Thursday, Ki hruary 13, 1975, The News Record Page 5 Uf- j .-.'.w. rpjyiji; -avi- v-VW " SI'H pi. lulling .111(1 p. inline nnu'' Knr op IK I'l.inlm tiuidr l ".il .ilin in ollcred by it (hnhi s I ii rj nvy.T s nl h ull li ees mil li iv- lurry l .in-. ei up. vines l.indst ii 1 ' i i i H iI.iiiI mi. i ! t ' I l.i I W.i llr-lx'l ii 111 vt , Ms .l lll'shul (. II l' 1 1 1 I , i "Hill ' I I -'I' ' 1 1 he 1 1 1( s l K mill Inn nun' Mine e,,i,..l niiiililiini HKl CK I N 1 1(1 I I K.Ullr I Hn loo II M.u - Mill i I'lionr I'"'' I '. ' 1 ' M 1 , , , , ill I I..-' -rl '. . , U,l , i i i( HI ' h. III I 1 , ; ; i ,.m 1 1 - i1 u. 1 1 .,i,i...-.l s I 1 U .ir I.e. . i I .11 , a , I ll,l, kpl ,.ol I, 111, .111- ,ll- Lulu- - I"''! .. .1' ill- ' " ' - . X I .1-1 l'll.ll.ll ! s, I i 11 i I, i."i.. I i A , . .. ... m . ... mm .. : . - )..,, ':, ,.-., -i . A . , : . , M.i . . ..... -J , y. -. pa K '-.I" i i i i y 1 I I I ; 1 ' I ' ' I I". I' I . , . I ,i.. I . I K I K 1 M I ' I I . i . I Iv- I'll "Nl I l I HUH IM M...I M I ' ., , i' I l I Mil 111 Iv - I I'.- 1 H 1 I i .1 ', Iv. I ' .' I'. M ,i -I ..' . .. l. I'llMI II IN Ki'.'i m'mI.iIix ." i-1 1 in slir v ll i r Wr.i y c I y 1 1 1c 1.u-, Mil! M .ii sh.ill .ii i .i- t. -II I;,'! y ..'.'I in v cstinch! - ! vi'lr. I 'l r. ,ll r ltl.ll hliiais I n rllfllt c.iniii..s ! iu.ilif led ..lid .itfinMir sua-. HrpK IN KM M I N I S I'll H' x V.I ,, IT Mill'. N 1 .21 :n ; hi r i iv i ' A H srr v M.u - N 1 1 .'it :ni Dul 64 5 3027 29 N. Mn St. Wemrvill 4 t A HK W.lXXi. Nfr Mars Mil! ( HdiT house, live aires h ! i - an Mini . I oh. i " ha-r ! r ii l ream. l"'"d liar ii I'med r. rfd (ail ( ,ay .Ifi.k t UK's !ii ) Set Kid rd vri mifss'hlf .Small nrfn'ii. plrnlv sprints. iv v.oood ( all de Hufy 27 Al HI S tlOm xr icr Plrno ..I springs he cnrs dim lire and mfido Kalan.f v.,.dfd SfrltKtfd ft vr attes.siblf t alljil (irrr lnv other rnl!. miiim and larye ir.i nailiKle. brxhjff mailrd on request. Wide Huey Sal Manarer Joel Greer 64.S 6.W1 City Jenkins 689-2593 Wadt Huey 649-3991 DRYC puts sparkle in Rolyesterjaf i !Ed.v:rc!3 doners t.'a'm I'lONKKII KIHI) IN( Main Si reel Marshall. N (' I'hone M9 :i-m A (iiiod I'lai f To Hu A Ni'va or I srd I .ir or True k J Kile ( AKI) OK THANKS Ui VAI-ll to of flT Olll MIHIT 0 III. ink- to i .ii li ,iiul i-vi'Hunr (..I r i-i ,n t of kiniliu'ss and i A T vu.i d ol ( ullllol t dill liu; Hi. dr. ith ol our husband l.ilhci arid it andfalhri , al-o !"i Mir loud and I I.ii .il .ii i anr iTii. nl - W an t i mi c-,- urn Ifi'linr- in woi d liiil thanks .main MILS MiHII ('ld.l-V Mil v MHS IdiYl I M N 11! U i, I 1 hi HHII v h' M i 1 I.E(iAI. NOTICE NO I l( I OF S M I I NDI.H III I D Ol IKI SI I ;;'!. I and li 111 llr "I III" . i "t -air ' oiitainrd in a Ir.'l -.I Oust datrd M.i .!.). ,'i, ' l.v I i n Hl.lllklTlsllljl ,11. I .V llr U.l Hl.lllklTl'.llip to lull lklli- I I lister lol IK. '..I I liw r .iri n Hank "I Bui ii Mil,. I win, Il deed "I :i .1 r I r.T'.l.'l r.l 111 till' ' Hill r I 'I r llr, hi, I "I I Irrd- lol 1. , 1 1 I ' lllll 111 Mol IlMl'.r I s .'