MARSHALL, N. C, JUNE 26, 1OT0 THE NEWS. RECORD Page Seven I W f .HJNK 28. 1970 These cemmenta are based -r on outlines of the Interna- tional Sunday School Lee- V Iikious Education., and used f- sons, copyrighted by the In- ternational Council of Ke- f- Y- bv nermission. THE CHRISTIAN HOPE .Memory Selection: "I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of fJod is with men, and He will dwell with they, and they shall be His peo ple, and God, Himself, shall be with them, and be their God." (Revelation 21:3) Lesson Text: Itevelation 21:1 to 22:.'). As we study our Lesson for to day, we must be ever mindful of the fact that we are not exempt from the cruelties and hardships of life and the world, but we havef a sustaining power in our faith, and hope in redemption and life everlasting, as secured for us by Christ on the cross. The Iiook of Revelation was written at a time when Christian ity was newborn, when those who professed belief in its concepts were undergoing persecution at the hands of its foes. The Hook, written in the beautifully, flowery language we, as students of the Bible, have come to know so was intended to hring a hearj ing note of hope and ultimate! tory to those who were opprd and faltering in the face of i 1 1 K 1 y insurmountable odds. Written in a time of great! fusion, it is somewhat appl ate that we study it today, not our world confused measure, here and now? modern-day transportation world has, indeed grown the young, up-coming ger seems bent on challenge mores and precepts of t ders; a "new morality" is! itself felt in many a hon the nation. "LSD" - "pot" . . . these are beci most household words. Strikes and "sit-ins" are commonplace; the col lege campuses have become in stead of a place of education and learning, veritable battlegrounds, with violence almost automatically erupting at the drop of a hat. We question: Is this all so vast ly different from the ancient sins . . . money-changing in the Tem ple, idolatry, and the free-wheeling life indulged in by the Rom ans and the Israelites which even tually lead to God's chastisement, 1 (iSjSQSaK? o PRICES IN THIS AD ARE EFFECTIVE IN THROUGH SATURDAY, JUNE 27, 1970 EIGHT O'CLOCK (WIFE l-LB BAG 7C 3-LB. BAG $2.19 ALLGOOD l-LB. PKG. 85c 2-LB. PKG. $1.29 OHID MOUTH SMACKING WATERMELONS Whole Melon a r-. on C A KtrWAJlTLJ CI lfFn JANF PAKKfc K K tuULAK ur Jaiwtiiw. w.w. WHITE BREAD 5 $1 .uu S JANE PARKER WHEAT SANDWICH BREAD OR JANE PARKtK WHOLE WHEAT BREAD r Looves 49c iakif PARkTR FRESHLY BAKED SPANISH BAR CAKE V; 35c JANE PARKER SUGARED, CINNAMON, OR GOLDEN DONUTS . 29c JANE PARKER FRESHLY BAKED APPLE PIE ' T mmmmmm ntrTV Ai 1IMINUM FOIL 22-Oi Pkg. 39c 10 EARS 69c IKES 11 CORN SPECIALLY PRICED A&P Apple Sacce 3 49s A&P COFFEE $1X3 PORKI BEANS 3 ZZ $1X3 FOR A BREAKFAST TREAT TRY VE3. wereai uic l8"25'JQ Roll W PVg. Lb. PVg. 39c Quaker WONDERFOIL ALL VARIETIES Nabisco Toaslettes ANN PAGE SPAGHETTI 2 ANN PAGE ELBOW UACABQffl PARTY FAVORITES , . Jft AaPSpssIthPessiiic 5 2p 39c MEL 0-BIT SPECIALLY PRICED PROCESSED U UU SLDCES AMERICAN, PIMIENTO, LJU flL-J Anna Mcjntosh Dies June 17; Rites Held On Friday Miss Anna Mae Mcintosh, 71, a native of I he Terry's Fork sec tion of Madison County, died Wednesday, June 17, 1970 in an Asheville J ' st home alter a lone; illness. Surviving are several nieces and i the Asheville area, were held at 1 I a. in., Terry's l-'ork Five Will lurch. . Frances Rradford of urial was in Chandlers s were Levi Hunter, aniher, M. V. I'ayne, son, Oscar Roliinson, etcalf. Funeral Home was in Barbara Thomas Dies In Tennessee; Funeral Here Sunday Services for l!arlara Thomas, .'(I. formerly of Madison County, who died Thursday. June IK, l'7() in a Chattanooga, Tenn., hospital. were held Sunday at 2 p. m. in the chapel of Mowinan-Kurl.ctt Fun eral Home. I j The Rev. Jay Coffin officiated and the Initial was in Scott Chandler ( Yinclery. Cousins si rved as pa I lliea re rs. Surviving are a min, llouglas Thomas of the home; one sister, Mrs. liernice Davis of Spartan hurt;, ('.; and four brothers, Jack, James, (liant and William Thomas, all of Marshall. V life. Deliverance from there; note particu lation 121, verse 4. elation 22, also, verse that th" leave- i f the ,-ere for t he li a I i n u ion we no lone' have it a (iod-inhalnted so- will he no need of 1 the moon for light. s Son will he the only 1! There will likewise for seas separate both people and nations. In Kevelation, all are pictured as one varl. dose knit community, joined together and sustained in Christian v race. Fear, pain, terror and