LA jafaytta . A K -If LnJ $4.00 A Year In Madison and Adjoining Counties J5.00 A Year Outside Theae Counties VOL. 69 NO. 22 8 PAGES THIS WEEK MARSHALL, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1970 10c PER COPY Cutsliall Murder Case How In Progress Here Five Witnesses Heard On Wednesday; McLean Is Presiding Testimony began Wednesday af ternoon in the murder trial of Leonard H. Cutshall in Madison County Superior Court. Cutshall is charged with the shooting death of Richard W. (Jack) Reeves of Marshall Rt. 3 late on the night of January 30. The last of the jurors was seat ed Wednesday shortly after the luncheon recess. Judge W. K. Mc lean ordered the trial to begin without an alternate juror after the list of prospective jurors had been exhausted with only 12 jur nrs seated. Vive witnesses called by the state gave testimony Wednesday They include Dr. W. Otis Duck Mars Hill physician; Dr. George Lacy, Asheville pathologist; Roy Reeves, brother of the deceased; Miss I.inda Reeves, the dead man's . I J l.' o in niece; and tiaroiu riuuu, special agent. Solicitor Clyde Roberts is being assisted by Robert Kiddle, Ashe ville attorney. Cutshall is being i . presented by Joseph IS. Huff. Mai shall attorney. DEMOCRATIC ORGANIZATION MEETING DATES Laurel Honor Students Listed Madison County's Laurel High School will conduct commence ment exercises June 2. Honor students to participate in the pro gram arc Randy Tweed, valedicto rian; Gary Johnson, salutatorian; and Keith Ray and Sheila 'Aadms. honor students. J. C. Wallin, Jr., Chairman of the Madison County Democratic Executive Committee, announces the North Carolina Democratic Man of Organization sets the day and hour and the place where all Democratic Precinct Meetings will be conducted. The date is Satur day, June 6. The hour is 1:00 p. m. The place is your voting place. As chairman of the Madison Coun ty Democratic Executive Commit tee, I urge all active Democrats to participate in your Precinct Meeting and select a committee of ten (five men and five women) who in turn will organize by elect ing a chairman, a first, second. and third vice chairman anil secretary-treasurer. You will observe a legal notice in this, issue which states that two' precincts have been created ef ( fective for the November General j Election. Since this action by the. County Board of Elections is not ) to be effective until the Novem- j her Election, it will not in any PRELIMINARY POPULATION 14,938 FOR CO. The preliminary population fig ure for Madison County was an nounced today by District Manag er Dan W. Eller, who supervised the taking of the 1970 Census of Population and Housing in this area. The figure is 14,9.'!K . In 1 !() Census the figure was 17,217. The Census Bereau will com mence in the fall of 1970 to pub lish official population figures for all areas in the United States States, counties, cities, towns and villages. The District Manager expressed his own and the Census Bureau's thanks to the residents of the 'area, to officials, the newspapers, anil tne broadcasting stations ior their cooperation in the taking of Census '70 here. VIRGIL E. SMITH TO HOST BIBLE PILGRIMAGE Is Making Plans Now For Departure March 9, 1971 MARSHALL HIGH COMMENCEMENT IS ANNOUNCED Baccalaureate Service To Be Sunday Night; Graduation On Tuesday Night Plans for Commencement at Marshall High School have been announced by Principal Clive M Whitt. The baccalaureate service will be held Sunday evening, May 31, at 8 o'clock in the school gym nasium with the Rev. Joseph M. Reeves, pastor of St. Timothy United Methodist Church of Bre vard, as speaKer. Student participants are Joan Freeman, Ricky McDevitt, Glemla Fox, Winfred Ramsey, Pat Mc Devitt, Kathy McCormirls, and Brenda Payne. Mrs. Plummer Co dy will have charge of the music. Graduation exercises will be Tuesday evening, June 2, at the same hour. Linda Ruth Revis will give the valedictory address and Billy Warren Roberts will give salutatory. tuners on u- Brenda Rector, Su- 171 Students To raduate From ounty's Schools manner affect the Democratic Precinct Meetings. There will be, hie Land nio-ht Precinct Meetings conducted1"" Saturday, June C, n'Xi :mrcn, ne siaieu ne.e a icw The Rev. Virgil E. Smith, of Route 1. Fletcher, and formerly of Marshall, will be host to a Hi Pilgrimage, and Rome tour which will be made the program are san Gregory, Dolores Bradley, Marie Moore, Deborah Briggs. Carolvn Graham, lmisc rijim, Judy Buckner, and Brenda ( (Continued to Last Page) ok LIONS ANNUAL HORSE SHOW ON ISLAND JUNE 6 38 Classes To Be Entered; Afternoon And Night Sessions The annual charity horse show sponsored by the Marshall Lion Club, will be held on the Island here Saturday, June (i. In case of rain the show will be held on Sun day. A total of 38 classes are sched uled for the afternoon and night sessions. 