1. tO? M MmMH. N.C. wn am. *>, u* 4. a jo. imM. Arts Council To Meet An important meeting of the Madison County Art* Council it to be held this Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. at the Walnut School. The agenda is to include a straight vote by active members of the proposed by laws changes; an update and discussion of plans for the PAROTT Project; the Song Festival to be held at the end of September; fund-raising projects; the Bascom Lamar Lunsford Festival; and pro grams for Madison children. All members and interested people ae urged to come. PAROTT Picnic In Hot Springs This coming Saturday the PAROTT Project takes a big step closer to being ready to open doors. A workday has been scheduled by the Madison County Arts Council to start at 10 a.m. to begin con struction on the new stage in the old Times Theater in Hot Springs. Volunteers are urgently needed to join the crew (many hands make light work). During rest periods you'll be able to enjoy music on Main Street by the Happy Valley Boys and local bands, sponsored by the Trail Cafe, MC'd by Goose Gosnell. And then stay around for Labor Day fun, food and fireworks presented by the Hot Springs Lions Club. So come for a big day in Hot Springs, bring a hammer, saw and good right arm for the stage, your instruments for jamming, ears to listen, toes to tap and eyes to enjoy. Fool Races In Collowhee :? Foot races were traditional pastimes at early American holiday celebrations, and Mountain Heritage Day, to be held at Western Carolina University Sept. 29, will honor that tradition. :* The annual Kiwanis Moun tain Heritage Day Country Run, a five-mile run of average difficulty and no tough hills, will begin at Reid Gymnasium at 9 a.m. Registration for the race will start at S a.m. While the event itself may be traditional, some of the rules arre modern. For exam pie, there will be four men's and two women's age divi sions and separate men's and women's "mountaineer" categories. Entrants in the "mountaineer" divisions must wear bib overalls, and the men's overalls must have long legs. Women may wear bib overall cutoffs or bib shorts. Other divisions include men under IS years old, 1&-29, 30-44, *5 and over, and women under .90 and 30 and over. TO AU. INTCR1STC0 PI R SONS. AOBNCIU. GROUPS AND PIMONt: ?*** ??P?? Ml 1. 1W?. Mo Cewly at Mi?m win rmm me u.i. * "Mm and urban Oevalapiiieiit to reteoae federal funds UMV Tine I at Ma HouaM* ana Com Mdftlty Development Act of WM (PL ?MB' Mr Mia following prefect Tltto: Cutvki Craak Community Houa Pvrpoee To Rehabilitate twenty iiMlanaeid housing structures In nta C*vm Craak Community, and to provide Meae structures with new walla to replace existing conteminated water Location: Cufvin Crook Community ? Laurol Tewnahip Madlaon County North Carol Ino respecting tha within protect naa baan mode by tha County at Modlaon which docwmont* tha anviranmantal ravlaw at lha protect Thla Environmental Ravlaw Racord la on Ilia at tho abova add ma and la avallaMa lor public anamination Tha Caunty at Madlaon will undertake Ma prolact doacrfbod abova with Block Grant lunda from Mo U.$ Deportment (HUD), under Tltta I of Ma Mousing and Community Act at tf74. Tho County ot Madlaon ia certifying to HUD thot Mo County ot Modlaon and Mr. trvin Adams. In his official capoclty aa chair man ot Mo Modlaon caunty board oi Commlsalonors, cansont to accept Ma lurlsdtctlon ot Ma Fadaral courta If an action Is brought to anlorco roapon sibiiitiaa In rotation to anvironmontoi rav lows, decision making, and action; and Mat Maaa raaponalbllltlas hava baan satlatlad. Tha lagal attact at Mo car tltkatlon is Mat upon Its approval, tha Caunty ot Madison may uoa tha block Oront Funds, and HUD will hdva aatlstlad Its raaponalbllltlas undar Ma National Environmental Policy Act ot lot*. HUD will occopt an ublactlon to Its approval ot tho rilaoaa ot lunda and ec captanco of tha cartmcatlon only H It is on ono ol Mo following boaoa: (a) That tha cartilicatton was not in tact axacutad by Ma chlaf executive off Icor or olhor of flcor of oppllcant approved by HUD; or (b) That applicant' a environmental ravlaw racord lor Mo proloct indicates omission of a required decision, finding, or stop applicable to tha protect in tha anvironmontoi review process Objec tion must be prepared and submitted in accardonca with tha required pro c adores (14 CPR Port M.))d) and may bd addraaaed to HUD at 4IJ N. Edgawood Street. Greenaboro. North Carolina 27401. Ob lections to Ma release ol funds on baaes other than those statad abova will not bo considered by HUD. No oblactlon received altar September IS. 1*70, will be considered by HUD. Ervin Adorns Madison County Board of Commissioner* Courthouse, Marshall. NorM Carolina 2*753 Aug. )?. 