herahal 1 m r , Dor! UJ Volume 74, Number 9. Marshall, N. C. 15 CENTS PER COPY March, 27, 1975 French Broad EMC Replies Hie Honorable Ronald W. Howell Attorney at Law P. O. Box 52 Marshall. N. C. 28753 Dear Mr. Howell: Your letter dated March 13, 1975 addressed to the Board of Directors and Managing Officials of the French Broad Electric Membership Cor poration was received in the Corporate Offices on Monday, March 17, 1975. The Corporation is pleased that the concerned consumers and members of the Co-op have asked you to represent them in presenting in writing the requests and questions raised in the public meeting held on March 11, 1975. Subsequent to the receipt of your letter on Monday, the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors and Managing Officials have gone over the requests and questions in detail, and have called and held a special called meeting of the Board of Directors for the purpose of considering the matters outlined. Due to the complexity of the operations of the Electric Membership Corporations, the complexity of the rate structure, and the present pending litigation before the Federal Power Commission, and due to the broadness of the questions raised by the con cerned customer, the Board agrees that a public meeting should be forthcoming. The EMC of Directors, the At torneys who represent French t.uu and 17 other Electric Co-ops' before the Federal Power Commission in con nection with the rate request by Carolina Power & Light Company, the rate experts who advised the Co-op Management and Directors as lo the rates required to meet the requirements of the Rural Electrification A d -muiistration, a representative of the North Carolina Rural Electric Co-op, a represen tative of the auditing firm who audit's the books of the Co-op, so as to have an expertise group who can discuss all the questions posed in detail Inasmuch as the Board of Directors are distributed over For God By VICTOR CASSIZII "TV God m tawd the Wrid, that be pn hit mdy togottca Son, that wtwoevw MtorcUi la him shodd aot pcrfeh, but hart everlasting kfet" John J II KJV Jtwu the Christ, the Son el Cod. came ki love U sm the world througl) hil wa suf- , tarmg lie knrrn rht be wmad stw be'arehnrvl, the per'. evtnn, C r ;-"-. on, and th'-r of cti J. the i of C -i r : ' t n from the four North Carolina Counties and One Tennessee County, served by the French Broad Electric Membership Corporation, and inasmuch as a number of out-of-town people will be required at the meeting, it is preferred that a day meeting be held. It is ' suggested that your group select a representative from each section of the system to represent the group at the above mentioned meeting. If this is not practicable, or possible, of course, a general public meeting would be required. As the French Broad Electric Membership is required to pay its power bill to Carolina Power & Light Company within 15 days of the rendering of the bill, the Co-op must have sufficient money on hand to meet these payments. The delay of 15 days incurs a 7 percent interest penalty against the Co-op. Members and consumers of the Co-op are allowed 15 days from the date of the billing to pay their bill at the net amount Payment thereafter is subject to the payment of their gross bill. Under current service rules and regulations a second 5-day notice is sent to the delinquent accounts, and when in arrears 25 days, a collector will call on the customer. The Board is aware that the large increase in current billing is placing a hardship upon certain con sumers. It has been, and will continue to be, the policy of the Board to consider any hardship case, and to work out an arrangement for paj-iic t It is the intent of the Board and Management to work with all of its customers to the best interest of all concerned; however, it is also the duty of the Board of Directors to maintain a strong, healthy, solvent Corporation for its members, to pay its bills, and meet the requirements of the Rural Electrification Ad ministration Management of the Co-op in its districts are authorized to consider the grievance of any member and consumer, and the Board has no objection to the concerned consumers appointing a grievance committee for the purpose of 3$$, 7jj S- I am the resurrection So Loved Gkry te become man of ft IWWl', . Jesui had ne earthly Erasure, ne family ef his own, o home, not evea a place to sleep. "Remember, 1 don't evea twa a