TO rn Volume 74, Number 6, Mar shall, V C 15 CENTS PER COPY March l',,M97 Truman Wyatt Fatally Shot ; Kenneth Kenneth Nell Manwell, M, of Weavemlle is out on a $10,000 bond from the Buncombe Count) jail m the shooting dtttth of Trunuin Wyatt, 49, of I ixly Branch (toad of Cody Branch Koad in Marshall Max ell. who is charged with first tegree murder, was arrested about 4 p m Wednesday uf last week (in I I S 19-2.' just after Wyatt was sh'it in the chest with a 38 cahbcr pistol, according to the Buncombe Comity Sheriff's IVIars Hill Gets $1,750 Grant W A Ml I N l. I ) N ( oiu'rrs.siiiar) Hoy A Taylor I : ni i announced the ap proval of .i grant of $18,75X1 from the Knv ironniental I'lotei turn Agency to the I own Mars 11.11 for wustowitcr trealment works , on.sli in lion Meeting On Controversy A public meeting on nuclear power and lis alternatives will ! held on Saturday, March ij at I'M , Asheville ItiTisti alien is from 8 .10 9 110 . . Hj Mi ,, ,i fliKir The program will in i link' "Xpert speakers on all phasi s d nuclear power . cTnoihic and the electric i ales effects of nuclear plants .ii health, eti . in the morning, and a session on alternatives in nin leai power especially M'lar enei gv in the afternoon Theie will be ample op ;.rtunitv (oi , illens to ask am question or any aspect of the problem I 'lograms have 'en mailed "lit to some civic ,'id ninicnt I that leaders, but ill interested Beta Omega Holds Annual Awards Banquet Hela i 'mega held lbs second annual awards banquet .Saturday night. Feb at the Grace Restaurant in Ashev ble Ml chapter memleis were present along with husbands as well as sjiecial guesLs The Welcome was given by SANDY LIST receives Beta Omega's first DIANA Award for Outstanding Service To The Community. Presenting the award is Pat Franklin. ' ' H' ' c - H Q W CHOSEN AS "OuUtanding Girl for 1975" was kathryn Boone. Shown with her is last years Out standing Girl. Joyce Plemmons. Department An investigator said that an argument between Wyatt and Maxwell began after their trucks "bumped" about half a mile north of N (.'. 197 in the Flat Creek section The spokesman for the depart ment said he doubted the shooting was provoked solely by the accident Deputies said Wyatt was found lying next to the center line of the highway A ham mer was found about six in ches from the victim's right hand, the officer said Wyatt was the father and grandfather of a Candler man and son who died in a traffic accident just west of Aslievillc on February lti FT N KRAI. SATURDAY Funeral .services for Wyatt were held at 2 .')() p in Saturday at Crapevine lia)tist church, of which he was a member The Kevs Arthur Hensley and Dear I Amnions officiated Hunal was in Bowman -Rector Cemetery Pallbearers were KLsberry, David and Russell Wyatt. David Mi Fee. l-awrencc Taylor and I jirry Carpenter Kmployes of the Madison County Rescue Nuclear March 15 citiens will take time to at tend all or part of this program It is an ideal op portunity for citizens of Madison County, who will be direi ily aifecled by the proposed nui leai plan. :d Sandy Mush, to inform themselves about this most important issue Those who are in a position of leadership, especially, owe it to them selves and to the citizens of this county, to become as informed as possible about all tl- consequences of such a plant before endorsing its construction We hope that Madison County will have a good showing on March 15th I he program is sponsored by I arolinians for Safe Fnergy President. Kathryn Boone Invocation was given by Donna Rice Chaplain Following dinner several awards were presented Sandy list received the DIANA Award, which represents