1*7* chg. ? ? STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF MADISON IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE OlSTRICT COURT DIVISION NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS OF PUBLICATION in the matter of BABY GIRL RICE TO: EDWARD OWEN KING, Barnardsviile, North Carolina TAKE NOTICE that a pleading seek ing relief against you has been filed in the above entitled action. The nature of the relief sought is as follows: To ter minate your parental rights as to "Baby Girl Rice" born on September 20, 1971. You are required to make defense to such pleadings not later than the 9th day of October, 1979, and upon your failure to do so, the party seeking relief against you will apply to the Court for the relief sought. This is the 17th day of August, 1979. dumont. Mclean, leake, HARRELL TALMAN AND STEVENSON BY: LARRY LEAKE Attorney for Madison County Department of Social Services P.O. Box 7524 Asheville, NC 2M07 ? 704/253 3661 Aug. 30, Sept. 6, 13, 20, 1979 chg. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA MADISON COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Executor in the estate of Joe R. Henderson, late of Madison County, N.C., this is to notify all persons having a claim against the estate of said Joe R. Henderson, to pre sent them to the Undersigned within six (6) months from the date of the publico tion of this notice, or same will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate please make im mediate payment. This 30th day of August, 1979. Hattie L. Henderson Box IM, Hot Springs, N.C. Aug. 30, Sept. 6, 13, 20, 1979, pd. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA MADISON COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as Administratrix in the estate of Clyde W. Wheeler, late of Madison County, N.C., this is to notify all persons having a claim- against the estate of said Clyde W. Wheeler, to pre sent them to the Undersigned within six (6) months from the date of the publica tion of this notice, or same will be plead ed In bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate please make im mediate payment. This 23rd day of August, 1979. Cora B. Wheeler P.O. Box 91 D, Mars Hill. NC 20754 ' Aug. 30, Sept. 6, 13, 20, 1979 chg MOT ICS op IALC MONTH CAROLINA MAD i SON COUNTY und*r and by virtu* af mm power of aale contained m three certain daada 01 truat aaacutad By Larry L. Paw lata mm at Jacqueline A. Oanleta. la Jamea O. Buchanan. Trustee raapactivaly d*t*d Hm lam a?y d lapiemlioi . IW4. and racardad In Mi 75. p*g*a Ml and 4M, in ma Oftlca of ma Register af Daada lor Madiaon County. Norm Carolina, Km ?m day of May. It7?. and racardad m Book ?2. rasa 140. In ma Off lea of ma Regiater of Daada Mr MadMan County. Norm Carolina, and ma Itm day of Juno. m. and racardad to took n. Rata 477, In the Office at ma Regiater of Daada tar Madtaan County. Norm Carolina, dafault having baan mada In ma paymant of ma indabtadnaaa maraby sacurad and ma ?aid daada of truat being by ma tarma maraaf subject to foracloaura and ma hoi dor at ma Indabtadnaaa maraby secured having demanded a foracloaura tharaof for ma purpoaa of satisfying aaid indabtadnaaa. and ma Clerk af tha Court granting parmlaalan for tha faracloauro. tha undaralgnad truataa will offor for aaM at public auction to tha highest bid dar for caah at tha Courttiouao door In Marshall. Norm Carolina, at 11:00 noon, on tha 11th day af September, It7t, tha land, aa Improvod, convayad In aald daada of truat, tha aama lying and baing In No. 4 Township, Madiaon County, North Carolina, and baing mora par ticularly daacrlbad aa tollowa: All that cartain tract af land contain Ing 