la, ' ' . i . PERSONAL and r Mfa Or Freeman visited Mi. Fannie Noland fn WaarneBvilla last Sunday., Miss Freeman unci Mm Noland are cousin. Mr. end Mm Troy DeBruhl of Marshall Rt. 2, and Mr. and Mr. Jtanmy Moulds of. Asheville spent last week-end in Atlanta, Gl, vis iting Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Noe. Mrs. Noe, a cousin of Mrs. De Bruhl, is a patient in Kennestone Hospital, Marietta, Ge. Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Nix and their son, Tom, and Mrs. Nix'e mother, Mrs. Dewey Blake, had as guests last week-end Mrs. Nix's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Edwards, and their two daughters of Mount Gil ead; Clifton Edwards, Jr., who is a student at Mars Hill College; and Richard Tew of Durham, who is also a student at Mars Hill Col lege. Sfc 3 9fc Mrs. Anrtis Gillis will leave to day (Thursday) for her home in Biloxi, Miss., after spending sev eral days here with her sister, Mrs. Grace English. While here, Mrs. Gillis also visited her sisters in Flag Pond, Tenn.; a sister, Mrs. Carrie Sprinkle, of Gastonia who was visiting her son at Fairview; iher brother, Dr. W. A. Sams, of Marshall; and Mrs. English's son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Grace English, and family in Bry son City. Qfr 9fi 9fi Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Roberts and daughter, Rebecca, of Chesa peake, Va., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lon Roberts and Mr. and Mrs. iDedriok Roberts and family. Spencer Roberts is a nephew of Lon Roberts. at it Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Greup of Durham visited Mrs. Greup's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. Fain Sprinkle, and their two sons in Marshall last Satur day. They were accompanied here by Mr. Greup's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Greup, also of Dur ham. Mrs. RelH AHman, 'Mrs. Clara iFagan and Mi. James Story spent tiie week-end in Charlotte where they visited Mrs. Ed Rednbardt and her daughter, Miss Joyce Reinhardt; and Miss Rachel Wag oner. On Saturday, Mrs. Rein hardt and her daughter; Mrs. Pa gan and Mrs. Story went on to Columbia, S. C, where they spent the night with Mrs. Reinihardtt's son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Page, and their daugh ter. Mrs. Reinhardt is a niece of IMrs. Allman and Mrs. Pagan, and a cousin of Mrs. Story. V 3& 9& V 9fi y 9fr 9fr With The Sick Mr. Esther R. Vaughn, of Mar shal, 4s a patient in C. J. Harris Hospital, Syrva, where she under went surgery, Wednesday. MnFred (Mildred) Morrow, of Marshall and Woodfin, is re empensting in -St Joseph's Hos pital after undergoing an appen dectomy' last week-end. Mrs:; Jl &. Stines returned boms TRY THIS LOVELY, FEMININE DO! f; i Gala . . . do you know that the ""prettyM look I U inl, i and men loro it? Find out for your I self with our' softly curled styling, v . - t .r . - RUTH mr.'LAr.'D, OTHERWISE Household Shower Honors Burrises On Saturday night, October 4, household shower was given hon oring Mr. and Mrs. Gary Burris, of Weaverville, in the Worn of Mrs. Ed Candler in Marshall. Frizes were awarded to Cindy Loving, Donna and Zenmia Parris, Eileen Crowe, Maggie Anders and Nettie Nix. Games were played and refreah Tnents were served to the follow ing: Altha Ramsey, Blanche Hen derson, Marie Candler, Eileen Crowe, Evelyn Anthony, Henriet ta Rector, Maggie Andlers, Zenna Parris and daughter, Donna Ma ry, Kathleen Davis, Annette Mc Lean, Nettie Nix, Trixie Candler', Maude Loving and daughter, Cin dy, Mrs. Robert Burris, Bobbie Burris and Mrs. Joe Rice. Mrs. Burris is the former Miss Trixie Loving, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Loving of Mar shall. To Mr. and Mrs. James G. Wal lin, Marshall Rt. 4, a daughter, October 10, 19 in St. Joseph's Hospital. To Mr. and Mrs. James F. Snel Bon, Marshall Rt. 5, a daughter, lOctober 13, 1969 in St. Joseph's Hospital. To Mr. and Mrs. Jerry D. Hunt er, Marsnan isi. o, a uomsn;j, Oct 12, 1969 in St Joseph's Hos pital. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hal Edmonds of Mars Hill and he is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hunter of Marshall. Wave Recruiter To Visit Area Miss Carol A. Smith, U. S. Navy Wave Recruiter from Columbia, S. C, will visit in Asheville, on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thurs day, Oct 21, 2223. She will be pit the U. S. Navy necrurang Branch Station, Federal Court House and Post Office Building, Ott and Post Streets, Asheville. Miss Smith will be happy to talk to young women (18-26) about the wide variety of Navy jobs offered in more than 20 dif ferent fields of endeavor and to explain the training available m specialized trade schools. DIAL - A - PRAYER 649-9231 Monday from Johnson City Eye Clinic, Johnson