Apples Seem Appropriate For Good Holiday Season Eating By M1SSE.Y0WUKBR N.C. DapartMt ?f AgricaHare particularly innpriitt lor tin hoUttay MMOB. The North Carolina Department of Agriculture Tarheel Kitehoa homo ecoaomist roceatly rifireofiiUitl the ?rr't in dustry at the Southern Christinas Show held in Charlotte. Sflfttop of the recipes to be demonstrated required many hours. With the wealth of ways to prepare and serve apples, how does a person deckle which is best or most appealing? Should the apples be raw, cooked, spiced, or uupiced? Should they be prepared in main dishes, in salads, ap petizers, pies, or desserts? Should they be prepared in main Hiih??| |g salads, ap petizers, pies, or desserts? Should the apple dishes be served for breakfast, lunch, or dinner? How complicated or simple should the recipes be? What kinds of apples should be used? The questions are in dicative of the versatility of apples and the wide choices for homemakers. Even though there are many varieties of apples in North Carolina, the Red Delicious and Golden Delicious are usually the most easily available and were selected for demonstration purposes. Most families have foods that have long been associated with home and the holidays. Recipes selected for the Southern Christmas Show were "homey," relatively easy and inexpensive, at tractive and high in taste appeal. Cold Apple-Cranberry Fin or apple cider served with Apple Coffeecake will say "Welcome" easily to guests. The coffeecake is also delicious served hot for a special breakfast The Apple Coffeecake freeses easily thus can be prepared in advance. Since the redpe makes a large cake, the batter can be divided into ?n** pans ? just be sore the dimensions are equivalent to the sise of the laiger pan ? and baked for several gifts. The Apple Meringue might be considered a version of an apple pie but without the crust The Fraen Apple Cranberry Salad is tangy and tasty. Be sore not to forget apples for decorations, and served sliced with cheese or dips. APPLE-CRANBERRY FIZZ Chill 2 cups appie juice and 1 cup cranberry-Juice cocktail. When ready to serve, add 1 cup carbonated water. Pour into glasses and garnish each with a slice of lime or lemon. Serve over ice if desired. Makes 4 cups. APPLE COFFEECAKE AGNEW WATCHES ANAHEIM. Calif (AP) - It scons that tone has run out on the Spiro Agnew watch A family firm which cop y righted the watch stopped making it about four years ago. No more will be made. In early lfTO, Dr. and Mrs lillli! tap era black valuta. rata. Bake at ? degreea T. far tS ta M mlratea. YlaMa: 12 APPLE MERINGUE 1 cup sugar lcupi ei.ip.iatt 5 medium UrtN.C. 1-4 cop fresh c J?tca(? 2 egg whites (save yolks for other use) 1-4 cup sugar 1-4 tap. vanilla extract gently 15 mfautaa or until appiea art tender. Transfer applet from syrup to a but tered 1 -quart caaatrole. Sprinkle with orange Juke. m white* until tbe> ft, ton p-?*? Gradual^ t>?at in m cup Spread of casserole diah. Bake in a preheated alow orer (123 degreesF.) 15 minutes or until browned. Serve warn or cold. Yields! servings. ) North CarotfaafUxl t| leapt 1 cup chopped riutt 2 cups tiny marshmallows 1 cap heavy cream, whipped Quarter and core apples but do not peel. Was well. Grind into ? bowl. Add mew. Stir well and tot Add note and marsbmallows. Fold mixture into whipped cream. (Two or mere cups of whipped topping can be substituted, if cream is not available.) Poor into 9 or 10 well with Okm or foil, Md freeze. To serve, i are usually better if allowed to atand a few minutes removal from fraeaer.) and garniah as desired. Yields lOtoUaarviafL Tlwy J BH thoy ho4 to co#? otth ? tioMirtl coo focioo of ano fo^ooot idin. And ttay unM ham ??* km ?M ?mr couM put Mr mum ? WMi pfWt Ik Yom MvtaMy awl ? >| I? Mm ?fctMwr ? ?iililn> ?r nit afl ttlOM If yoil Havao't sjIEisJp"'^ * t^s^^5i5e K or Mi you n? ntw* i Mm ooM cut* f?yrnW Jut think of tha array of uuaafM and Miami at jaw ?Maaai. AM al maM of of maat and mmbwIwp ... afl pnnrai la alaa mi ai raatfy la *? Monk fUnm tar COM evto, MM ttw* oH cut. for mfcm Ok ~ M a ? moles. arti... ??