-l l'"'k , .' p.H'r IH. . .ii'.l 1. l.i ol III,' l rll Iliadr III I . ; .iv iii.-lil "I Hie -"line thr ,U, I'i Ml hrd I 1 IL-trr will "II M.u , I: in i1'.., al the ' "UI 'li,,,,-, ,,h.i ,n M.u shall N i Mel I.. I sale l"l . U-ll I" tile ' i, I,,-.' hlddrl III. K'llow 111,' Irs. Ilhrd I I .li I "I I'.ll . el "I 1,111,1 111 'miiiiIiit 1 "ill I I u ir lii;, Madi- ml '..! IJ. I ,U "illl.i 1 ,1 i , I I 1 1 .ii a ;,"inl in ",. i.e. "I I al I I el I'll-, ,11 111 '!,, I I rrk ,1 i "I HIT I" I rl , II'. "II Moll. I lltl I 1 .11 t Ir .lilH'd III a llri'.l "I li,, "I ,1 in 1 Irrd H""k No ,"ii ,,! ;,.,,',' l.t Madl-oll , , .uiit v I v i el st i .in, I a ,i "I I .11 ! I' rl l'.ll.S"ll K, ! r 1 rl ,'llsoll I I ,11 t I. , I ,l d III a deed "I 1. 1 ,1. I. rd Hook No , . ,,! ;,,., 1.1H all "I Madl-oii i ...l.i Ivn'l'.tl i and l llli Tirl,' r down and w llh lllr anr "I I al I I' el iTlsoli and i . , i ,s k South (i, di e A. I I.' i Irrt all.l South I, . U rst i,l, leet thelii e ., a Hi. thr III all, Il South I !, , H.i I. -el lo a i irl "ii thr I a-t hank ,,l 'I , l rrk , "HUH" II. 'I ' I l.alldl.'l them r With " , i h.ilidlrl illlr South IU I, r ia II, IT I a-I I I" leel to ,,:i ::,,n ;;,.' ..i. Ihr West ...iu in ..! I S Hinh w a V. !'' a- lalli'W" Nalth .'I Ire ' no Ii I a-1 iJH ; Irrt N"l I h .' ( dee .-I mill I ast iH'i ., leel Ninth 2:J dee lh nan I ast .'M -I feet to a ;uit in the line of ( ai I , ei euson them e ith the I- ei euson line North tiii dee West W feet to the jxunt of HI i( ,l NN INi . eontainme; ii Wi of an aei e Itus I leed uf 1 1 is made SI' H.I fit I tu eertain watei edS'Mient.s heretofore granted h ;irislee'ssirs entitleii to lands on the Fast side of said ;n o;x-rt Thi.s I- ehruar) I. 1 9Tb -s Hill Atkins Trustee J i '. .'(i ii-. vhK Eyes Examined Classes Fitted -by- DR. LOCKARD FRIDAYS A.M. to 12 Noon ROBERTS BUILDING MARSHALL, N. C. . w - & Uundrymat $trl TO LEGAL NOTICES ADMINISTRATRIX NOTK K IN I HK (iKNl'.KAI. COl IM OF Jl STICK SIT'F.KIOK (OCK I DIVISION STAT K OF NOKTH ( AKOl.INA COl NTV OF MADISON llavuu: iuahfi'd a- Ad iiiinisti atnx of the I '.slati' ol W.nnt' I' Mctralf ul Madison ( nunt . N I . this is to notil all HTsoii- havnu: i Tin 1 1 in ai'.ainsl the listatt' ul said W.i no I ' Mi'trall. to M i siTit t ln-iii to thr undiT sinni'd within six in. mllis limn the .Lit.- ol iiililiratiun of this not ii f ..t thr -am.- will lie nlradnl 111 lial ol III. 