Especial "^or ? the Min/ ..l^dl I Distinguished Achievement Awards Winner 1975 By BETTY DEBNAM Seven Things Good Scientists Do! r 0 m ? c 7. jt ti 13 k 1 ; a. I tk t c 1 p i l *3? Observe . . . Scientists learn to use all then senses (touching, seeing, hearing, smelling and tasting) to find out things. See the observer at work. 6. Classify . . . Scientists group things to show their order. Things that are alike can be grouped together. Groups can he divided into sub-groups. Living An\'rr?Q\b Mini Fact: There are over I million kinds of animals. > ? v ? ? < ?. - ? ? ? ' ? ; ? '? ? ' *?* ??? v-. v.. , 7. Infer.. .Scientists use what they already know to solve problems and reach conclusions. Inferences or thought ful guesses are not always right. KXAMPLK . . . You might see that a pin is attracted to a magnet. You could then INKKK ^ that all metal (Y\\- things are attracted to AV magnets. This is not so. ;? 1; ;; ? ? How Good a Scientist Are You? 1. Experiment . . . Scientists must learn the steps to use in solving a problem. I PROBLEM: What are hones 1 made of? FINDING OUT: Put a clean chicken bone in a glass of vinegar. After a few days (2-5) take the bone out and observe it. How is it different? Try to | bend it! ' CLUE: The hard part of bones are made of minerals, mainly calcium. The minerals are dissolved by the acid in the vinegar. What remains is the soft cartilage part of the bone, j | i 2. Measure... Scientists measure temperature, weight, length and other things. They also compare sizes. 3. Use numbers... Scientists use math to help record their findings. ? ? ? Mini Fact: The largest hailstone ever recorded weighed 766 grams (1.67 lhs.) and measured ?14 centimeters (17'/i* inches) around. It fell in Coffeyville, Kansas in September of 1970. i A huge hailstone 4.Communicate... J Scientists make drawings, write about f and tell about their findings. Mini Fact: The largest : fish is the whale shark. It can grow to * be 50 feet long. Right: See the young * scientists at the beach. ' What do you think they are saying? ' 1977 by Universal l'rees Syndicate