News Record SERVING THE PEOPLE OF MADISON COUNTY On thm Intidm . . . Madison finds key to victory in Spring Sports . . . See page 3 S '% i 9 ? s 78th Year, No. 17 PUBLISHED WEEKLY IN THE COUNTY SEAT AT MARSHALL, N C. THURSDAY, April 26, 1979 15* Per Copy Miss Jinsie - - Educators' Inspiration g UNVEILING of a portrait of the late Miss j Jinsie Underwood of Mars Hill was held last ! Friday night at the dedication of the Madison High School library. Prior to the dedication, the NCAE Banquet was held in the school cafeteria. Main participants at the dedication and banquet, pictured above, left to right, were: Congressman Lamar Gudger, Superintendent R.L. Edwards, Dr. Evelyn Underwood, and Dr. Robert Melvin. (Photo by Jim Story) EMC Elects Trio, Listens To Reports Hundreds of persons who receive electricity from the French Broad Electric Membership Corp. attended the annual membership meeting held at Madison High School last Saturday. Registration started at 10 a.m. and continued until 1 p.m. when the business session got under way in the gymnasium. John Corbett of Marshall, president of the co-op, presided. Others taking part in the business session in cluded No vile Hawkins, vice president; C.E. Mashburn, attorney for the co-op; I.E. Clevenger of Yancey County, director; and Charles Tolley, manager, French Broad EMC. Tolley, without notes, gave an informative talk on the past, present and future accomplishments of the co-op. He explained the efforts which have been made in the construction of a new office building now being started between Marshall and Mara Hill. He cited the increase in membership and the ad vancement in services of the co-op. He alio covered many other phases which were interesting and informative. A list of three nominees for directors presented by the nominating committee was read as follows: Novile C. Hawkins, Route 1, Mara Hill, (District 1, Madison County) ; Elmer Buchanan of Baker sville, (District 4, Mitchell County); and Carl Ramsey of Route 1, Flag Pond, Tenn., (District 5, Unicoi County, Tenn.). When asked if there were any nominations from the floor, M.J. Ball of Route S, Marshall, was nominated and was qualified as a nominee in District 1, Madison County, opposing Hawkins as a member of the board of directors. This necessitated a vote by ballot between Hawkins and Ball, which Hawkins won by a lV large margin. Other board members in clude John Corbett, Albert Freeman and Joe Justice (Madison County); Wayne Hall, (Mitchell County); W.G. Plemmons, (Buncombe County); and I.E. Clevenger, James Ray, and Hazen Ledford (Yancey County). EXHIBITS Twenty-one craft exhibits were displayed throughout the cafeteria as well as other exhibits on the school grounds which proved interesting and enjoyable to the hundreds of persons present. Mrs. Ethel Wallin did a demonstration on the use of a blender and an energy management mobile display on the grounds attracted 115 persons. Also proving popular was the unique pearl dive sponsored by Gordon and Helen Clauss. ENTERTAINMENT Musical entertainment was provided by the Carolina Cut ( Continued on Page!) ic rd di Hhowi draining pearls (Photo i&oiy) ^ Leake Loses License According to a release from Raleigh, Sen. Larry B. Leake of Asheville has lost his driver's license as a result of an accumulation of traffic violations. Commissioner of Motor Vehicles E.L. Peters Jr. said Friday that Leake had received two speeding tickets within 20 minutes of each other. "As I understand it, he was on probation as a result of earlier violations," Peters said. He said probation is allowed on condition that the driver incurs no further moving violations for the probation period. James Thomas Baker Jr., who is in charge of the hearing officers for the Department of Motor Vehicles, said Friday night that he recalled the case, but could not cite specifics since he did not have Leake's record in front of him. "I do know that a Larry Leake with an Asheville address was put on probation by Geroge Moore (a hearing officer with DMV)," Baker said. ? Baker said the period of probation can run up to one year, but he didn't recall specifically what Leake's record showed. "But in looking at this record, I did note that that individual did violate the conditions of probation and the suspension ? which was agreed upon at the time if the probation was violated ? was placed in effect," Baker sataL Town Meetings By JIM STORY A fitting tribute to the memory of the late Jinsie Underwood of Mars Hill, a native of Haywood County, was held last Friday night in the Madison High School library at the dedication of the library at the Madison County NCAE Banquet. The highlight of the dedication was the unveiling by Robert L. Edwards, county superintendent, of a portrait of the beloved "Miss Jinsie." Edwards spoke of the many contributions "Miss Jinsie" made to Madison County schools in establishing "our system of school libraries and for the enthusiasm and spirit with which she inspired us to do a better job that the county school board, the school administrators, and the teachers and students dedicate this high school library to Jinsie Underwood, on this 20th day of April, 1979." Following the presentation, Dr. Robert Melvin, professor, Mars Hill College, and a former neighbor of "Miss Jinsie," told the more than 85 persons present of many memories he had of this "great Christian lady." He told of her love for flowers and the many hours she spent in her yard and garden. "She had a wonderful sense of humor and a purpose for everything she did," Dr. Melvin said. "Her life, her spirit, her inspiration and advice will never be forgot ten," Dr. Melvin concluded. Dr. Evelyn Underwood, Allen Stines Elected V-P 4-H District Allen Stines was elected as vice president of the 4-H Western District for 1979-80 Saturday at the Teen Retreat. Allen is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Stines of Walnut. He is a senior at Madison High School and plans to attend Mars Hill College in the fall. Meteorology is the subject he plans to study in college. Past 4-H offices Allen has held are club president, (two years), and club reporter. Presently he is vice president of the 4-H County Council. Allen, along with Renee Wyatt, received the "I Dare You Award" for 1978-79, an award that is given by the Ralston Purina Co. to outstanding youth. Other interests are basketball and tennis. 