Si. ' ::' : v. : -;.' i-1' ; ' - . '.f r: 'i .f v TOitf Mflaw Mart Thursday, March W. 1974, The New Record Page I ine Sunday' School Lesson - -" - , " 4. --, I V. Li'.'lT Cii til ft t - 0 !::. vJk r j iho uwu.m w snuriy ADI....iVb.LOftF It II W " ' jnrm irn 1 GiNft-NTRiSE SECRETSPRAY.4a VocftT Tat. -ruRC . C fFT IlSr 7?"' 11 I 1 I vl II til i J- -r rnoo m 1 - rn oooa? bcwes 3-20-74 1 Smffia-- y I 0 ! t'VJ rrTV-vrMn 7 r 1 11 v 'v 1 ii 1 v f i 1 11 f 1 ;m 11 11 1 f 1 ri i - 1 1 ' .i 1 1 111V VI IV J t j Wviwi 1 WmT r 11 n 11 11 UN1 I VISCWOICE V SI 1 1 1 u 1 1 i Lb. U l,,ilV-3 uscUoice-P.. inw-- mm m 1 1 I -1 P10R1PA RIPE frT T3PMATO SOUP Mm 0 sr iTd CUIPS kiPK.dM IT C(T eRAPE AMEDIIM..: IV go;"-' J CAKE MIXES GtLATlN LONX70r4 URV 37 10 59i .60 1 U OVERCOMING HUMAN BARRIERS MARCH 31, D74 LESSON TEXT : Act! 1:4 4. The Lord works in wondrous ways His miracles to per form! In our lesson for today we see persecution turning the believers into religious refugees.. .thus carrying the gospel far and wide! Needless to say the purpose of those who sought to stifle the Christian movement was foiled completely by this somewhat ironic turn of events! What were the barriers erected against the spread of Christianity in Biblical history? Prejudice was one; superstition another; ignorance yet another. And what about greed? What human barriers are often erected against the Christian movement today a day when modern technology has overcome many dread diseases, has put a man on the moon, and is currently charting the unknown wonders of space (that same space created by God)? Are they not the same as those in the days of the early Christian churches? A barrier of prejudice: Witness the bitterness and the contempt that existed between the Jews and the Samaritans! Are we not today subject to prejudices which erect a barrier between races, bet ween religions, between ourselves and God? A barrier of superstition: Are we not "reverting" in stead of progressing? Con siderable attention is being given these days, in our newspapers, our books, our TV fare, to Satanism, "possession," etc., etc. And it must be noted that more at tention is being paid to astrology, also! A barrier of greed: Too many people today subscribe to Simon's view thatr thtf acceptance of the Lord can bought Not so It has earned... One's heart has, in the words of Peter, to be right in the sight of God! A barrier of ignorance: How many of us today, who sub scribe to the Christian religion, remain ignorant of the true facts of Christianity? Too often our viewpoint is colored by our envirnotnent, by remarks assimilated from family members who belong to a different generation, and therefore nurture a different viewpoint! Man has progressed in technology, in medicine, in knowledge of all forms. But the soul must progress with the brain if Christianity is to spread. If it is truly to "come into it's own." Perhaps, in a world wherej headlines all too often proclaim events of calamity; today, this spirit of "over-; coming" is a necessary salve, for our wounds. Our spirit need to be stiffened and strengthened, that we may - by our sometimes even mediocre existence bring a little joy to the world, a little faith, little resolve that v, 0 things win not always be this ; ; ' I wsy. f'.V I If we will bat resolve, in- , . dividually, to educate our- - 1 A. 1 I J scivca w in wwer view, u understanding attitude, the lot of the world will be Just that much improved. D we, in- . ' dividually, will put aside out . self-seeking inclinations and devote ourselves to the common good, surely our : : nation most prosper In the eyes of the Lord! And if we will but apply ourselves to -, service to our fellow men, no - matter what color or creed, or ' nationality, surely the wsy will be cleared for Chri l s work in the wor'.d a i surely will He rej-.-ice in 1 ' (Based on crpyr- ' ' ! Outlines, prc.'.;.Td v ; Committee on t' e V Series and use J ; - r that if anbeT; tobe'i