'II I ei'o IT' Ml ;iit sun- ind.'ht.'d to said I st at . ;ilra sr n i.ikr mi llllMl.llr ;iaMiirnt liu- i'Vlh da ol .Ian I'lTa Noi.i Met. all K I i' K,i 'U M.u- Hill. N til .' li 1 I .III 'id .'H,.it NOTK F III CKKDITOKS AND DKKTOKS OF I IK I A M. IS. DFX I. AS ID Ml iersoiis. 1 1 it 1 1 s and . ,.i pot atloiis havnie, rKiiins Valeria M Kuherts. deeeased, are heieln K'ven notiee to exhibit the same to ll.illie l( Mi I'ili o . l ixec iilnx "1 Die Kstate ol Valeria M Hob. 'i ts, at the address stilted below on or In-fore August H, lH7i. or Ik- barred from their I ei iivel I lehtiil s of the deeedent please make im mediate pasmenl to the aboee named lixeeutnx llattie H M. liho Hox 4li Marsliiill. North ( aiolina l ive, uti i ul the Kstate uf Valeria M Huberts lil. .'II. I! ADMIN1ST KATOK NOTICF. IN 1 11! (.KNF.RAI. COl K I OF JCSTICF. SI l-FKIOK ( (H K l DIVISION STATF. OF NOKTH ( AKOl.INA ( OI NTY OF MADISON Having (iiahfied as Ad 1 1 n in st I it t ii of the Kstate of loduska lenders of Madison ( oiinh . N (' , this is tu notify all HTsoiis liavmn claims aeiainst the l-istate uf said 1 .Kluska 1 binders, tu present I hem to the undersigned within six months from the dale ol publication of tins notiie ol the same will be pleaded in hai "I their i e. ovel All iei sons indebted to said 1 state please make im mediate payment This Jl day of January . 1HT5 Haul Shclton Kuute il Marshall. N C l-i'l.iK2-".i:i l WELL DRILLING Modern Quick Air Drilling Complete Domestic & Commercial Water Sysyems 18 Years Experience For Quick Service - Coll JOE PRICE PRICE WELL & PUMP CO. 627-2817 c.i con... Clyde, N.C. 704-689-3627 A SMART ARCHITECT - Gave this home its practical lay out and good looks. 3 BR, 2 Baths. BIG SMALL DM THE RIGHT PLACES: Plenty of what you want; Rooms & Closets! Year around living. S BR, 2 Baths, 2 Acres, Secluded. MOUNTAIN CHALET - Spacious Living - 24 Levels, Private k Protected. NEAR MARSHALL Acre HOMESITE Honseseat Excellent Views - Easy Acreu LARGE SMALL ACREAGE AvailaMe- WE HAVE MORTGAGE MONEY -SMALL DOWN OWNER FINANCING t CALL US FOR YOUR .: PROPERTY NEEDS - ' ndKnILIrr KtnLI Y I LOCATED NEAR WOLF LAI RLL GATE II MARS Hill. NORTH CAROtlNA 247S4 LEGAL NOTICKS LEGAL NOTICES FXKCL'TOK'S NOTICF. IN THF. (iKNKHAl. COl KT OK Jl'STICK SI I'KKIOK COl KT DIVISION STATK OF NOKTH CAROLINA COl NTY OF MADISON Having qualified ;is lixecutiir uf the Kstate uf Millard H Heik uf Madison ( "t ii nt . N ( . this is to notify all persons havnie; claims aeiainst the Kstate uf said Millard II Heck, tu present 1 1 t-1 1 1 In the undersigned within six months from the dale ol oulilii alum uf this notice ol the same will be pleaded in bai ul their l ecu er All persons indebted to said I- si al e please make in mediate payment I bis '.','th .lity ol .lanuai . Phi) ( Ul1 is Heck I-'JIL' Amies Soiithriute, Mn h llll'ia I .10. IM!. lil. lid id KMX I TKIX NOTK F IN THF(.FNF.KAI.