> JUSTICE M , Deckel Booklet Poge 313 aad Judgement Docket Boo* 3 at MS* >44. end pursuant la executions stgaedbylheClerkof Superior Court In the above styled ectlons deled A|irll. 3. H04The property to be soM Is located In the vecimty at OM llapiaali Road, ma French Breed River and Mackheuee llna and I* mare particularly described as tallows : PARCEL I: TIm one-nlnlti undivided inter sal ot frtna A UiJI In lb . inl' * ? a ? . "WW B- ninl lei inf vs#f Hrwlfiy pi U|MtT ivl . FIRST TRACT: BEGINNING on a slake, formerly a spruce pine en iim northest bank ol me French Bread River, lust below what Is known aa Candler's Fish Trap. In said River, end runs South 07 depress SB minutes Best 4* poles la e stoke. ?Mnce Norm 45 degrees IS minutes East with Stackhausa's line 140 pales to a slake in ma OM Hopewell Road; thence south with said read M degrees 30 minutes East i pales la a stoke; thence South M degries East with said read 0 pales lo a stake, thence South 41 degrees Eest with said read IB pales lo a stake; thence Norm 07 do grits East with the read, u pales ta a stake; thence North 7? degrees East with the read IB pales ta a ?take; thence South 07 degrees Eest Wirn me road a pales to a stake opposite a poplar. Candler's corner; standing an the south side ol the rood, thence South 42 degrees IS minutes West with Candler's line 121 poles to the tap ol the ridge; thence South m degrees 45 minutes East along the lop ol the ridge with Candler's line 34 poles la e pine; thence South 24 degrees Eest 17 poles la a rack; thence South S degrees Eest 40 poles to a Hack eak; thence South 22 degrees Eest IB poles lo e hickory; thence Norm B3 degrees 10 minutes Eest 03 poles, crossing Rush Branch to e pine new down; thence Norm 4B degrees East 70 pales 10 a. peat oak. thence North 4 degrees -73 poles lo a bunch ol sourweod sprouts stendlng on the south side ol the OM Hopewell Road; thence with the meanders ol Hopswsll Rood ta the Elbow Hollow a location on sold road; thence down the hollow with KM Wegener's Cemp Bronch to the French Broad River; thence down said River lo the place ot BEGINNING, excepting, however, trom the pro visions of mis conveyence. the place where Mr. Farmer now lives, containing one acre be Ihe SECOND TRACT: BEGINNING on a papier tree. Cendler's corner, stendlng on the south side el the Hopewell Road and runs South 42 degrees IS minutes West 111 poles lo e chestnut on top ot a ridge; South 34 degrees 45 minutes Eest 34 poles lo e pine; thence South at degrees Eest 17 poles la a rock; thence South degrees East 4B poles to a Mack eak; South 22 degrees East IB pales to e hickory; North 01 degrees 30 minutes East 03 poles crossing Rush Branch to a pine new dawn; thence Norm 4B degrees East 70 pales la a post eak; thence Norm a degrees -71 pales la a bunch ol sourwoed sprouts standing en the Mum tide of the OM Hopewell Road; thence with the meenders ol sold read to e place el BEGINNING. Containing 111 acres, be the same more or less. THIRD TRACT: Any other reel property in the Estate a* Anson G. Belts in Madison County The first and second tracts are the same property described In Deed Book 34 el Pege 504 In the Madison County Registry. EXCEPTING Irom the above tracts the tallowing conveyances (I) Deed dated January II, INI. tram Hattie R. Bens, widow. Edna B. Hull, Widow; and Horace G. Belts end wile Jennie R. Betts. to .Johnny O. WeMrup end wife. Norma Jean WeMrup. ol record in Deed Book in at Page 404 in the Madison Caunty Registry, consisting el 1.00* (1) Dead dated August 13. 