sJ. y, March 21, 1974, The 4 Have we really been having lots of fun during our annual high, school ' intra-tnural basketball tourney!- It's been almost as loud in our gym as it was at State last week end! Each class had a team for both boys and girls and the faculty played the winners of each division. My creaky old body tells me that I am not as young as I used to be and playing last Thursday af ternoon convinced me that I am almost "over the hill!" We were coached by that See Us For j I your LAWN and ) GARDEN needs I C Massey - Ferguson 1 j Garden Tractttrs J 1 llotnelite and Stihl J J Chain satis J f Authorized Small Engine Repairs I I with Bud Jenkins, Mechanic 1 Complete line of Hardware I j WEAVERVILLE j ( HARDWARE j 1 113 N. Main St. Weaverville, N.C. I J Ormand C. Williams, Jr., Mgr. J ras3B9 fr :m n mens dress i 15. P Mxl socks VrSQ&a TIB-O ht K STRAIGHT LEC V V'" r"L W Hi T 1 Burgers on Enelish P$; 1 1 ICO 1 U DRESS PANTS) PPF Wr J Iffl sw 3tinA7 yf M f !" D i (v av 1 1 fVkN jfk f 'eV-dL i can than the great beef com- Ut awSjlTSA Values tO $4 00 Am I I '', Ke8- t0 ADQ f I llJJ IvJJ 111 A isV binations developed in the P jy only C -j) & "" VZ.rzz V lx iTT Hv rvV Um I . Pair r-r sS. .. round the worid t CJSobJ if 11 lill um I 11 l-U Tlk. jf i iCt. Ki two versions of Oriental XflMi Y && tT LJ -to., 1 yV 5 -Tr --'4Jl beginning The m SLACKS 1 THE M0ST FAM0US mm Sm (L V BAGGIES XtrJ 100 P0LYESTER D0UBLE KNIT h!&X X ' t) .A FLARES lUf6w LARCE ASSORTMENT OF SIZES IN MENS V - If V CORDUROY I V? ,rA SOLIDS & FANCIES LONG SLEEVE 1 -jpo)to)yu dn,u..J m VE MUST HAVE Lp a;7 J VyZ I I SALE LJ) UO V noon Fon the f you will receive a tie free I price l( . ':A hy : SPM11G T.1DISE J WITH EACH SPORfCOAT I OKLY pO ) EACH , " r ARMVIXG DAILY. PV - J Newt Record Page 4 Just A Woman's Observation By DpROTHY BRIGMAN SHUPE great ball player herself Miss Eloise Ward! With such young stars as Brenda Proffitt, Judy Payne and Katherine Boone, we just about beat my Freshmen girls but didn't! We even had to play overtime, and we lost by about three points ! Also on our squad were the great Billie Jean Redmon, Christie Wallin, Doris Wyatt, Barbara Ray and Sharon Sluder. I think all of the players were a little sore but I'm still hardly able to walk, after 4 days! The male faculty came through tho in winning their contest with the Junior boys. With such stars as Coaches J. C. Wallin, Roy Reeves, Jack Cole, F. N. Willett, Larry West and Johnny Fisher, one could hardly expect anything else. But they, too, were sort of droopy by the end of their game Friday afternoon! The Juniors won over the Senior boys and then the sophomore boys for the final of the tourney. They had a very good team with such stars as Allan Hunter, Ronnie Bryan, Tim Hodge, Jobie Sprinkle, Fred Payne, John Freeman, Danny Plemmons, Tim Ramsey and Terry Davis. Their coach was Ricky Harrell. The Freshmen girls won over the Junior girls and then the sophomore girls for the trophy. They were a deter mined bunch and played with much vim and vigor! Stars on their team were Geraldine Branam, Gale Garrett, Rosa Deane Frisby, Peggy Rice, Lynn Roberts, Reta Boone, Dora Ann Baker, Sharon Roberts, Donna Wallin, Lorna Jean Bryan and Mary Tom Jackson. Their coaches were Leesa Harrell and Janet Reeves. Wasn't that snow beautiful Sunday? Well, at least when it was coming down full force. I didn't think there would be any chance for a deep one, so I didn't hope too much for it to get that bad. The news is good tonight about the oil embargo being lifted. I sure hope it will soon be evident that we can get enough to do our normal work 1 1 ; and maybe a little bit for play! I just hope they dont turn it on and off at will, that sure would be terrible to be at their mercy. I think our scientists will soon have this energy crisis beaten. OBSERVED -Wasn't it too bad about Thompson's fall Saturday in the State-Pitt game? I didn't get to see it because I was in another room at the time, but it must have been some fall He is just phenomena! That shot where someone throws the ball up high and he reaches up and pokes it in That's some basketball playing