!. a I (Juui. tv L 1 i . . i " hcrshell, N . C 2875? TO 6-19 Volume 7-1, Number 7, Marshall, V ( . 15 CENTS PER COPY March 13, 1975 Nuclear Controversy Meeting To Be Held Saturday Carolinians For Safe Knergy, Asheville, are sponsoring a public meeting Saturday, March 15th at UNC AsheviUe, Science Building The morning session, 9-12:15, includes three speakers on the nuclear power issue and a panel discussion The af ternoon session, 1 45-4 15, includes a citizen's workshop and two speakers on Energy Alternatives The afternoon session will be followed by a reception to which the public is invited The morning session opens with Jesse Riley, MS Chemistry, speaking on the Economics of Nuclear Plants and their effect on the electric utility rates Mr liiley is a member of the Carolina Environmental Study Group in Charlotte. CESG is the main client in the North Carolina Civil Ijberties Union McGuire suit challenging the right of Duke Power Company to build nuclear reactors on Lake Norman near Charlotte The suit raises the question "does nuclear power pose an un conscionable threat to human life-"' Allen M Moore, Ph D , Dept of Biology, Western Carolina University, will speak on the effects of radioactive substances on living organisms Dr Moore is co-author with H T Odum and Ixiwrence A Burns of a model of pathways of radioactive tritium in a rainforest ecosystem Chauncey Kepford, PhD Chemistry, Chatlman York Committee For a Safe En vironment, Penna Dr Kepford has testified twice :'f, if I A Ik f : rr KFLLY DAVIS, of Marshall, was honored last Sunday morning at the Mar shall Baptist Church on his enviable record of attending Sunday School for .'" consecutive years without missing a single Sunday. This means that Mr. Day is has attended Sunday School either at the Marshall Kaptist Church or Mime other church for 1.300 consecutive Sundays. Pictured above, left to right, the Rev. Spencer T. Le(irand, pastor, who presented a pin; Mr Davis (shown holding Bible and 25-year "ladder"; and Wade Huey, teacher of Uhitehurst Bible Class, who presented the honoree with a new red letter Bible (l iving Bible Translation) in behalf of the members of the class The morning ser ice was dedicated to Mr. Davis for this splendid record Summer Jobs In Forests Available More than 500 young people will get summer jobs working on conservation projects on National Forests in the South. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico, Regional Forester F Lroy Bond said today Bond said there will be at least one Youth Conservation Corps iYCC) Camp on National Fjrest lands in each of the 11 states in the Southern Region of the Forest Service. U. S Department of Agriculture Some states will haw more than one camp, he said. The YCC program will start in mid-June and run for six to nine weeks. It is open to boys and grls aged 15-11 and the basic pay rate is $11 a day Yoang people are eligible if they meet the age requirements, have no history of serious criminal or anti before the Joint Committee of Atomic Energy regarding possible modifications to the lYice Anderson Act He will address the issue of liability insurance of the nuclear in dustry and public protection An afternoon's Citizen's workshop will afford people an opportunity to discuss ways of Uikmg action to bring the nuclear question to our legislators An unusual slide presen tation on Solar Energy will be given by Mrs Helen P Bird, Solar Energy Services, of H e n d e r s o n v 1 1 1 e . The presentation will show actual solar heating systems in use today Mrs Bird has been Methodist Women Met With Mrs. Tom G. Wallin The United Methodist Women of the Marshall church held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs Tom (1. Wallin, Walnut High way, on Wednesday evening, March 5 Mrs J I,. McElroy discussed Dr Leslie I) Pancake Supper In Mars Hill Wednesday Members of the Mars Hill United