1?03. Irom Dan C Young, Or., end wHe. One C Yoang, end Cdward J. King, Sr.. and wife. Wynne O. King, to Bobby Joe Blackwell end wile. Tommy Ann Bleckweil, of record In Oeod Book 150 et page 01 In the e for ess id Registry, consisting el 0 435 acre, more or lees; (3) Deed doted October 14. mi, Irom Horace G Betts and Jennie L. Belts to A. G. Crowderend wife. Stalls Crowder; end Larry Prafltt and wife. Thee si 4 Prolltt, of record In Deed Book 141 at page Oil In the aforesaid Registry, consisting of IS (4) An tl.72-ecre tract previously conveyed to Cherles Creine end Edwerd Crelne in Deed Book ill at Page 400. (5) A tract containing 54 acre*, more or lees, in Deed Book 340 at Page 131; (4) A tract cantainlng 10 acres, more or less, in Dead Rook 111 at Page 57 1; (7) A tract containing 11.0 acrat, mora or lass, described in Deed Book 14] at Page 450; (1) A tract containing l.M acres, said tract being descr ibed aa follows : BEGINNING in the margin of Sandy Bottom Road, said point baign North 7? dagraaa 41 mlnutaa Eaat 1.114.75 teat from Craine's northeast cornar in Oaad Book 111 at Paga Ml; thence tram ma baginnlng point thus estebliahed South 1] dagraaa 14 mlnutaa Eaat 1} taat to tha cant ar at Sandy Bottom Road ttia following 5 calls: South 47 dagraaa 11 mlnutaa Eaat tl.43 taat, thence North <7 dagraaa 51 mlnutaa Eaat 44.10 taat; thanca Norm 41 dagraaa M mlnutaa East 147 *4 taat; thence North 11 dagraas 4? mlnutaa East M 71 taat; thanca with tha new llna at tha Anaon Batts Estata tha following 4 calls: North 11 dsgraas 10 mlnutaa Wast 101 20 faat; thanca North *4 dagrsts 49 mlnutaa Wast 147*3 faat; ttwnca South 41 dagraaa 40 mlnutaa Wast 115.41 faat; thanca South 11 dagraas 14 mlnutaa East 1*4.17 faat to tha placa at BEGINNING. Containing l.M acraa, mora or lass, and baing shown on a survay praparad by Raybum Raavaa tar Prank Johnston. PARCEL II; Tha onethird undlvldad interest ot Edna B. Hutll m tha following praparty : PIRST TRACT: Lying and balng In N. 4 Town shop, Madison County. North Carolina: BEGINNING an a stake In Old Hapewall Road and m tha llna at original Stackhouse tract, and runs ?nth said llna to ttw Bltlle King Branch; than lup and with said branch to Ike George W. Gahagan tract; and with me llna at said tract to ttw Hopewell Road; than with tha I legs wall Road to lha BEGINNING, containing 54 acres, mora or less, and balng known aa tha "Gahagan Tract". Saa daad tram Commiaalaners to A. G . Batt* data ? January i?5l of record In Baak (1, Paga 1*; tee alio Book 71, Page lis. Madlsan County Registry. SECOND TRACT: Lying and Balng m No. 4 BEGINNING on a Make, sled stake baMg located 441 faat South 17 dagraas 10 mlnutaa East tram a stake on tha narthaast bank at tha French Broad River luat below Candler Pish Trap in said river, said stake baing described in a daad from A. v. LusktgA. G Batts ot record In Book 14. Page MA Madlaon County Reglatrr. an* rune thanca South ?7 dagraaa 30 mlnutaa Eaat ill faat to a stake; Nerth 45 dagraaa 15 mlnutaa Eaat 144! faat with C? A tract caniaMln* MB m MM tract bains datcrlbad taut PARCEL lit: A Ml kitaraat ot Edna ? Hull in Oaad hat Ml at ran ?