Tt-t ft., - ?; -uh (stnt a a -e w .h w J LnJ $4.00 A Year In Madison and Adjoining Counties $5.00 A Year Outside These Counties ,VOL. 69 NO. 17 8 PAGES THIS WEEK MARSHALL, N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1970 10c PER COPY Prospects ILooii For isrtl 1 loth Plant Merc wo taual M On Main KEA Speaker James A. (Jim) Graham Business, Address, Music, Prizes To Be Featured In Gymnasium .lamps A. (Jim) Graham, or!li Carolina Commissioner of A(jri eulture, will deliver the principal mlriress at the annual meeting of the French Broad Electric Meni hership Corporation to he held in the Marshall Hitrh S, hool Gym i a-dum this Sal nlay. l.'epistration will heirin at 10:00 a. in. and himh will Ix. served ij t':e Marshall I'lirciil-Teiiehcr As : ... it.tmn from ten to one oYlork . UK llMC mat the r. tirr 1 . Kcpoi ts of the Of fin i s aia drectors. .' I'.Iectioti of thrre directors . tie cooperative. .". A resolution as follows: ' The Hoard of Directors is here (Continued To Last Page) Hrry Silver fi Silver District Uisc Succeeds Changes Effective May 1; Silrer I. Highly PraUed Harry Silver, Madison County extension chairman, has been named district supervisor of the Extension Serrice - TVA program in die Western District Earle Wise, a member of the Madison extension staff, will succeed Sil ver. These announcements were made by Dr. George Hyatt, Jr., director of extension at North Carolina State University, and the Madison County Board of Commissioners. 1e changes are effective May 1. Silver assumes the duties re linquished by Denver Robinson 'k, , y w ' District Supervisor Succeeds Silver If! r mii I w -'II 11 : 'SM 'S5. fZi I .C'i-f"- . AN -1MJI MXU Reefing To Be Dsland Saturday Little I'ine KH Club I'iclui'ed jibove are members niiikers Club who won first place le ld hero hist Thursday night. AWARDS NIGHT WELL ATTENDED HERE THURSDAY Mrs. Torre! Speaks; Many Awards, Trophies Are Pret r ntc d their :. in. nal Avaid ",d'a: 'I :. 1 i-:. iv of tic Lvt.-n- he. Horn. 'miller Cub w : cm, 'piled 1, each .b.b and pM-. i.t. d by Mi. (('out inuod to Last Paget Supervisor; Silver Here earlier this year when he became chairman of the Western Exten sion District. Director Hyatt and Board Chair man Carl W. Cody praised Silver for outstanding leadership of the extension program in Madison County. They pointed to the in crease in farm income from $4.5 million to $9 million as evidence of the effective educational pro gram Silver has directed as coun ty chairman. Included in this program, Hyatt and Cody eaid, was Silver's work with farm and business leaders in developing new sources of income and improvements in older ones. Silver baa been chairman in (Omthraed to Last Page) Earle Wise First Place Winner of the Little Pino Extension Home award at the Awards Night l'rojjran snows i:iiiiins 't. mi:s. l i;i inA i n;i:i I i . j , n)i,(iI . ,i. jx ,,,,,, .,, ,(,. in;t Tlmrflay night CLINICS AHE SCHEDULED BY F. B. BAPTISTS The b'l'cnch Hroad Missionary Baptist Association will be offer ing three follow-up clinics. These clinics will be to study the new Rible Fchool material and mabe plans for Rible Schools through out the association. The clinic will consist of studying the new Sunday School and other organi zational literature for th1 new church year ahead, trading, new literature conference will bo led by Rev. Luther Osment frrmi the State Convention office in Ka (Continued to Last Page) Consolidation Endorsement By Walnut PTA Tues. The Walnut Parent-Teacher As sociation went on record as unan imously endorsing th consolida tion of Madison Ceunty higrh schools at its meeting Tuesday night, Mrs. Barbara Ray, secre tary, announced. MHS Seniors Are In Washington And New York' 35 Marshall High School seni ors are making the annual trip to Washington and New York this week. The group left the Island last Sunday night in a chartered, air-conditioned Motorcoach bus. The chaperones making the trip are Miss Irma MiTJer, Mrs. George B. Shape and Jacjc C Cole. The group will return about 10 KW a. m., Saturday. 