20 classes will show on Saturday afternoon beginning at 1:110 o'clock and IK classes, in Yluding championships, will be on the night's schedule to begin at 7 :io o'clock. Lion President Jerry Plemmons. onlinator of the event, stated that trophic-, ribbons and ram aid-, would be presented. at 1:00 p. m 1970, at each of the present poll ing places. DIAL - A - PRA i KK 649-9231 MADISON COUNTY 4-H WINNERS lays ago. The total cost of the 10-day I tour is $029.00. For further de- tails as to down payment, etc.. write Mr. Smith, Roi:te 1, Box 107. Fletcher, N. C. 2K7.T7. Schedule for the tour: Depart ure from JFK International Air port on Jet to Tel Aviv; second, third and fourth days, Jerusalem, Garden of Gethsemane, Mt. of 01 ives, Bethlehem, Jericho, Jordan River, Dead Sea, Samaria, Gali lee, Capernaum. Nazareth; sixth day, the coastal area of Haifa: seventh day, in the Holy City; eight and ninth days, Rome. Re turn to New York on 10th day (Continued to Last Page) Spring Creek H.S. Commencement To Be Sunday, Tuesday The Baccalaureate service will be held Sunday evening at :II0 o'clock at the Spring Creek high u, The Rev. Rav Justice will deliver the sermon. On Tuesday night at S OU o'clock graduation exercises will be held The Rev. .larvis Teague will de liver the craduati-.n sddress and Ms. Jt'wliifiki Principal will presvnt the 'awards and dip lomas. E.S.C. OFFICE IS NOW IN LIBRARY BUILDING HERE Jack F.duards, manager of th Asheville office of Employment Security Commission, has announ ceil that ellective today ( 1 nurs- lay), May 2, unemployment in surance activities in Madison County will he moved from the offices in the Madison County Courthouse to the second floor of the Madison County Public Libra ry. The library is located next to the post office in Marshall. The move will enable the Com mission to provide better service to residents of the Madison Coun ty area. Mars Hill Leads With 72; Marshall Has 50 To Get Diplomas Students and teachers are as busy as bees in a hive this week getting ready for commencement exercises. A total of 171 students will graduate from this county's five schools, and a total of 2.rfi stu dents will complete their gram mar grades and will enter high school next season. A breakdown of those to receive diplomas is as follows: Mars Hill, 72; Marshall, -r.H; Laurel, 19; Hot Springs, 17; and Spring Creek, 1.1. Completing grammar grades are the following totals. Walnut, 78; Mars Hill, 7-1; Lau rel, :'.:!; Hot Springs, .'12; Spring Creek, 2.ri; Beech Glen, 14. (Mil. the show ster. -; Lb in Hot Springs H.S. Graduation To Be Held Friday Night Gradual inn exercises will be held at the Hot Springs High School on Friday night at 8:00 o'clock. The Rev. William L. Lynch, of Mars Hill, will deliver the gradu ation address and Principal J. Bruce Phillips will present the diplomas and awards Banks Will Be Closed Saturday For Memorial Day Both, the Citizens Rank ami The Hank of French Blond will hi closed Saturday in observance of. Memorial Day, it wa amiouin oil here this week. Laurel Graduation To Be Held Tuesday Graduation exercises will be held at the Laurel HigM School next Tuesday niulit at s Cm 1 o'clock. Mr. Ray Tweed, prion pal. will present the a;inl and diplomas after the pnogiam ha- be.-n pre sented by the -ernnr- horse , bide Hon. Bill Winch Florence, S. C. jink': Thompson, master ol ceremonies; Glen Fletcher, of ( andler, ring master; and Chit Griffin, Fain er. A veterinarian will be on call Admission will be .".He and $1.00 Post Office To Discontinue Sale Of Savings Stamps The Marshall Post Office will discontinue the sale of V. S. Sav ings Stamps after June 111, Post master Frank Ramsey reminded customers today. Th,. Treasury Denartment had announced in February that they were ending the sale of these VMS Alumni Banquet Is Hell Attended Here Saturday st: ip- I he end of the fiscal Postmaster Ramsey urged : dents and others to complete tl unfilled -tamp albums prior June "0 and exchange them C S. Savings Bonds. "There is no belter way for young people to -mi-." he said, "than buying and holding V. S. Savings Bond- " 'lhe -tamp- can also be red. 'erne. 1 l'..r , a-h M any post office. Tin- -lamps ranging in a!u, from 10 cents to $" were pall ,d the Postal Savings program piior to 1!M2 when they "joined the Wai Bond drive." In addition to selling stamp oiivi ll: to customers, post of fit e-l,;ii- also supplied school- and . . 