The News Record '* i. , SERVING THE PEOPLE OF MADISON COUNTY On thm Insldm . . . ? What's going on at ARBEE Company? See photo feature on page 3! 78th Year, No. 9 PUBLISHED WEEKLY IN THE COUNTY SEAT AT MARSHALL. N C THURSDAY, March 1, 1979 15' Per Copy $2.5 Million School Loan Approved ARCHITECT'S version of the new French Broad EMC office building which will be located on N.C. 213 between Marshall and Mars Hill. In addition to the headquarters office, there will also be the meter shop and warehouse. French Broad EMC Contract For New Building Approved By CHARLES R. TOLLEY Manager We were shocked when we opened bids for the new office facilities. Every bid that we received was above the budget set up for the project. However, the building has been in the planning stages for many months, and the budget was made up in preparation for a loan application more than a year ago. During this time lapse building coats continued to increase as in flation went higher and higher, and the result was high bids. The first thing the board did was ask me to go back over our plans and specifications with the architect to see if any deletions could be made. Now, the plans and specifications can for a very conservative building with no frills at all. In going over those plans, we felt that everything that had been put in them was needed, and if anything was deferred now it would have to be added at a later date and at a higher cost. After careful consideration of all these things, the board voted unanimously to accept the bid of Hickory Con struction Co. of Hickory in the amount of tl.437.53S for the construction of these facilities. It was announced Monday that the REA has approved the contract. The new facilities, to be located on N.C. 213 between Marshall and Mars Hill, will house the headquarters office, the Marshall district office, the meter shop and warehouse. It will also include a drive- ip window for the convenience of the members. Aging Needs Hearing Here Monday A public hearing on the needs of the Madison County aging will be held next Monday morning at 10:90 at the HUD building on Skyway Drive here. This bearing has been postponed twice due to inclement weather. The meeting will be con ducted by Mrs. Lucille Bur nette, chairperson of the Madison County Council on Aging; and Mrs. Joan Tuttle, Land-of-Sky Region B Council Aging program ad ministrator. All county citizens in terested in programs to aid the aging are urged to attend and make suggestions for improvement of services or initiate ideas for new programs to aid the 3,000 plus citizens in this age group in Madison County. Jury Finds Buckner Insane At Time Of Fatal Shooting BULLETIN An order of commitment signed by Judge Clifton E. Johnson in Bakeraville Monday is that John Kenneth Buckner be confined to B rough ton Hospital in Morganton for a period not to exceedMdays. ? ? ? In the second degree murder case of John Kenneth Buckner, 45, of Route i, (Woriey Cove), the Jury returned a verdict Friday afternoon that the defendant had killed hit brother and sister last Oct SI but that he was insane at the time. The case consumed the entire one-week term of Superior Court here with Judge Clifton Johnson presiding. The victims of the shooting were Arthur Buckner, 41, and Hope Caldwell Buckner, 41. The shooting occurred at the farm home in the Worley Cove section. District Attorney Clyde Roberts said Buckner, for whom he sought a conviction of second degree murder, will be taken before Judge Johnson in Bakersville Monday. The judge will have authority to order Buckner's confinement in a mental hospital for not more than 90 days. Confinement can be continued at subsequent hearings for similar 90-day periods, it was stated. A sister of the defendant. Pansy Watkins; her husband, John Watkins; and a cousin, Carl Walker; were among the state witnesses Wednesday. D.M. Branch Jr., SBI ballistics expert; Dr. George Lacy, pathologist; and Dr. Otis Duck presented testimony as to the 30-30 rifle used and the cause of death of the two victims. Testimony pointed to the defendant being awakened in his bedroom and firing the rifle unexpectedly at his brother and sister. The defense sought a verdict of innocent by a reason of insanity. The defendant had been a mental hospital patient. The prosecution rested its ' case Wednesday after presenting a battery of wit ' (Continued on Page 2) Medical F acility Fund Drive Will Begin Thursday The building committee of the new Laurel Medical Facility announced plans today for a door-to-door fund raising campaign. According to Dennis Tweed, chairman of the group, the campaign will begin March I, and extend through March 4. The purpose of the drive win be to collect at least ttO,WO toward the 10 needed for the conduction of the >144,000 family medical Tweed stated that every family in the Laurel com the name of the donor's choice. Door plaques win be used to denote these con tributions. A large plaque will also be placed In the facility with the names of each con tributor of $100 or mora. Individuals and families living outside the area are also in vited to contribute. An donattana are tax ?old by H.W. Cook; thia site ia at the junction of N.C. High way* **, J1J, and 1319 If the (Und raising ia aucceaafUl, the funda