Neither Handon or Clarke would support a tax increase to balance the fadsral deficit. Clarke called for trim mine the defense budget by cMag obsolete bases and improving pro curement procedures. Hendon would also trim the defense budget by stret ching out delivery of expensive weapons systems such as the MX missile and B-l bomber. 'Clarke has attempted to put some distance between himself and the tax increase promises raised by Walter Moodale. Clarke told us, "I don't subscribe to .ny tax increase plan assaatr? 1 z ?ny one plan." Hendon called fo a balanced budget amendment to the Constiti* tion, laying, "There's no discipline in Congress when it cranes to spending We must Impose discipline." Both Hendon and Clarke pledged their support for the Appalachian Regional Commission The two also pledged to support the tobacco price support program in Congress. Clarke and Hendon also agreed in their opposition to tuition tax credits, a move supported by President Reagan. Hendon said he opposed the president because. "Ttatioo tax credits would have s derastating ef fect on our puhUe school Clarke said he is opposed to a school prayer amendment, saying. "There are so many diverse groups, any organized prayer could be dangerous. Handon said he supports a school prayer amendment. If re-elected, Clarke said he would seek a seat on the House Agriculture Committee and would ask to retain his seat on the Interior Committee Hendon said he would seek seats on the Interior, Select Committee on Ag ing and Veterans' Affairs Committee. He would also seek to sit on the POW MIA Task Force. Tar Heel Towns Have Colorful Names Why not, North Carolina... it's not only a question, it's the name of a community in Randolph County, one of many communities- in the state with names that really say something. It's just one of the many communities here with names that stand for a lot more than simply a spot on North Carolina's map. One can stand Erect in Randolph County, for example, or be Alert in Franklin. There's Relief to be found in Mitchell County, and Trust abounds in Madison. Those searching for Truth need look no further than Chatham County, and lovers of Charity will And it in Duplin. The cautious will discover Thrift in Mecklenburg County. Those who've been down at heart are in Luck in Madison County. They can also find Delight available in Cleveland County, Joy in Burke and Friendship is there for the asking in Guilford County. Over in Ashe Coun ty, you'll And things are just Dandy. Folks who Needmore can find it in both Rowan and Swain Counties. In telligence is found in the heart of Rockingham County, but Perfection is to be found in Craven. One can Pro sper in Columbus County. For those intrigued by romance, there's Bachelor in Craven County and Matrimony in Rock ingham. Politicians can feel right at home in North Carolina, too. There's Liberty in both Randolph and Rowan Coun ties. Radical is in Wilkes. There's a Republican in Bertie County and a Democrat in Buncombe. Those longing for far away places need look no further than North Carolina. Honolulu is to be found in Craven, Houston is in Union, Min neapolis is in Avery County, Quebec is found in Transylvania, California is in Dare, along with Maine and Nebraska can be found in Hyde Coun ty. It's not a mile high, but Denver can be found in Lincoln County. For Irishmen longing for the old sod, there's Dublin in Bladen County and Belfast in Wayne. Animal lovers aren't forgotten, either. Those who like rabbits can find Hare in Alleghany. Turkey is located in Sampson, while Falcon flies in Cumberland. Alligator is in Tyrrell and Duck is plentiful in Dare. Eagle soars jn Iradell County. Bug Hill ' swarms in Columbus County, while Frog Level rests melodiously in Rutherford. Those wanting animals In their natural habitat wil find Bee Log in Yancey, Bat Cave in Henderson, Wolf Moun tain in Jackson, Beargrass in Martin, Buffalo City in Dare County, Hog Quarter in Currituck, Goose Hollow in Columbus and Swanquarter in Hyde. Many plants and trees have native homes in North Carolina, too. Hickory looms large in Catawba, Hollow Poplar stands in Bertie and Magnolia blossomed in Duplin Coun tv Rose sweetens life in Wayne Coun ty, Waterlily floats in Currituck and Atalea spans Buncombe and New Hanover Cranberry dccorates Avery, Fig flourishes in Aahe < :ount> English To Attend Fla. Flight School Ranee English, a 1M4 graduate cf Madison High School, haa been ac cepted to attend flight school in N Miami Beach, Fla Miss Ea#Mi will attend classes beginning in February She is the first student from Madison County u be accepted by the school Miss English to the itotghtsr of Homer English of Rt. 3, Mara Hill and Goidic English of Erwin, Tenn Home Repairs ? Roofing ? 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