the Distinguished International Academy of '4 ft TRUMAN WYATT Sq ll.lli Welt' hollo I a I pallbearers A lifelong icsidenl "1 Madison County, he w ,i employed b the Madis..:, t ounty Rescue .Squad Siii v , villi; arc the widow Mrs Ifc.ruthy Hi van V y.itt a son. I an y Wyatt ol Mai shall the mother. Mrs Reubin Wyatt of Marshal! thice Music Fcstirnl At Hot Springs March 22 First Annual ( otinli y Mum. festival at Hot Springs Si boo! will be held March L7 al , p us admission - Adults $1 students 50c Anyone interested in pe: f orm nig for this I est i y a , please call t:'2 -.!'.?.'.: w eck .lay s before I) p in Attend J -J )inner In Kaleili Among those attending the Jefferson-. lai kson Day Dinnei in Raleigh on Saturday night were Mrs I Y I'onder. Ml and Mrs Warren Fonder eno Fondei . Marvin Hail. Jackie Hall, and Kepieseii laUve I xston H Ramsey . all of Madison County . and Mi and Mrs Thomas Adams ,,) Raleigh Noble Ai hievement DIANA is Hie award given by Fpsilon Sigma Alpha to women. Outside the Sorority Sandy is a home health nurse w ith the Hot Springs Health Program She was given this award fm her outstanding servn e to the people of Madison County She IIVW KATHRYN BOONF presented Dean Shields with Beta Omega's Zeus Award designating him as the "Man With 4(1. (KM) Sweethearts "' RECEIVING First Pearl awards are Ruth Deal. Christine Lister. Billie Lynn Roberts, and Jenny ( odv. brothel s. Dei m hi and Umald Wyatt of V eav erv ille and Auburn Vtatt of Mai Ma n s In ugh ter Sen ten ce Is 1 1 u lit i i . mi Ihursd.u "I laiislam'titi'i in Ion, ib Masses 1 i iday to not Ml I.V ,1 l, week ut deaUl m Let the senteni e'l than 1.' ' e than 1 - e teiiti.ny idee Han ale ot :n I! -tat. Mai tin 'In III. a! telIM o ' i.; e m : appeal . hi i t HuM yy . I el. stl dv iiimI f 1 peal am e boie Hunter. ..I ir. A . I l eek sc. lion w as Iliv c s!; ui k Ma -sev -ndci son Hi ii.h h w Itll a pipe dul ilif cation 1 lee '.' :. l'c'-t e.l lo -I Ihe t alter ml ol a business p. ii e mi Maha 11 bypass H niter is ebari'ed with assault $7tt Million Refunded In N. Carolina ( .1(1!. NSlii iRi i 1 iiu in;: the Ml st se en weeks ol this v eal ".ore than $58 million in re l ft Ulidcil ... r e,.c, .,; 1;.. ' ' 1 ' ' taxpayers in Noi th ( al olina an average uf $1111 XT lefund .s of l-eb Tl moie than .1.9.011(1 Noi th t .ii olii.ians h,,, tiled t he li Hid I idua I 1 'i . I l edelal Li I etui lis a .'I percent in lease o el ! be s,iine T last eal ! HS is processing I etui lis ,.t tastei i.ih than last yeai letuni!- arc mailed to taxpayers about fiye weeks alter the i et in n is i e. eiy ed it no ei i oi s ,, e lound vsides in the Hayes Km i (immunity w ith hoi husband I Idle and their two, hildren Dean Shields was presented the 1H75 A'us Award I he .eus ward is Bi'la l Hnega s way ot hmo ring some man in the i ommuiiitv w ho has helped the chapter in some way. or u.d V- II UmI. v., !! m scire i.l Vdlev .ilof 1a 12-15 Years Ml 1. II Massey. a in the Fox Hunters Organize; Officers IN'amed V-pl o l llllel Hum .'in i ouuties Mais 111 Mad. last I boo yelk il til. bull hi "Oil, new toy tlo,, Ihe and oi t'.niieil biintei s assin pleV lolls ..I gal bee II I I '. e lilood Pressures To Be Taken In County ! he American IC'd I ': i" in Madison Countv Liml ol the sky Nutritional site will take i i I p i ess-ii es at t he billowing loiations and tunes, it was announced this week This is a free program and the goal is to help find and icier potential hypertension ;i sons I he schedule lollows Marshall I-ceding Station, to .' IK' M. 11 11 111' a II Mais H,!l feeding M.i I ib 11 1 i 01 a ll, Stat' to . is wehonit who has done something outstanding