( Ol Kl OF JL'STICK SI I'KKIOK COl H I DIVISION STATK OF NORTH ( AKOI.INAS COL NTY OF MADISON II, nine, qualified as i.xerutiTx uf the Kstate ol Ix-Kuy Sheltun uf Madison I Hiinty . N ( ' , this is tu notify all persons having claims aeainst the Kstate "f said l.cKuy Shellun, to present them to the undersigned within six months Inuu the dale ol publication of this notice or Hie same will be pleaded in bai ol their i ecu cry II pel sons indebted to said Kstate please make i in mediate payment This 27tli day of January . lTTi) I-i : i ii i lit Sands Sheltun HI il. H.ix ltffl Marshall. N I .' i .iii,2-h,i:t,:'(i ixl ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICK IN I'HK (iKNKRAI. ( (ILK I OK JUSTK K SI TKRIOR ( Ol KT DIVISION STATK OK NOKTH CAROLINA (Ol NTY OK MADISON Having qualified as Ad ministrator of the Kstate uf Harnett Huekner of Madison County, N C , this is tu notify all persons having claims against Hie Kstate of said Harnett Huekner. to present them tu the undersigned within six months from the date uf publication of this notice or the same will be pleaded in bar uf then i eruy el y All persons indebted to said Kstate please make im mediate payment This 3rd day uf February. l.tTj Kelly Huekner Kuute 7 Marshall. N C 2875:. J-t.. chg NOTK K OK SAI K Under and by virtue ol lh. puw er of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by I.AUHKl. HIIH.K DKVKI.Ol'MKNT COM I'A.NY. ii North Carolina 1 jiii lied Partnership, to II. h i A Kerry, Jr.. Trustee, loi Continental Mortgage In y estoi s. diited October 'J. I'', !, and i .vol ded in the ( f In . ,,l thr Register of Deeds l,,i Madison County in Deed ol I i list Hook Tit. ill page 41 1 and lecoided in the office ol Ihr Register of Deeds for Vain r ( .unity in I )eed ol Trust Hook ;, at page 45. default havni' been uuide under the term- ol the above deeil of trust and in the payment uf the in dehtedness thereby seemed and demand havnu: hern made lur sale. III. un drrsigned substitute Jiuslrr having been substituted as I I ustee tor I Ian y A H.i i . .Ii by Continental Mortgage Investors by an instrument icriirded in the Madison ( ounty Register's ( )fln e and the Yancey ( 'ounty Kegistei -I Ulice on Januiiry 21 . l'ba 1 will sell at public auction In the highest bidder lor ( ASH at 12 00 o'clock Noon ,,ii 1-inlay. February 21. I'L.i. upiin the premises ,t-, h. i euialter described, all lh. billowing described piece ol ;aieel ol land, together with all improvements thereon, ly ing and U'lng in the ( '.unities ol Madison and Yancey , State ol North Carolina, and mine particularly designated and described as billows ll that leltam pie.e. pai eel or ll act ul land in Madison and Yancey I .unities, "s I . cuntaining il Dili) acres and lieing the identical premises shown on plat thereof entitled. A I'loperty Survey foi a i ondiiiiiiiniim Apartment IT,, put. Wolf l.uuicl Madison and Yancey I ..unties. North ( ai olina piepaied by Mathesun. Hint and Associates , luted November, 1!T2" ol i econl ll) Hlat Hook 2, I'age .Tin, Madison County Registry , and 111 1'lat Hook 1 , I'age 2(lil. Yancey I ounty Hegist i y . to w In. h ictcrence is hei rby mil..' McGee's Radio 20 Years Fxpenence IV Long Branch Road Dul 645 3027 29 N. Miin St. Weiverville NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY A HOME MONEY IS AVAILABLE-INTEREST RATES ARE DOWN LOOK WHAT WE HAVE Under $25,000 MAR W r " . f K V ; ; ( $17 000 l,1 .md h,iH aTfi" e-i.ier t' frr r,i tra-e I cjbe TobaisO base t,am, ti'it ., t' t'.wrd r : ad WfSL ASMf 'v'L.f $?2 bOO Tree bedrco-n redwood sl'ingif '1 se. ' - 1 Jr,,p n basemen! convenient to shcppi'if? Under $30,000 WEAVE RVM lE i 2 1 000 Three bedroom hv,n room, k tchen and a n,ng area (u'i basement 01 heat. Large lot w,!h ("a n l,nK lene WfAVfRVILLf. $27,000 Three bedroom one and hall h.itns hv,ng room kitchen .v'd dm ng area Bnck and barne rancher. Electric heat Carport VVEAVERVILLE 27.bOO New three bedroom contem porary with wrap around deck, carport luHy electric situated on large wooded lot ROYAL PINES: $28 000 Two story Downstairs has living room, kitchen and dining area, family room or bedroom, hall bath Upstairs has two bedroom, full bath, hot water heat FuM basement. UNDER $33,000 WEAVE RVILLt: $32,500. three bedroom, one and hajf baths, kitchen and dining room upstairl finished basenient with family room. rec. room, half-bath. At tached garage WEAVE RVILLt $32,500. Three bedroom, ona bath, fireplace, full basement. Rear deck, carport. WEAVE RVILLE: $31,500. Neat, near nw brick and framt rancher, three bedroom, ona bath, carport drive-in basement. Corner lot UNDER $43,000 WEAVE RVILLE - HOME WITH INCOME. $39 500. Livt in immaculate six room, two bath main dwllin. Rent adjoining three room, bath cottage for additional income. Utilm Urge garage for car. ttorage and utility Build additional two unit apartment on re mainder of property tor MORE INCOME. Mutt be Men ta be appreciated. WEAVE RVILLE: $43,500 (Reduced from $45,000), Charm-1 ing older atone and frame owemrg wun large wrap around front porch and rear pat. Four tiedroom. two baths, dimng room, two stone fireplaces. Basement located on two acre lot. Excellent garden space. ';;"." WADE HUEY SALES MANAGER r ; . After Jjnel Gieer - . Clay Jerkins