*? taniaming no acrat beginning at an Iran statu an Ma waat aMa at Ria Old llnpawall Road at tha touthwaat carnar ot tha Waidrup tract (Tranal ar. Ml); ttianca M taat wattarly an waat aMa at l*a Old HopawallRoad la an Iran alpha an tha Crowds tract (taa Tranatar Battt la Croidar. mil. itianca 1.000 taat narttl with llna at Crawdar trad ta an Iran atatta; thanca Mi taat aaat la a ttaka in *w aid tagglns road; thanca tauthaat 1.114 taat too alaba la* tha .1 w, a^? , ,.?! ? - < I a , ??? ? * in inf norinwcii corn?* Qf im wworup tract; ttianca with Ma llna ot Mia WaMrup tract 10 tha BEGINNING, containing n o acraa laa turvay Ausutf ?. laoi Paul Shatton. tains part ot a Macra tract tut id from Ida Count* Commit tionart la A. O. Battt. rafartnca Oaad Boak S4 at Rata *1. Alto bain* tha tatna tract da a dad tram Haraca G. Battt and Jannla R Battt to Edna B. Hull and Hattla R Battt Oacambar I. INI. and racordad in Daad Book 14) at Rasa 174. Thlt tala will fe? mada to ma hl?haat blddar tor cath and any tuccaaatul lilddtr mall ba raRulrad to dapotll with tha undanignad immadlatlay upon Ria conciution ot tha tala a cath dapotll at tan par cant at tha bid. Tint tala will bahaMapan tan (Wi dayt for uptat bldt at raqulrad by law. Any tuc catttul blddar than ba raqulrad to tandar tha full baianca at lha purchaaa prlca to bM m cath ar car tlflad chack at Hm lima lha undartlgnad tandart to him a daad for tha proparty ar tandt to tandar tuch daad and thould taM tuccaaatul blddar tall to pay Rm full baianca at lha purchaaa prlca to bid at that lima, ha malt r amain I labia an hit bid aa provldad by law. Tha daad thail ba aublact la all liana ot racord and thai I contain no warranttaa of tltla Thlt lha 3rd day at Oacambar, NB4 E. Y. Poridar Sharltf of Madlton County For turlhor Informatlan call : Edward B. Krauaa Atlornay lor Not Ihwallai n Bank 70< 254-0730 or 7B44W 44H Dec 11. )?. 14, 1H4, and Jan. 1, 1?SJ NORTH CAROLINA MADISON COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION BEFORE THE CLERIC ?3 SP 17 NOTICE OF SALE A. E. LEAKE, Administrator of tha Est at# of HASKILL WALLIN, Potlttonor VS. KING WALLIN; BARBARA SHELTON RICE and Husband, ROBERT C. RICE, CHARLES LORADO WALLIN and Wifa, HELEN R. WALLIN; JUANITA WALLIN SHELTON and Husband, WARREN SHELTON; DORIS WALLIN BLEVINS and Husband, CECIL BLEVINS; ESTHER WALLIN DERR and Husband. SAMUEL DERR; RUTH WALLIN ROBBINS and Husband. LEROV ROBBINS; TALMADGE WALLIN and Wifo, MRS. TALMADGE WALLIN. JACK WALLIN (SINGLE); NORMAN WALLIN and Wlfa. MRS NORMAN WALLIN; GERALD B. WALLIN (SINGLE); and OLA FARMER WALLIN (WIDOW OF E. Z. WALLIN). Raspondsnts ? A and PAULINE LAWRENCE and Husband, HOMER LAWRENCE a J ? - j,-aa AuoiTtonai RtiponcnnTs Under and by vlrut* of an Order of the Superior Court of Madison County. North Carotin*, in a Specie) Proceeding entitled *? above let out. lite Undersigned CamrolM loner will, on the tltti day of January, lttj. at 11:00 o'clock e m., at the door of the Madieon County Courthouae in Marshall. North Carolina, offer for tele to the highest bidder for cash throe tract* or parcel* of land*, with each tract being *oM separately a* an Individual tract, in the County of Madiaon. state of North Carolina, and more particularly described e* follow* FIRST TRACT BEGINNING at a chestnut on a ridge and runs North K East to pole* to a tame cherry tree in H. M. Wallln's line; thence North N West U poles to a rack at the branch; thence up and with meanders of the branch 