Methodist Church will sponsor a family pancake supper on Wednesday, March 19, from 5 to 8 p.m. Plates are tl for children and $1 M for adults The public is uivited m m m "is social behavior, have a social security number and work permits in states where such permits are required The program is financed by federal funds and federal camps will be located on lands administered by the Depart ment of Agriculture and the Department of Inte-ior There also will be camps sponsored by the States under federal grants Bond Service said most Forest camps in the south will be co-educational and the average camp will have 24 to SO enrollees. There are three categories of camps - non residential, S-day residence yo home for weekends i and seven-day residential Applications may be ob tained from the recruiting agent in each state recepient ol many awards tin her conservation wink in (lulling the l.nveiniir u Honda's Award as (tut standing Conservationist " the Year in 1117(1 Kobert S Cole, Ph I) . Dept of Physics, UNC-Asheville will sum up the program with a discussion of Energy Options to Nuclear Power I ) Cole has a past record of out standing environmental work with the Siena Club and the North Cascade Conservation Council m Washington State The day long program will be followed by a reception for the speakers and the citizens attending the meeting Weatherhcad's book. Life Begins at Death '' As predicted, this subject proved not gloomy or forbidding, hut very uplifting and hopeful and helpful The general theme was "an Easter Serendipity," serendipity defined as the gift of finding valuable or agreeable things not sought for - a bonus, such as finding liappiness in vum own back ard In the business session, Mrs Wallin, president announced the date of the district meeting of United Methodist Women. April 27, 2 HO p in . at Croc e United Methodist Church. Asheville A leport on the Yokefellow I'nson Ministry was made, and announcement of tile World Day of Praver observance at St Luke s Catholic church in Asheville on March 7 Criminal District Court Here A two-day term of District court for the trial of criminal cases is now in progress here The term started Wednesday of this week with Judge C Walter Allen presiding Prosecutors are Clyde M Roberts and James T Rusher Over 230 cases are listed on the trial docket for the two day non-jury term Approximately 43 rases of DUI" - Driving Under In fluence are on docket, seven reckless driving cases. 67 speeding cases. 11 driving while license revoked. 13 breaking, entering and lar ceny cases, 11 public drunkenness, and various other violations plus several non-support case Madison County lly 1.1) SI'F.AKS ( Hii n Staff Writer Madison County Hik'1 .School's I'.yiiiiiasiuiii was tilled with appioximately 18h i itiens who aired a variety of rnev allies at increases m then electric bills by French Brood Klcctric Membership Corporation here Tuesday night Some told ol bills jumping to as much as $1111) per month for a woman whose total income was little over $200 when the PORTIONS of an estimated 1800 people are pictured above at the protest meeting held Tuesday night in the gymnasium at Madison High School here. Uthough it looks like fans at a basketball game, it Social Services To Hold Public Hearing Monday A public hearing on social services needed by Madison County citizens will be held Monday. March 17, at 1 p m in the l.iston Ramsey Building in Marshall I be Madison County Divarlment of Social Services will ('induct the hearing to determine what services are to be provided under the new federal legislation known as Title Iwenty 1XX1 This law, signed by President Kurd on January LI I. allows the states mui h more freedom in determining what kinds of se r n es a re provided its citizens All citizens and organizations interested in services to families, children, dLsahled and elderly are asked to attend and give their views I he intent of the law is to give the states and local governments an oj)xirtumty to lei more social services to n ior i x-oplc The Dcparunent if s.ni.il Services has been giv en the job of doing this The sen i es offered must be li: ei led towar d five areas 1 ' "homo .Self -Support, s. II Suf f k leni v . 