City, Term., where she underwent eye surgery tost week. Mr. Leonard Baker, of Mar shall, has returned to his home after undergoing ' surgery tost Saturday fc St Joseph's Hospital. , Mrs. Maude Simmons, of Mar shall, is a patientin Aston Park Hospital t following treatment for broken bip. Her condition is ihnproving, V Owner & Operator nr inn 1 ' AND ' ' ' 1 SEEN By TOP" Last week was National News paper Week Httfls did I think that anyone in our county waa ware of such a special week Imagine my surprise when Joe Templeton, likable personnel man agerial Burlington Worsteds plant jat Hot Springs phoned and invited me down to the plant last Friday .he simply said 'he wanted me to see the "... new additions land expansion of the plant" I accepted the invitation since I've been trying to get down there for a long time leaving Mar shall about 11 a. m., I drove slow- iy to Hot iSprings enjoying the gorgeous Fall coloring and the beauties of nature as I drove along I was reassured that this season is tine most Deauvuui or the year and that we were for Aunaite to live in the mountains where the Autumn coloring reach- es the sky arriving at the huge and attractive plant, I found Joe hard at work at his dosk he quickly layed down his pa- iper work and we naa a long, in teresting talk Truman Mol- 'ton, the able and personable plant manager, joined us as did Andy Forloines, office manager they told nie they wanted to "do something special for the local ed itor on National Newspaper Week" by golly, they did) they took me out to a delicious dinner at Henderson's Cafe and we were joined there by Mr. and Mrs. Ed IMurray, of Raeford Edl is the group manager of Burlington Worsteds Division we had a fine time chatting and believe you me, Ed and Lib are real nice people after dinner I tour ed the plant and was surprised to see how much they have improved the building new offices, a loading dock, a neat and attract ive commissary, and tons and tons of new machinery as I walked up and down the countless rows of spinning bobbins admid the roar of the machinery I again realized that the Hot Springs plant is indeed a most interesting place and a place everyone should visit after the tour as I started to leave, Truman and Joe presented1 me with beautiful material for a pair of pants, four pairs of socks and material for my wife to have a suit made such ges tures as were shown last Friday certainly makes a person feel gjood and, needless to say, my wife was thrilled to death when I showed her what they'd given me thanks, fellows, for remembering a country editor who often gets criticism but sel dom gets praise Sunday waa a beautiful day and Satan got the beat of me as I played hooky from church and drove over to Bald Mountain Sunday morning they've done a lot of work and improving since I last visited the development the golf course is rapidly taking shape and the pro office and motel are- perched hdgn on a mountain top where a person "can see the world" met Larry Wotod, new golf pro at the Wolf Laurel Country Club Larry was most cordial and told ma all about future plans for the development it's one of the "musts" to visit, especially now when the Autumn colors are so beautiful things dont seem right this week at the Rock Cafe Peggy Fowler, Mildred Mor row and Velma Freeman are reg ular customers and always sit at tits same table this week, however, Peggy is alone because Velma ia on vacation and Mildred is in St Joseph's Hospital What about ibhose Atnaxing Mets? Hbtle was heard of the na tionwide Moratorium hers but nearly everyone was talking shoot the World Series glad Dr. Gains is able to be at home again and he's glad, too we tnjswsd you snls summer, Doe hops yoa eontiaus to improve. Revival To Start At Dew Drop Mon. ' A series of revival services wfB begin next Monday night at the Dew Drop Church of God at Gun tertown. Services will Start at 7:30 nightly with the Revs. Lunie Metealf and Truman Chandler preaching. ' y : The public 4s invited. , l, k A OBSERVATIONS vrkj.uir u y a. By DOBOTHT SHUPB ' I must tell you what a big time ws had gtoing to see Appalachian play Lenior Bhyne last Saturday land seeing my child perform with the Appalettesl I had sat through to tough first half and then when her group of girls began their dance, I was Just thrilled to death to see her do 'foer thing"! There was a lady and her daughter sitt ing in front of me to whom I had said only "Pardon me" four or five times when I'd jump up dur ing the galme and hit her if she got in the way well, when Char lotte's group started their routine and were doing beautifully (very unprejudiced, of course) I punched the lady in front of me and said, "That's my daughter on the end of the line!" She was very nice and remarked that they were excellent. Who are you for in the series? I'm all for dear