Jay. April 24. 1974. The M Bride - A bridal shower whs given , for Mis Becky Cody, bride elect Of Mr, Randall Blankenship pn Saturday. April 20 from seven to nine o'clock . in the Memorial Library Faculty Lounge. Mart Hill College. Hostesses were .Mrs. Mary Swann. Mrs. Wanda English. Mrs. Joan Ramsey. Mrs. Alda Jean Young. Miss Ann Phillips. Mrs. Irene Edsall. Miss Gee, isn't it wonderful that the Deringer Company is outgrowing its present site and will soon build a new plant on the area behind the new shopping center? I can remember back in the sum mer of 1972 when I had a radio program on WMMH and in terviewing Pat Clemons about the new plant. He was such a nice person and our county is in better shape for his coming along with the company. Several of our recent graduates from Marshall High work there and I'm sure they enjoy working for such an outstanding company. Do you realize that the far out ways of the hippies are becoming a thing of the past? Well, we aren't going to get rid of all the new things they brought long hair, dirty clothes, rock music, etc., but we have sort of bent, our selves, and a blending of both square and hippie attitudes has taken place. Remember when George Wallace fought the long hair and the black people? Now his son wears long hair and George recently crowned a black queen at a southern college! I guess the long hair is about like when ladies started smoking and many people blew their tops off. I doubt if there's hardly any families today where one or both of these things are in evideoccU wish tew get ol antpe,to M-4whairow a bitWfeut-he insists that his dandruff would get terrible if he let his hair grow. Guess he's going to hold out until oranges grow on apple trees! Oh, I forgot to give credit to the second period French Class of Mrs. Tolley that helped with the window at the library. She said that Teresa Cooper, Sharon Teague, Robin Pizzulo, Pat Fisher, Brenda Branam, Jennie Moore, Darlene Cutshall. Tim Bur netts, Burton Fox, Fred Bishop, Carol Sluder, Pam Maxwell, Debbie Treadway, Ray Flynn and Arthur Hen sley were also very active in ANNOUNCEMENT Having served on the Madison County Board of Education for three years,'' I feel that I am in a position to render greater service to the public schools of Madison County, if re elected, in the future. Because of this experience, and a desire to see Madison County have the best school system possible. 1 made my own decision to seek re election, paid my filing fee, plan to support the Republican party, and work whole heartedly for the best school system possible in the county., Madison High School must have the best' ad rrinistrative, teaching, vocational and coaching staffs obtainable. Your vote in the primary will be 8: predated. nun i m. lee. 1 ml'. SI Bv DOROTHY Now Record PaRe iss Becky Cody, Elect, Is Honored Theresa Phillips. Mrs. Edna English and Mrs. Ardis Honeycutt, A rainbow color scheme was used with accents of pink and green candles. The bridal table was covered with a lace cloth which belonged to the bride's grandmother, the late Mrs. Julia Cody. An arrangement of mixed spring flowers and baby's breath in a silver and crystal vase formed BKKi.M AN Sill getting the exhibit up for you to see. Have you been by yet? Had a delightful Sunday last week end. Ruth and Overton Gregory had a lovely break fast for Lib and Leonard's twenty-fifth anniversary and asked Shupe and me over also. She sure is a good cook and we enjoyed the meal very much. Then I sent Shupe off to prison and went to church and Sunday School with Lib and Leonard. Saw several people at their church I hadn't seen in some time. I really enjoyed hearing Dr. Godwin bring the message. He sure had a beautiful wife and they are so pleasant to be around. Did you read about the male teacher out in California who asked for paternity leave to be with his young daughter? His board turned him down, but when he took to to the courts they gave him leave! Sometimes we strain at a gnat and swallow a camel, don't we? OBSERVED - Ran into Gary Ledford up at the Burger Parlor the other day He's working up at the new school building, was showing me a picture of his darling little girl said he an Maggie are living on the Walnut Creek apart ments Carol Shelton was home recently and planned to get over to school but didn't make it, come over next time, Carol Understand you are Walnut Dr. and Mrs. William J Reeves and children, Susan and John from Concord spent part of last week with Dr. Reeves' mother, Mrs. Fleet Reeves. Miss America Capps of Melvindale, Mich, spent the weekend with Mrs. Pauline Chandler. Mrs. Chandler also had a visit on Saturday from her nephew and his family, Mr. and Mrs. James Deaver and two daughters from Shelby. Mrs. Chappell Moore from Contract 1'a.ntii.B Ml Type. Of Hoofing BuiMine. Hiimhin Calinrl Mkin Remodelinf CO I KS HOME IMPROVEMENT Route 1 lnr Hill. V C. 28754 Bulali Coatr Lloyd Coata I'hnne 8t-239 Phone 689-7718 When you stop going towork, Restart going to work. If you're tick and have to stay out ol work. Nationwide' . Income Protection Plan gives you