3 I lilncLtruss I i'stivnl Si mi mi ua I 1 will be ds Musk aty i . ss V est iv at ( rossro lark ttween Shelby kings Mountain on Mar and h 28. ."j and 30 The park has facilities for indoor or outdoor sr ws with heated auditorium if needed f Hi: LIBRARY WINDOWS for March again show local crafts In the left window there is a Family Quilt made by Mrs. Lura Cogdill which is a record ol birth and marriage dates of father, mother, children and grandchildren, their hobbies are even included. There is also a Rose Quilt made by Mrs. Willa Duncan, a Cathedral Window Quilt made by Mrs. (.ladys Kamse- andan antiquequilt pieced in IK93 by electi'K coop's tui'lier lates were begun in .human after their wholesale supplier, ( arohna Lower and I .lght ( o , increased its rates to h rem h liroad KMC Organizers ol the protest announced plans to seek an KMC agreement to allow a delay in paying the higher hills until the federal (xiwer commission can act on a state wide appeal for relief At torney Ronald Howell, acting as secretary at the session, Protection of children and adults from abuse and neglect. i4i De institutionalization to the greatest extent possible: i5l Institutional placement and services as needed Von can help determine the services necessary to meet these goals by attending the hearing K Ifr-JUr.' jaia in, 1 KAI.PH M. LEE. of Mars Mill, was honored by members of the Madison County Board of Education at their meeting on March :i Mr l ee was presented a plaque which read "With appreciation for outstanding and dedicated service as a member of the Madison Counts Board of Education. 1971-7.1. IWt to right. Bobbx Ponder, Dedrick Cod. Emorv Wallin Bill Roberts. Mr. Lee. said il then- is no granted dcla . he would see it a judge could be found who would sign a court order torcing such a delay Slate Hep Claude U lfiulil ot Candlei dis usscd steps Ijcing taken by the Attorney ieneral's olllec and ( lenei al Vssembly to repeal authorization ol the fuel ad justment clause winch has ligured in higher rales charged by utilities which generate their own power was far from that. The grievances at increases seek relief. STATK 'andler HKPKKSKNTATIVF Claude DeBruhl. of ( i:ird District) is shown explaining to the crowd which the problems, causes and suggested action should he made in seeking reliel from the increase in electric hills Mrs. Jasper Ebbs and displayed by her grand daughter. Ms. Thelma Gardner. In the right window is a display of afghans. Six of them were crocheted bv Mrs Louise Huey. one was crocheted by Mrs. Agnes Amnions and one was knitted by Mrs. Edith Queen l-eake Two were made by Mrs. Lindsey. the mother of Mrs. Arline Tweed when she was 97 years old Rates He il ! Ill.lt Ibe I e., nut I ' -1 1 1 i 1 1 1 ' l , i ! c a ontl ol ' lei ! c Kip. I .lll'.i I ,.t!ie! .(. I!,. 1 'Lliti.-s ' Old ad ised that lo p lac '. I ay lol olid 1 ' S Sen w 1 1 Moi can ! i milai teo in liw t' '.. ..bum icllrf llMli t,,. 1 'I ll.l'.llllil also ,! ,.ett liollld be dl! ei le'l low.il d making C legal 1 01 LI A i ooperat l es to ; Hi i for ' power 1 1 oi 1 1 TV A I he wale; from our mountains." be said. crowd gathered to express in their electric bills and to MA Protested , eiale- powei to :igli! w it h us evei y month, and that Know a : 1 1 1 i o ui i 1 appL all information on our operations if VS.-, ten, North i ai ilina i! available h1 any person." ..: !! ii! -oi 'i.c mission L.i m e Ll.illips. o' Kt 2 Mars " e Hi II. assistant ii un ipal of the I'll': .' ' sag'-s High School, presided and was ii'iii be;, ia- . ii, !tv antboried to continue as 'h': K..I. 1 cm 1 ...vim. 