ih ath . . all these things are exorcized by Christian hope! HOPK, not "hop intr." There is a difference'. "Hop ing" implies wishful thinking, in terms of corporeal; HOI'K ... a definite statement . . . (especial ly when preceded by the word "Christian") implies the certain ty enjoyed by those redeemed by faith in Christ! How grateful we are to the writer of Revelations! Ramsey Cemetery Decoration June 28 A decoration will be held Sun day, June 2H at the Ramsey Cem etery, south of Marshall (Turn pike Road) starting at 2 p. m. All speakers, singers and the public are invited to attend. Singing There will be a sineine: at the Dry liranch Free Will I'.aptist Church this Saturday niebt lic Kixninr at 7 All sini'a and ! c tc; i r arc in Med. Hensley, Father Of Mars Hill Lady, Is Buried Monday Joseph Henry Hen-ley, ' . of lit. I. Candler, died in a hospital Saturday. J no n. IH7H after a loni illne-s. He was foimeilv employed at drove 1'arl, Inn as an electrical engineer for .'III years anil was a maintenance man at Asheville School for Hoys for 22 years. Surviving are the wife, liertha Frady Hensley; five daughters, Mrs. I.ula Roland of Asheville, IVfrs. Mary (iosnell of Leicester, Mrs. Georgia Caddy of Flint, Mich., Mrs. Kathleen I'onder of Mars Hill and Mrs. I'eRgy Frank lin of Candler; four sons, William I'. of I'easley, Fla., R. H. of Lei cester Rt. .'), and Fd and Joseph Hensley Jr., both of Asheville; 24 grandchildren and jrreat-prand-children. Services were held Monday at 2 p. m., in Boyd's Chapel Union Church, of which he was a dea con. The Rev. (',. C. Cox, the Rev. Fbb Jenkins and the Rev. I!en Lee Honeycutt officiated. Burial was in West Memorial Park. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Adminis trator of the estate of Clara D. Robinson of Madison County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of Clara D. Robinson to present them to the undersign ed within 6 months from date of the publication of this notice or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebt ed to said estate please make im mediate payment. This the 6th day of June, l!i7(i. FVKRKTT A. ROBINSON, SR. Route 2, Mars Hill, N. C. Ml, IK, 25 7-2p ADMINISTRATRIX NOT1CK Having qualified as Adminis tratrix of the estate of William Dwight Hunter of Madison Coun ty, North Carolina, this is to no tify all persons having claims against the estate of William Dwight Hunter to present them to the undersigned within G months from date of the publica tion of this notice or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said es tate please make immediate pay ment. This the 11th day of June, l!)7(l. ZELDA HUNTER HI. 7, llox 171, Marshall, N. C IMS, 2U 7-2, Dp ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as Adminis tratrix of the estate of Pearl E. Davis of Madison County, North Carolina, this is to notify all per sons having claims against the es tate of said Pearl E. Davis to pre sent them to the undersigned w ith in (! months from date of the publi cation of this notice or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said es tate please make immediate pay ment. This the 12th day of March, Kl7d. IMA J KAN JONKS 2X2 Fairfax Asheville, N. C. Ml. IX, 2.ri-7-2p IA.KCI TRIX NOTICE Having qualified as Executrix of the estate of Sue Ray of Mad ison County, North Carolina, tins is to notify all persons hav ing claims against the estate of said Sue Ray to present them to the undersigned within six months from date of the publication of tins notice or same will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All person,-, indebted to said estate please make immediate payment This the lfjth day of June, K1711. DON NIK LEDBETTER 110 Clen Falls RM Asheville, . C. 2880-1 M.N, L'-"i-- 7-2, lp With Our Boys In Service (FHTNC) Mari ne Lance Corporal Dessie E. Gentry, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. I). A. Gen try of Route 5, Marshall, was promoted to her present rank while serving at Marine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point, N. C. STILL MAKES FOUR Two and two still makes four in spite of years of progress in oth er fieffls. : -..