IPtoUH&tiKC By J.D. 8HACKELTON And as Jesus passed forth fngn thence. He saw a man named Matthew sitting at the WfNpl of custom; and He saith unto him. Follow Me. And he aroae and followed Him.? Matthew Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children? Ephesians S: 1. Fallowing can be done in one of two ways. We can imitate like monkeys, attempting by outyard action to reproduce whgt we see; or we can imitate as children. The first kind of following is ludicrous and artificial. The second kind is delightful and natural. Children follow the example of their parents not only because of what they see, but because they have the nature of ithe parents in them by birth. That makes all the | in the quality of imitation. In order to God, not as religious i but as dear children, (need His nature in us. We must be born from above by Hi* Spirit Being born again is not the goal o f believing the Gospel any more than being born is the object of physical life. Neither are we only to think of heaven as the reason for being bofti from above. We are to be bofti again for one reason only ? to make us delightful and natural followers of our Lord. Th? proof that I am born from abjve is not in an experience I had at a church altar, but s fact that I am more and m