Piaxile-Ie-Jo/ This puzzle is about the ways we communicate. F1 ACROSS 1. It rings. fi I I I I I I 2. Mini l__ 1 | | Pages are in """" 3. You send [2" I I I I I I I8 I 4. You read """" ANSWER BLOCK it. __ Across mjoW g o. A type Of BjadsdsMau z 7 M??q * Code. auoqdapi i s^uSis g DOWN 6. You watch it. """ ^ ' V. You listen to a)(oui8 8 it. 14 otpsj t, |_ UOI8IA3(3^ "9 8. Indians used 5 to send L?J I I I I I signals. ' MPPC Color fcv Number CB Try 'n Find Words that remind us of CB radios are hidden in the block below. See if you can find: talk, radio, plug, power, static, switch, code, transistor, transmit, walkie-talkie, antenna, watt, signal, volume, channel, base, mobile, traffic, tune, listen, mike, noise, citizen band, contact, on, off. STAT I CANTENNAMC TRANSI STOROFFO I RADIOBASETUNEBT TRAFF I CCODEON I I CSIGNALVOLUMELZ HPOWERCONTACTEE ATWNO I SEMI KEBWN NWALISTENTALKAB NOYSWITCHABCETA ETRANSMITPLUGTN LWALKIETALKIEAD InThe Paper This box of The Mini Page will help you learn to read and enjoy the rest HNflP of your local newspaper. After your parents have finished reading today's issue, ask them to let you have it. What! Your newspaper has ears! 11eHMJ Your Local Paper IHU^I "Ears" are what you see written on each side of your paper's name. What is in the "ears" is different in each paper. "Ears" often give the weather, how many people take the paper (the circulation figures) or the paper's phone numbers. An "ear" can call attention to a story. Does your paper have weather phtjTHjpfc] "ears" or a weather box somewhere *: on the front page? If so, make a cal ZZZZZZZ -/Tjv endar and clip and paste on the ------- weather "ears" or boxes for a month. Make a list of the weather words. iutter kal I C elf fee Cake "Head oven do 315? 'Grease a round cake pan- fc^PKr ~ CuP uvar(3aT^e ^ sauce * Mi* Ti cup sugar and \ tablespoon cinnamon m a bowl ? 'Use a can of re^rvaeraded flake bvscuife. (Dl\iide a can cf ID \odo 20 parls.) ~t)ip each biscurf info melded margarine, then roll in clhnamon-sugar over and arranqe in a pan,ovsclapPioq "do mate cx cme ? "tour an\j leftover melded marqarme oner ultjcuv'ds- ^ ~ bake 25 to bO mioudes ' MPPC Mini Spy.oo See if you can find: Word Mini Coat hanger Crayon Egg Hair Pin ... Bird Book . ? Straight Pin Funny Face Paper Clip Lollipop ? c Mppr 1 ? ? ? .11 I ^ V *1976 by The Mini Pag# Publishing Co.. Inc.