>m and Me Up in a Tree on TV eucalypti Mother's Day picture of Mom and me? I cling to her front or . I will stay with her for about a year. We are sitting in an tree. This is the only place we live because it has the only food we .SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA - "Aren't I just adorable? Don't you just love koalas, especially babies? "My name is 'Koobor.' That is the way some Australians would say 'koala boy.' "People flock to the zoo just to see me and my mom, 'Matilda,' and five other koalas. You see, we are the only koalas outside Australia. "Since we live in treetops and sleep during the day, the camera is the best way to get a glimpse into my family life. The TV is closed-circuit. We are only 'on' if you stand right outside our home at the zoo. "I was itsy-bitsy when I was born. I was about the size of a walnut and weighed XA of an ounce. I crawled right from my mother's womb into her pouch (the inside route). She has a pouch just like a mother kangaroo does. "I nursed inside the pouch for six whole months and then out I popped, looking just like her. JPS "Don't you know my mom was proud." Nursery babies "We are Lock and Lisa Orangutan. It's unusual for orangutan mothers to have twins and Mom just couldn't handle us. So we were put in the San Diego Zoo's nursery, where we get a lot of mothering. Although our clothes are cute, they serve a real purpose. They keep us warm. They also help keep our playpen clean." ups Mss m! Lock and Lisa Orangutan in diapers! $1 )t Faper THox Look through the rest of your paper. Do you see any signs that Mother's Day will be here on May 13? Look at the ads! Next week's issue is about one of our pet subjects, Be Kind to Animals Week. JWKRS m urn ' Many mothers are busy, busy. They hold jobs outside the home. Some of their jobs are hidden in the block below. See if you can find: doctors, lawyers, dentist, ; engineers, firefighters, announcers, rangers, mechanics, nurses, chemist, reporters, actresses, salespeople, model, librarians, officers, guards and painters. ALPHA BETTY SS ^noajedge | ^ pQ We did not label one of the words. Can you find it?