6'"LA ll ' CANCER DRIVE IN PROGRESS IN THIS COUNTY Scholarship Is Given; Examinations At Sylva Free The cancer drive in this county is still in progress and contribu tions are being accepted in hopes that the final totals will he a cred it to our county. Mrs. Rctha Ward, county chairman of the Cancer campaign, stated this week that, .as in the past, a scholarship is being given to some worthy girl who wishes to enter nurse's train ing. Your contributions will also help this person ill her profession al ambitions, Mrs. Ward stated. She also said that Madison County citizens should be remind ed that through past cancel' con t ribul ion ; from this county that an elimination has been fund ' (Continued To Last I'age) Questions And Answers On School Consolidation Since the printing of the h'.o t Sheet on consolidation of Madi son County High Schools in last week's issue, additional question have been asked. This ncwspapei contacted .Superintendent K. I Kdwards who has furnish. d to following answers: Q What would be the - os' the ': op, , ' v f.,i this Si In ! V A 'i I i nv, : of ' -J II I ' 1 "" of tin Sf'Oe I I. pai in,. : 1 of I'll1'1 ' ii. 'i rccon:!), "d-d t 1 i- I'm:. ' ' " I hi- :. e I. . !..r... nded I t Madi am I .. r,ty lloaid of lld'a tin t" ' er. i-e ;.!t opt : M UtSU ALL MAYOU, Al.DLUMl.N OKDLK MOW FIItK Tlil Ch "M f - mi iiariMSTm - -I Shown signing the lease contract Saturday morning at the MiiT shall City Hall for a new 750 gallon per minute American LaFrance (pumping engine on a CMC chassis beside Mayor Ponder is Boyce Ford, American LaFrance representative, of Asheville. Co signers of the contract were the Marshall aldermen, left to right, Roy Wild, Fleet Nix scheduled for delivery by January. Marshall Officials Order Urgently Needed Fire Truck To Be Delivered In January; Truck Valued At $22,000.00 Marshall officials signed a lease contract Saturday morning at the Marshall City Hall for a new 750 gallon per minute Ameri can LaFrance fire truck. Signing the contract were Mayor Lorado Ponder and aldermen Roy Wild, Fleet Nix, and George Penland. Hie modern, well-equipped track, valued at approximately 122,000, is scheduled for delivery from Elmira, New York, next January. Boyce Ford, American LaFrance representative, of Asheville, ne gotiated the transaction. For years the present municipal TRANSLATOR FORWLOS-TVON RICH MOUNTAIN Hot Springs TV Club Buys Generator; Needs Donations WI.OS-TV and the Hot Springs Television Club have installed a translator tower on Kich Moun tain in order for the residents in the Hot Springs area to receive WI.OS-TV. Channel V', through Channel S. II, e II..I Spngs television ( lul, arieod to l.ny the generator that ''applies the power to oper ate the tower, which '.:-! the S'Ton. T'he Club wo .dd appreciate do trill- Horn tho-e people in the ',..1... L.ei'.e WI.'lS TV Cbal I. 1 v to In 1" hi" I thi '" p. '.' i a from '.he Hl.Ntii, , .! i . M dollar ., h an ! (('..( ir'ieil To Last Pare) from In to an acres of I S. MILK ; pi .. pert v. The Madi -on Hoard j ci i ied out their i eeom me ndat ions j and took option on the Hrignian ! The Marshall Volunteer Fire property for I o a, n ami thenun will meet this Friday night. Woiiey' city for 7 to 1 (I j beginning at 7ato. "'. 'pending on the wishes of j A )(,w anj o)l) ,). a.e hool patrons, urn pn.e ,,e, from ?l,r,nu to SI. duo. 'elt that . n ier local ion aid i of School Plai a;it the existin mi'L vai. his ,d to La.t l'age) is Mayor Lorado Ponder. Seated and George Penland. The truck is 9fi 3fc 3fi fire truck, a 1945 American La France on a Chevrolet chassis, hss been considered obsolete and one reason why the town's fire insia-ance rating has been so high thus causing the fire insurance rates to be vastly increased. The town has for the past seve ral years depended largely on the rural fire trucks to answer fire alarms but the urgent and neces sary need for a new municipal track has long been considered a "must". By acquiring the new track on a lease basis, the officials are hopeful that the tax increase will be negligible. It is believed that (Cmtnraed Te Last Pegs) Would Be Located On Marshall By-Pass Consolidation Endorsements Organizations which huve gone on record as endorsing the consol idation of high Schools in Madi r,Hmty iM(.U(!t,. Marshall Chamber of Commerce Marshall Lions Club Mar hall Parent -Teacher Asso it ion Mars Hill Cuitan Club M.'irs Ihll Lions Club Hot Springs PTSA W;:1' d I'iil. t Te:e b. r A ... i 1'a if th. i. i,., I, I:: III-.! 