cash. Cash to live on while you're recuperating. Cash that keeps coming in even when your paycheck isn't. Nationwide can pay you up to S1.200 a month depending on your income and the planou choose. Let Nationwide go to work when you cant. For information ca!l the man from Nationwide. ' " . : L the centerpiece. The honored was presented a corsage of white orchids. The mother of , the bride, Mrs.; Doyle Cody ' and the mother of the groom, Mrs. Charles Blankenship were presented corsages of white carnations and baby's breath. Mrs. Joan Blankenship kept the guest register. There were ninety-five guests who called during the evening. PK graduating from college in June Susan Gregory graduates in June also and plans to go on for her master's degree Recon the man replacing Golda Meir can do as well as she did? I really doubt if a man can do what she has done for Israel Congrats to Allen Stines on collecting $75 for the Heart fund Junior-Senior Prom was a lovely affair, everyone says, sorry I missed it, but I went over to see the beautifully decorated gym before I left school Friday Know Patsy Waldrop and Lib Sprinkle are relieved that it's over for the last time but a little sad thinking it was the last Glad Father Burton found his camera that he lost on the Washington trip with the Hot Springs seniors and juniors Have a good day! Mrs. Stella Phipps, of Reidsville is visiting her sister, Mrs. John Anders, here for a few weeks. Dr. and Mrs. J. L. McElroy returned last week to their home after spending several days in Charlotte, visiting their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Pender R. News Virginia visited her brother-in-law, Rev. George Moore and his family, last week. Mrs. Hartford Tweed and Mrs. Selina Fisher left last week by plane for England where they are spending about a week. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Roberts left on Monday by plane for Baltimore, Md. where they will visit relatives and friends for a few days. Mrs. Frank Smith is visiting her brothers and their families in Palermo, Calif. BOY REEVES, AGENT . i Pace 149-2011 ',- Marshall, N.C.: vy. Office Ope Every Day "f I Except Wednesday) " 9JB. l:Npji. Over Roberts Pharmacy ! er ! -,, . ( s).ti'. FIVE GENERATIONS of the Henderson family recently gathered at the home of Mrs. Sophronia Henderson near Marshall. The five generations are shown above, left to right, Otto Henderson, of Trenton, Mich., great-grandmother; Mrs. Toni Henderson Runnion of Marshall, holding baby, Christopher Scott Runnion; Mrs. Sophronia Henderson, great-great-grandmother; and James Henderson, of Marshall, grandfather. Sleepy Valley EH Club Meets; Gardens Aired The Sleepy Valley E.H. Club had its regular meeting Wednesday April 10, 1974 at 4 p.m. in the Sleepy Valley Corporation Center. President Emma Kate Davis opened the meeting with a welcome to everyone. A beautiful and inspiring devotion was given by Mrs. Margil Self. Minutes of the last meeting were omitted until a later date since Secretary Shelly Foster was Personal Mention McElroy, and their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Crossland. Mr. and Mrs. Dexter Payne and children of Melvindale, Mich, have been visiting Mr. Payne's parents and other friends and relatives for the past week. America Capps, aunt of Mr. Payne and also of Melvindale, Mich., visited Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Cody of Roberts Hill Rd. She returned! to Melvindale last Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Payne. Those visiting Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Edwards of Marshall during the Easter holidays were Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Cooper and two children, Lisa and Wesley of Sanford, Fla.; Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Ed wards, Jr. and three children, Carolyn, Cindy and Cheryl, of Midland, Mich.; and Mrs. r absent with her new baby who arrived April 3. Dues were collected by Treasurer Reba Gowan. Its time to garden was the topic given by Marie Osteen. A planning session took place at this time discussing the awards night for Madison County EH Coubs which will be Saturday afternoon, May 11, 1974. Sleepy Valley is going Edwards' mother, Mrs. Helen Bolus, of Venice, Fla.; and Mrs. Dora Lackey and two children, Wendy and Scott, of Weaverville. With The Sick Mr. J. B. Reid, of Marshall, is a patient tvSt. Joseph's Hospital where he is recuperating from surgery undergone on Tuesday. Births To Mr. and Mrs. Ray Randall, of Marshall, Route 4, a daughter, Michele Monica, Friday, April 19, 1974 in Memorial Mission Hospital. n no 7Vi interest -in LJ to be host for the Awards Night having the other clubs in the county come to our Sleepy Valley Corporation Center for a supper and program which we are very excited about. Marie Osteen and Reva Foster served cherry delight , coke and or coffee to Emma Kate Davis, Margaret Prayther, Louise Maynard, Margie Self, Christine Maynard, Beulah Maynard, Reba Gowan and Mary Etherton. INDUSTRIAL NURSE Either L.P. or R.N. HOT SPRINGS PLANT OF BURLINGTON INDUSTRIES GOOD HOURS