will be combined with fuoda Cram a pending $1)0,000 Appalachian Regional Caaunlaaton conatractlon Ervin Adams, chairman of the Madison County Board of Commissioners, has been notified by the Farmer's Home Administration of its approval of a loan to Madison County in the amount of $2,500,000 to be used for the con struction of a new school to house the Marshall Walnut elementary schools and for certain other needed capital improvements to the other existing elementary schools in the county. Although the county commissioners have been successful in securing the approval of this $2,500,000 loan from the Farmer's Home Ad ministration, the actual making of such loan is dependent upon the voters of the county passing a bond referendum authorizing the county com missioners to borrow such funds. Unless the voters pass the bond referendum, the county will not borrow the funds from the Farmer's Home Administration. The bond referendum will be held this spring and further details with regard to the exact date of the bond referendum will be announced next week. The loan, if approved by the voters, will be 4 repaid over a period of 40 years at an interest rate of 5 percent. This means that the county will be able to repay the money borrowed over a 40-year period instead of the normal 20-year period and will be borrowing the funds at a greatly reduced interest rate, and thus the amount by which taxes would have to be raised to repay the loan would be greatly reduced. Further details with regard to the exact amount of the tax increase which would be necessary will be announced in the immediate future. fcOGAR? ISRAEL Israel Succeeds Mallonee Edgar P. Israel, Tran sylvania County manager, has been named llth Congressional District field representative by Congressman Lamar Gudger. His appointment Thursday by Gudger followed the an nouncement that Thomas L. Mallonee, district assistant for over 19 years, will retire at the end of March. Israel's appointment is effective April 1. Prior to being named manager of Transylvania County in March 1977, he had served as director of the Haywood County Department ( Continued on Page 2) Sharon Ray Resigns Election Board Post Sharon Ray of Route 3, Marshall, officially resigned as supervisor, Madison County Board of Elections, last Friday at a meeting of the board in the election offices here. Miss Ray has served for the past seven years under both Democratic and Republican administrations and has been comrnendad for her out standing ability in carrying out the duties in this responsible position. In a previous letter of resignation to Alex K. Brock, director, State Board of Elections, Raleigh, Miss Ray stated that her resignation would become effective May I. She further stated that she had been considering retur ning to school for some months and "fed that my resignation at this point will provide adequate time for my replacement to become Mrs. Anderson Recommended Mrs. Carol Anderson of Hot Springs was recommended by the Madison County Board of Elections (two votes to one) at its meeting last Friday to serve as depnty supervisor until May 1 under the supervision of the Board of Elections. familiar with the respon sibilities and duties of this position. I will fully cooperate with your office and the members of this board in the matter of training my suc cessor." Miss Ray also stated in her letter to Brock, "May I take this opportunity to extend my personal thanks and gratitude to you far the guidance and support you gave me over the last seven years. I fed sure that the depth and perspective I- have gained from the ex perience of these seven years will be of direct benefit to me in my studies." Mrs. Pat Franklin, chair man; Oscar McDevitt, member; and William B. Zink Jr., member, commended Miss Ray at the meeting Friday for her service as supervisor of elections. Following are excerpts from a letter from Brock in regard to Miss Ray's resignation: "This decision on your part does not come as a great surprise to us since you have discussed such a probability with us previously. "Nevertheless, we accept the decision with a sense of anticipated loss. You have served for some seven years and have participated during years of the most constructive changes ever achieved in our elections processes. Therefore, you can feel proud of the service rendered to Madison County even though you, like many others, have MISS SHARON RAY encountered challenges not easily dealt with. "We appreciate your years of service as supervisor of elections in Madison County and assure you that you have been an asset to the state of North Carolina and Madison County. "It is easier to lose you knowing that you intend to pursue higher education to equip you to accomplish greater tasks. We commend your decision because your reel potential will more quickly be realised." NOT THE DEEPEST, but perhaps the most beautiful now of the year fell here Sunday night. Every branch a ad limb of trees and all shrubbery was rtct r sque. Above it a photo on Sfcyway Drive I Ponder Appointed Representative To Regional Forum development of policies and suggestions for appropriate regional activities throughout In the past year, the Joint ( Continued or Page 2 )

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