?UPS February is American History Month Afro- American History Month is sponsored by the Association for the Study of Afro-American life and History, Inc., 1401 14th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005. This year's theme is: HISTORY: TORCH TO THE FUTURE. The Continent of Africa Africa is a very large continent. It stretches over 5,000 miles from north to south and 4,600 miles from east to west. As you can see in the map, the United States, Western Europe. India, New Zealand and Japan can all fit within this big continent. In Africa there are mountains, deserts, forests and ?i ? ? ii rf s are more than 45 countries on tinent. of these countries are Ghana, Ethiopia, Egypt and Zaire, all these countries are t groups of peoples. each haye their own beliefs and ways of life. prepared with the assistance of the of African Art, Washington, D.C. African Symbols Mother love and protection Unity among different groups Dislike for bad habits Strength The people of Ghana, like many Africans, use symbols in their art. ?ups African Proverbs A proverb is a belief or truth that becomes a saying or byword. Proverbs have been passed from person to person through the ages. Below are some proverbs and the countries where they are popular. Ghana: "Hunger is felt by a slave and hunger is felt by a king." "What is bad luck for one man is good luck for another." "No one tests the depth of a river with both feet." Cameroon: "Knowledge is better than riches." Congo: "Children are the reward of life." Ethiopia: "The fool speaks; the wise man listens." Guinea: "A good deed is something one returns." "He who has done evil, expects evil." Ivory Coast: "It takes two to make a quarrel." Nigeria: "Little is better than nothing." Information Courtesy Museum of African Art. Washington D.C. ?UPS Look through the rest of your paper for news about black people in your city. THiyilllllllUlKIlIIME, I Next week: Read all about the solar eclipse * ? coming up on Feb. 26. 1 TRY* FiKD of African countries, rivers and African are hidden in the block below. See if you can tzania, Senegal, Dahomey, Ethiopia, Ghana, Nigeria* Chad, Gabon, Liberia, Togo, Niger, nya, Egypt, Angola, Zaire, Congo, Nile, coffee, cocoa, diamonds and fruit. TANZANIA O A B C L I B E GABONFMN O O E N I L E C LEGSGAMB erhteth I G Z A I R E F R YMNCONGO P M A L I P Z R tnos-eneg diamonds A C O C O A R I A I G O O I G E* R I A T 0 F F E E N T 1 A E D F G O O P I A R O N U I T H O L S C S T O S A L H U N M M B Y A L K E N Y A D U P Y W B M ?UPS ALPHA BETTY these words that begin with We did not label one of these words. Can you find it? ?ups mini n i .. j "i .i ..j ? j. m; 5. / j w ? j; .. -