44 and on* half East lSpoi**to*fort of the branch; thence with meanders of a ridge, thence with meender* of said ridge North 70 East II pole* to me top of the mountain, known a* Rodd's Ridge, to a chestnut; thence with meender* of said Rodd * Ridge N.W. ? pole* to e locust; thence down and with meanders fo the leading moun tain that divides the water* of Spill Corn from Thomas Wallln k Branch South W West to a Hickory, a corner between S. J. Wallln land W. A. Wallln; thence South t East to a chestnut; thence South t and one half East to a rock; thence South H Best to a water oak , thence South M East to a stake; thence South m East to a atake in the road; thence South 9i East to a chestnut, the beginning corner. Containing its acre*, more or Id**. This being that certain tract described In e Deed dated the list day of December i?10, from Vienna Wallln Et rn. lo S. J. Wallln. which |* duly record 04 In Book SB, Page 1*7, Madison County Registry. SECOND TRACT TtM Number 1 Township laurel and bounded anc described aa follows: on waters of Shelton I more particularly BEGINNING at a chestnut oak at the Southwest Comer of the O. Shelton, land; then with the OM line North as dog. East SI poles to a stake on a ridge; then North II dag. East ? poles to a small water oak; than North 33 dag. West 3a pole* to a rock an a ridge; then with aaid ridge North 31 deg. East 13 poles to a small white oak bush on the ridge; then North IS dag. West 13 poles to a' Make on top of the mountain; then with the top of said mountain North 77 dag. West 30 polos to a stake, than South 77-34 poles to a stake; than Sduth 0 dag. West It and one half poles to a stake an top of Mia mountain and in a conditional line, made bat ween R Shelton and O. Shelton; then North 35 dog. Wast with said contmonal line to the Eiekiel Sams boundary; thence with the said Sams ime to the Jackaan-Banks Boundary line; then with the tanks line to a point South as deg. Watt of the Beginning; then North 49 dag. East to the Beginn ing. Containing (7 acres, more or leas. Tills being the identical tracl of land daacribad in a certain Dead dated the 3Mti day of April. 1*13. from H. M. She! tori and WHe. Barbara Awi Shelton. to S. J Wall m and Wife. Motile WellM. which said Dead Is duty recorded In Record of Deeds Book No. 34. on Page 33S. Madison County Registry; and reference It hereby made to said >?, ? tflj M lnrtliAr tlaa I~ K~ I nt I r^i jU aa]H ?I1w |rV^^ ? IV *^eatf 1^71 IW1 ? Thlt alto btng that certain tract af land dascribcd in a DMtf datad tlta 14fh day of July, fratvt Vvoooi^ Shaitoo and Mutba^d Jack ?? fa .it,.., |. |i ..I .11 iMoHh ?j|l| 1? - - t .1 ^ *?- -? ? jnclTOli, "O MflWcl' Wjlliti, WnlCn ' * " Crw?V recorded m Record H Deads Beak No. Ml, Page Ji. Madison County Registry THIRD TRACT eginning at a stake on t*e tap af Rods m tap and meanders of saw T?n ><ln| Wut cartaln tract at I and daacribad m ? DM MM Dm M day * May. MM tram I . W. Orov. MM A. a. Orova to Mn MOtlla WXim. ?ftkB it My rocardad m Mcaro o< Dmm Mo* N*. ?. an PHI t*. mmirni County R*gl?try TtM ant tract* ottarad Mr MM will ?M ka MM (iihiarl In imnaM rmiotu ??* >f?|m .... Tmm ?? wwwify ??iwwHi i vAvii llifn, restrictions. iiMiHHiti of r#cofdi IM IIMUITIfOtl, If My, On ooc* indlvlduoi froci or porcot. o caah Oopooif of H) porcont of ttio first 1 1,000.00 of rhobkl. plus S porconf of any ncou of mo bid ovor 1 1.000. 