1 "I. be li-tcd m la M if th Firemen To Meet On Friday Night (m Mpvl 0oat To Serve Large Consumers; I Only Such Plant WNC i '. n I i action of a modern liquid I feit di. a r facility at Zenina Farms, ! Koiite J. Mar. h.all is now com pleted. Znm l'onder, owner an nounces. The plant features the Scientific Liquid Formulation process de veloped by Allied Chemical Corpo ration. 'The new high analysis "fluid' or "suspension" type ferti lizers also will be produced, Mr. l'onder says. Plant units, manufactured by Zenina Farms, are designed for rapid, accurate, and labor-saving formulation of a wide range of grades and Analyses. The liquid All-Out Campaign To Fight German Measles April 29-30 SET CLOCKS IP ONE HOUR THIS SATURDAY NIGHT Don't forget to set UD vour clocks and watches one hour when you go to bed this Saturday night It's time to change from Eastern Standard to Davlis-ht Savin Time. If you go to bed at 10 p. im. just set vour clock fomnl n 11 p. m. and you're all fixed. If you forget to do this you might arrive at church Sunday morning when the congregation is leaving. Republican Women To Meet With Mr. W. B. Zink Monday The Madison County Republi can Women's dob win meet at the home of lira. W. B. Zink is Mars Hill next Monday night at 7:30 o'clock. AH members of the club are urged to attend. Knitronic Knitting Mills, Inc., Would Initially Employ 60 The approval of a loan of $,'304,-4'J-l from the Small liiiainess Ad ministration to assist in acquiring a new industry for Madison Coun ty has been announced by lb M. Kohinson, president of the Mar shall T o w n s h i ji 1 U velopmciit, Hoard, Inc. Mr. Itobin on stated that C 11. Masliburn, Marshall attorney, ic ceied a letter fro.., .r P.. .birdiin that the loan had been approved. '1 he aniwiii, ce ment of t lie loan v. . a! -o !: iob' by I '' Mf 1 1 -small L" A. Ta: 'or. 'J lie new ind'.e I: ;, i ' Kni' ' Kiii-ti-,: M : i . . '..he ' ' T 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 ' i 1 1 a , 1 l;no'.'.u a ed that ;; pl.t.d. '.v, Id nient when demand warranted. The building, to be located on the industrial site adjacent to the Marshall by .ass. v, :!1 have b'l. flim .-quai-e feet and will be of brii k construction furnished with a sprinkler system, air condemn ing and probably electric heating. It is estimated that the building complete w'ill cost in excess of ,s 10,(100 a square foot. Hobim-on stated that the SUA (Continued on Last Page) s-y-tehi, Mr. Lend, r says, pi, .vide means for incorpot ating e-s.nt.a! in i i.ei a 1 nili i oiiut i a nt .- m : eiaui'ed amounts, ti. a mal ing po-,ildo ecoi.,,!i,i,al fnm,iatin of "pre script!..!." I' Ttili.el s to meet specif ic i rop and soil needs. Key production material used in formulating K "I'oly-X," a 10-30-0-aniinonii.m-jiolyiihosphate solution manuf.'ictni'ed by Allied Chemical Corporation at its vast production complex at Ceisniar, Louisana. This is used in combination with "Arcadian Golden Uran," Allied's non-pressure solution containing nitrogen in combined ammonium, nitrate, and urea forms. Both ma terials are widely used for direct (Continued To Last Page) Immunization Teams To Be At County Schools For Two Days Dr. W. O. Duck, president of the Madison Oaunty Medical So ciety, and Dr. Barbara A. Wood, Madison County Health Director, announced this week plans are being finalised for the campaign to "Rub out RabeHa" (German measles) in Madison County. The following schedule for ad ministration of the tormucixation has been set up: WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9: Marshall School 8:30 a. m. to 11:30 a. m. Mars HJQ School 8:30 a. m. to 11:30 a. m. Wahot School 1:00 n. n. to 8:00 p. m. Beech Glen School 1.-00 . m. to 3:00 p. to. THURSDAY, APRIL SO: Lartrel School 3:30 a. tn. to 11:80 a. a. Hot Sjrrbrgs School 8:30 a. m. to 11:80 a. m. Ebbs Chapel School 1:00 p.: (CMttmf to Last Far)---'

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