i o use as aecorauuns or guts leer 1. Make a construction- paper cone and wrap it around a Styrofoam cup. 2. Cut out nose, eyes ^ and ears and glue in place. 3. Put greenery in the cup for antlers. 4. Use a long thumbtack to hang. OjO m o\x? Wt Shepherd 1. Use a cleaning-powder . container. The land that has slanted sides below a flat top works well. 2. Draw a face on construction paper and paste on container. 3. Glue a piece of fabric around the container and tie yarn at the waist for belt. 4. Cut out arjns from fabric and glue on. 5. Cut a fabric head-covering and tie in place. 6. Make a staff by bending a pipe cleaner. HaH*CvTcte $ o r nead Candleholder 1. Cover a small flat tin can with construction paper. 2. Glue a bottle top that a candle will fit into in the bottom of the can. 3. Put holly aroun< the bottom of the candle. Christmas Spool 1. Paint a spool. Trim with rickrack. 2. Hang with gold thread. Treetop Girl 1. Glue cloth to a A paper plate like Vv this. 2. Draw a face on the plate above the cloth. 3. Cut the plate as shown. 4. Fold the bottom around to make a tube. 5. Glue on yarn for the hair. 6. Make a small package of Styrofoam. 7. Fold the girl's arms to the front and pin through the package to look as if she is holding the package. Santa Container 1. Use a large, round ice cream container. 2. Cover with red construction paper. 3. Glue on pink face. Add eyes, nose, mouth and cotton beard. 5. Make a cone for Santa's hat. Glue cotton to bottom and top. The top can be taken off for storing cards or decorations.