00 will bo roqvirod of fbo tlmo of uK Mh. M al^a k"*akJnra i ^arr- -* tn Haw MWa tWt alWwt W ' ???' twO t?i ? will Im KaIW nn an Inr * -ia . .. jog- ,, ^ ?^?a Will IW tin IWi wV|ra t^a ^VaM^W upoot bM? o? roQuirod by Low, ond uid uioi mi ial lia r nnlla a ?| ku ? . ? ^ ^ ? * ? m ^ - - ?! - ... .||M "lUii D? conrirmoa oy ono uraer of comirmoiion by tha dark of m? Supar (or Court Tha ramalndar at aacti bid will ba raqulrad at ma tlma ttia Co CoitimUilan ?an tandar to tha wc caaatul blddar a Oaad Mr ma praparty. TDK tha lttti day at Oacambar. HM. A. E. LEAKE, CO COMMISSIONER AND JAMES M. HAYES. CO-COMMISSIONER Oac. If, It. IM4 and Jan. J. ?, MM. NORTH CAROLINA MADISON COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT OIVISIOM BEFORE THE CLERK MSP4S NOTICE OF SALE UNOBR AND BY VIRTUE Of the power of M contained m e cartaln dead of trust executed by Dlllard Shelton and wtfe. Raba Shelton. datad February t, l?7t, as shown In Deed of Trust Book a. Page MM. In kthe Office ot ma Register of Deeds for Madison County. Norm Carolina, and default having been made in the payment of the kv debtedness thereby secured by the said daad of trust and being by the terms thereof sublect to foreclosure, and pursuant to the Order of Superior Court m the above-numbered proceeding, the undersigned Trustee wil offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Cour thouse door In Marshall. Norm Carolina, at Noon on the nth day of January, IMS. the property con veyed in said deed of trust, the same Jylng and be tog in Madison County, Norm Carolina, and more particularly described as follows: in No. Two (1) Township, on the waters of Little Laurel Creek; and being the portion of the R. M. Gahagan Estate allotted to Alice Hunycutt, known as Lot No. S. and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING on a stake and white oak pointers to the U. S. Government line, a comer of Lot No. 4 and running South ? dag. East with the Govern ment line T1 polos to a stake with Mackgum pointers, a corner of W. C. Cook and R. M. Gahagan's land; then West with W C Cook's line. M poles to e stoke In the old road; then South ts dog. West 1>0 poles too stake to Moody Brigman's line on top of Rod Hill Ridge; then up the ridge with Moody Brigman's lino. North SS dag. West 1 polos to a stake on top of a knob; then South Mdog. Wo?t with the top of the ridge 4 poles to a stake to a bunch ot chestnuts on top of a knob; than Norm 35 dog. West with the top of the ridge, 71 polos to a stake one-half mile from the Tennessee-North Carolina state line; then Norm I dog. 30 foot West S poles to a stke to one-half mile line, a corner of Tract No. 4, then East SlS.poles to the BEGINN ING. Containing 43 acras, mort or tots, SUBJECT TO AND EXCEPTING approximately Iftroa (3) acres |a | k*i ~ * ? ? ? ' la convey ?o to jacK sntiioii oy oaso racoroao in Deed Book 101. page 603, in the Office o? me umir of DIM! tar Mention county, Norm Carolina. BEING the same property described m ? deed dated March II, lt2? tram Alice Hunycutt and husband to Birchard Sheiton as shown In Dead Boo* S3, page J7I, in me uid Register's Ottke This property will be told, subject to the to I towing conditions . (I) The unimproved "as Is" condition of me above property on the date o> sale. (1) To any tarns, easements, rights-of-way, restrictions, liens, and encumbrances (including mortgages or deeds al trust). (3) Any raised or upset bid as provided by law. (4) The successful bidder will be required to deposit with Trustee at date of sale 10 percent of the first Si. 000. 