lot the i cm iiiunitv He is general manage! of Radio Station WMMH Mr Shields has donated muih time and effort to help the sorority develop and produce publicity for their philanthropic projects He has been instrumental in ail pliases of the production of the annual (finsUnas pageant dona t in g in ui h time and money .loyie Plemmons presented the Outstanding Girl Award to Kalhry n Boone Mrs Boone was chosen by her sorority sisters for her outstanding contributions to the chapter activities this year She is a charter member, and has served as Treasurer V. d u i a t 1 1 1 n a I D i r e ( tor Philanthr ipii Director and is currently President of her chapter .She will represent Beta Omega in state com Hea y Snow s Fall In County Sunday Sno' Sunday in Madison I ounty ard Western North (jrolina necessitated closing o schools and cancelling ot several churrti services In rart of 'he county Spring Creek snow reached a depth of 7 4 inch while m other parts o( th county only two inches er reported Schools remained closed in Madison County on Tuesday du tc th conditio of roads No serious wrtcki wer nTxirted but several of the roads nd highway were sltck. causing many motortflU b qur kly put on dhains lunddaughtci i.Miian 1 uiu-i C a in at ion , a s Mi, .ui Ma hson i .unity inters -ssoeiatioi: I al loan I o he follow IIU' oil H i I i te.l .l.ll Clair. pies nald Mi K i uric v sideiit. Fmei y M I eta rv treasiii ei h i.t ntelested lev lung to join II mid i iiiitail .omi otfl, el h '.lilt el s gloup inembei MeiM wff;:-. 'r'Ar' :rwMJ n., Asheyblenospital if 1 I J t-f 1 nt t r s' 60 County Homes Repaired Last Year Under HRP I ast I .inly ' y I ' HI) Madis were repair using Rep, (iiu ding iv chairman :e Hi I'rograin I leinpsey Woe the Housing n i it tec Mi Repair t ii. Woody turth st. I itod that almost LM.O homes on during .gram has ha tin v e teen worked years this pr operating en I bis y tin ouni 1 i .r pel prugium. established Huial Ivvelopment and Hie l )j. port unity nation of Ma liseii Mil hi- I' IS oetitlo b Ml, first ; Billie at i oliventi me mhers i e i ir 1 awards i b Mill Hotwrts I'y VI el I i ,h Huth I ical and Chr: stiru lister Two men; be r 1 rei eiv ed First I Vegree 1'allas thcne awards They were kathryn Boone and .lenr.y ( ody Thosj- Sei ond I icgree I'allas Athene wen Joyce Cieminons nna Mai Tipton and Donna Kice Jovn and nna Mae also s i e.! their Third Degree Diahctt's Scrt'cnin At lars Hill Madison , lepartmiT t with t he ; i ondui te,1 y Hfddb (s,(eration e r sonnel di a bet es A vTeening Sw itch 1- ebruarv progran, at Micro -, Mars Hill on ?fi 19"5 'Her thre hundred empbyees upri tested Any industry t agencv interested in a program of this type may iaii the Madison County Health I lepartment for information Diabetes screening is available each Friday at the Health Dartmerd upcm request for anyone hc ,s not a known diabetic Boosters Club To Meet Here Thursday The Madison Boosters Club will meet this Thursday night Mart i at th French Broad EMC lobby Th meeting will bcgM at 7 JB a'ciock and all laembm arc unfed to attend Maxwell Charged I Home was fmvmmmmtig. '';v " r- ft ..' y a G ,, A). L'"biiim ill - -1 ' ' ' I L:2ammtmmr'aiM&--bmlakii TIIIS WAS A HAPPY SCKNE one day last week in the band rehearsal nxnn at Madison High School. Band Director Bill Stell retei ed a $:00 check from Mis I Howell of Mais Hill, president of the Mars Hill Woman's Club. She t.ld Mr Stell the uift vas an expression of appreciation for the outstanding work he has done in founding the band and de eloping it thus far during the first year of the new consolidated high school's operation. She also stated that she and the