forunvi 1 A ' 1;00-Fnn News if S ,T ; 1:05 Obituary ColuMS((, , 1:10 Country, t Mua&i JaniboW Newt on ow I ; f News Headlines oa taalfHojir Taylor Doubtaw- (Continued front Page One) never down. To obtain true e conomic independence, the initia tive and pride of the poor must not be stifled. "Changing the nams of pro gram does not change the fact that it is unwise to encourage our citizens to depend on the govern ment for support of their fami lies." Head Start Is (Continued From Pags One) program for low-income families, strict guidUnes for income- eligi bility levels had been established' by the federal government and that these were beyond the con trol of the local authorities. Our local authorities have, however, called this fact to the attention of the Secretary of Health, Edu cation and Welfare in Washing ton. "The Committee also expressed its appreciation of a federal pro gram which brought such prac tical assistance to the children of Madison County. Moreover it was noted that, among a peopde as deeply conscious of the re ligious values of life as our peo ple are; all those who worked with the program were incorpo rating into their own lives that desire of the Lord Jesus: that what we djo for the least of His little ones, we do for ,Him.' $ 1 50.00 Discount Certifi cates. These are good to ward the purchase of the $229.95 DRESSMAKER Sew ing Machine. 3RD FRIZES 2-Adustoble Dress Forms. 4TH PRIZES 5-Trartslstor Radios. STH PRIZES 5-Pair Pinking Shears. m Sfc.: a Onty sntsiitr 'pwiiihtsf 'Htm ' sscb oantotant- ihs sffidal snUV tink btkm sr yos mm s s f x (.ur. -I Bui. bsmt. ' Pteltlos of tht Wgn rlral ba 4. H rnrrtj!!!is afll eatt tf I c to ytwr tNn, V.lantn wifl tt ' svuiiea sy nu, . t i.t.. ........ - w i i' : ( 1 ...