00 and S percent of any excess over $1,000.00, and subject to statutory provisions of NCOS 45-71.30 (d) and (e). POSTED, this Nth day of December, 10*4. CECIL C. JACKSON. JR. TRUSTEE December It, 7*. 1S04 and January 1. and ?. IMS NOTICE TO CREOITORS Having qualified as Administratrix of the estate of Martha Edwards Anders, deceased, lata of Bun combe County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the Wth day of June. INS. of this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment This the nth day of December, 1N4. Mary Jo Edwards, Admrx. 100 Locust Crave Road Asheville. N.C 20707 Dec it, St. 1004 and Jan. 1, t. ins STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OP MAOISON IN THE GENERAL COURT OP JUSTICE ADMINSTRATOR'S NOTICE TO CEDITORS Having oualltlad n Administrator o< ma Estata at Jaanatti Ramaay Grlgg, lata of Madison Coun ty, Norm Carotin* ttilt It to notify mat all paraona having claims against ma astata of aald docooaod to praaont mam to ma UfldirtiQMdr an or bofora Rw Jim day of- Juno. tWS, at ma addraas of ma Raprotonfaflvo aa thowi baMw or I or ba bar r ad from tftofr rocovory. Oatotora of fho'datodant a* ofcad to moko l m mad iota poymont. TMa Mi day of Oocomtoor, ma. Jacob P. Grlgg Rt. 1, Mora Hill, N.C. mu Dacombor u, it. M. 1TC4 and Jon. 1. I?5 STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OP MAOISON IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT OIVISION ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualH lad ao Administrator of Mo Estate of Syvllla J Wall In, lata of Modlaon County, Norm CarotMa. mis Is to notify aft parsons having Claims against ma astata of tow docooaad to ?r? boforo ma ITaf day Of Juno, MS. at ma addraas of from thofr ^tfwrtry. Dabtora of ma .tacsOont aa aakod to moka hit Thla tho 4th day of DacimOar, imi Pronk D. waMlR MithSi.N'c WSJ Oac 1?. ?, M. M4 and Jan. I, Ml .. ?????? a??R???HIUUWA*M MANAGEMENT TRAINEE-112,000 per year SCRAPER OPERATOR (1 yr. e*p)-$4J0 par hour and up MACHINE SHOP SUPER VISOR. TOOH2 yrs. exp. ) -$18,000 per year and up depending on experience. MACHINE SHOP SUPER VISOR (5 yrs. exp.)- Stt.MO per year. MECHANICAL DRAFTER (] yr. deg; I yr. exp.)-91,lS0 per month. LEGAL SECRETARY BOOK KEEPER -$200 per week and up depending on ex perience. COST ACCOUNTANT (B A degree; Syra. exp. -00,000 per year. For more information, apply in person at the Employment Security Commission Job Ser vice, 48 Grove Street, Asheville. An equal opportuni ty employment service. Services FREE SATELLITE DEMO at McGEE'S TV SERVICE. Also new and used TV's for sale TVa"1*"; nas tor sale and ""stal^ ??" 1649-2912 Oct. 31 TFN A-l UPHOLSTERY: All styles of furniture, car and truck seats in cluding bucket seats; Also foam and repairs. Free estimates. Ca? 649-2269 N??.7TFN MOUNTAINS OF MAOISON ENTERPRISES Will do chair can ing. Call Gerald Metcalf at 689-2026 Oct. 10 TFN PAINTING: Inside and out. Gut tering and underpinning mobile homes. See REX SMrTH Long Branch Road, Rt. MarshaH or call 649-3255 March 3 TFN PALMER FORD OARAGE: Automatic transmission rebuilding; gw*ral repair on a American and foreign cars. All work guaranteed. <>*ned and operated by Ken Burrell, 15 '"'A,, JOS OfKWtUWTY: ?"