place Is lay my head. Foxes have dens to live to, and birds hi re nests, but 1, the Messiah, have ne earthly home st aO." Luke I SI LB. He denied himself every earthly pleasart In order to bring redemption te mankind. Ey the Sfif of God Jesus reviewing any power bill which is alleged to be in error, and to make their report to the Management of the Cor poration for adjustment or correction as indicated. As you know, the Electric Membership Corporations are not permitted to buy power from the TVA. The N. C. Electric Co-op's must buy power either from Duke, Virginia Electric Power & Light Company, or from Carolina Power & Light Company, as none of them have their own generating facilities. Our Congressman and Senators should be made aware of our problems, so that the best thought can be used to solve this important problem. There is some hope that in the future the N. C. EMC's can generate their own power; however, this is a long term project, and will require enabling legislation, and, in addition, will require funding from some source. It is not likely that generation of electricity by the Electric Co op's in North Carolina could possibly alleviate the situation within the immediate foreseeable future. Prior to 1935 the large private power companies were only mterested in ser ving metropolitan areas where there was a high density of meters per mile of line. None were interested in serving the rural areas. In 1935 the State of North Carolina passed an Elec trification Act which set up a Rural Electrification Authority and provided the ertWiT; jlopiKlstion for the organization of Electric Membership Corporations. Letter To Taylor, Helms Cites EMC Dear Sir Please be advised that as an Attorney at I-aw in Marshall, North Carolina, I represent a large group of consumers who are members of the French andthclifc cMtn The World preached good news to the meek, comfort to the broken hearted; he proclaimed kbcrty to the captives, and eternal jadgment to the wicked. He taught love, even love for your enemies, mercy, forgiveness, and humility. , "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs . is the kingdom of heart. Blessed are those who mourn, for they ahsO be comforted. Blessed are the gentle, for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are This act provides that the Directors of a Co-op may be compensated not to exceed $30 for each day of their at tendance at meetings for which their attendance has been duly authorized. It also defines the powers of the Board, provides the terms and conditions of membership, prohibits discrimination as to rates or service, grants general and special powers, controls certain other aspects of the business of an Electric Membership Corporation. Prior to 1965 the substations, transmission lines, poles, buildings, trucks, equipment, and inventory of Co-op's were exempt from North Carolina County and Town ad valorem taxes. However, in 1965 the Act was amended, and now your Co-op is required to pay tax to each County and Town in which any part of its system is located. These tax rates are the same as the tax rates which you pay on your property. In addition, your Co op's are now subject to pay gross receipts tax of 6 percent. All of these taxes must be paid from the revenue's of your Co op. Your attention is called to North Carolina General Statutes Chapter 117, for the statutory provisions authorizing the creation of an Electric Membership Cor poration. The French Broad Electric Membership Corporation was organized under this Statute, copy of the original charter and amendments thereto being hereto attached. This charter and the arr:Pr;dnierJ ,, thereto are of public record in the corporate records in the Broad Electric Membership Corporation, which is a rural electric co-operative, providing electricity to por tions of Madison, Buncombe, Yancev and Mitchell Counties HOB those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied. Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy. Blessed are the pur in heart, tor they. shaO see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. Blessed are those wbe ha ve . been ,. persecuted for the sake of . righteousness, for theirs is the . kingdom of besven. I say to4. you, love yevr enemies, and pray for those who persecute Register of Deeds Office in Madison County. News media and press and the Carolina Country, which is received by every member of the Co-op, has extensively treated the question of power rates in North Carolina. The Public did not become in terested in learning of the situation until Carolina Power & light Company placed a . . r i runF. tit. xh ii THE MADISON HIGH FFA LAM) JUDGING TEAM placed first in the park way Federation at East Yancey high school on Thursday, March 20. The team will represent Madison and Yancey Counties in the State Land Judging meet to be held at Wadesboro, N. C. on April 5. Shown above are members of the team. Kneeling, left to right, Steve Cutshall, Stee Messer; standing, left to right, Steve-bums, Gary Moore, and Jack Cole, Advisor. Other Advisors are Garland Woody and Lamar Lunsford (not pictured). of North Carolina, and also a part of Unicoi County, Tenn. The North Carolina residents are, of course, your con stituents. This letter is written in their behalf you." Matt. 5 NAS. All that were brought to him in sickness were healed. The deaf heard, the dumb spake, the blind saw, the lame walked, and the dead were raised to fife. Jesus spoke in boldness and acted , in the ' power of God. not as the scribes and pharisees, the - religious leaders of his day. The people followed him and because of enty the scribes and. Pharisees continually ! . Ceaunard Is Page 1 . I substantial rate increase and passed on the Fuel Ad justment to consumers and wholesalers on or about January 2. 1975. The French Broad EMC and 17 other EMC's in North Carolina were purchasing power from CP&L under a contract, which did not expire until December 31, 1974 Under the contract these 1M ma Morgan, Cost Hike I have observed from the newspapers that you have perhaps received letters on this subject which wore of a general nature. In this letter. I hope to solicit your support in taking immediate and specific action to alleviate the problem facing a sizeable portion of the above counties. The roup of consumers, above referred to. met at the Madison County High School on Man h 11. 1975 The attendance was estimated at approximately 2500 This meeting was prompted by a drastic and inherently op pressive rate increase, which was passed on to members of the French Broad Electric Membership Corporation in January of 1975 For example, in the Marshall area alone, officials of the French Broad Electric Membership Cor poration report that the wholesale rate of power went up 166. 2 percent or from $8 57 to 22 47 per 1000 kilowatt hours The officials of the Corporation further reported that they had no choice but to pass this increase on to their consumers, i Reported in the Asheville Citizen on March 11, 1975) As you already know, the French Broad Electric Membership Corporation serves a part of Western North Carolina, which is already depressed economically. This drastic and unexpected rate Closed Easter Monday The following offices and firms will be Closed next : . Monday in observance at the Easter Holiday: , . 'AB offices in cMrmoose, v department' of Social Ser t vices, all banks, ASCS office, , ESEA . Office, , Health . Department, Library, E ' tensio Service l Farm Or Oce." - I To Qmestioiis membership Co-op's and their consumers had a very beneficial and very low power rate to which we all became accustomed. On July 1, 1974, CP&L filed with the Federal Power Commission a petition which in effect would have set aside the contractual rate which the 18 EMC's were enjoying, and permit fossil fuel adjustment clause to increase has created a terrific hardship on practically all citizens receiving their electricity through the Corporation Incidents of tragic hardship are numerous. Continued to Page 6 Courthouse Closed On Next Monday It was announced this week that the Madison County courthouse will be closed next Monday in observance of Easter ,7 Kaster Coloring Conlest Winners WINNERS: ANNETTE PRESSLEY Rt. t. Box 30 Marshall, N.C. Age ENTRIES: Julie Allison Tresa L. Ray Rosella Roberts Angle Lankford Tina Wallin Sherry Shelton Tim English Gregg Lloyd Karen Shelton Debra Lee Angel Roy Wallin Debra Ann Crowe Rebecca Thomas Bess Fisher Tina Marie Woody Ricky Dean McFslls Edna Maxine Burns Janet Worley Darren Wayne Willett Sandra Gunter Aflen Kirkpatrick Jeff ' - Mark Snelsoa s Rebecca Riddle , Judy E. Moore ; Lisa Gentry " Dariene Lewis : ; Kathy Diana Fox . ; . Myra Sawyers - v Kutt Herroa j Rebecca Edmonds become a part of CP&I.'s rates, effective September 1. The 18 Co-op's including French Broad EMC, through their Attorneys