-.tT 1 "FOOD FOR THOUGHT' By Sugar Campbell The wrinkles of the heart are more indelible than those of the brow. if, 3f He who sleeps in continual noise is wakened by silence. I think there is only one quali ty worse than hardness of heart, and that is softness of head. y Some folks in this world spend their whole time hunting after righteousness and can't find any time to practice it. If wrinkles must be written up on your brow, let them not also be written upon the heart. The spirit should not grow old. STONEY KNOB SUPER MARKET Weaverville - AiheTille Hifhw.y Singing A gospel singing will be held June 27 at 8 o'clock in the Hot Spring Free Will Baptist Church. All singers and listeners are invited t-o attend. All Types Of MATERIALS And Samples Including Vinyl Fabrics (Plastics or Leatherettes) EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED by DR. LOCKARD t 8 A. M. to 12 Noon FRIDAYS IN LOT P. ROBERTS' BUILDING ' M MARSHALL. M. C. Keep up on current , affairs the easy way Read the Pulitzer Prize winning Christian Science Monitor. Rarely more than 20 pages, this easy-to-read daily newspaper gives you a complete grasp of national and world affairs. Plus fashion, sports, busi ness, and the arts. Read the newspaper that 91 of Congress reads. PImm sand math Monitor for 1 year $26 6mos.$13 3 mos.S6.50 Chsck or money onior ncloMd Bm mo .rip- re is The Chiustian Science MONITOR Be US. Mer Station Bottom Machntt( OHM Free Estimates. Will Bring Samples To Your Home 23 Years' Experience WRIGHfS Upholstering Service Phone 645-3612 6 Main Street P. O. Box 574 WEAVERVILLE, N. C. 7-4 tfc ADMINISTRATOR'S NOT1CK Having qualified as Adminis trator nf the eBtate (if Matilda Twood Cutshall of Madison Coun ty, North Carolina, this is to no tify all persons havinp (daim.s a Kainst the estate of said Matilda Tweed Cutshall to present them to the undersigned within (i month from date of the jiuhlication of this notice or same will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate please make immediate payment. This the 10th day of June, l'.'TI). HAY TWEKD Route 3, Marshall, N. C. (i ll, 18, 25 7-2p A DM I N I STIi ATIi 1 X )TIK Having qualified as'-tratrix of the estate of Oakley ('. W'yatt of Madison County, North Carolina, this is to notify all per sons liaviiifr claims against the estate of said Oakley C. Wyatt to present them to the undersigned within f! months from date of the publication of this notice or Fame will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate please make iminedi ite payment. This the Kith day of .lime, 1!70. WANDA F. WYATT Route 7, Marshall, N. C. 'i-ll, 18, 2o 7-2p Mrs. Ollie Payne Dies June 15; Rites Held On Wednesday Mrs. Ollie Roberts Payne, ('..".. of Rehobeth, Virginia, died Monday, June 15, 11)70. She was formerly of Madison County. Funeral services were held Wednesday, June 17, at Now comb Funeral Home, Chase City, Va., with interment in Mt. Zion Bap tist Church Cemetery, near Fort Mitchell. Surviving are the husband, Rob ert W. Payne; two daughters, Mrs. Wayne Smith of l.utl, Fla., and Mrs. Marshall Cottrell. of Staunton, Va.; four sons, Kustas, Wayne and Dewey Payne, all of Rehobeth, and Allen Payne. Sr., of Southgate, Mich.; three sisters, Miss Paralee Roberts of C.astonia, Mrs. Cecil Dula, Weaverville andi M iss Woodard Payne of Marshall; three brothers, Awyer of Haiti more, Md., Carl Roberts, Alexan der, and Willis Roberts of Lincoln Park, Mich. Also surviving are 10 grandchildren. DIAL - A - PRAYER 649-9231 c 3 DIAL - A PRAYER 649-9231 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE HavinfT qualified as Adminis tratrix of the estate of John Hoke Reeves of Madison County, North Carolina, this is to notify all per sons having claims against the estate of John Hoke Reeves to present them to the undersigned within 6 months from date of the publication of this notice or same will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate please make immedi ate payment. This the 1st day of June, 1970. IRENE REEVES Box 103, Hot Springs, N. C. 6-4, 11, 18, 25p ITCHING LIKE MAD? Got this doctor's fortnuU! Zmm spMdlly stop tormsat of MMfMlly csotvd ltchlnt,f, emna, moor ikto Irritations, mb ' puteumius Inset Mm. DsstoftitbM sem ttdJag. JCJDt million of for. , i fstt ssrm Wwh Ja V ; Zm- Lk&M Outmsal, EXTRA CLOSET SPACE! Do as many wise people have been doing for several years Go through your closets and get out all winter garments and bring them to us. Each garment will be beautifully cleaned, ODOR FREE Moth Proofed carefully pressed put on sepa rate hangers, then sealed in air-tight Cedarized Stor age Bags and stored in our plant till you need them this Fall. No Extra Charge For Storage Except 35c for each storage bag used Nothing to Pay Till FalL ALSO Self Service Dry Cleaning with Free Steam Air Finishing. New 40-Ib. Reverse Action Washer for SUPER LARGE LOADS and RUGS w QUILTS, Etc 1 - f Also Shoe Repairing rm m 4 W J. (SIcan

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