4-H agents Sharon Carter and Gary Ealey commented, "Allen is a very energetic and dependable young man. He has the potential of being a very responsible and productive district officer. Allen is well established as a county-wide Junior 4-H lender in Madison County." sister of "Miss Jinsie," in behalf of the Underwood family, responded to the tributes by expressing ap preciation to Edwards. Dr. Owen Fish, and all others who made this occasion so meaningful. Dr. Robert Melvin of Mars Hill pronounced the benediction. UNDERWOOD FAMILY PRESENT Members of the Underwood family present for the dedication included Mr. and Mrs. Robert Underwood, brother and sister-in-law of Miss Jinsie Underwood; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lee Underwood III and their daughter, Heather of Charlotte, son and daughter in-law of Robert Underwood; John Underwood and Sammy Underwood, both of Waynesville, sons of Robert Underwood; Mr. and Mrs. Eddie James, son-in-law and daughter of Robert Under wood; and Mr. James' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward James, all of Asheville. NCAE BANQUET Prior to the dedication service, the NCAE banquet was held in the school cafeteria. Larry Plemmons, im mediate past president of the Madison County NCAE, presided and welcomed the members and guests present. Following the invocation by Mrs. Nancy Allen, Marshall Elementary School teacher, a delicious ham dinner was enjoyed. Superintendent R.L. Edwards recognized the retiring teachers and their length of service. These in cluded Viola M. Ramsey (40 years), Hughie Ray (38 years), Edith Radford (37 years), Auburn Wyatt (37 years), Reva Plemmons (? years), Gladys Ammons, (36 years), and Eileen Wood (34 years). GUDGER SPEAKS Congressman Lamar Gudger was the featured speaker. He spoke of the beauty of the mountains, especially the scenes from the school and commented how he always looked forward to visiting Madison County and Western North Carolina. He reviewed the many improvements which have been made in Madison County since he was a small boy, a native of Asheville. He told of the one-room schoolhouses in comparing them with the modern schools. "The im provement of our education system is astounding," he said. He also pointed out the vast improvements of roads ( Continued on Page 2) Reward Offered For Details On Murders The office of uov. Jim Hunt in Raleigh announced last week that $5,000 reward is payable for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the persons responsible for the murder of David E. Clemishaw and Donna J. McCracken of Asheville. The decomposed bodies of Clemishaw, 29, and Miss McCracken, 22, were found in a remote wooded area just outside Tigersville, S.C., in north Greenville County, on July 11, 1978. They had been strangled to death. The car the couple is believed to have been traveling in was located in Madison County on July 14. The couple was last seen alive July 7. une suspect in the case, Lawrence L. Hux, 25, was returned from Los Angeles to Asheville last summer, but no charges were filed after he was questioned and given $ lie detector test. Anyone having information about the case should contact the Asheville Police Depar tment or the State Bureau of Investigation. NEW TROPHY CASE, con structed by members of the ad vanced cabinet-making class at Madison High School, is shown above. Members making the trophy case, left to right, are: Mike Baldwin, Ray Sams, Randy Price, Tommy Rice, B.W. Worley, Eddie Ledford and Harold Baker, instructor. (Photo by Jim Story) Softball Leagues To Be Organized Summer is almost here and without a doubt folks around the county are looking for ward to the soltball season. The recreation department is pleased to announce that it will be organizing softball leagues this year for men, women, and children. We all can thank our county com missioners, Ervin Adams Virginia Anderson, and James Ladford for (Mr -I 1?1 __i. i- n ? mm ?? I At decision to carry on wun our summer program. We hope it will be a good ooe. LEAGUE MEETINGS MEN 1 at which we hope to elect league officer* and to vote on rulea and regulations. Please spread the word to all who should know because this is a very importnat meeting. WOMEN The first meeting of the women's league will be Md April ? at 7 p.m. at the Marshall Recreation Center. All teams shooM try to be represented. If a team is not represented on April X they must try to come to the May l meeting which will be haid along with the man's meeting This is necessary because the is gatting short to and to get i DOT Official To Visit Here This Friday It has bean announced thai Earl Mclntire, Departmental Transportation engineer, will tbT* public 'aT" the City Hall this Friday *?a.a, til -?? 41. _ Mclntire will giscum the options available for Im