Love Enough To Go Around Hot Spring, Day Care Teacher Must Meet Need, Of Many Youngsters Meeting the needi of just one child ion't easy, but imagine mooting the in dividual needa of ? children, ranging In age from 2 to I. TaUtha Prion trim to do Jut that every day as teacter at thajlot Sprtap Day Cara The job ? ******* To :ssns isra Add of early childhood with several other day owe staff in the comity, is taking funded training program athninttased by Mars Oil College and Land of Sky Regional Council. Mrs Price is taking two courses this spring in addition to taking a mathematics class taught fat Hot Springs under the college's continuing education program. The training program serves 17 day care centers and IS day care homes in the 4 counties of the region. College credit classes are offered by trainers in such areas as curriculum planning, speech correction, child growth, physical education and health. As a special feature of the program, trainers go into each center to demonstrate ef fective teaching techniques. While there, they observe specific needs and help the staff plan to meet these needs. At the Hot Springs center, Mrs. Price works closely with Nancy Norris, head trainer in the county, who may spend as long as a week in the center modeling teaching techniques. Also assisting with training in the coimty is B. J. Peery. Response to the training courses has been good, ac cording to supervisors. Almost all Madison County staff members have taken at least one course. By taking CEP classes in addition to training courses, a staff member may complete as many as four years of college to earn a bachelor's degree. Mrs. Price is enthusiastic about her experiences in the training program. "When you've had a class imder Nancy, you've really SSTSS hli si well aulifk^i" pause lor thoi^ht at flnt. to late her first CEP dan in li-i *" ? - **? n_i ? a ? not ^pnrigb mfb mce uKeu could pan "He encouraged me," Mr* Price remembers, "to I thought I'd just try it and eee. It's a challenge really. Alter I started claaaes, I didn't aeem to atop." To find time for all her activities, Mn. Price sometimes rises at 5 a.m. to take care of chores on her farm in the Fairview section before going to the center. However, one semester she made time to take II class hours for college credit, a full load in anyone's estimation. She credits Judy Sean, coordinator for Madison County centers for en couraging her to continue her studies. "She's the kind who makes you want to go on," Mn. Price says appreciatively. If anyone wonders why Mn. Price puts so much time and energy into her work, a visit to the center will provide at least one answer. As children come to her for a smile, a hug, a word of encouragement or a chance to sit in her lap, it becomes obvious that Mn. Price and the children enjoy each other's company. As the mother of two da lighten and grandmother of three children, she brings a good deal of experience and insight to her role as teacher. She joined the day care staff about three yean ago as a teacher's aide after serving seven yean in the Hot Springs school library. She was chosen for the teacher's position about a year ago when the position became vacant. METHODS of teaching children is. die subject for day care staff during a weekly training session at the Marshall Day Care Center. Nancy Norris (seated right) provides information for Muriel Reed (seated left), Mars Hill; Talitha Price, Hot Springs; Anita Shelton (standing left); and Christine Gosnell, Laurel. Bells Ringing Didn't Add Much To Music Program By DOROTHY BRIGMAN SHUPE I was watching the Bing Crosby program last night and when he and Bette Midler (or whoever) were singing "Glow Little Glow Worm" ? I just had to laugh about what Just A Woman'? Observation happened years ago at a graduation here at Walnut. I was directing the glee club and that was one of our songs. We were singing along beautifully, 1 thought, with each section singing in the proper notes when all of a ^sudden ? the bell for class cfianges started to ringing! Some little bugger had slipped to the switch and turned the bell on! Well, we Just sang on, and some kind soul stopped the ringing of the bell! It's funny now but I wasn't too happy at the time, however! Well, I've now officially Joined the Lucille Cahtrell "Fall Down" club! I was visiting friends in Greeneville, Tetm., Saturday on my way to Virginia with Sbupe to see his mother when the great fall happened. I was coming down some steps, looking away from where I was going, missed a step, and tumbled about two or three feet down steps. I'll declare two big knots jumped up on my shins as big as my fist and I got quite an abrasion on my right hand. Later I discovered I bopped my right elbow a good lick too. When we got on to Mrs. Shupes in Wytheville that night, she had me bathe my legs in salts and hot water and the swelling had gone down considerably and now I do believe I'll live. However, when I got home last night (Sunday), I looked for the salts I had used