'bairnian He said foliow-up 'I ' .'i. par , Aitb meetings will te called as 'in mill ' ii.' pow.-i , : 1 1 iim.staiK es warrant n.ii . ' i M hei mem hers of the I 'ia .1 U-.u-.x '' ! ;i'h ' "iiiiiiittee un lude, Frank Kox a I i n ! iv .. I ! ''( 'iui.t ! and Cheevei Metcalf. both of .ed U 't ii"1' -vim Ko, ite .1 .Mars Hill, and Leggy :a I . ' .i'-s la v .v. 'i it..- M. .belts of 1(1 2 Leicester I.' N i ' d 1 I:.. . !: .! I it-Hi ulJ set the tone for the !! !n.d ai'P' a, .. ,. i I' ! a 'ii' i ti'.g by ailvisuig that the reliel II. explain d tb.it tl.. 'Hobliiii i oiild not lie solved dii'stcn include mm liom bv lusty, unwise or militant Madison ( uiinty one tn.m ,n1ion and ( ailed for "a I'liinii i uiilv. i.nn on. Muse ,d pulling together in the from Lulu ombe iwo from .ame spirit used in building Mm hell I'liiriC. and threi tins fine high school from Van' cy 'ounty. and Many questions were put each is paid only $i pel day loilhbv mdividuals that are to I an i authorized " tie said. be presented to French Broad to say that the ' protest i I M( officials comnuttee is welcome to meet SllW ABOV E is Rep. Claude Deunl holamg part of the estimated 10. W0 signatures on petitions seeking relief from current electric costs. On left is (heever Metcalf. of Madison (ounty, vho was partly responsible for starting action a week ago at a protest meeting near Mars Mill: and Richard Dick (.ilbert. newspaperman of Asheville, who assisted in arranging the protest meeting. Dairymen's To Be Held I lie ostei n North ( ai olma Dairymen's Conference has been set foi this Friday. March 14. at the W N ( Agricultural Center m Flet cher Activities will get un der w a v at 4 am w it b registration lopics for the morn i ng pi og i am mil ude . The A' ailabihty and use of Fert ihe and Agr ii cltural l hem K a Is U ,11 i hanging Feed I 'ru es Change I-ceding L r a i tires Mastitis Tn'atment and Guidelines' . aixi Feeiiing Colostrum to Dairy Calves " After lunch Formula Pricing and Milk Marketing in N C " and Plans to Meet Our Veterinary Manpower Needs will be disi ussi Frederick Wilde Dies From Auto Injuries Fredrick Neal Wilde. 8 y ear-old son of Mr and Mrs IVsey WUde Jr of Kt 6 Marshall i Walnut Creek i. died Friday. March 7, 1975. in an Asheville hospital from injuries received Wednesday of last week when he darted into the path of a passing car driven by Rankin Rice of the Sandy Mush section The accident, which occurred in front of the youth " wne. waa unavoidable, it was stated. He was a third grade student at Marshall School. He was a member of the Walnut Creek Baptist Church Junior Youth Choir Surviving in addition to the parents are five sisters, Mrs. Jackson Ramsey, Mrs R. B. Wilde. Mrs. Everett Gosnetl Jr. and Mrs. Ray Can tret of Marshall and Miss Lisa Wilde of the home; the paternal grandfather, Posey Wilde Sr. of Marshall; the maternal grandparent, Mr. and Mra. George Roberta of Marshall; and the paternal great grandmother, Mrs. Emaline Conference Friday Dr C I Honeycutt, Assistant Director of the Western Disease Diagnostic lab , will report on progress made by that facility. Featured speakers for the day will be Harry Silver, District .Supervisor TV' A Programs: Mark Wall. Spartan Quality Feeds Dr I )on Wesen, Dairy Husbandry Specialist, N CM Dr Fred Knot, Dairy Husbandry Specialist, SCSI' Bill Phelps. N. C I-arm Bureau, and Dr T M ( urtin. Department Veterinary Science. N C.S U All dairymen and others interested in the dairy in dustry , are cordially invited to atU'nd the Conference FREDRICK WILDE DOES Wikfc of Marshall. Services were held at IM pm. Sunday at Wain Craak Baptist Church, of whlck kt was a member. Tht Rem, Gerald Sprinkle. Emaey Ball. Jesse Sag and Ate Gafartk officiated. Bsrial was ia WUdt family cemetery. Pallbearers Dow mas Fanei ai Hume srac is charge el