?? instructor for adults with developmental disabilities in a work activity center. Must have previous training and ex perience. Send resume to Moun tains of Madison Enterprwjs. Bo* 777* Mare Hill, N.C. 287&4 We are an equal opportunity employer. Pec 26-Jan.2 for~all your insuraj?e NEEDS: Life, Health, Accident, and burial. Call ?5f681 anytime. P*0- 12-2 JOB OPPORTUNITY!! We have a new product and excellent sale and marketing plan. If you are looking for an opportunity to in crease your present income or become your own boss, jotn me in the ground floor opportunity For personal intervjew.caM 704-669-9715. Dec. 19-26 SHELTON'S BACKHOE AND DOZER WORK: Call 656-227 1. Located on Hwy. 212, Laurel Community ol Madison C?0"**. Will install septic tanks. Sept. 9 T FN WILL DO LABOR FOR YOUJIO years experience in tree work topping, trimming, taking down trees. Call 649-3214 after 6 p.m. Sept. 26-Feb. 31 1 WILL DO DOZER WORK ANYTIME! Call 649-3006 Oct 10 T FN ? AMERICAN BREEDERS SER VICE: Artifical insemination. Jersey, Angus, Gurnsey, Hereford available. Any breeds special order. Call CAndace Aldridge at 649-2423. Dec. 5-Jan 2 3 Subscribers Sought The News Record is searching for four Madison County subscribers the peat office. can!t find. For the past three weeks, we have received papers intended for Ernest Ferguson. Charles Woody, and Clifford Boone because we apparently do not have their our net addresses. We are also trying to locate Robert Blake who gave his address as Rt. ?, Marshall. We'd tike to hear from thsee subscribers so that we can get their newspaper to them. UNCA REgistration Se 7 ? 1 CUSStflCD ADVERTISING RATES ?*?% CMM A* an 11-00 par *mm*m tar ? Mr* or Int. AM I caa*? par <aar* tar 4 arortf i ovar ? hrCMnrgWCMMMMMl?i?l>?l M ClMtKMd Adt must t* PMf ta acKanca For Sale PIONEER FORD. INC. Main Street, Marshall, N.C. Phone 649-3444 Good place to buy a good used car or truck July 28 TFN' FIREWOOD 4 SALE: U pick-up load; Call 649-3006 Sept. 19 TFN FOR SALE: Pet rabbits: Black. White or Multicolor. <3.00 each; 4 weeks old and up. Call 689-2257 Dec. 19- Jar* FIREWOOD FOR SALE: Season ed or freen; halt-ton pickup load wide bed ricked; *40 00 U Haul $50.00 I Haul: Call 656-2570 or 656-2333 Dec. 12- Jan 2 FOR SALE: Rear jeep seat. $25.00. Good timothy and grass hay, $1.30 per bale. Sam Wad dle, Greene Co. Tn. Horse Creek near Pleasant Hill Church. Call 615-257 2586 Dec. 5 26 FOR SALE: 1978 Dodge Challenger; Sports package; 4 cycl. 5 speed; 1 owner; extra clean; $2800.00. Call 689-2963 or 689-2840. Dec. 19- Jan 2 FOR SALE: 1981 Toyota Corolla SR-5 liftback; white; air conditioned; FM Stereo; l owner; Normal miles; Top condi tion; Make offer. Call 649-2518 Dec. 19 TFN FOR SALE: Approximately 1,000 feet of black walnut logs, stump and all. Call 622-3494. Dec. 19 26 FOR SALE FOR SALE: Timothy hay, 900 lb round bales; $15.00 per bale; Doyle Sweeney, Route 1, Box 328, Afton, Tn. 37616; Phone 615-638-7747 days, or 615-638-4038 nights and weekends. Octl7TFN FOR SALE: AKC Registered Ger man Sheperd puppies. Extra large boned; Champion and SCH I, II, III in pedigree; Will be 7 and one-half weeks old on December 25th. $225; Call 689-2257. Dec 19-26 FOR SALE: White Pine Seedl ings. 25 tor $3.00 or 100 for $10.00. These seedlings will be available for delivery in December or March. Contact Madison County Soil and Water for more