1 1 i ' u'i"o.:ps sponsoring savi'ic-pioerain- for the past year-. Banquet Speaker . r Dr. M. T. Morgan Shown above are pictures of Madison County 4-H winners at the 4-H Demonstration program in Marshall last Saturday. )f. County 4-H Demonstration Held Here Last Sat. Day Winners Will Compete In District June 25; Many Get Honor Madison County 4-H Demonstra tion Day was held May 23 at Marshall High School with 30 4 H'ers giving demonstration. Win ners were named in each catego ry and those eligible will repre sent the county in Western Dis trict competition on June 25. Demonstration winners to go to District at Brevard High School in Transylvania County are: Kay Webb, Marshall Helping Hands Club, Sewing; Debra Brinkley, Marshall Helping Hands, Fruit and Vegetable Use; Suzanne Du Vall, Hayes Run, Egg Cookery; Janet Reeves, Marshall flehping Hands, Jr. Dairy Foods; Jerry Co dy and Dennis Treadway, Walnut-' Hopewell, Soil and Water Conser vation Team; Harion Rice, Wal-not-HopeweU; Poultry; Tommy DuVall, Hayes Rtfn, Tobacco; Randy Cody,. Mars Hill, Beekeep ing; Warren Wise, Hayes Run, Forage Crops; Rosa Deane Frit by, Marshall- Helping1 .Hands, (Continued to Last Page) Faircloth, State fitigliway Eiairman, Visits Gounty YOUNG GOP CLUB TO BE ORGANIZED IN THIS COUNTY A meeting will be held at the courthouse here on Friday, May '2U. at K.OO p. m., for the purpose of organizing a Young Republi can Club in Madison County. Anyone between the ages of K and 10 is eligible to become a member, it was stated. TOUR COUNTY IN INTEREST OF HIGHWAYS i' State Highway Commission Chairman Lauch Faircloth, ac companied by District' Highway Commissioner Novil Hawkins and Representatives L. B. Ramsey and Ernest Messer, toured Madison County last week in the interest of highway improve ments. - Left to right, Messer, Hawkins, Faircloth, Ramsey. . Gets First - Hand Look Highway Conditions; Promises Help At Lauch Kaircloth, Chairman, State Highway Commission. Ra fciph, visited Madison County last week and toured several of the sections of the county. He was accompanied by District Com missioner Novil Hawkins, Repre sentatives L. B. Ramsey and Er nest Messer. Chairman Faircloth, who was interviewed by The News-Record, was most optimistic about future developments of several of the key highway projects in Madison County. In regard to the construction of the new span of eigtot miles be tween the Appalachian Highway at Weaverville to the Marshall By-Pass, Faircloth said thst sur veying is now m progress and barring unforseen right-of-way problems or further cuts in Fed eral funds, he expects contracts to be let by the latter part' of 1971. He said the new addition to US . (Continued to Last Pace) MIDIS ATHLETES ARE HONORED; FISHER SPEAKS The Mars Hill Wildcats he!;.1 their annual Athletic Banquet on 'May 19 in the high school cafe-terra. The guest speaker was a for mer Marshall High School student, Johnnie Fisher. The speaker was introduced by Roy Y. Ammons, a member of the Mars Hill High School faculty. The student response was by Bobby Holcombe, president of the student body. Edwin Fisher, Philip Erwin and Sigsbeee Duck provided the enter tainment. Following the entertainment spe cial awards were presented by the following coaches: Roy' T. Am" mons, J. C Moss and Bill Kenny. Coach Ammons presented cer tified awards to the senior ath letes in baseball and tootball. Bob. by Holcombe received the most outstanding award in football. Roger Honeyentt received") the' a ward for tie most outstanding (Continued to Last Page) Dr. M. T. Morgan Speaker; Officers Are Elected; Recognitions Made The ITith annual meeting of the Marshall High School Alumni As sociation was held last Saturday night in the Marshall school cafe teria where more than H0 persons attended. Trior to the banquet, informal "get-togethers" in four of the classrooms in the main building were enjoyed as former class mates and friends recalled the -good old days" on the Island. At 7::i() o'clock, Mrs. Overton (Iregury, president, called the meeting to order in the beauti fully decorated cafeteria. The col or scheme of the decorations was green and gold, in honor of the Class of '.'13, of which the presi dent, secretary anil nision.m members. The Rev, John Heid, at Western Carolina and a V.f graduate i Hieh School, pronounced vocation. Charles lluey. Class of V., r so ections iiuni If I I.oveil ou aim "You'll Never Walk Alone. n ,,.nmromiod bv Mrs. Joe V:i.Is oianist. Class of .i-; f,-s Coleman Worley, Class of '44. Mrs C.regoiy then introduced the guest speaker, Dr. M. T. Morgan. Professor and Chairmun of the Department of nviroinen tal Health of East Tennessee State I'niversity and alumnus of Marshall High School. Class of 'V1 Dr. Morgan's subject was -Challenges of the 70s." From his opening remark, throughout his informative, and thought-provoking talk, it was clear to see that he was well-informed on the various dangers which our nation and world faces, especially in the K"lm f tion. "One of our gravest dangers to our health is pollution of the air. With the vast increase in popu. lation, and as a result, more old cars, refrigerators, food scraps, (Continued To Page Five) sang I ousel.' a senior t'ni eisity. ,f Marshall the m- then "Car- and violinist. Mashburn Named To Military Honor Roll At Oak Ridge Cadet Charles B. Mashburn, son of Mr. and Mrs. C E. Mash burn, of Marshall, baa -been nam ed to the "Military Honor Ron" at Oak Ridge Military Institute, Oak Ridge, N. 0 'Cade Maahbor has demon., strata thorough knowledge of' mffitary nhlecta : and naterialal and ranksi In the top 10 of the eadet corps at Oak Ridge Military - Institute. , ir ! 5