EXCELLENT SALARY EXCELLENT BENEFITS CONTACT JOE TEMPLETON Personnel Manager Tel. 622-3233 An Equal Opportunity Employer i is on a $1,000 minimum, Northwestern continues to pay the highest legal interest, ' rate to its customers by offering this new higher-rate Certificate of Deposit Federal law and regulation prohibit the payment of a time deposit prior to maturity unless three months of the interest thereon is forfeited and interest on the amount withdrawn is reduced to the passbook rate. stop by or call any Northwestern branch. "Arranging Church Flowers Subject At Garden Club "Arranging Church Flowers" was the subject of . the program presented by Mrs. John Corbett at the April meeting of the ; Marshall Garden Club at the Corbett home hen. The importance of understanding what the altar is to worshipers, when planning decorations was - explained in the following , quotation: "God is here, God Ulove, Jesus is the light of the world, and flowers express love." Flowers should never be placed in front of the cross, nor arranged in such a manner to make them higher than the cross. They should be in proper scale to other altar appointments, and never the same height of the altar candles. When using paired arrangements, each should mirror the other as much as possible, both in color, size and type of flower or greenery. Any arrangment should be placed in such a position as to be easily seen from any part of the sanctuary, and most never interfere with any movement of persons or furnishings planned in the service. On containers, avoid contrast do not use white containers if the woodwork is dark; use heavy, firm base. The con tainer should be an accessory and not a distraction from the arrangement; follow standard rules in flower arrangement On types of materials, do not use artificial or painted materials on the altar. It is better to use generous arrangements of live evergreen than inappropriate flowers. If potted plants are used, transfer them to papier- 8-5 Monday Friday V Uajwuuu 4 - year maturity Certificate of Deposit mache containers or some other non-distracting continer rather than using the shiny foil and ribbon which often comes with these plants.,1 i1- ' On special holy days: for Easter, the most important celebration in history, the white ' trumpet lily to the symbol of the resurrection and white flowers are most ap propriate for the altar; white is also best for decorating for baccalaureate ceremonies. For Thanksgiving, dried materials representing grains, natural vegetables and fruit are most symbolic; restraint is advised so that only what is needed to give focus will be used. At Christmas, more freedom is permitted and it to the only time ribbon can appropriately be used in altar decorating. Bright colors are good, and all the bright and traditional flowers and greenery are suggested. If the church uses a nativity scene, it should be in some other part of the church than the sanctuary, and is appropriate of course. Mrs. Corbett used program paper and slides from the Garden Club of North Carolina, Inc. prepared by Herman and Mamie Sue Sawyer. In clsoing, she used the quotation of the authors, "To decorate the altar is rendering service equal in significance and worthwhileness to any per formed by a layman and should be done in humility, sincerity and reverence," In other business, the membership committee presented Mrs. Loyd T. Moore of Mars Hill as a new mem ber; the club will contribute Fashion Career Like To Own A Dress Shop' All Name Brand Ladies Wear FACTORY FRESH LATEST STYLES TUUK tu) I COMPLETE INVENTORY BEAUTIFUL REDWOOD FIXTURES COMPLETE TRAINING PROGRAM VISIT OUR STORES TALK TO OUR OWNERS Very High Earnings INVESTMENT - $12,500 OTHER CHOICE AREAS AVAILABLE Call Collect MR. TODD 904-396-1707 or writ: HY-STYIE SHOPPE P.O. Box 26009 Jocktonvllle. Florida 32218 mm HCNin uu 99 r w -f rv - f chase of nine trash containers for the street of Marshall to be attached to the power poles and one ground container at h Hniirt Hnum hmrh ara iifl rn nnniv ifiHurn tim mint . ' A t .1- county landfill operations will begin soon and litter control and clean-up will be the focus of this group as the county does an "about-face" In handling of household and other litter. The May meeting will be a tour of Hyman-Young Greenhouses in West Asheville and of the Aart Van Wingerden greenhouse operation at Mills River. Little Pine Club News The Little Pine E.H. Club met Tuesday, April 16th at 1:30 p.m. with Mrs. Hattie McElroy. Mrs. Frances C. Ramsey, president, presided. Members present: Mrs. Zura Worley, Mrs. Annie Mae White, Mrs. Harry Davis, Mrs. Ethel Sprinkle, Mrs. Dorothy Payne, Mrs. Frances C. Ramsey, Gladys V. Meadows, Mrs. Naomi Tweed, Mrs. Linda Reeds, Mrs. Sallie McHone, Mrs. Bula Fisher and our hostess Mrs. McElroy. Devotions: Mrs. Zura Worley, song, "How Great Thou Art" by Mrs. Linda Reeds, with Mrs. Hattie McElroy at the organ. After the business session the program leader, Mrs. Zura Worley, gave an in teresting program on "A Vegetable Garden." J V c ur I J SUol

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