The Stinging Jellyfish Jellyfish are jelly-like animals with long tentacles that hang beneath their bodies. The tentacles have stinging cells that are used to paralyze smaller fish and push them up to their mouths. These tentacles can also sting people. Jellyfish have seeing organs on the edge of their bells. They can probably only tell light from dark. They usually live for only about a year. The Portuguese man-of-war is the type of jellyfish that has the most powerful sting. It has an air sack that floats above the water. It is blown about by the wind, but it can control its movements by changing the shape of the air sack. It can sink by letting out gas and raise itself by filling the sack again. For Parents nTeachers This block of The Mini Page is a guide for you to use with this week's issue. The Mini Page is intended to be a learning center for the entire family. Parents studying it with their children can stimulate and encourage reading and other skills. Page 1: Read the story aloud to younger children. Ask older ones to read it and check their comprehension by asking: 1. What are continental shelv.-1? i 2. What are the objections to mining companies digging sand from the shelf floor? 3. What are the objections to nuclear power stations? 4. What are the objections to deep-water ports and oil wells? 5. What must foreign ships do before they can fish within 200 miles of our coast? Page 4: Ask the children if they can identify the sea life they see on this page. If you would like to set up a salt water aquarium, here are some pointers: 1. Keep it clean. Remove excess food, coral, algae and other debris. Omit over decoration with coral, sponges and other marine plants. 2. Stock sparingly, using no more than a single one-inch-long fish per gallon of water capacity. 3. Use quartz sand on a sub-sand filter in the bottom of the aquarium. Good filtration is vital. Monitor fish behavior. Fin-nipping and other actions may be a sign of problems. What To See by the Sea! The next time you have a chance, hold a whelk or conch shell opening up to your ear and listen. What do you hear? Whelks are large sea snails. Their shells get larger as they grow older. Some can grow to be as long as 16 inches. 3 3 X a. ?c a a. c i Inshore lobsters tend to stay in one place and not move more than a mile or so during their lifetimes. Deep-water lobsters travel more. The longest recorded distance is 225 miles. Lobsters molt or shed their shells as they grow. They often eat their outgrown shells. Some shrimp live to be over 6 years old. Some are as tiny as 1/2 inch long. Others grow to be as long as 12 inches. ooit-sneii and nard-sneii crans are the same species. A soft shell crab is one that has just shed its shell. This is a blue crab. A stone cran is not nurt wnen its large claw is broken off at the first joint. To escape, it can cut off this claw by contracting its muscles. c o w CO u w M c '? ?o < C x a CD 0 c < "O c CO u c CO 4> o o "5 c #0 'w CO z >, CD 4) ? 3 o o h 0 * t <