14 acraa. mora or laaa. (inclualvo of exceptions hereinafter described), (composed of on* contiguous parcels), located In No. 4 Townahlp. Madiaon County, Norm Carolina, and bounded, now or formerly, by natural boundaries and /or lands owned by and/or In the possession of parsons as follows: Norm by Maurice McAllatar, Little Ivy Creak, and J.J. Edwards; East by J.J. Ed wards; south by Moxley; and West by Mo* lay and Little Ivy Creak, aaid tract lying approximately two milea due Eaat from th* town of Mars Hill and baing mar* specifically d*acrlb*d as follows: BEGINNING on a larg* maple located South M dag. West 73 feat from a point in the center at Little Ivy Creak and located Norm 63 dag. East 14 feat from the Norm corner of th* r*sid*nc* formerly occupied by Parker and runs thence with a marked line as follows: South *7 dag. 30 minutes East 400 fe*t; South 54 deg. 40 minutes East 302 feat; South 2a deg. West 100 feet; South 31 dag. West M fed; South if d*g. 30 minutes West 122 f**t; South 11 d*g. West 41 fe*t to a point in th* f*nc* line of Moxley; thence with Moxley's lln*. Norm 73 dag. 30 m!nut*s West 45 fa*t. Norm 13 dag. 45 minutes West 200 feet. Norm (4 dag. West 200 feet. North M deg. X minutes West 250 f**t to a point in Llttl* Ivy Cr**k; th*nc* with th* cr**k, Norm 20 d*g. West 114 f**t. Norm 4 deg. West 240 te*t; Norm ? d*g. West 122 f**t; Norm 59 d*g East (3 feet, North (1 d*g. 30 minutes East 2V0 f**t to th* point of BEGINNING. Also conveyed herewith is a perpetual right and easement leading from B**ch Glenn Road. (Stat* Road No. 1540), of a width of 14 fe*t over and across the lands owned by Maurice McAllatar or hia suc cessors. said tract being more fully described in a deed dated Nov?mh*r 5. 1972. recorded in Book 111, page 562, Madison County Registry, being a road way where the present bridge is now located. Also conveyed is a perpetual right and easement to the use of water from a spr ing above the filling station located in the McAlister tract above referred to; subiect to all the terms and conditions as set forth in Deed Book ill, page 362, Madison County Registry. SUBJECT, however, to taxes for the year 1979. Five percent (5%) of the amount of the highest bid must be deposited with the Trustee pending confirmation of the sale. Dated this 7th day of August, 1979. JAMES O. BUCHANAN, Trustee Aug. 30, Sept. 6, 1999 chg STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA MADISON COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as Administratrix, CTA in the estate of Walter J. Cody, late of Madison County, N.C., this is to notify all persons having a claim against the estate of said Walter J. Cody, to present them to the Undersigned within six (6) months from the date of the publication of this notice, or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons In debted to said estate please make im mediate payment. This 20 day of August. 1979. Emma Jean Anderson Route 2. Marshall, N.C. Aug. 23, 30, Sept. 6, 13. 1979 pd. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA MADISON COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Co-Executors in the estate of Cora Duckett, late of Madison County, N.C., this is to notify all persons having a claim against the estate of said Cora Duckett, to present them to the Undersigned within six (6) months from the date of the publication of this notice, or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate please make im mediate payment. This 16th day of August, 1979. Doyle Duckett Carl Duckett Route 1, Hot Springs, N.C. 20743 Aug. 23. 30, Sept. ?. 13. 