old Baltimore Orioles, but Shupe is a Met fan. My students seem to be about idlivided on the issue, and I imagine by this afternoon (Wednesday) the score will about come out i ru t even Z games eacn. ivoucri. Cameron is about the only one with me in home room, with Susan Crregoi-y, Ricky McDevitt, M. J. Ball and Buissell Wyatt all pull ing for the Mets. In my history classes, I have some Oriole fans Garry Moore, Dennis Treadway, Danny Freeman, Elaine Luther, Harvey Bullman, and Steve Fowl er. I really don't think the world will come to an end even if I dont win. Oh, we're getting new light fix tures in my room and my classes are being held in the basement for a day or so. We're having fun going up and down steps and look forward to having good lighting when we get back "'home." Oh, a few have complained, but mostly those who complain about any thing anway. Speaking of com plaining I recognize the right of people to protest the war, but I don't see how our boys over there can possibly be helped by people stopping work or school as they are doing today in some places. I'd bate for some boy to lose his life cause we had people Over here not building him a gun while protesting on this one day. We get a second chance to beat Mars Hill this Friday night. I can remember two years ago, at just such a time at Mars Hill, how Gary Sprinkle covered a fumble in the end zone and we beat 'em on their homecoming night. Poor ole Terry Bryan got his hand hurt and had to go to the hospital and lots of other excitement, but the boys won. Our team just might be ready to take this one, so watch out, Mars Hill! OBSERVED Debra told me I was wrong about just who was dating a certain Marine, so Mal colm forgive me or come home and set me straight Looking forward to our NCEA dinner meeting at Spring Creek High next Tuesday night Mrs. Mary Nesbitt, former CTA state presi dent will speak, Supt Edwards will also speak, and we will have some entertsriunent from the Epring Creek High School students FOR THE VERY BEST IN Tire Balancing and Recapping Balancing and Vibration Correction By ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT We Specialize In The Best r : RECAPPING Quick, Guaranteed Serrke EcreBoll - - J W Lower MaLi Zt. Surprise Birthday " Dinner Is Given Rev. W. C. Clark After a most impressive serv ice by ths pastor, Rev. W. C. Clark, at the Methodist Church, 'Sunday, October 12 in Walnut, the congregation met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Stack- house for a surprise birthday din ner given in honor of Mr. Clark. After all assembled, "Happy Birthday" sung, greetings exchang ed, candles blown out on this beautiful, huge cake, a lovely birthday card with a nice size do nation was presented to "Our Be loved Iastor." Then a delicious turkey dinner with all the trim mings, ice cream and! cake were served. After the bountiful meal was over, all were invitea to the iront porch, where Mr. Clark made many I timely remarks and expressed his i appreciation to Mr. and Mrs. Sbackhouse and all present for the enjoyable occasion. After dismiss ing with prayer, each one went home being spiritually blessed to have spent these hours with this beloved man of God. Mrs. Story Elected District Chairman At Meeting Wed. Mrs. Frances G. Ramisey, Di rector of the Maidlison County De partment of Social Services; Mrs. Steve Wallin, Mrs. John C. Claw son, Mrs. Rankin Rice, Miss Rose mary Barker, Miss Gwen Peter son, Mrs. James Story, and Fowler Wallin attended the Southwestern District meeting of the N. C. Pub lic Welfare Association held at the John C. Campbell Folk School in Brasstown on Wednesday. Mrs. Story, who served as secretary-treasurer of the District this year, was elected Chairman of the 11 -county District for the corniing year. Other officers are Mrs. Eleanor Travis of Cherokee County, vice-chairman; and Mrs. Elaine Stewart of Haywoodl Coun ty, secretary-treasurer. The Southwestern District is composed of Buncombe, Cherokee, day, Graham, Haywood, Hender son, Jackson, Macon, Madison, Swain and Transylvania Counties. In addition to a business ses sion held at the morning session of the meeting, a tour of the Folk (School was conducted by members of the school's staff. After lunch, Mr. James W. Kirkpaltrick, of Raleigh, Chief of Staff Development of the State Department of Social Services, spoke to the group on the subject "Some Thoughts on Delivery of Services Minus Eligibility." Approximately 60 persons rep resenting the county staff at tended the meeting. directed by Mrs. Jewel Church You should have been here Mon day for the program the Seniors sponsored On second thought, maybe you shouldn't have seen me fall on the stage Mrs. Clark's crowd gave a cute pro gram today and I think the Jnl niors might try one next week Cant tell you who will be Miss or Mr. Marshall High but the Se niors always win, don't we, kiddies T Hope all you parents will come to our shindig on the 81st as that lis our big money making affair of the year Have a good day . . Tiro ft - v - . x ' 3 Marshall, N. C ics Ljaric Bride Of Gary Miss Marie Honeycutt became ths bride of Gary Steve Jain&rsoni Friday, October 10, 1969 8 p. m. The Rev. Ebb Jenkins con ducted the ceremony in laurel Valley Baptist Church in the Lau rel Valley' community. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Barley Honeyoutt Of Mars Hill Rt 3. She wore a gown of satin peau de soie with chapel train and a finger-tip illu sion veil attached to a cluster of pearls. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Van Jamerson of Mars Hill Rt. 2. Bruce Ballard served as best man. Miss Kiathy Honeycutt was her sister's maid of honor. Miss Jan ice Jamerson, sister of the bride groom, and Miss Patricia English were bridesmaids. They wore Em pire gowns of pink and fushiia sat in and lace with matching head dress and carried a single long stemmed mum. A reception was given in the home of the bride's parents Thursday night following the wed ding rehearsal. The couple will live near Wea- Housewarming Is Given For The Leonard Ponders Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ponder, who have recently completetdi build ing a new home and have moved into it, were honored last Saturday night with a house-warming, giv en by Mrs. Ted McKinney, Jr., Mrs. Earl Ramsey and Mrs. C. W. Anthony. Games were played and prizes won by Miss Kathy Tipton, Miss Ann McKinney and Mrs, Martha Jean Green way. Those present included Mrs. Leonard Ponder, Mrs. Ted McKin ney, Jr., and Ann, Mrs. Earl Ram sey, Mrs. Altha Ramsey, Mrs. Ronnie Graff in, Mrs. Blanche Henderson, Mrs. Agnes Caldwell, Mrs. Louallan Rice, Mrs. Ernest Teague, Mrs. C. W. Anthony, Mrs. Barbara Goldsmith, Mrs. Millard1 Tipton and Kathy, Mrs. Martha Jean Greenway, Mrs. Virginia Brown and Libby. Schedule Change Is Announced By Marine Recruiter Staff Sergeant Parrott, Marine recruiter for the Madison County area, wishes to inform the resi dents of Madison County of a change in schedule. Sergeant Parrott will visit the Post Office in Marshall on the second (2nd) and fourth (4th) Wednesdays of each month from 9:00 a. m. until 10:30 a. m. He twill also visit the Post Office in BDars Hill the same days from 11:00 a. m., until 12:80 p. m. Sergeant Parrott will be avail able during these visits for those seeking information about the Ma fane Corps. If the time started above ia not convenient for you please call col fcot, 253-2S5S In, Asheville: for an appointment at a time convenient to you.. ' .,; 'St. iiHii))it ft' it. onovcolt !o S. Jancrsbn Harried Friday Mrs. Gary Steve Jamerson verville where the bri'ctlegrooim is employed by HadWy Corp. The bride is employed as a secretary with Mills Manufacturing Corpor ation. WALNUT On Sunday, October 12, a re union of the Charlie Treadlway family was held at Sandy Bottom near the old home place of the family. Dinner was served and a fellowship service was held. Those attending were: Mr. and Mrs. Jer ry Treadway and daughter, Deb bie; three other daughters and their families, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Russell and daughter, Kathy, Mr. and Mrs. George Wiggins and children, Tony and Teresa, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Head, all from Maul- din, S. C; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Treadway and son, Stevie from Lexington; Mrs. Pansy Bailey and daughter , Bobbie, and Mr. and Mrs. dine Roberts and son, Kevin from Etowah; Mr. and Mrs. David Treadway and children, Mike, Myra and Shane from Ma rion; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Treadway, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Treadway and Mrs. Carrie Rec tor. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest GoldsnutBT returned last week from a two weeks trip to Illinois and Charles town, Indiana where they visited their son, Kenneth and his fam ily and other relatives. Henderson-Roberts Vows To Be Spoken Wednesday, Nov. 26 Mrs. P. V. Henderson of Wal nut announces the engagement of her daughter, Miss Odessa Vic toria Henderson, to Roy L. Rob erts, son of Mrs. James Roberts of Barnard.' . Miss Henderson attended Blan fcon's Business College and is a postal clerk at the Marshall Poet Office. Mr J Roberts attended Wal nut High Siftbot and is presently sheriff of Madison County. , The weddihg will take place on Wednesday ' iorember 26, r at 6 p, m. in W jWalw Presbyterian Church. Af friends and ''rela tives are invited tq the wedUing. f I Roy Reeves, Agent Phone 643-2021 Marshall, H. C. "Office Open Every Day (Except Wednesday) 4 9 a. m. 4s3 p. rn. Over Robert Thurrnacy C. rs J Tj tr.T j:.rr C-'