j " i - Wade Huey Im a lull and complete description, as well as upon a plal entitled. "A Right of Way .Survey liu a Con do m in i ii m A pa i t 111 en t I'liijeot. Woll Laurel. K I e v e n I li Township, Madison ( 'mint y . N C . I .gy pt Township. Yancey i ounty , N C , I'i epai ed by Ma I lirson , Hint and - soi latrs. March. l'lTil' in ol ded in Plat Hook 2 I 'age HIT. Madison ( mint y Iv rg l st i y . to w III! b l .t.T ith r is bel rby Inade lol a lull and roniplrtr drs. I Iptloll 1 Ins salr as ahoy r srt birth yy il I hr madr stibjert tu taxes libs. tu. Til to the yeai I '.hi and drrlai all. in ol pi oteetiy c , iiyrnants. i rstnctions and i rsri y at ions ol I ecu d. i ci i, i ded in the Madison I ounty Registry in 1 eed Hook '', at Page .'144. and in the Yancey (ounty Registry in li.vd Hunk liW. at Page 12(1, and the highest bidd.T will be r ( j 1 1 1 1 i'i! tu di'imsd with the I I ustee at the tune of the side t,y i ash oi . t-rt 1 1 it'.l check in the amount ol ten pel cent ol the hid This thr : I si day ,,l .lanuai I'i,. i Hi ll I, I) 1S Sllbstltulr I I ustee I tu .'-ti. lil. 2(1 i he ADMINISTRA I IKX NO I K I IN I 111 (.KNKKAI ( Ol It I III .11 STICK st I'KKIOK ( (II H I DIVISION SI MI Ol NOKTH CAROLINA ( (II NT Y Ol M DISON II, nun', tualilied as Ad nunistiati i o I the I-'. state ol I i nest I 1 . ush ,,l Madison I mil y . I tins is to not il y all ;m i sons h.n ing i lauir ai'allist lb. Kstate ol said I-1 nest 1 1' lie I ish , lo pi esrnl thrui In Ihr lind.T sign r d within . iiiontlls tioiii thr dalr ol piihli, alum ill this not I, r i,l I lir s.unr will br ;dr. .drd in hai ,d thru l.s i,v rl Ml ;kt sons indebted In said 1 -I at . please Ilia kr I 1 1 1 mediate payment 1 his i':ii-d day ,,l Jan l'l, a Mrs (ll,ys Hughs!, Route it M.u s I III I. N i 2HT54 I (li 2 I. , I I .' 0 p d & TV Service t Antennas A Specialty - Ph. 649-2912 C?B Jt?r Hours'. Ty S ARE YOU VULNERABLE TO LOSS' N,,, ll.HI-., M. I, I,' hum down l..d.,y . , ..ul. I y,,u al I I.. I'T'I -y'111 -a hi , 'in y I mil pui ; it. i ii" I,, I, -. ' -a '-.' ul, 1 .. l v. .1 lli. y . '- ."I. I ........ .1 1 . l ' 1 1 , i , I, .an.- , ' . .i - Ty ,l. I . .1.1 " I ... . . i'i.-- Kl VOl K I K NOW We hny. mh ey , t-llent ch.'tte ,! h"iu. in "Dos wood K r, . -' Kcagan I'ark' mid ' y i!i,.fei I'ark ' at prices Muring n luw as S-a lKKI. HI - ami convenient monthly pavments tan be arranged on vour beleetion. m ( Dial 645-3027 BJJB 29 N. Main St. I 1 Wuvtrviltt Ls-J FARM MACHINERY & CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT Feb. SALE THIRD SATURDAY EVERY MONTH 07 TRACTORS too 300 IMPLEMENTS NEW & USED EQUIPMENT OF ALL KINDS ..... s, ,,; A I I ...,.m. ... Int., I . n S.I. I..I - nl ..I I ......m. n. H. I" Ilal.r. A lli.l. xlual. VKM IVI II'MIM IMIIIKUI H.HI I'MIM MlMM.l H I ls M I I.PTUI. HMM. lllyl.UMy iMTIVf. I rll-nl I tNMl.iig A I iiImjmIimc farililH. LOCATION: Three Miles East of Maryville, Tennessee on Hwj. 441 Everett Auction Co. Rout 3, Moryvill. Tonn . 