for my sore heels the first year I was at Madison High, and when I had cleaned the place I had stored them, I had hidden them so well that I can't find them. I just used hot water and I'm in pretty good shape. Thank you! Send all cards to me at 44 Walnut Station, Marshall!!! I'm mad at that bunch in Washington about trying to do away with my saccharine. I've used that stuff for the past 30 years or more ? always have it in my coffee when I eat a piece of chocolate pie or a piece of cake. Why can't they just put a warning on the bottle like they do cigarettes. Did you see where one would have to drink 800, yes, 800 bottles of diet drinks a day for a long, long time before it would cause cancer I I'll declare we do strain at a gnat and swallow a camel, don't we? I'm surprised that some people don't approve of President Carter's family living with him. Heck, if my dad were President, I'd want to live in that big house! Anyway, it's saving us money. We'd have to have guards for both sons and their families for 24 hours a day and since they are all there, that in itself should be quite a saving to the taxpayer. Did you see where Carter's food bill last month was 1600.1 guess he asked the two boys to drop a little in the kitty ? or they probably wanted to anyway. I'm glad Amy's treehouse is built ? guess some will be unhappy about that ? but I understand that she isn't the first President's child who has had one at the White House. OBSERVED - Did you know that Charlie in "Charlie's Angels" is John Forsythe? ? Believe I'll try to get up one night to hear Billy Graham ? I haven't always agreed with him on everything, but I believe he is sincere ? Been also looking for a Howard Hughes will in my house, but so far not one has showed up ? How about how well UNC-C and UNC-CH have played in the basketball tourneys ? and Wake Forest too, although they did get beat over the weekend ? I'm glad Janet Guthrie is doing so well in the car races ? Hope how soon she wins one ? Sorry Indira Ghadi got beat in the election ? Don't know how that country will get along without a woman to lead them! ? Wonder what James Earl Ray will really tell if and when he gets the chance? ? Bet Lucille Burnette, Inez Henderson, Page and Pricey Brigman are having tan on their tour of the south along with several others ? Gee, it must be nice to have money to Just go where you please ? Wish I had been rich instead of so pretty?or is that witty? ? or Just plain awkward? Have a good day 11 Seventy-five per cent of Dela ware's crop production is in corn and soybeans. f I? lVbukil*rvaAtkA, "?t ? ? ? ? ? WOOD COOK STOVE fcafcttf ta a* efHcicat, Na ether caal 'aJ'a wAMbT*5J2Sh^ 1"1? KNOX name lack af It Peartvea mm* aa nkergbae to ?Mm ?< mh km* * nmge My; nf"*ily par relate eaaoH-W eve.. Inride ,md mt; larse caakh* top W Iwavitjr reinforced raiting* to prevent warping- and Hre bM Hard wtOt Mh| Fire Mek. Al cMMt to mate Wo carry a com plot* lino of port* for V maw AA wi / ( ! ?*. l\ ? ? S I1 A r ? - of UI vol -'? IWI olv ? W 9 ? U A OCU All Mi m lAll _ I <1 ^ | | %4t*H14*e | Q REGULAR MEALS C f| SHORT ORDERS K JUjnOWK-HES J B AIR CONDITIONED. ^ Sleepy Valley Club Marks Anniversary On March 9 On Sleepy Valley Ladies Extension Homemakers Club celebrated its 23rd anniversary. The club was the original Sleepy Valley Home Demonstration Club which was organised in March of 1964. Mrs. Marie Osteen was the charter president and Mrs. Reva Foster was the charter secretary. Both of these ladies are still active members of the club. The club members have been very active in the area carrying out many programs and projects over the years. The Sleepy Valley Home Demonstration Club spon sored the Sleepy Valley Engagement Mr. and Mrs. Ralph David Worley announce the engagement of his sister, Deborah Lynn Worley, to Tommy Candler of Marshall. Deborah is the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Ralph O'Neil Worley. Candler is the son of Mrs. Marie Candler of Marshall and the late John Candler. A June wedding is being Community Development Club which was organized in May of 1964. The development club remains an active club. Working together the two clubs built the Sleepy Valley Comminity Center which has became the center of activities for the commuiity. Other projects include clean-up campaigns, tearing out old fences and cleaning fence rows; they built and painted road and church signs; painted mailboxes; built mailbox posts and many other things to enhance the beauty of the community. Mrs. Ethel Wallen, Madison County extension agent, is doing a beautiful job with the club. She has had many workshops such as sewing classes, tailoring classes, ceramics, macrame, yeast bread making and others. During the meeting Mrs. Margie Self gave an inspiring devotion. Mrs. Ada Moore from Hot Springs, a visitor, sang very beautifully, "Fill My Cig) Lord." The 30 ladies present en joyed cake, mints and nuts, coffee and Russian tea, served by the hostesses, Mrs. Marie Osteen and Revs Foster. 'WCany