1979 pd. STATE Of NORTH CAROLINA MADISON COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified n administrator In tha astata el Ada Bruce, lata ot Madison County. N.C.. mis la to notify all persons Deving e claim cue Inst ma estete el said AM Bruce, to present mem to me Undersigned wlttiln six M) months from me date of me publication of mis notice, or same will be pin dad In bar of their ? - ...i, All nare nne In I, ? S 1 1 ? rl S_n. ? B1 J recovery, aii persons inomva w mho estate please make Immediate payment. This 14 dey el Aug., ten. Hall Bruce Route I, Marshall, N.C. SS7S) Aug. M. n. 30 Sept. *. m* Town MNM I OlHUl L trn, tar The pV|M Of 1 mitring to the willlM l?l?l ? of UM Twn the mHlw wHofhor they Mil ?wrwi or dliapprpui ID the In to be Incurred by me la of uki Town <x me max ot sitsjoo. Bye H the Town'* teim and crbdlt. and (1) ma lav* at a tax tar me poymant of such bonds, end <1) the bond order en titled. "BONO OR OCR AUTHORISING THE ISSUANCE OF >175.000 WATER BONOS OF THE TOWN OF HOT SFR I NO*", edoptod by ma Mvd af Aldermen at said Town an Amwl 13. ?a authorize ma laawanca at said Team of ma maximum principal amount o> i43.oao, which mmm? III mm be secured by a ptad?a at ma Town's #aim and cradlt, and (1) ma levy of a tax tar ma payment of weft bond*, and (1) ma band order entitled. "BONO ORDER AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF Mi. 000 SANITARY SEWER BONDS OF THE TOWN OF HOT SFRINOS", adopted by the Board of Aldarman of aald Town on Auguat II. 1*7*. to authorize mo laawanca of aald bonds and ma lavy of aucft tax. The Water Bonda are awthorliod to pay capital coota of providing faclllttet for mo supply, treatment and distribu tion of water, including distribution Unas, water mama, a ch lor met Ion facili ty building and fire hydrants, and In cluding ma acqulaltlon and kwtalletlon of equipment end machinery thereto r and ma acquisition of neceaaary land or rlghts-in-land. The Sanitary Sewer Bonds are authorized to pay capital costs of providing sanitary sower facilities. Including force mains and pumping stations and Including the ac qulsltlon and installation of equipment end machinery required therefor end the acquisition of neceaaary land or rights-Inland. The ballots to be used at said election shall contain the words, "SMALL the order authorizing 1173,000 of bonda secured by a pledge of the faith and cradlt of the Town of Hot Springs to pay capital coats of providing facilities for me supply, treatment and distribution of water, including dlatrlbution lines, water mams, a ch lor motion facility building and fire hydrants, and Including the acquisition end installation of equip ment and machinery therefor end the acquisition of neceaaary land or rights In land, and a tax to be levied for the payment thereof, be approved?", and the words, "SHALL me order euthorlz Ing 43.000 of banda secured by o pledge of the faith and credit of the Town of Hot Springs to pay capital coats ef providing sanitary sewer facilities. Including force mains and pumping stations end In cluding the acquisition and Installation of equipment and machinery required therefor and the acquisition of necessary land or rlghtam iand. and a tax to be levied for the payment thereof, be ap proved?". with squares labelled "YES" and "NO" beneath or beside such words In which squares the voter may record hia choice. In the event a maiorlty of Mm qualified voter voting at said election vote M ap prove a particular order, me Incurring ot Indebtedness and ttw low of a tax related ttwrto. said bond* shall be Issued and taxes shall be levied tor me payment ot such bends. The polls lor the election will open at the hour ot 4K o'clock. A.M. and will close at the hour o ? 7:39 o'clock. P.M. The polling place tor the election will be me Community Canter, Andrews Street, In Hot Springs. The registration records lor said elec tton will bo kepi open at the residence of A I - - isjmImK* Me ? ,|ni ? ? I ? ? ? tn UmI wwrniCw wrijiii/ mvmiow Lvn?f in mvi Spring#, from 9:00 o*c lock, A.M., unfit-* 12:00 o'clock, noon, and from 1:00 o'clock, P.M., until 4:00 o'clock P.M., each weekday, through September 3* 1979. Tho Registrar, Bornlco Wright, may also register voters by appoint mont, through Soptombor 3. 1979. Tho last day of registration for tho apocial ?taction shall ba Saptambar 3, 1979. By or dor of tha Board of Aldormon of tho Town of Hot Springs. Muriel Autry Town Clark Town of Hot Springs. North Carolina Aug. 16, 23, 30, 1979 chg. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OP MADISON IN THE GENERAL COURT OP JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION NOTICE OP SERVICE OP PROCESS OP PUBLICATION In tho mattar of BETTY LYNN LIT TRELL TO: RAYMOND ALLEN LITTRELL Asheville, North Carolina TAKE NOTICE that a pleading seek ing relief against you has bean filed in the above entitled action. The nature of the relief sought is as follows: To tar minate the parental rights of Betty Lynn Littrell born on November 29, 1973. You are required to make defense to such pleadings not later than the 9th day of October, 1979, and upon yoor failure to do so, the party seeking relie'. against you will apply to tha Court for tho relief sought. This the 22nd day of August, 1979. DUMONT, MCLEAN, LEAKE, HARRELL TALMAN AND STEVENSON BY: LARRY LEAKE Attorney for Madison County Department of Social Services P.O. Box 7526 Asheville, N.C. 20007 704/253-3661 Aug. 30, Sept. 6, 13, 20, 1979 chg. NOTICE TO HOT SPRINGS VOTERS Mr. Carol E. Anderson will servo as assistant registrar and will have registration books from 9:00 o'clock a.m. until 9:00 o'clock p.m. He may also register votors by appointment thru September X 1979. Aug. 30. 1979, dig. STATI OF NOMTM CANOCIMA MADISON COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT of just icc SUrCDIO* COURT DIVISION ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Hevinp qualified n Admimttralria in WW ettale of H?M A. Robortt, Wf Of MMMi County. N.C . mit it to notify an pertont n*vin? e claim a?e>ntt m? ettale 1 1M HlroW A. Rater tt. I? pre MM Mm is me undertignod within tan (*) month* from m* dale of the publico lion of mi* nolle*, or im will M pitM Mlnurol their r*c*very. All partem IndWM 10 uM ootolo pieate mok* Mi mediate payment Tt?i? and day of Auputt. nw Oria M. Roteris Row l? I Son 143 Mart Hill, N.C. M7U Aug. t. 1*. 73. X. I?7? eng. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF MAOItON IN THE GENERAL COURT OP JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION EXECUTRIX NOTICE Ka*U>? qualified a* Executrix ol Mm Ettate of Andrew ?. Tipton, lalo o f Madltor county. IM* I* to notify aH par tont having claim* aoalntt Mm *?t*t* of taM And raw B. Tipton to pro**nt them to the undenlgnod within tlx U) manttit tram Mm data of the tint publication ot tint notlco at the office o> Joo?ph ?. Mutt. Attomoy at Law. MS East Mam S tract Marthall. North Carolina, or tame will be ptaadad In bar of their recovery All parton* Indebted to tald ettate piaate make Immediate payment. Thlt tjth day of Augutt, ttn Carrie Flynn Tipton c/o Jo**pft a. Mutt NS E**t Mam Street Marthall, N.C. M7S3 7044492151 Aug. 14. S3, Ma Sapt. 4. 1979 chg STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF MAO I SON IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE Having qualified as Administratrix of ft* estate of Effie Rice Lewis, late of Madison County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice at the office of Joseph 6. Huff. Attorney at Law, 106 East Main Street, Marshall, North Carolina, or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate please make im mediate payment. This 31st day of July, 1979. Willie Lewis Coates c/o Joseph 6. Huff 109 East Main Street Marshall. N.C. 297S3 704/649 2851 Aug. 9a 14, 23, 30, 1979. chg. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF MADISON IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION BEFORE THE CLERK ROY L. ROBERTS et ux? et at., Peti tfoners, vs.. HARVEY GENTRY at at.. Ratpondantt NOTICE OF RESALE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE Of an Ordar of Rasala for Partition mada and anlarad In a spaclai procooding antltlad aa abova, tha undarslgnad Commit sianar, will on Wodnotday. Saptambar 5. i?7?, at II :M o'clock In ttM mamlng at ttia cogrttiouaa door In MarthaH, Norm Carolina offar for raaala to ma highest blddar for caah upon an opaning bid of I1V.50S.S0 but tub fact to tha confirmation of tt>a Court, mat cartam tract of land ly ing and balng In No. 1 Township. Madlton County. Norm Carolina, on me watart of ma Billy King Branch, adloin Ing landt now or formarly ownad by Ollbart Stackhouaa. Robart Thorn at. anc othars, and formerly known aa Iha S.M Hagan Iwtnaplara and balng mora par ticularly daacrlbad aa followt: BEGINNING on a whlta oak on top of a rldga abova whara S.M. Hagan llvat. It balng tha rldga that divides tha watart of tha Billy King Branch and tha Barnay Branch, and runt South 15 dagraat Watt n polat, mora or lata, to ma Billy King Branch; thanca