9839557 SovlorvHU. Unn. 453-7909 CoL Un Everett Aactioneer, Tenn. lie Ro. 565 Col. Bin Everett. Auctioneer, Tenn. Lie. Ko. 5S9 f, ro ti.l " . - . -' I - or vou owi. I I CM.1TOOT' J - 7 1 TJ rcr ir,.; ' ' s, ''' J!" I - - f MANAGING YOUR MONEY h n, ,I,A, I' lal,!,-- lo n. I ,i y , ,ii iii.d y , , 1 1 1 , . v. i. ,, . a, .,..,,,,1,1,.. .-. ,i Ii ll, la .. ' ll t I I,, II. mi.- Iii-,u,.,,i, .- I ,,l..i..,l.l H'.yr H I -r-y lil,; ,..' , ,1, !,. , ,1,1 ,1 ,r. hi, ll. II-, III. ,,', 1,1 -,, I,', 'v ' Im,' '"!' I IHI DAMAGE Krlweeli I'lti and l't.l Ihr iinl ol hi, use iliaiuh'li.itu I' and ..pan' in, per i nil 1 ; EDGEWOOD t RES I AURAN1 . , , 111', M t r i u i in i y sh. tille N l 111 l .lkl.isl I MI'I I ; 'supprl ,,..,',' ; hi i.i i h mi m SIHIH I OH I ll US ' , is ' J sM)VM( Ills ,'' ' .,' ! 1 HdMI MADI I'll ;.:,.;;; ; air , , ,, , CONDITIONED , , () ,,. i I pcn ti :i in III p in ,. ,. J,! , , ..! ' All Types of II MATERIALS : i., i " c ii.. , i n. hi, ' ' ' ' samples ' "' '' " ' ' '-'' 1 In. Iiiiluu' .,, , my I I- ahrirs sliir.l ' lo'il-1 ,'in ir'"" I I lli I I'lustl.s Of I 'ii till' Tf t tf s ),, . iiiii.iii II,, , in ii,,- ,., II I rec I.stiiiiiites hiking ., ,1,-, In, i ihh- ,,n y,,,u J J nrinR Samples I'"1" '" l,v no "''is'iik i". ! n -(,ur .,lIlt. ihi. h, iins , y,,,i ;,,, '. V ia rs Kx peritnce ;!::' ':;,,.,;r : wright's !! I IM01.STKKIN(i 'a,Mr"hiiVin.,y'i '.i'.' J SKKV1CK i'l..'"'''.';!,..''''...'..'',..'.'!. I'h-ne M&-J612 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 r . . v. i , . -1 s h,.v.- ir..n,.-.i 6MainStrcel lh.- h.u.l yy.iy , il . .a, hi imsm I I () KllX 574 , dillrr.'i.r,' I, . -ii lull , WKAVJ. KVH I K. N. ( In se vTf Ilium i 15, 1975 10:00a.m. Max Evertt 9S3-U29 V Jim Hitch ? 3-2315 Ci:i Everett "IC J C? " . , , r :, r " WHIP INFLATION NOW! HELPFUL IDEAS BE A THRIFTY MOTORIST Whrlher you've hre" . 1 1 . v 1 1 1 1 lor I U iliivs or Kl yrios il yoio i,l,r, lur is saving iiiiuii-v kn.m ,1,. a lev, busies III... ill Im " ill I '. r and III. ..Ill ..I II V"U I al I- ' maximum rliiTe,y anil - M I " I ' , Ihr k.-y I I, m- , a ill -la.' al. ,e. ,,,,,, o,..,i . Traill oil III.-, halo, a ,a- h.-.-li I' llllialr.l l'.', , oielc hi. .-I oil' I. "I" -i '' I, ,1,1 , .. I 1 . 1 1 , . 1 1 1 Hi I ir ,i, ; I I,, m, -ul,,. ii lh.- . ii-'l i' r yy.-.i 'U"i i. -I w i "I,' . i" -y - " ,1.1, h. ,.,I. I hi a , li.,,,l la 111 ' .a (.,. I. I'-'h ., I ' '. I . '.... I . I. 'I 'I ( Morihell, fJ.C 706! 3627 Phon M9-2333