Sorry I missed Rita Cantrell's shower Didn't know anything about it The Postman doesn't know who I am lately Congrats, too, to Odessa Henderson Roberts who had a surprise birthday party Saturday night at Inez's house Our gang, the Tom Wallins, the Charles Tolieys, and the Jim Welchs pulled a surprise party for Charles Saturday night, too Was he ever surprised You should check our school lately and see Mr. Whitt's latest fashion, he's now wearing bow ties, look pretty good, too Mr. Boone has forsaken his crew haircut, looks pretty good too Congrats to Mr. J. C. Wallin on being chosen as our new principal up on the hill at Madison High, best of luck We'll have to forget his first name now and pay proper respect to our new leader I think Burleson of State should get his share of glory Think he is under rated Have a good day! Cnpps'Brown Mr. and Mrs. Woriey Capps ' of Marshall announce the ! engagement of their daughter, Peggy Dune, to Jack Michael i ; Brown,-son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brown ' of 5SS N. Louisiana Ave, . The bride-elect is a , graduate of Mars Hill College and is presently employed by the Yancey County School Systenv:; The bridegroom-elect will graduate from the University of North Carolina this spring and is now; employed part time at Sears. A spring wedding is planned. SHRIMP AND CREAMY SHRIMP AND EGGS EN BRIOCHE cans (4 '4 ounces each) shrimp 4 large eggs 1 I 14 cup milk leaspuon salt teaspoon white pepper teaspoons Worcestershire sauce tablespoons chopped chives tablespoons (12 slick ) 4 butter 2 packages (3 ounces each) cream cheese, diced Drain shrimp. In a mixing bowl rotary-beat eggs, milk, salt, pepper, Worcestershire Walnut - The Fifth Sunday Union Church Service will be held at the Free Will Baptist Church at 11 a. m. with the Rev. E. M. ' Petitt,, ' pastor; i of the Missionary Baptist Church, bringing the message. ZM"- Miss Helen Rice entered St. Joseph's Hospital on Tuesday of last week where she is , receiving treatment Ronald Fisher is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital. Fred McDevitt has sold his EGG ELEGANCE FOR l "t"r7 just enough to combine well. Add chives. Heat butter in a large skillet ; scramble eggs over medium heat. When nearly set, add cheese; stir until it melts. Add shrimp and remove from heat. To fill brioche, remove 'cap" and enough of the soft center to make room for shrimp-egg mixture. Fill brioche; replace cap. Cut in wedges. 8 servings. ( Brioche ) 1 package granular yeast 1 4 cup water 1 12 cup milk 1 cup (2 sticks) soft butter teaspoon salt cup sugar eggs cups sifted all-purpose flour Wm, X. mimmlmmm i..,i.... mar" . Li Normally, ro out moke mwch noisw obowf our saving tl mm stw t'H Saving Cartificota l worth shouting about. H tekas only '500 minimum to aaaa. 'mei murl ramein on deposit for minimum of 2 yaors. H's a g-o1 wcy fa mek H big with year savings. Fadarel Regulations require substantial interest for fura if func's ara withdrawn prior ta moturity aW'e. New mobile home on the Walnut Marshall highway and has ' moved to Marshall, v ' s ; ; Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy ' Johnson and daughter, Jamie , of Brevard spent the week-end - with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnson. , ' Mr. and Mrs. James Shelton of Asheville spent Sunday with Mrs. Shelton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rector and her lister, Becky. ENTERTAINING pan combine milk, butter, salt, sugar; heat just to melt butter. Add to yeast mixture. Using rotary beater add eggs and flour. Mix well; cover with a damp cloth; let rise in the re frigerator overnight or longer. When ready to bake, knead dough with 12 cup flour. Pull off about 1 cup dough and with buttered palms roll into a ball for brioche "cap." Press re maining dough into a well greased 2-quart fluted pan; place dough ball on top. Set to rise in a warm, draft-free place about l'A hours or until dough stands well above the pan's edge, meantime preheating oven to 350 degrees. Bake 15 minutes; reduce heat to 300; bake about 40 minutes longer. Cool 15-20 minutes in the pan before filling. t V -, : Just - Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Fender of Route 6, Marshall announce the engagement . of their '. daughter, Phyllis, to Billy Jos C Bradley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bradley also of Route t, 6 Marshall. The bride-elect is V student at Man Hill . High i , School The groom-elect to ' ;, ' employed S. by ; ?" Urban 'i Development Construction Company. . I'.Riy.'