down and wim taid branch 71 polat, mora or lata, to tha Amoa Stackhouaa; thanca North It dagraoa Eaat with taid Stackhouaa lino. IIS polat. mora or I ait. to tha Barnay Branch; thanca Norm to dagraat Eaat M polat to a ttaka; thanca South ] dagraat East 92 polat, mora or lata, to mo BEGINN ING. Containing lot acrat. mora or lata. And balng tha to ma landt daacrlbad in a daad of racord In tha Madlton county Rag It try in Daad Book as. paga 513. Sub I act to whatavar dafactt would ba ravaalad by an accurata turvay of tha pramltat. A It parcant caah dapoalt will ba re qulrad of tha hlghaat blddar. Thlt 2lst day of August. l*7?. Joaaph B. Huff. Commiaaionar Aug. 23, Jt. IW Chg. NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA MADISON COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION BEFORE THE CLERK IN RE: Adoption of Richard David Wayne Prlca TO: Robart Goforth Taka not lea that a plaading aaaklng rallaf againtt you hat baan filad In tha abova antltlad tpaclal procaadlng. Tha natura of tha rallaf balng sought Is as follows: A Pat It Ion for Adoption and a Patition for Oatarmination of Abandon ment of Richard David Wayna Goforth. You ara required to maka dafanaa to such plaading not latar than Octobar 3. tVTt and upon your failure to da so tha party soaking tarvlca againtt you will apply to tha Court for tha rallaf sought. Thlt, tha 13rd day of Auguat, l?7?. LAW OFFICES OF JOSEPH B. HUFF By: Stavan E. Huff Attomoy for Polltlonort PJ9. Bat l Marshall. NC 2t7B 7tM/*4S?5l Aug. 23, 3t, Sapt *, tt7? dig. WORK at torn in spar* tima do ing telephone survey work; no experience necessary; students and housewives welcome. Call now collect for Mrs. Brasher, (205) 798-4943. AugSOchg THE HOT SPRINGS Health Pro gram has a job opening for a dental assistant/receptionist. Please send letter of application to Michael Norins, Hot Springs Health Program, P.O. Box 68, Hot Springs, N.C. 28743. Aug30-Sep6chg SUBSOILERS, 2*3 bottom plows, Ford 4 Ferguson plows, hay rakes, hay elevators, hay conditioners, disk harrows and other new and used equipment. We have 3 silage choppers ot which are in excellent condition and are field ready from $795.00 to $1695.00. 2 of these chop pers are being used now, also 35 tractors and new and used trac tor parts. Rambo Tractor & Im pl., Inc., Rt. 9 (Camp Creek), Greeneville, Tenn. Phone: 639-9412. Aug30-Sep6- 1 3-20pd FOR SALE: 65 acres, 4 room house with full size basement. Light, gravity water. Two barns, other out buildings. Tobacco allotment. Call 649-3704. AugSOpd WILL TRADE OR BUY a 40" white, electric GE range for a 30" gold or white electric range Call 649-3302. Aug30-Sep6pd EXPERIENCED BABY SITTER: Any age, 5 days a week, daytime hours only (6:30 until 5 p.m.) Griffen Branch Road. (Grapevine). Call Jeanette Shook, 689-4314. Aug30chg CARD CF THANKS Perhaps you sang a lovely song, or sat quietly in a chair; Perhaps you sent beautiful flowers, if so, u>e saw them there. Perhaps you sent or spoke kind words as any friend could say; Perhaps you were not there at all just thought of us that day. Perhaps you prepared some tasty food, or maybe furnished a car; Perhaps you rendered a service un seen, near at hand or from afar, Whatever you did to console the heart, we thank you so much, whatever the part. THE WALTER WILSON FAMILY CARD OF THANKS The family of Woodall M. Worley wishes to txprees our thanks to friends and neigh bora for their sympathy: for their prayert, personal visits, food, flowers and other acts of kindness extended to us during our great loss of our loved one. Special thanks to the Rev. Fred Griffin, the Rev. Danny little, the Rev. Clifford Cable, and the quartet from Lower Big Pine Church for the beautiful songs. Special thanks alao to Bowman Funeral Home. May God bless each of you. MRS. WOODALL WORLEY and GRANDCHILDREN AND ALL GARAGE SALE: 4 to 9 families at I the home of Hal Edmonds, Old 213, Off the Mart Hill/Marshall ) Highway Friday, August 24. 