other members of the club hope that their gift will encourage other persons and other organizations to make similar contributions toward the support of the band program Mr Stell accepted the check with thanks and added that the band program needs all the support it can get. r igm-d to I arm .urage the use Home .Vi llous 1 1. g 'he' reason in : Ir.ii u.r I I (1 la.'ll . I- . ' .dy low mi on.e ( on Id not quab' v ..HI loan ale ass; stall! c ll oil. Hqiall I'll. grain ell.phaslcd that I tile program w a bouse Warmer i ttiat I pan s only persons who 'oi a alG or bgible lor the Housing Mi Woody the purjxise as to make r s.iter and to improve thi , earallce of the bouse i-al.not n made I- .iiubng t mi this r.i ogi a;ii oiiies fi on. t be i . immunity Si i y 1 1 e s d :n i n i s t r a 1 1 u n ! met iy i 'tlii e ut Ki onomn I ';.() binity and from Low 1 flcoin. Hous.liL, I .eyeiopinent i "i poratioii 1 be ilult V. mi k 1 vper iciice I 'i ogi am oper ated by I .and of the Sky Hcgior.a. i ouni . ! iimislh's t he r ew w hii fi is super y iseif by Km he I Ic 1 'arker , an employ ee of 1 he ' p(ortunity I orjx. ration I he IT us, ng H epa ir i ommittec i onsist- of Mr Woody of the Bluff i oin i: ninity Mrs irec Cav ne of Mead, w f ork Mrs Kha ' ow ai ,'. ,f ; pper Spring : tvk Mis 1 arrv I'hilhps of . : a ssy (reek Mrs i ima He'.sli y Nflli orn and the tiairmar, of the Kurai irn n Mi Manuel Briscoe .( Mars Mill This comnuttee iT.eets ;ieriHii( ally to act on a;nln ations for repair work and establish guidelines for the program ' JH ' J - - "f .s- Al'Gl'ST 17. I94 will Umg b remrmbrrrd in Marshall whrat the Freach Broad River went on a rampage, caastag thousaads of dollars damage to Marshall. Above pictures show bow high tbe river was at the Marshall depot and ho the I pper Bridge looked approaching tbe "cotton mill". To make repairs or f urination 1 ' 1 e in in o n application for for more in contact Jerry 1' r o g r a m Traffic Mishaps Decreased Last ear K AI .hu ill The per centage of traffu mishaps reported in North Carolina for 1 J 7 4 . decreased compared w ith that of the previous y eai ( omnnssioner of Motor Vehicles Jake Alexander a n n o u n c e d t o d a v IVelinnnan data shows a 4 KTeent drop m accidents from 197!!." be said Traffic aci idents dwindled in all months during 1974, as opposed to those of 1973. ex eept for the holiday and vacation months of August. September, November and December AiT'orduig to the 1974 data, injury accidents dec lined 4 1 percent Accidents involving fatalities were the lowest ir. ten years They were '.7 1' ;ercenl less than the ;tT' ! ig u re 1' mishaps showed a ' perient decrease while xilestnar 'atabties fell 17 ' 'T . '". ' :h ' i ease from 1973 wire hii . ,. accidents They rose a tremendous 30 percent J s- .Supervisor at The OpiK.rtunily Corporation offices in the Marshall ( (immunity Center The phone number is i.4!-32;il during the i4', 4 jienod and pitsis! definite oncern among safety admiru stlators I if reported mt..n cl. an merits, there w a.s an 8 iK''.'. riMc hut motorcycle abilities decreased by ;( cent Oyer all with lower sjx'ed limits and i educed trav el oi, North Carolina highways, the baffle accident pictuie is better for North Carolinians " stated Charles Hensley. Dire -tor of Traffic Records He added. Safety must continue to be the business .1 i',er,ie who uses our high- No T Bill rut' No true tali was returned by the grand jur last week in the case of Orover Ponder and Coriley Caiforth, charged with ehs-tion laws v loiations, it was announced this week by Judson Kdwards. clerk of superior court

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