.vM... A June 7, wedding is planned. fcV. " WITH THE SICK Mrs. W. C Ward, Jr. of Route ? Marshall to patient in Aston Park Hospital when she is undergoing treatment Banana Fritters Fruit fritters have long been dessert favorite with Europeans its about time that Americans too discovered their delights' In this recipe, chunks of ripe banana are dipped Into a rich batter (quickly and easily made from complete pancake mix and water), then fried 1-H In deep hot fat until crisp and gold en brown. Drain them well and sprinkle with powdered sugar Serve very hot, accompanied by a warm rum sauce also an easy-make, also superbl BANANA FRITTERS WITH RUM SAUCE Makes 6 servings Fritteri: Rum sauce t medium-aiaed ripe Va enpa complete pancake mix rvKii- bTMnM "1 out each crosswise Into 4 pieces. 2' PufmJt J, nler' "p banana pieces In batter. Pry in hot deep fat (J75'F.) about 1 minute or until golden brown. Drain thoroughly on absorbent paper. For nun sauce, combine sugar and cornstarch in small sauce KanL"r J11 cresni. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until thickened and smooth. Stir In butter and rum. ,T J' J?1 wm hanana P'ecea on each serving piste. Sprinkle with confectioners surar. Serve with warm r. NOTE: Complete pancake mix Muffins: American? Thomas' people tell us that the muffins should be split by scoring all around with the tines of a fork then gently pulling apart. Toast, butter and serve immediately to enjoy the full flavor and tex ture. One pound of ground beef makes 4 generous burgers. Oriental Burgers: To 1 To Mr. and Mrs. Hubert : Worlev. of Route 8. It.' r.'ii a daughter, March 13, 1974 In l Memorial Mission Hmmit.i . id tor. ana nan. i :nM. f Sherlin - Jr., Route i , i :' . is, 1874, in Memorial Mission Hospital.:, :U I ' ''". 57" SINGING; There will be special singing at the Shoal Hill Free Will .Baptist Church this Sunday at the morning worship service. The Chris Payne Singers of Craggy, will be featured. The public to invited. With Rum Sauce cup sifted confectioners agar 1 tablespoon cornstarch I cap half and half or light cream ' cop baiter or margarine tablesDoeos Urht rum must be used In this recipe. pound ground beef mix in 2 tablespoons each of teriyaki sauce and sliced green onions Shape and cook as desired Serve between freshly toasted and buttered English muffins. HUo Burgers: To 1 pound beef mix in 14 cup finely chopped onion, 2 tablespoons oy sauce, 14 teaspoon ground ginger. Shape into patties. Broil; just before burgers ara done broil 4 slices pineapple lightly. Serve burgers and broiled pineapple between hot, freshly toasted English muffins. Toaster Calces Are Versatile Toaster cakes are really muffins baked in a shape that will fit easily into a toaster The S. B. Thomas' people have three popular flavors -b'an, corn and orange. With this variety its easy to see why they are found oa break fast, lunch and dinner tables And sometimes used as an ingredient a In this Corn Toaster Chili Pie developed in the Thomas' Test Kitchens. ConTcetaTChiHna 1 (T-oance) package corn tosatsr cakes ' 1 taplaapuusi com oil H aap finely chopped onions I ( 1 e-ouace ) cans chili wltkt- 1 tebieapooa chili powder . . 1 teaapnoa eaanka . ; 1 caps coarsely broken eora . chips , ! Vl cud coarsely shredded ' ' '. anarp Cheddar Chases . SpUt eora toaster eakss. flaea slices avariapplng and eat aide ep ia (11 4 s 7 1S 1 a4-cacal bakine diaa. Haat eora ali b Aii-L a-ar "i aMMbaa asst. Add onion and seeta sntil tefirt. Fir ta cr,.i, cl.U po f. cwtr;n snd 7l.w o s t . t r -it 10 ir i n i t i ; four t , -r t . ee f - r i i "S ' 4 t c- r i r -e. 1 fa' t - t p f r , ovrr - .. in 3 ': T t, run ti i -t cr i3 -d ( .r j . is. fi (i-,;' 1 arrF . V . . a .