4 < p.m. to 8 p.m., Saturday. August J 29, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Anything im- | aginabla! Follow signs. < 689-3439. I Aug23chg < ANYONE INTERESTED in ! buying or sflUmg W.T. ' RAWLEIGH products should contact BARBRA A. 1 HILLER, P.O. Box 9B1, Marshall, N.C. or call 64B- ; 3090. Aug9-30chg. | PIONEER FORD, INC. Main i Street Marshall, N.C. Phona , 649-3444 Good place to buy a i new or used car or truck. A-Rttn NEED A JOB: H you are 16 to 21 I years old, not in school, and i need help finding a job or I training for a skill, contact i MADISON SO S. Phone 649- I 3568 Marshall. N.C. 28753 I Apr26tfn PAINTING ? inside Aid out, including barns. Guttering and underpinning mobile homes. See REX SMITH, Long Branch Road, Route 7, Marshall, or call 649 3255. Marltfn FOR SALE: New Tappan microwave ovens, only $269.00. Also, new 25" Sylvania consoles as low as $579.50. You can't beat the price. Many good used color and B4W TV's in stock all with 90 day warranty. Tape players, too. McGee's Radio and TV Service, Long Branch Road, Marshall. Phone: 649-2912. A/Rtfn FOR SALE: 8 building lots. All . have excellent views, city water and elec. Each lot fronts on a 2-lane rock road, V4 mi. from Mars Hill city limit in Dogwood Heights. Starting as low as $4100. Lots range from 1 to 2 acres. For information call McGee, 649-2912. AugSOtfn CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our thanks and appreciation to our friends, neighbors, and relatives for the kindness extended to us in the death of our beloved mother (Mamie Lewis). A special thanks to the friends that brought food and paid personal visits, to the Rev. Ralph Roberts for the good job he did; and to the Rescue Squad who came so quickly that Saturday night ; to the kind staff of Bowman Funeral Home; and all who sent flowers - may God bless you all WENDELL. LOREEN, DOROTHY, MONA, LEE * MODEEN CARD OF THANKS The family of Joe R. Henderson would like to express our apprecia tion and thanks for the many ex pressions of kindness extended to us during the illness and loss of our loved one, Mayor Joe R. Hender son. Your thoughtfulness will remain a cherished memory. THE JOE R. HENDERSON FAMILY FOR walks, patios, wars experience, tree all Trans Carolina Company, 284-7211 ft BOOKKEEPING. quarterly reports. Notary I EMILY F BALDWIN, stenographer, 220 Miles Bldg, *sheville, NC 29901. Phone >55 8905 x OctSWft HEATING AND PLUMBING repairs. Gun type oil burners, including mobUi honm CiN 649* 2383, Marvin Rica, Route % Marshall, N.C Jan2Stfn CUSTOM construction and cabinet making. Robinson, Williams t Pen land P.O. Box. 533, Marshall Phone 656-2659 Aug2ttn UPHOLSTERING: Furniture, cat seats Many beautiful selections to choose from. Fast service, reasonable rates. Call Mrs. Lois Carney, Route 1, Marshall. Phone: 649-2291. Augl6tfft WANTING TO BUY STANDING TIMBER, hard wood and pine or will buy, cut and deliver to miH Also buying mountain land with standing timber. Call collect Mr. Sutton, 704-645-5357. Apr26tfh GREATER IVY Day Care Center is taking applications for children ages 18 months to 5. If you are interested please corT tact Betsy Clayton at 689 4430 or stop by the center which is located in the Greater Ivy Com munity Center. Augl6-23-30ch^ MEAT PROCESSING: Modern Slaughters processes beef; $5 kill bill, 14 cents per lb.; cut, wrap, and freeze. Will be scalding hogs again this winter and smoke-curing bacon. Cell 615/6388945. Aug23tfe MEAT PROCESSING. CaJJ Modern Slaughters in Greeo ville, Tenn., for all beef | ing needs. Phone 615/1 FOR SALE: 19-acre mountain farm with stream. Nicely remodeled 3- BR home. MadisoQ Co. Financing avail $35,000. Colonial Realty, 622-7242. Aug23-30cftg ORDER beautiful greeting cards, gifts, stationery in com fort and privacy of your homis. Complete line. Christmas cards and other items now available Unbeatable values. Call MANITA ROBERTS. 649-3336, (after 5 p.m.) for appointment. July26tfn RUMMAGE SALE: Clothe*, shoes, radios, TV, clocks, sewing machine, tops, rag dolls, <xkjs and ends. Friday, Aug. 31, in the old Day Care building on Main St., Hot Springs. 10 a.m. until. Proceeds go to the Unaka Center. Aug30chg Will your life insurance pay the mortgage? Perhaps. But there may not be much left lor your family's living expense. Nationwide has a mortgage plan that can help pey off e mortgage, if you die. Call a Nationwide agent today.

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