Crisp, Bolch, and Smith, Raleigh, N. C, intervened to resist any change in the existing con tract between CP&l. and the EMC's. Meeting Notice TO ALL MEMBERS AND PURCHASERS OF ELEC TRICITY FROM THE FRENCH BROAD ELEC TRIC MEMBERSHIP CORPORATION: Another meeting has been called by members of a committee of consumers who met previously at the Madison County School on March 11, 1975. Cheaver Metcalf, one of the members who formed the group, indicated that the public is demanding that another meeting be held. He also indicated that issues to be discussed at this meeting, which wUl be held on Tuesday, April 1, 1975, at the Madison County High School, Marshall, North Carolina are : 1. The election of local committees from each Township. 2. A report on the Charter and By laws of the French Broad Electric Membership Corporation and the rights of its members. 3. To afford an opportunity to the officials of the French Broad Electric Membership Corporation to answer. i 2-Year-Old Boy Dies In Fire Here Friday Otis Shade, Jr., two-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Otis Shade, Sr., was fatally burned last Friday night when fire destroyed the four-room frame house located in the K oil ins section of Marshall. Mr. and Mrs. Shade and Timothy, their six-year-old son, managed to escape out of the flame-filled house through a window. Two other children, fortunately, were staying at a neighbor's home Friday night. Observers believe that the fire probably started from a defective electrical appliance. Mr and Mrs. Shade told this newspaper that they had gone to bed about nine o'clock and that because it wasn't very cold, they had no fire in the stove. Mr. Shade said that he was awakened when he heard crackling noises and saw some wires on fire in the house." Mrs. Shade, the former Miss Carrie Lee Henry, grabbed Timothy as PAMELA BUCKNER Rt. S, Box 117 Mam hall, N. C. Age Randy Bailey JaUi? Pegg Jeannie Pegg Rebecca Amnions Bandy Riddle Teresa Griffin Cecilia Worley Brenna Fender Sandy Peek Donna Tipton Christy Rigsby Brands ? Learn James lynn Price vr Doug Snelsoa . Lisa Kay FWey t Billy Joe NaUka ; " Tammy Cog dill Ricky Canter '; Karen Sams ' Jeana Ferguson " Ricky Lee Allen Danny Edwards i Dwight Carney ' , Harold Herroa . Katina Connor Carmen Honeycutt Ke'.lie Ana LeGrand Sherry W ' enship Kevin EUr.lensh;p Rex Rams7 In the April 1974, July 1974, September 1974, and December 1974 issues of Carolina Country, your Manager made a Manager's report to the Membership as follows; Continued to Page 2 questions. 4. A report on the present status of the Carolina Power and Light Company's wholesale rate increase, which is presently pending before the Federal Power Commission. 5. A discussion of theFederal Legislation prohibiting the purchase of power from the Tennessee Valley Authority. 6. A report on the response, if any, from the French Broad Electric Membership Cor poration to the letter of March 13, 1975. Sunrise Service At Oak Hill Sunday There will be a sunrise service at the Oak Hill Baptist Church at Rector's Corner this Sunday morning at seven o'clock. ublio Is invited. Mr . Shade broke out a window wiiere they escaped. They explained the flames wcrtf so intense at the doorway it was impossible to excapC. The parents made every effort to save the little boy but flames had gained too much headway making it impossible'. Both parents received minor burns and cuts. When firemen reached the scene the old frame house was engulfed in flames. They tried desperately to save the house but their efforts were futile. The house was owned by Swann Frisby, Jr., of Daytona Beach, Fla. FUNERAL SUNDAY Graveside services for the victim were held at l:3t o'clock Sunday in County Home Cemetery in Marshall. The Revs. J. E. Pedew andT. Spencer LeGrand officiated. Surviving in addition ts) the parents sre two sisters, Misses Tina and Tammy Shade of the home; a brother, Timothy Shade of the borne', the maternal grsndmothsry Mrs. Carrie Henry of Hat shall; and the paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Shade of AshevOle. Bowman Funeral Home waa in charge. EXPRESS THANK "We want to thank each ami everyone for helping ta out time of need. May God be with you a B," Mr. and Mrs. Otia Shade stated. , . - . Sunrise At Pritchard Cemetery Sunday i Members of the M, - ' Baptist Church i:i h Easter Sunrise Serri.- Sunday morr.:-? t 'T a.m. at t Cemetery r - i ts-'-n. r e I ' .-r f . ;.r-.' r,W ,