information. Call 649-3313 Nov. 14TFN -V FOR SALE: New and used ? bedspreads; Some with curtains to match. Sheets and pillowcases; mattress covers; blankets; lots of nice curtains sets; Womens clothing; lots of jeans in different siM*; SMrts; Men's shoes 8 to 11 and one half; Large women's dresses Sale date Mon-Wed. Call 656-2668 Nov. 28- Jan 16 FOR SALE: Good grass hay; Square bales; $1.00-$1.50 per bale; Call after 7 p.m. 615-639-4812. Nov. 28- Jan 30 FOR SALE: Used mud and snow tire*; 13", 14" and 15"; $10.00; Call 689-4565. Jan 16 FOR SALE: 1981 Horton 14 x 60 mobile home; 2 bedroom, 1 and one-half bath with garden tub. Fully furnished in excellent con dition. Includes 5x7 utility bldg, air conditioner and underpinn ing. Must Sell. $11,950. Call 667-8421 after 5:30 p.m. or 688-2000, Dept. 20, ask for Terry. Dec. 19- Jan 2 Real Estate WOLF LAUREL HOMES: $49,500 to $165,000. Go*, ski, security Rental homes by weak or month. Homesrte*. nearby farms, acreage. MOUNTAIN VIEW REALTY. Route 3. Mart Hill, N.C. Phone 699-5058 Sept. 26 TFN REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: 1 acre PLUS lot; Terrific southern view; CKy water; Rock road. Call 649-^912. Dec. 19TFN FOR SALE: 2 bedroom house; Large living room; 2 kitchens, 1 equiped for wook cook stove; Bath; 5 acres of land; Call 649-2487 Dec. 26-Jan. 16 FOR SALE: 6 room house, bath, basement, and 3 and 3 tenths acres of woodland and garden, fruit trees, spring water. 10 miles from Mars Hill. Call after 6 o'clock p.m. 689-2317. Dec 26-Jan. 16 For Rent FOR RENT: Hot Springs Housing Authority has available for rent 1, 2. and 3 bedroom units. Located at French Broad Circle Apts. Elderly, disabled, han dicapped and couples are eligi ble for 1 bedroom units. Families for 2 and 3 bedroom units. Rent is based on income. Utilities are furnished. Applications taken at Audiority Office at Walnut St., Hot Springs, on Mon-Wed-Fri. from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. Equal Housing Opportunity. Sept. 19 T F N TRAILER FOR RENT: Robbie's Knob Trailer Park. Call before 11 a.m. or after 6 p.m. 649-3480 DW.12TFN FOR SALE: New three bedroom home in Lower Brush Creek; Full basement, electric range and wood stove included. Call (313 y 782-5568 Nov.7TFN FOR RENT: Nice house in Revere section of Madison Coun ty; Call 656-2224. Dec. 12- Jan 2 FOR RENT: 2 trailer spaces in Marshall area; Spring water and garden if desired. $50.00 each. Call 649-3488. Dec. 19-26 USED TIRES $5.00 and up Call 649-3650 in Marshall Tom's Auto Body ^IQIl Uhai ???"?! tiiw nwji Weave rville. N.C. 28787 1 Block North Of Fireplace Restaurant ? Free Estimates ? Insurance Work Welcomo ? Foreign Or Domestic ? 24-Hour Towinj a w? *? 1 u|? . ?. a Ud I anitreu wu'R 4 Shop -645-6736 Home ? 645-4635 683-2327 Bi8 Bra"ch Road Mars Hill. N.C. w? -sss p . nwwm MARS HH.L - 2 traitor lots with city water; potttola owner hnjnc?f V. acres. own* broker *8.900 90 ACRES located 10 miles trom Man Hill with 15 acres ot tractor land, spring, views wood land I mountain land 188 000 GORGEOUS VIEW ot river on 35 acre* several acres ot tractor land. 3400 to. tobacco $45,000 ! 10VCIY 3 bedroom home with carpet, panelmf . aluminum siding, covered deck, on 1 acre land Possible to acquire more acreage View at river $35,000 I ^ 1 1 ^ >^| od i tti t \ ^ s t nog ^ ^ i ' m 1 ( B

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